MAX DIFFICULTY - Mario Party 9: Step It Up! [Master CPUs]

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today we play Mario Party 9 step it up this is a crazy challenge where the first person to reach the top step is the winner and you get to go up one level every time you win a mini game you've got to see who wins this and how close this game gets thank you so much for watching and I really hope you enjoyed this video we're playing on Master difficulty so this might be difficult step it up is such an incredibly fun game mode so many people have watched videos on this and I'm actually so surprised at how many views some videos have on this topic s games will take you to the good luck everybody all right do I get to choose the first mini game okay nice so I am Mr Turtle over here oh oh I don't choose the mini game I spin the mini game Wheel let's see let's get that one yeah okay so you do have some control over it oh this might be tough though all right I am ready for getting some of these points over here okay so we are Mr turtle and going to get on this mushroom guy's head give me that give me that give me that give me your head your head come here come here come here here yes yes okay I got the 10 there that's lovely and let me stay up here stay up here let me bounce on your head come here Mr Green man come here Mr Green man come here Mr Green man come here Mr Greenman no no Mr Greenman why did you get that okay I'm taking that 10 okay give me that yeah give me give me your head you little mushroom come here you little mushroom come here come here you little mushroom come here you little mushroom anyone want to boost me here and Luigi has 53 where did he get all those points from how did he play so well oh my goodness Luigi's incredible well congratulations to Luigi that's actually unbelievable how well he did he wants to get revenge for all the times that he won by doing absolutely nothing he goes hey look at me Mario I can win by doing something I'm going to show you that I don't just do nothing and now it's toad start I'm going to spin the mini game Wheel and we're going to play some snow racing mini game let's go even though these are Master CPUs I think we might have a shot at winning this especially we are on the inside here okay now wait do I til left or up okay let's go let's go great start so far okay not getting hit by the Snowballs which is great look at this these are Master CPUs and I'm already almost lapping them I am playing as the right character right this is who I am I'm this guy is who I am oh one more lap after this let's go and easy Victory here let's go there we go get absolutely destroyed Get Wrecked everybody and we got a new record too sub 20 seconds very nice thank you very much Mr Turtle gets to go up the steps everyone please leave a comment if you've seen a turtle in real life before and if this turtle looks like that turtle is your turtle dance okay who gets to pick the next mini game Peach go ahead what you choosing Peach ah luck base okay okay okay this is the favorite mini game of a lot of people but hopefully we can get lucky over here let's see what do we want to pick a 1 2 let's just go with these guys yeah we're all going here and Luigi going to win oh okay nobody is out very good okay now I'm going to pick wait we just saw that middle door closing I'm going to go to this door it's not going to be this door as bad twice in a row is it is it ah goodbye Princess Peach in last place okay very lucky so far now I'm going to choose the middle door I'm choosing the middle door you want to come here toad hopefully we're both good I don't want Luigi to win Luigi wins Luigi wins Luigi wins we were both destroyed together and Luigi wins how is Luigi is so good Luigi's ahead right now guys we have to catch up to Luigi hey time for Luigi to go up some more steps it's the first one that gets to seven is the winner and Luigi's at two so he's kind of well not kind of close but he is the closest right now okay who's choosing next all right mushroom head you get to pick another mini game go ahead spin the mini game Wheel what are we playing oh this is a beautiful one loggerheads he and we only want to hit the wood not the bombs with that you want a duck hey let's get ready let's get ready go ah you're too fast I don't know if I can be faster than the master CPUs at this yeah they are way too fast they can anticipate it go go oh boy I'm just trying to go before he even pulls it out this might be a bomb but I'm going to go anyways yeah I anticipated it that was crazy let's go now oh no I'm off oh no Luigi won again how is it Luigi everyone's a master CPU how is Luigi so much better than mushroom head and girl guys Luigi might be winning this one Luigi might be winning he's already way up on step three I'm going to have to win a few mini gamess in a row if I want to catch up to him okay what does girl choose now girl you get to spin and choose mini game what does girl do girl is Princess Peach okay nice nice nice magma Mayhem I love this one hey I think I have a good chance of winning this one I love this mini game let's go let's go let's go I've got incredibly powerful kicks oh it's