Mario Strikers Charged: Controlled Chaos

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Was Frazier drinking Kool-Aid out of a mug..

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hey thanks for watching today's episode this video is brought to you by nordvpn if you don't already know about nordvpn they are a leader in vpn services i've been using them more recently and i got to say that i'm really impressed by their speed i've noticed while unlocking netflix nor vpn that those servers are super fast and if you're not in the us they have over 5 500 servers in 60 countries so you should get the same speed that i'm getting in addition to things like unlocking content you're going to get protection if you're connecting to any public networks you're even getting the cyber security suite which acts as an ad blocker and also protects you from websites known for hosting malware or phishing scams you can download vpn on your computer you can also get a google chrome browser extension and you can download it for ios and android devices if you want to check it out today nordvpn offers a 30 30-day money-back guarantee so go to completionist or use code completionist on checkout to get a two-year plan with a huge discount plus one additional month again that's completionist or use code completionist on checkout a big thank you once again to nordvpn for sponsoring today's episode now let's start the show i like my sports games like i like my 80s action movies over the top with stuff constantly catching on fire i'm not looking for an uncanny likeness to lebron i'm looking for power-ups to define ridiculous i'm looking for abilities that lie in the supernatural i'm looking for an experience that only mario and his friends can deliver and no mario sports game delivers more of that fun nintendo chaos than mario strikers charged hey everyone and welcome back to an all new episode of the completionist new game plus the show where i'm recompleting the first 120 games i ever featured here on the channel more on that the box down below mario striker's charge provided a past time that i shared almost exclusively with my best friend zan alda he and i would play this game religiously all night long battling randos and whooping ass and it was so much fun and when we complete the game the first time around for the show it was in honor of the server shutting down so here we are zan and i round two mario striker's charged oh gerard it seems like your friend zan's at the door better go run and get it okay papa i'll get the door zan gerard is up hey mr frazier zan you ready for this zan you bet i even got some new gear for today totally hammers for soccer for soccer oh man i haven't played soccer in so long i can't wait be safe boys and don't go too far stay where i can see you we will papa bye mr frasier come on let's go no bye golly those kids just grow up so fast [Music] [Music] hey zan neander it's great to have you back man oh man the feeling is mutual especially since we're playing super mario strikers charged again which i can honestly say is one of my favorite games that came out on the wii i agree one thing that's been on my mind this time around though what's that why did bowser put on attachable metal claws to play soccer good question let's go into the story maybe we can figure something out here sounds good okay so let's see based on the condition of all these fields i'd say that the apocalypse or some kind of nintendo infinity war just happened and mario and bowser are just like screw it let's just play soccer i think that's uh pretty much it actually gerard since we last played i developed a plot theory do you remember the 2002 remake of the movie rollerball oh yeah i had ello cool j uh that pretty guy from american pie and for some reason shane mcmahon right and they actually saw that it's okay no one did including me but that's not important anyway it takes place in the near future where the world's a mess and a super dangerous sport with a metal ball is on the rise but the guys in charge are evil and in this theory i believe next level games was like this movie is going to be huge let's make a game and sell to the highest bidder and then when no one gave two shits about rollerball they took it to nintendo and they were like hey and he's through this rollerball game and was told no we won a new mario soccer game so they spent the whole day photoshopping mario on ll cool j and was like hey any use for this mario soccer game so it is my firm belief that mario striker's charged shares the same story as the movie rollerball interesting interesting huh still don't see how the middle claws come into play yeah i don't know maybe there's a clue in the gameplay i know it handled similarly to its predecessor super mario strikers and having the necessary components of a soccer game like passing shooting and stealing along with the mario chaos of using items for attack and defense you choose your captain and three teammates each one handles differently but your captain also has a special ability and can perform a mega strike which depending on your timing causes three to six balls to fly the opposing goal the defender then must use their wii motions controls to block as many of the balls as they can and if that sounds crazy each field has unique hazards to add to that chaos you know that still doesn't answer why bowser put on metal claws for soccer yeah you know you're right i think i think this is just a violent mario game yeah it's just kind of weird that they decided to edge mario into a more gritty realism for a soccer game sure most of these characters are now wailing on each other in smash bros but that's not actually a mario spinoff and even if it was the attitude and flat-out anger these characters exude and strikers charged is something we haven't seen before or since it's actually the first mario game to receive a rating other than e for everyone it was the first to go to e10 and though i'd still say this is a pretty family-friendly game there's no denying that for a franchise that has strictly stayed on the straight and narrow this was the biggest step off the beaten path it is the most violent mario game and it's soccer and it's soccer with how much we used to play i'm amazed that this is all just hitting us now but i'm excited to see what else we may discover since the last time we completed striker's charged right last time we did this game they finish it because while it was super fun we were required to fulfill some certain criteria which didn't exactly align with what we enjoyed it'll