Mario Odyssey Hide and Seek tag | Fan Cut

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crafty looks so cool [Music] i'm jealous this is the best costume yeah you all stick with this that's incredible you have a hair and a skeleton i don't see the hat i just see the hair i just see your hair that's really funny he does have a good outfit though this is a good look yeah yeah all right um you guys ready to go yeah yeah all right go hide all right we're going all right glide on i didn't have time to set the music properly but okay um [Music] okay where's the good spot that we can use captures we need we need to take advantage of this capture mechanic now okay so i need to not mess this up [Music] yeah i don't know where i want to go ah like i'm tempted as [ __ ] to go in here i hope there's a good way out though yeah let's just let's just run with it i feel like we just gotta run with [ __ ] any any areas that captures are helpful actually wait i have an idea [Music] i can't really i'm really surprised i forgot it actually just didn't oh my god hey dude dude this this is this is kind of sick damn are you guys ready to go yet i'm ready uh i'm in my spot okay all right okay ready or not here i come yo wait we can nikro we could just capture to escape i completely forgot we can can we are we allowed to capture to escape i guess it's hard to tell who's who though yeah i mean if you're not if you're not like in the process of being caught i feel like that's okay like you're being chased or something like that all right so like i feel like we can try chases with captures yeah i feel like as long as you're not like hiding as a capture i feel like it's yeah okay okay all right well i found my spot yeah this is a good spot now okay oh this is this is this is a perfect spot i hope at least one of you has a bad spot just like personally that would be nice look at how this looks where i'm standing look at mario's pose he's like he's got his like makes sense foot in the air just how is he doing that he's got some impeccable balance oh oh yeah i think i know who you guys are i'm gonna keep it a secret though just in case no no no i'm curious where do you think we are yeah crafty where are we you're on you're on you're on something with like a 45 degree like angle or something like that i don't know if your degrees are a little off there bud yeah like 90 degrees i don't know like it's like it's like a tr it's like a scalene triangle you know scalene i haven't heard that since like grade 6. it's more oh my god isosceles yeah yeah this is definitely narrowing it down i only have to look in the places in wooden kingdom that have uh triangles though yeah how is he doing that yeah that's incredible wow that's the only thing what's that called again in gymnastics that pose like a like is that flagging is that what that is no how are you all doing good i'm doing gymnastics you're doing gymnastics in your hiding spot mario's got something oh yeah i'm i can i can confirm this is this is insane um yeah the tower technically counts as a sub area dang call me i like that that's just a straight-up guess i have no idea where you are i can't believe you pinpointed exactly where i at you know what while you're at it why don't you tell me exactly where i'm hiding too uh i mean do you want us to yeah um i can give it the name of the moon that'd be great i appreciate it uh um is it spinning athletics treasure or whatever is that is that the is there a spinning up i mean well it's it's it's not the one in the clouds it's the one that's a nut with a ton of gold around it it's like platform it's something to do with athletics and treasure i think in the moon name i don't know i don't know if that's it i i will be honest with you even if you tell me the actual name of the moon i'm staying next to you i won't know the name of it it's uh it's spinning platform treasure because there's the spinning platforms you have to go across to get to it but nobody ever likes that that's your information i guess you could go with that i don't know how you just you want me to go with that oh wait we're almost in six minutes we have to do a top bottom half or left right depending on what little wants oh yeah um yeah uh sure give me chuck bottom half why not oh my god i'm confused i was so late to jumping away from there did you just you did just kill me what yeah i did and it's just sitting there there's no one you don't get him no one's moving what do you mean oh no what happened wait is my internet disconnected hello maybe hello hello hi oh yeah no one's moving it's just yeah wait is this nice he's look he's busy doing gymnastics i understand yeah really okay come on nike is sitting yeah i got we got caught boy no no look look at the if you open up my stream let's see we're just vibing here damn i wish it was looking like that yeah i i was i was i saw i saw her coming i was just like a little late jumping away i did the classic long jump getaway it never works yeah so i'm confused so smalling can't see anybody moving but nikro you can see people moving yeah and me too i got caught and i'm just can you see me moving oh