me and Luigi me and Mr Green come Mr Green come Mr Green get destroyed get destroyed eat my green shoes Mr Green I knew that nobody could stop me there I absolutely love that miname the jump kick is just way too powerful in that you can knock people back so far with the jump kick it's so much better than punching in my opinion you just have to be careful to not have someone use that on you okay mushroom head what mini game do you choose let's see let's see it is okay this one's all right in this mini game I don't think it really matters how well you play it's just how well you do at the end of the mini game because it's a bit of a race sure but it's all about how you can do at the end cuz it's whoever crosses the Finish Line first is the winner oh come over here now yeah I don't think that your hearts really matter and you can't push each other I'm coming this way now okay yeah cuz now we're over here and I normally just bounce on the clouds over here but look we can't even go there cuz there is an invisible wall over there stopping us from going that way let's see oh and let's see how are we doing can I make it yes I can make it to that okay now is this almost the end how close is this to the end I don't want to fall here get it get destroyed oh my goodness how are you guys even Master CPUs that was so poor man I am really speaking very aggressively to these guys here aren't I I normally wouldn't smack talk real humans like this but these are just CPUs so they don't have feelings oh wait maybe I shouldn't say that maybe they do that GPT will be upset but anyways let's continue over here I'm sorry chat GPT guys when you use chat GPT do you think chat GPT maybe it sounds a bit silly but it is something that I do and chat GPT helps me out I always say thank you very much and it says of course happy to help happy to be of assistant and then chat GPT wishes me a nice day which is nice okay I am going to take this ball right here that's the winning ball oh everyone wants the center one actually no one wants the center one okay so let's see whichever ball falls down crosses the Finish Line first is the winner toad move to move hey let me down let me down me down yes am I going to be last up there toad yes yes yes come on come on come on no did Peach win Peach won I was last oh that is so sad so sad wow looks like is actually going to go up the stairs a little bit well looks like the two Toads are at the bottom the two mushrooms are at the very bottom and he climbs up the stairs and I'm tied with Luigi on step number three right now but it doesn't matter because it's all about whoever reaches the top first whoever reaches step seven is the winner okay so let's see what's the next mini game oh this is a great one growing up he this might actually be a tough mini game since these are Master CPU so let's see how we can do against them hey yeah get wrecked okay okay let's go what's next what's next b b okay okay that was kind of similar I wonder if it's based on your total time or if it's just the ranking a I was slow there he what's next give me a one or two one there we go that was kind of fast what's next hey oh boy I was way too slow there what's next give me a one or two B okay that's okay what's next two okay peaches grew a lot there dead Okay toad grew a bit there who's is the tallest I don't know who's is going to be the tallest here let's see whoever climbs up the highest wins let's see who is it going to be who's it going to be who's it going to be how close is it going to be who's it going to be who's winning who's winning who's do we see first and oh oh no girl wins again oh my goodness how is she so good what's going on is is this the comeback of Princess Peach now and mushroom's still at the very bottom Mushroom Man hasn't gotten to climb any steps yet okay so Peach is climbing up a few more steps over there she made it up onto the two she almost caught up to us we are only one ahead of her right now it's funny that mushroom hasn't won any games yet okay toad what do you choose let's see what is it going to be you choose oh that's an interesting one earn it oh that's such a funny pun earn it who was it that said that they like the English language because it has the word earn and a lot of other languages they don't have the word earn or well they have the word earn but it's the same as the word for win which is kind of funny isn't it okay that is this round one here that's the one that we have okay because these two are Jagged so of course this round one is the one that we need and now what is next okay and that's nice that we were first so we get a lot of points okay what's next next it is triangles like this that's the one definitely that one okay very nice very nice that was nice and quick is there just one more round or how many more rounds are there cuz I'm happy with this so far let's see final round and uh this one no no no no no no no no no no wait it's a three-way tie everyone except for mushroom why is mushroom playing so poorly wait so do we oh I think that means that we all go up a step actually that's actually so funny everyone who's not at the bottom goes up but yeah N is a really interesting