Wii Sports is still elite

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welcome back to the memes today we're playing the classic video game Wii Sports this is just Nostalgia wrapped up in one game I mean I think this is the highest selling game of all time if I'm not mistaken but you know I don't look things up I kind of just go off the dome but man what a Time Wii Sports was the Wii was just a classic console great memories there and let's build some great memories here also Frank is back gotta make sure I got that wrist strap on so I don't hurt myself or break anything around me oh man what do we play first gotta love the bowling tennis baseball golf I guess that's a sport I feel a little baseball action here to start off you know get the shoulders warmed up there's my classic me there I don't think the hairstyle matches me anymore but maybe when I was like 12 years old back with the Bieber hair as you can see I'm skill level zero I haven't played this in so long but Eliza Elisa whatever your name is you're going down gotta hold it up like an actual baseball bat make sure I have enough swing space here so I don't obliterate my very expensive microphone this is my career we're talking about here goatee all right let's see if I still got it oh valve ball did we make good contact oh he dropped it run boy run it counts as a single somehow my guy was ass blasting his way all the way to First oh swung too early as you can see I kind of like go into a one-hand swing there for a little bit maybe if I stick with two hands I have some questions though right as we start base running we lose our legs what's the deal with that that hit that around here lock in get the low stance and really swing that thing it's out of here that's what we wanted baby let's go skill level zero look at me hop my way home yeah let's go all right this is my pitch this is my never mind can you tell I'm out of shape I'm already grabbing the water but now we're on the mound what one pitch and they already got a base hit I should have thrown it harder I was giving a little baby pitch double a double see where are our legs what what's the deal with that my catcher is just floating in midair nobody in the crowd either this is very like liminal spaces kind of vibe anyways here we go splitter lost a little steam but how about this one just try and manipulate the system but that thing is flying oh no oh we dropped it you're kidding that's some zero skill level they're gonna get a run out of that one two doubles back to back gotta get my game together here on the mound Luca I'm sorry you're about to get the business 64 . good job everybody it looks so goofy or I I imagine on the camera then when you were a kid did you ever like try and manipulate it by like yeah we're not even gonna do an actual motion watch this all right I'm not gonna do without the whole game only when I need to how about one of those oh I really gotta lean back for this one get some extra space curveball jumping up in the air and getting it that's what I'm talking about first base girl oh I miss this game so much let's do it Helen oh that one felt good straight to the center fielder though let's do it Steve my leg oh yeah oh yeah is that Upper Deck you're out no it's it's uh it uh it went down in the Outfield damn it how about how about it [Applause] afterwards like that would have been going to the Outfield if I threw that one in real life I'm going for the strikeout strike hold your applause thank you thank you I'm thinking fastball low and away 93 catch that let's go oh yeah ripped it that should be an extra bass hit right there maybe three maybe inside the bar oh my God triple he had an oopsie in the Outfield all right we're going two hands for this one it gets through there we go that'll drive in a run RBI for me hey Christy is up she's making an appearance in the video oh and Christy hey it's a Powerball oh my goodness is it gone [Applause] absolutely belted way to go Christy home run bomb hey that's the both of us making it home to how romantic that's my girlfriend's character by the way if you guys didn't know that oh I got the wood on that one that might hit the screen you're kidding oh my God for a second I thought it was going to give me an out after bouncing off the wall but thankfully it's a double grade my swing is it booty cheeks well it's getting uh a few runs in that's all that matters to me take that Eliza literally the lowest level but I'm having fun people oh my goodness another one is it gone no it's not same spot as before I really gotta get some more power behind those swings oh I shouldn't have swung at that one that was definitely a ball I can't help but swing though oh what if that was me in the batter box she's doing a little jobs right up the middle all right we clutched up on the third pitch and I'm up to the plate first swing knocks it over is it another single yes it is yes second RBI of the day for me time for Christy can she do back to back in the same inning hello chops it up and that's gonna be the third out but we got it up to nine to one knock on wood that we can't blow a 9-1 lead because I'll give him some of that bad pitch right down the middle a screwball right down the middle we'll get the next one okay you're not ready for this let's say that's unhittable I'm coming right back at you with it you think there's a Lou Gehrig disease but for the wrist I got the Wii bowling wrist a little carpal tunnel oh no she caught on to the pitch she learned catch it yes that's my boy all right we're up nine to one on the lowest difficulty but I still get hype tomahawk chop what is this oh my you're fired whoever's in center field you are fired match up to the plate he's notorious for being good on the higher levels at least this one we're gonna absolutely dominate him oh yeah cooking them one more pitch splitter it's not the one can we get him out though Booyah Victory that's the game that's the game this looks like a slow grind here to get