yeah you're moving now okay i can't see anyone moving what but they can see me what what the [ __ ] i'm so confused what that's weird that is weird why that's so confusing i have absolutely no idea why that's happening i'm gonna be honest yeah i don't i'm not entirely sure why it's happening it's super weird oh wait nikro's crouching around he's moving oh wait did it fix itself wait wait wait i'm missing i'm at the i'm at the beginning of the night standing on the grate now i'm standing on this like fence yeah you're standing on the fence now yeah it works i i didn't touch anything all right all right wait which is good wait now i'm so caught by two people is that what's going on right now i mean i i we already kind of we already kind of like touched you but yeah i don't know i mean i'm still here god damn all right i bring it on night growth bring it on get him you'll never get me wait is lick no i left i figured i don't know how long ago when the last one is this spot is kind of meh dude i can't believe crafty's in the odyssey i went back i decided it's a valid place to be in i changed my mind yeah as the creator of the mod you're allowed to make that decision exactly i have no idea where he is man uh i just checked through sheep and i didn't see him do that crafty did you say top or bottom initially i've got another you said top oh my god you're right here i thought you said bottom i know exactly where you are uh do i need to run do i need to run i don't know if i need to run do i need to run i don't know he's in the interior of the tower oh god it's technically not a subject [Music] i don't know where he is like i know exactly where he's in the tower no no no no no no yes i got him i got him i got him oh there goes crafty i should so you you went out at the top of the tower then yeah i knew it i knew it that was where i predicted you were the whole time and i did all right so i'm gonna be i'm gonna be transparent um can you come over here real quick i need to show you where i was originally hiding okay all right so come in here yeah yeah yeah can i come this way you were hiding right here oh my god there's no way you could ever be found yeah i started thinking about it and i was like wait this is kind of the similar clause of like hiding in foliage and stuff like that and so i was like no one's like seen me or it was anywhere near me so i'm just going to move where who are we looking for me should i give a should i give a hint art if you want if you want you can give a hint yeah a riddle would be nice a riddle i don't think i can manage your writing it has though this is this is uh oh you you wanted to do it in third i see yeah i mean i'm in a spot where i feel like i have to so um here this is my view right now oh oh no wait no way no way you use glide on to get on top of the trees no way oh yeah okay wait if i capture a tank can i shoot him that would be really funny is that a thing i can do am i able to just destroy him with a tank he just if he if he isn't a tree he's in the brown pirate outfit with a green hat on i just realized that i am in the brown pirate after the green you're gonna blend in perfectly oh my gosh that's actually it's the kingdom first all right in fairness the pirate the pirate like coat is more of like a red like a velvet it's definitely that picture is definitely of climb the tree to get the nut or whatever it's called right it's not i think another thing with the plastic that's what it was yeah that's what i took a picture of oh i can i'll say that okay thank you i do see one of you right now oh i see one of you i don't feel like it's me [Laughter] how the hell did you get there yeah oh my god how do i even he's on top of one of the freaking trees how did you do that i didn't know you could stand on one of those is it like the very tippy top yep yep very very typical just on the relatively high end of one of the trees which tree was it ah here we are did i did i not hit you no you hit me you hit me oh okay okay i just heard a bunk and death i was about to i was about to try and jump to a different tree got him you could stand on those yeah apparently so i had the i had that idea to be honest but i didn't i kind of like just went the wrong direction i was like oh well guess i'm not going to go there so it's like it was possible so fun fact i didn't use the capture to get there what how did you get that here here come to uh oh what's what's the work called summit path summit path are you are you there i don't see anyone yeah all right i'm here all right so i i'm here now jump from here onto this tree oh my god can you grab them yeah you can grab them i was i was hanging off of the tree for a little bit but then i decided it was probably more fair if i was just standing on top of it what so i jumped there broke the box so i could triple jump onto this tree and then i back flipped from this tree over to this one for yourself by not doing it with the capture yeah that's crazy that's so imagine if you've done that before we had a loud capture nobody ever would have looked up there yeah for sure uh next kingdom i guess sure yeah all right i don't