word because it makes it sound like what you're getting is for the work that you're doing whereas the word win makes sound like it could just be randomly given to you as a prize and I don't know to me that just kind of sounds like it comes with connotations of taking pride in your work and yeah I think that it is good to do a good job when you can do a good job it's good to work hard it's good to try and do worthwhile things in a worthwhile way try to work hard okay so mushroom head what are you choosing don't be the racing one okay thank goodness it's not the racing one this is a good one okay so this is a mini game where we want to follow the Treasure Chest that has the most Star Bits in it and I guess these are like Star Bits because Super Mario Galaxy was originally on the Nintendo Wii and this is the Nintendo Wii so maybe there are some reused assets but let's see let's see let's see let's get to a chest over here that's good okay good thing that we got that one and the CPUs are maybe a little bit slow to grab so I think that even though these are Master CPUs this might be one of those mini games where humans are still in general much better just because of the way that the CP use were program let's see let's see let's see we want this here this one here yeah okay good good good that we got that very nice yep that's the one that we wanted very good now I think there's going to be one very good one and one that is all right and two empty ones in the final round and it's the final round now let's see keep your eyes on this one right here that's the one that we want where it's going is over here no Luigi took it ah do I at least get an okay one I still got the the okay one oh no Luigi got to the chest before me that's actually bad that's actually very bad that's very very bad if someone else got that chest I still could have won in this mini game but man Luigi got that before we did that means Luigi's going up another step and we're kind of high up aren't we we just going to step five now so he only needs two more wins to be the winner to be the overall winner and reach the top have the golden statue reward hey toad you just keep going and choosing mini games toad you just keep losing every time the two Toads are just staying at the bottom ah this can be scary this mini game can be absolutely terrifying and chaotic and it reminds me a little bit of that one level from Super Mario Sunshine okay so let's just try and avoid these bullet bills as best as we can and don't push me Bros don't push me Bros push me Bros I need you guys to stay back whoop whoop whoop okay nobody's hit yet I bet Toad's going to get out first or me toad or me uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh and some of the bullet bills Collide sometimes oh that's a lot of bullet bills coming here that's a lot of bullet bills coming here don't follow me how did I not get hit and nobody else also got hit where shall I go where shall I go how are you guys so good how are you guys so good I'm out ah wow Princess Peach won that was kind of surprising I didn't expect that I thought for sure it'd be Luigi Luigi always wins okay Peach it's time for you to climb up wait Peach caught up to me oh I'm tied in second place right now this is not good we're going to have to do well if we want to win cuz we need three more victories to win man Master CPUs are kind of tough actually in this game hey go ahead and pick a mini game mushroom head what's it going to be oh this could be fun fungi frenzy so we want to collect as many mushrooms as possible let's get going let's see where do we go a three there oh that was fast move Bros give me this one nice I don't know how good these were were these good at all oh nice no one even went for that one oh uh I thought that that would have been gone by then for sure we had an amazing first round these guys got absolutely destroyed okay let's come here let's go bro how did you get that how did you squish me let me get up oh that's not good that I got squished there okay now there's our coming back we're still winning is this the final round we're still ahead okay let's go up here then no one's going to go for this one nice I'm just going for that I'm squishing you I'm squishing you guys don't even care and okay not bad but we do win that's amazing very happy with that that was actually very good that could have gone better I didn't play perfectly but that was still more than good enough to win wait how can something be more than good enough to win it was good enough to win but it was even better than that I guess being just good enough to win would be one more Point than the others but we had more than that we are so close to the top we're so close to the top I can smell Victory and wait why is mushroom head way down here at the bottom toad you hav to r a single mini game what are you doing toad normally Princess Peach is supposed to be down here uhoh uh-oh well hopefully we can get lucky start let's come here maybe and let's go here and let's go through this pipe maybe that'll be nice and we're here and does that help us not really wait wait does this let us win yes oh man that luck was incredible that