to Pro you need 1 000 points that only gave me 85. I wonder how long it would take me to get professional in every single game in Wii Sports probably a very long video take a break are you kidding me I have no life next up we got my personal favorite wee bowling my best record on this one is 221 but that was before I made the me character here all right I don't know if I'm gonna get anywhere near that but that's my all-time high wheat bowling is very serious all right get there give me cash cash money not enough power I'm disappointed okay this is actually my favorite part of the game watch this just freaks out come on who Do You Think You Are I missed it I gotta look cool like an actual Bowler all right let's give it some spin yep the leg lean can't really see it on the camera just straight straight oh my goodness even when I don't want to give it spin it gives it spin deep breath and Bowl pretty rough here son not enough curve right unless unless he started who do you think you are yeah I like how I did that for one strike I it's not even an impressive score yet but we have fun that's the purpose of Wee bowling too much curve too far to the left oh that's cash no it's not you know what sometimes you got to do it just for fun [Music] oh that was so clean had to get 221 I would need like more than what seven strikes we've got two right now it's still possible well that's not a strike I can tell you that right now oh Bang well not the ideal finish 125 not my best one that's a world run it back second time's the charm everyone knows the first game doesn't count first bowl of the second game you didn't see that I would never oh oh yes wow the light pin fall over that was such a weird strategy too I just said one of those guys ah we bowling gets the dopamine flowing yes boom nice cash money wolf Redemption he still closes the frame even worse everyone knows the first two games of bowling don't count no no I stink it's still so fun though even if you're trash at Wii Sports it's still like the Great I swear I'm a better bowler off camera you guys are making me nervous we couldn't get both pins oh he's done it he has closed a frame we got a rancid bowler in our midst I've literally gotten worse every single game all right we had some piss-poor performances there but everyone knows the fourth time is really the charm I think I know what I'm doing whole arm is swinging to the left don't do that big brain no brain hebrain [Applause] we've done it every time I get a strike I feel like I won the Super Bowl no [Music] oh back to back I can redeem myself with a turkey right here then people will respect me a little bit he didn't do it choked but we did better than we did in the other games 130 is not even a great bowling score definitely not a good wee bowling score but hey we had some fun here on to the next game time for some tennis we'll do best of three what I'm doubled and Matt gets uh me you hopefully I'm better than this than I am the bowling oh get cooked did I cheat by just doing the little wrist spin thing yes you don't tell me what to do I can cheat at video games in my own home if I want to dive I did like a total spin okay I'll do an actual serve this time oh and I still cook them I've cooked oh sniper play tennis with the wrong person here Matt don't mess with me all right man Wii Sports really brings it out of me oh I hit the net okay we're all tied up oh I hit the nut again I gotta figure it out here oh soft hit but it's still working oh oh there's nobody in the crowd but somebody had to see that greatness all right I see a few people oh returns to serve you can definitely tell I'm in the lowest difficulty by the way oh showboating got himself in trouble this hurts the shoulder a little bit this is only game one I still can't win let's go game point the laser Let It Go Booyah game one is ours all right they're serving now I just gotta stay at home and hit the ball okay A little inaccurate person in the crowd over there yeah buy you life flashing before your eyes game point oh it's just straight up in the sky is that enough okay I gotta do an actual swing I can't get by with the little wrist Twirls there so they take game two game three these in and cheat that's what we're talking about come on you did it as a kid too you can't lie okay you can't do it every time though that's the rules just really swing that thing oh sometimes the first one doesn't connect okay I'm gearing up for it oh my gosh what a hit we're game I'm feeling it on this one yes on the line count it that is Victory I gotta see this one again Bang [Music] he's him he's him there's two of him who was a workout now for boxing you need this little extra Contraption but I bought this thing very cheaply on like Amazon and it's like a third-party controller so I don't even know if this is gonna work but let's see oh it is working yeah I like it when things I purchase work Ryan's skill level 100 but Ryan doesn't have the punching ability like I do I mean look at those arms those non-existent arms yeah how do I even do this who cares just get your hands up and punch Dodge oh oh you're just kind of sticking it Forward oh they started the fight without me get him that angle oh why is there like a pizza slice on my screen man has no nipples no arms no abs and he's about to have no brain down here a second when I knock it clean out whoa I want to blow the belt maybe no balls two at it add it to the list I'm getting cooked I feel like these inputs don't work as well as they should all right that's the end of the round one as you can tell I'm not a fighter right we're not giving the business if you want it you mess around you will be finding out man I really need to do some like VR boxing because this one the input's way better on those [Music] oh oh he's down he's getting back up he's got more pizza slices oh did you see that Dodge I feel like I gotta really step into the punches or something oh my very aggressive all right I want the KO oh he's coming