know which one but it's one of number one before no it's me it's a random number it's you only because i've never played bowser's i'm saying bowser's oh all right that's fine i'm fine with bowsers it sounds good it's a cool game it's big but i'll find people fast i'm in bowsers all right i'm in bounces all right you have 60 seconds three two one go go okay all right all right bro where we going i'm just i'm gonna just go fast so i think i wanna hide in this sub area i don't know where yet though i just know i want to hide somewhere in here okay that was the first part five but he's probably gonna three two one [Music] hey so i just i i died literally when you said one second like no no keep okay go find a new hiding spot thank you i appreciate it that's unfortunate i was kind of i was kind of panicking and going really fast and uh hey little oh oh no what are you doing how did you get here so quickly come back here come back is everyone in hider mode by the way yes yeah oh okay how many people did i get there two two yeah two for the front one i'm pretty sure i hit two one person two people went through wires and i was in a wire yeah that was who who's coming the other way i don't know how i died did you die you died i got you i died okay i'm just wait was there someone else going through a wire how i don't know i went i went through a wire and i was in seeker still but i just turned it to hyder like i don't so i don't know if we were all on the same one no that's all right okay i'll find you somehow i think you did kill me though so yeah unfortunately [Laughter] i can't believe i missed my dive input there all right we got two of them well that was a good round [Music] very good back back to crafty and fur let's go i got so yeah patting off my square here uh i need to like keep my eyes peeled on that entrance because the second i see an entrance someone entering i'm leaving although i might be able to get away with uh sticking up here for a little bit longer maybe maybe not i don't know all right three minutes who's in a sub area i am in a sub area i am you are all right fur i'm coming for you why me specifically mr hexagon there's a bunch of spots to hide in there it's there i uh heck dude i can't leave there's nothing you can do to run for me now for i unless you're not in here in which case i'll be honest small ant i left as soon as you said that you were in there no way all right all right i see how it is [Applause] all right if that is correct then that means you have migrated to this sub-area oh you're not going to tell me that's what i'm in that's the one i'm in don't leave please leave don't don't don't [Music] my god don't jump over that gap be very specific [Laughter] [Music] the question is do i think he was actually in the sub area or not i don't know i don't know if he was it okay for were you in that sub area i gotta know which sub area the sub area that i was in what no yes i knew it you know anything perfect we have everything we need yeah let's get them i'm looking at it you're mine you're done dude i am still just so like oh my god uh has it been six minutes yet i don't know probably okay i'm gonna do it oh wait oh wait what oh it's been four minutes and fifteen seconds so okay never mind oh yeah i guess performance yeah because we started late okay i'm in top wait top is that what we're doing uh yeah sure top out bob uh i'm top half okay interesting okay it's technically top half a bit of a quiet bean no intention such a big kingdom oh my god i know right it's a little bit you are you guys are kind of quiet just so spread out yeah yeah i feel like i feel like you guys see me or see if her or someone see either of us really you're just like and they're just pretending yeah we're just pretending we're about to get them we're just that's strange something that was here before is no longer here what like someone someone uh someone named fur in the hexagon sub area i left that sub area because it was literally going to it you're literally still there for me that's so odd i'm literally still there for you huh [Music] what are you where are you going crafty wait i have a plan i have a plan i didn't it didn't work i was going to try to make my way of course i've seen no i'm not dead yet oh my god crafty wait were you there the whole time crafty yes i caught nigro right there and i just didn't look around the corner oh my god wait there's there was more yeah where i caught you that's where crafty was no way okay you it's the play crafty you are done no [Laughter] cal isil is coming down here uh it could have worked that could have been you know where fur is crafting can't believe you tried to gaslight me hey hey come back here come back here be honest come back here wait where is he where is he why aren't i killing you hey come back here he's in here he's in a hexagon again i didn't think he left where's that smalling man i where she licely got me uh he never thought you said it you want to know something really funny small ant when i told you i left you were standing right above me you said i would be honest psychopath is that that is being hoisted on your own