still be interesting to see if that still holds true or if some of the other variables will change our opinion for better or for worse so what do you say sand shall we get to it hey guys real quick just want to say that in case you didn't know right now i'm doing a charity stream dates and times are on screen right now we have some awesome guests like the guys from conker's bad fur day and laura shigihara the composer of plants vs zombies come join me and a bunch of friends as we raise money for a good cause we are raising money to help the video game history foundation in their preservation projects around the world it's gonna be a blast at the very least i'm gonna probably do something bad to my body in a fun way so come on bye [Music] we never did solve the mystery of bowser's claws but i'm thinking thinking maybe they're just a symbol for all the chaos in the game we've touched on all the violence and destruction mario striker's charge presents and there's totally a vibe of prepare for anything because anything might happen i get what you're saying but something i'd add is that with all of the ridiculousness occurring on the field at the same time i was able to keep track of it pretty well so many stadium hazards and special abilities and items being thrown at you you'd think it would be hard to keep track of what's going on and stay in control and yet surprisingly that's not the case mario striker's charged is the epitome of controlled chaos oh 100 let's start with the chaos of stadium hazards most of the stadiums throw some form of at you to keep you on your toes one has sandy areas that reduce your speed another tilts under the weight of the players another has high winds that can blow players straight off the field and of course there's another one that drops volcanic fire upon the field it's nuts you not only have to keep an eye on your opponent's every move but you have to make sure the environment doesn't screw you over in that process doing two playthroughs of the round-robin single-player mode road to the striker cup one on normal difficulty and one on extreme meant having to learn the gimmicks of each stadium and we had to take our game to the next level by not only winning but scoring more and preventing more goals than any other team in each cup this yields the golden foot award and the brick wall award respectively and unlocks stadiums that can be used in the customizable domination mode i bring this up because getting those two awards meant not just avoiding the chaos caused by stadium hazards but harnessing it which is actually very doable yeah it took some time to get react limited to each stadium's hazards this time around but soon we were up to our tricks of yesteryear not just avoiding that fireball but knocking the opponent into it not just barely clinging to stadium's edge but bumping someone off and immediately taking advantage of our greater numbers we controlled the chaos and that's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of gameplay what might be my favorite aspect of the strikers games is unique character abilities and mario kart inspired items yeah you know i feel like every other mario sports game has rudimentary differences between the characters peach is fast bowser is strong and mario's right in the middle and while that's still the case and striker's charged there's so much more and it's over the top and it's ridiculous and i love it we always have at least one hammer bro on the team because his barrage of hammers just lays the goalie out giving him an open shot wario disorients his opponents with farts because he's effing gross and that's exactly what i expect from wario and i love playing his ditty because he can decide that the rapture is going to happen i don't know here and anyone who's there is sent to the heavens to meet their god for a few seconds and then they come back to play more soccer one thing i mentioned in the original episode was how this game was not only fun to play but fun to watch and i found that still to be the case when gerard and i would take turns on single player and i attribute much of that to all the crazy that these characters can do also both strikers and strikers charged are the only mario sports games to include items you know now that i think about it soccer is the only contact sport they've dealt with which now that i think about even more helps explain the opportunity for items and violence and chaos how would you even incorporate something like a star power up into a sport like golf hey before you swing just know that you're invincible so don't worry about anyone breaking your legs uh okay i wasn't really worried about this but thanks no problem yes the items are almost copy pasted from mario kart and provide the same level of destruction along with that sense of even if i'm behind this could change everything you got your banana peels for slipping on stars for invincibility mushrooms for speed and a bunch of other stuff and the same mario kart rules apply where the further you are behind the better your chances of getting something insane like a chain chomp to go buck wild on the other team the items kind of made completion difficult since the ai was much better at using them than most human players but damn were they fun and there's this list of 12 challenges to complete outside of the road to the striker cup one of them requires you to beat a tough team without using items but the other team could use items i felt the pain on that one i didn't know what i had till it was gone i loved the items because with the nonsense they created i still felt in control i mean most of them were a means of incapacitating players so that just meant fewer things to keep track of even if an item hit one of my dudes it just meant well i don't have to worry about that guy for a moment better focus on who i still have in play i'm telling you controlled chaos oh you want to talk about chaos you see ai well your team captain has an opportunity to score up to uh six goals which is uh on unheard of in a soccer game uh but there are many variables to consider like uh the stats of your team captain uh the position of the obstacles on the field uh the ability to fill the charge meter properly uh and also the the ai of your opponents yes i know that uh but then there's also room for uh human error uh perhaps you're uh being blocked by a uh a player and it all comes down to uh how well they're able to move the wemo and uh block the incoming goal so you could score up to uh two three uh even uh six goals uh all at once uh that is