out with a Vengeance give him some left-handed too this has gotta looks so stupid on my end it's just not reading the punches I'm punching low damn it gut punch just give him that sauce it's like we're doing an aerobics workout in the 80s is he down for the count for good 10. sayonara Ryan you just got hooked I'd say the world champion of the world but that was literally level zero oh my but he did a backflip yeah I don't think he's just knocked out I think he's dead I think I need a sinner myself play a little bit more of a chill sport here so we're gonna go to some golf let's go with intermediate I I understand the rules of golf but am I any good no but thankfully I can't hit anything on the ground with a Wii mode well I can but it would be a disaster and it would take a lot for that to happen I can't like put in divots you know like I would with an actual golf club because I'm pretty horrendous at actual golf hold the Wii remote down like a club got it this one for a hole in one no way Oh I thought we were just about to witness greatness on the first golf swing oh and he whips the short game okay par I'll take that I'm average do we go straight for the tree line risk it all probably not with 20 mile per hour winds let's go a little bit over this way right to the trees and I put it a little over not an ideal scene you want to see in some golf just really whacked that thing oh a good bounce okay slow down ball you've gone too far I think there's a par four correct I was not paying attention that one felt good too much sauce maybe it's all right we're on the green for par I think birdie okay it was a par five nicely done oh we got a Roaring Rapids going right through the middle of this one this one's a little intimidating I would like to finish under par that's the goal don't have to do it on this hole just don't want to get like a quadruple bogey or whatever oh my God not into the river oh save me grass that was close 10 mile per hour winds I think this could get me to the green Maybe oh my oh my oh my good Lord I didn't think I was gonna hit it that hard we messed up it's all right that could not have been a worse hit uh oh wait a minute wait a minute oh it was so close missed it by the skin of my butt cheek bogey does that mean I finished with par zero all right I'm average that feels about right let's get one more round to golf in shall we should we try the expert holds cause I'm not the expert you see you see the dilemma here all you want okay kept it straight into the grass patches oh but we have a nice Lane to the hole ooh do we try a little driver action this seems weird but I'm gonna do it okay not ideal but it's flying that thing is rolling onto the green a little unconventional strategy but that's what you got to do on Expert right live on the edge oh we need a great putt here 53 feet to the hole oof it's okay I mean that was a I would have been like Tiger Woods if I made that but a little tap this way right there car average again I ain't kidding this is a definitely an expert hole oh my goodness 22 mile per hour winds you don't want to give it too much sauce two's probably good two was not good two goddess into the water that's gonna be a mulligan yeah we lose a stroke because of that it's okay unless we do it again not onto the green but we're very close nice chip not exactly aimed well I should have taken my time to line it up but I did not okay what is that one double yeah it was a par three so we're two down now or two above par which is not what you want to be in golf shot felt like a good hit 26 mile per hour winds is this isn't a chance where I just hop over to this other island is that the move oh my gosh all right I should have just whacked it all right believe in yourself you can do it I let go of the button you just gotta believe believe we have done messed up at least we're on grass and not water that's a a better situation to be in stay focused we'll go driver just line it up directly on the hole is it enough to get me there we're bouncing slow down ball you've gone too far back it up it's stroke eight that's never what you want to see in golf I'm gonna have a stroke if we get more Strokes we are now closing in on Double Digit Strokes he is resoundingly terrible at golf he does not line up his shots he just goes on vibes oh my goodness stroke 10. two oh that's a good putt it's a shame that he gives me plus five not great for the score but we can salvage it on the last hole right let's do oh wait was that it is like get off my course I can't see any more of this I think that's enough golf for one day that's pretty much all I got for this video if you want to see some more Wii Sports make sure you like the video and leave a comment for the algorithm all that good stuff share with your friends and subscribe if you like my content I think I would be down to try and like go for the pros in every single game that would be definitely a challenge for me we all saw how bad I was at most of these but we definitely had some fun but anyways I just want to say thank you guys so much for watching you're all legends of my book and as for me I am Drew Morris big old drewski not the expert and I'll see how you guys in my next video peace thank you to patreon supporters Christian Tague Matt Woodruff Casey Knox Jeff Coleman and Rosalie jarecki foreign [Music]
Channel: Not The Expert
Views: 340,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: not the expert, nte, drew morris, bigoledrewski, drew, Wii Sports are still amazing, wii sports, wii baseball, wii bowling, wii tennis, wii golf, wii boxing, wii sports in 2023, playing wii sports in 2023, not the expert wii sports, not the expert random games, wii sports simulator, wii sports homerun, wii sports longplay, wii sports gameplay, wii sports games, Wii Sports from 2006 is still amazing, wii sports raging and funny moments
Id: n2goW2VzatY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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