suppressed smaller interim it's there was no other way for me to get out of that small ant i had to fool you oh yeah so i'm gonna be i would have been real i was actually in the pokemon there's no morals if i ever say i'll be honest i'm always being honest i never thought he would lie after saying that well it's being with her yeah what is it 36 36 i haven't been secret yet though so i gotta find the most cracked location next round i'm gonna find the craziest out of spot okay i'm gonna roll a number and you wanna spin the wheel crafty we haven't done much lunch you guys wanna do luncheon yeah we could do lunch you know okay i think luncheon will be fun because there's there's captures now yeah yeah yeah that's true okay uh i'm just seeking oh that guy when you said i'm gonna be honest i was like okay he's 100 being honest now i can never trust you again i mean we never trust you anyway so now if i ever say i'm being honest i 100 of the time i'm being honest so i didn't i'm not sure if you could be lying i'm not i'm not sure i believe you right now no that's the problem [Laughter] yeah i have a code of honor okay you guys are ready i am yes sir all right five four three two one go go oh i'm already dying get good yeah i'm gonna need to seek my hiding my hiding is very very low here where is a good spot that i can get with captures man five i can totally go in here oh no two i don't have enough time coming oh i'm gonna go to my gg spot i 100 of the time forget that this uh area exists so i'm feeling i can just stand here this seems unfair i can just go off camera [Laughter] okay if i die here i will scream and cry listen this isn't yes all right okay this is it this is this is a spot heard something it was your imagination could have been me continue on it might have been me bonking oh i got burned out i have chat you don't understand i have 30 minutes to make up i am 30 minutes behind everybody else okay this platform is so slow i'm slow okay so i'm going to do something risky here and it's called going to use the restroom please don't kill me good luck yeah i think it's a show of confidence though [Music] all right i'm just gonna i'm just gonna assume no one's in here i'm gonna get out of here real quick i'll be honest and i am honest this time um i thought about hiding in that room just because i figured it would be way too annoying for anyone to bother to go to the end oh my god but i was just like i died and i'm just hoping that no one's back there i'm like well please yeah i i definitely thought about it but i was just like man i don't want to go back there either it just takes forever beautiful choice there's a fast strat but it's very easy to die doing it yeah yeah and there's no way i would know this land wait i saw that someone just left someone just left the it's been two and a half minutes yeah micro just straight up saw me i don't think i need to give him a hint fair enough yeah i don't even know where that leads to i'm hearing stuff she's giving me the what ifs yeah anyway uh i'm in a submarine oh yeah i'm not in a sub-area okay i'm not in a sub-area we'll never find out if lickles in a subway or not um i mean maybe it's to neither well this is a bang i wonder if australian internet allows that to happen uh sorry what what what was the bathroom [Music] i was holding uh my my controller the whole time just in case i heard someone like find me and i was like no okay okay let me wait no okay i had i had it taken the vibrations to the bathroom you know yeah yeah i'm proud of what i did perfect i'll take ownership for the fact that i was i was peeing with one hand see that betrays lack because you didn't say if you were in a sub-area or not oh i see yeah sorry i was talking to chat so i was i didn't hear um i'm in a sub-area yes of sorts of sorts no i i'm in a sub area should i give her away chat oh wait oh that's kind of mean sorry what was that nothing i have no idea where she is okay oh yeah it's been uh eight and a half minutes so rounding it up to nine all right top half head for the boy uh i guess so i'm in top half i am also in top half i am also in top half everyone's in top half i'm the bottom sick here i come yeah i i haven't seen anybody since i saw small ant leave that fireball area that was so long ago so sad you're just you're just giving us plenty of time in uh uh i guess what technically the only thing that's happening is that you're losing even harder now it's just piling on at this point it's just yeah dude okay i'm just taking a stroll do you want to give another do you want another hint left to right up down or sub sub-area not sub-area let's do it which one which one you want uh sub-area or no sub-area what's up area not a sub-area not a sub-area so tempting to keep looking out here still in a sub area what if liquid and i are actually just in the same submarine imagine i think i know what's sudbury urine i also think i know where it's support year is cool i hope neither of us get found yeah exactly i wonder oh god i see i see i see you and i'm not saying who yet because i'm gonna jump in that no dude i actually i just completely whiffed that