was very lucky that's actually so fantastic I was a little bit worried about that but now we are only one Victory away from winning this is incredible so if Luigi wins two in a row then he wins Peach has to win I think three in a row to win or what if toad just wins seven in a row now that would be absolutely unbelievable that would really make for quite the video I think I kind of want him to try now oh no okay well I'm getting destroyed here there's no way I can beat Master CPUs at this one master CPUs are just way too good at this mini game if this was a mini game that you played with the d-pad instead of with motion controls then I think that I'd be a bit better at it since it's motion controls oh yeah already took damage I wonder if the others are even going to take any damage at all oh boy let's see oh actually doing not bad here let's see wow oh oh no oh no okay I made a little mistake there fin wait did they all finish together who wins do they all win together did everyone win except for me everyone wins except for me oh my goodness see what I mean okay well that's okay wait wait that means that mushroom head finally gets to go up one step now toad has to win six in a row if he wants to be the grand finale winner the overall winner toad is so happy about going up that one step about making it to level one he's going finally I want a mini game now I get to join you guys up here all right but Luigi's going up even higher now he's going up to step six so Luigi's tied with me on step six so whoever wins this next minii game is well out of me or Luigi if Luigi wins or if I win then it's over mini game is ah man that's scary he so we want to not get hit by these spiky balls hopefully we can do okay and these poles are going to be moving up and down and there are going to be a lot of spiky balls I can jump on these guys heads uh-oh wa W wo wo wo wo okay and it only goes on for a minute wait wait if we survive until time runs out then I think that there might be multiple winners if multiple people survive Luigi's out Luigi's out this is actually incredible news so if I survive or if I am the last survivor if I the only Survivor or if I survive until time runs out then oh no Ah that's not good who's going to win now wait if Peach survives does she catch up to us what's happening who's going to win who's going to win ah head it looks like he actually threw that game for Princess Peach wait what if Princess Peach comes back and wins cuz she might what if girl wins cuz now Peach is also on step six everyone this is now going to be the ultimate comeback for mushroom head for toad look we're all on the final step like this but mushroom head's all the way down here if he wins six mini games in a row right now that'll be absolutely Bonkers a I love this one okay I think there's a chance that we can win this and we might be winning here hopefully toad doesn't win let's see where we are we are here want to come ahead of these guys here let's go let's go just want to be jumping a lot jump on over here oh get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up get up bro why would Luigi go and jump on that penguin are you a fool Luigi why would you do that why in the world would you do that let's go let's go let's go let's go move Peach move Peach move Peach move Peach move Peach hey come on over come on over and come on over here and I'm getting getting on the ship get on the ship get on the ship there we go we're on the ship even though we fell into the water a bunch we still won what is everyone else doing over here what are you guys doing okay everyone made it onto this ship but I think it's only the first person that made it on wins not everybody who makes it wins right yes okay we didn't even seem to play that one too well I thought that the CPUs would be doing great at first but could you imagine if toad won six mini games in a row that was so close though because look at those guys those guys were all on the final step with me but we've got a golden Koopa Troopa cuz we are Mr Turtle everyone please comment Mr turtle is the champion you'll have a lucky rest of your day this Koopa Troopa will give you luck if you comment that I really recommend you watch my video where we play Warrior Weare moov it it is an incredibly fun new Nintendo switch game you will love that video If you enjoyed this one thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing Daye you and take care [Music] everybody
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 52,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party superstars, all minigames, all minigames mario party superstars, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party minigames, super mario party minigames, mario, super mario, all characters, mario party all characters, mario party hardest difficulty, mario party all characters minigames, luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing, mario party 9, step it up, minigames, everyone wins, everyone ties, all same scores, step it up everyone wins, mario party everyone wins
Id: CMFJF8skxHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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