chaos get out of my car the mega strike doesn't belong anywhere near normal sports game which makes it ideal for a mario sports game a barrage of soccer balls preceded by an epic cutscene of your team captain jumping hundreds of feet in the air in order to rain super human elemental fury upon your opponent and if you're on the receiving end a chance to get all-time crisisy and shoot the balls out of the air with cold determination this is just too much man but i love it or it would be if the game didn't give you that nice moment to breathe and calibrate yourself with the wiimote with everything the mega strike throws at you the game makes sure you're ready for them it keeps you in control throw in other factors like the glowing ball which gives you speed properties and being able to see just enough of the field at all times and you've got a game that recognizes its chaotic elements and provides tools to keep you from getting lost as ridiculous as it is to be playing soccer with a metal ball the futuristic quality lends an excuse as to why it's constantly glowing that glow may seem like a mere style choice or a weird speed option but it's actually a great way to keep track of the ball the camera stays at the sweet spot where it follows the action yet shows you all the information you need to be aware of like stadium hazards and opposing players exactly there's so many explosive elements to mario strikers charged yet we're given all of the necessary equipment to properly contain and appreciate them [Music] now it's time to look at all we unlocked for our hard work all of it we practically did on our normal playthrough of on the road to the striker cup yeah i think the only thing we got for beating it on extreme was the ability to say we beat it on extreme which whatever man i'll take it beating the fire cup unlocks bowser jr who he didn't play with that much but he's adorable and rad and i'm happy that he's here it also unlocks the lava pit stadium which adds more of that awesome chaos and achieving both the golden foot and brick wall award earns us the wasteland stadium now i like this one because lightning will periodically strike the ball wherever it is so i always had to try and hand it over to the other team at the right time in the same fashion the crystal cup yields our favorite character of all ditty the crystal canyon stadium and if you get both awards the dump sure this cup is a bit harder but i'll go through hell and back if it means getting my simeon rapture invoker and then the striker cup gives you petey piranha who is a tough son of a gun to get through but hearing his reggae entrance theme kind of makes it worth it you also get the stormship stadium and if you get the awards the galactic stadium as well honestly when we get a little burnt out on the chaos the galactic stadium can be refreshing it doesn't always have a gimmick think of it as final destination in smash bros and then there's an art card for each character and numerous quote-unquote cheats to unlock by completing all 12 of those challenges some were fun while others like the no item challenge gave us a run for our money and i'm wondering if the rewards were worth it you know i remember the last time we played it and it was these challenges that cost us to just kind of go with the finish it rating i'm not feeling much different about them this time around i mean the art is cool it puts these characters we love and cool rough graffiti like styles that we've never seen them in the game before like this but the cheats well i think cheats is the wrong word for them yeah they do interesting things like make it so every item you get is the captain's special item but it applies to both teams so as we said before they're not really cheats but more gimmicks to add on to your gameplay which some may be into but we got our chaos fill from the standard settings and the tutorials there but i wish we could just skipped it since it does give you things that say hey you did it here's a check mark we kind of had to do it and that felt like even more of a waste of time this time around in our playthrough of re-completing mario strikers charged there were four games lost most of them picking up those last challenges and mostly when zan played ah screw you dude two full playthroughs of the road to the striker cup one on normal and one on extreme 12 challenges completed some were a one and done deal but some are really challenging especially for zan ah really uh three characters unlocked we played with daisy most of the way but when we got our ditty it was all about that rapture 12 cool art cards and 12 cheats unlocked that weren't really cheats all unlocked by the challenges which were pretty hard for zan as six stadiums unlocked with my favorite being the wastelands 16 hours of total play time about 14 of which were the playthroughs and two for the challenges and tutorials and a three percent rotten tomato score for the 2002 action film rollerball well we made it zen and it wasn't too painful experience if you ask me well we never really got to the bottom of those bowser claws but something's weighing on my mind even more what's that we haven't gotten a new installation of the series why haven't we gotten into switchport this game is a gold mine that no one is able to really dig up since they stopped the online wii servers why nintendo this game is a blast on its own but man i missed those days of wailing on noobs or finding that one team that was so good because they were bigger losers than us and they beat us up over and over again screw you team jason maybe that would be completion worthy we got to use those cheats while we're at it huh yeah we can only dream it bro in any case it was a pleasure sharing this experience with you again likewise man likewise so that being said we once again give this game our completionist rating of finish it finish it [Music] you
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 112,912
Rating: 4.9221044 out of 5
Keywords: mario, mario spin off, spin offs, mario strikers, super mario, super mario strikers, mario strikers review, mario strikers gameplay, strikers, review, gameplay, completionist, game review, game reviews, gaming, mario golf, mario strikers charged, strikers charged, nintendo, gamecube, nintendo wii, wii, zan alda, game grumps, jesse cox, warp zone, super beard bros, mario strikers charged review, mario strikers charged gameplay, mario strikers charged music
Id: Xj0fm3wW6Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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