oh my god i'm so mad fur is standing on the side of the pot yeah and i and i tried to like uncapture the potabu at the right time and i just fell to my death man he's sneaky [ __ ] the little speck on the handle too and and now he's probably just no wrong my my chance just blowing it it's okay you'll get a second square one square one yeah i may have moved went back to the same spot yeah i moved to the other handle yeah i checked i checked okay i haven't checked in here yet oh there's nigro come on i'm bound to find someone isn't that a bottom half sub area though and everyone in a sub area is in the top half what are you saying i'm saying i saw you going to a pipe oh my god dude i'm so angry dude okay yeah you know what idea idea for another hint whenever we get to an extent instead of doing a hint art we can save whether or not we use a capture to get to the area we're in yo that's good yeah we can do that i did not use a capture i'm being honest you didn't say [Laughter] you know what i'm not gonna say anything i feel like i give it away might be on to something oh i think this is it for me yeah this is it for me oh who's that i didn't have an escape plan let's go we got one boys all right either i misremembered where little was or she's not in the sunbury you know i'm just going to ask is the um cheese sub area a valid spot yeah that's where i was yeah that's right that's where i killed crafty i just i went behind that like little like dark spot behind the wall and i just i just heard him die i don't even see him though so good good thing good thing about that because they're not like hiding in the cheese yeah i was hiding behind where the where the cheese i was afraid i would have to like break like a bunch of stuff to like reveal someone it was like i wasn't in the cheese and i wasn't hiding in an area that requires you to break the cheese okay because i was i wasn't entirely on the other end yeah i think he left i think he left those if those were a single correction [Music] i love icelandic listen to this language it's beautiful uh anyway it has been 20 minutes since i started the round take a screenshot of something on your screen all right indeed all right sorry squeeze okay i'm trying to figure out what fruit that a lickle i took a picture of there very very i think i know exactly which one it is but that just i feel like goes to show i played this game too much yeah i know exactly where that is i'm worried that you've learned where i am the whole time nicole just took a picture of a tomato and i know exactly where it is uh it wasn't in the other place there is two wait what you could be over there that's pretty cool oh no oh oh no i should have stayed there i panicked oh i went back in that freaking ace [ __ ] eight [ __ ] eight bit smiling small answer eight bit behind two people found it once i can't believe wait wait wait wait where'd you go where'd you jump i don't understand i really hope he didn't just could we just find and also lose two people at the exact same time i i i think so i think so i couldn't tell he went around the corner and i yeah he had like five different places to go unless i died that's so sad oh i was gonna have such a good height oh no there was another corn the corn there's two corns yeah i did it i wanted to make something i think i did behind the town so sad wait they got you got caught liquor i died you died trying to escape yeah in an embarrassing way did you jump into the lava i i was doing that freaking i started always dying in that suburb the celebrity with the lava bubbles i was trying to make the jump and the freaking platform moved uh in looking at one of the lanterns because the lighting kind of reminds me of it i actually collected the moon and i thought i thought i was about to crash but i'm good everything's fine i think i think i just had to restart my game uh i feel like i've collected a couple moons you oh come on and of course i had to burn my ass again yeah i see i see that he's in town he's in the town where he's in town he's in town i'm coming i see him i see him where are you gonna go where are you gonna go i don't know where i'm gonna go that's the problem there's too many i make it up there's like three of them no no i bonked [ __ ] he's making his way to the back side of this town okay yeah yeah you guys got him oh no listen he bumped he got oh no i can't do it again let's go oh come on wow that reveal though my god i was already in that room like twice i swear you were in it once when i was hiding in there he's probably in a suburban suburbs definitely appear to be the best places to hide generally a few spots okay this would be insane dude i'm in this like door where there's like there's a chest right it's just like a room with a chest you could probably like hide behind these fruits like off-screen this is kind of is that the one with the the that's oh really i had i had absolutely no idea that she was actually in there and she just revealed herself i just figured that you'd figure it out but yeah i i had no idea that you could go to go that far out i gotta go to a new spot what what is going on okay yeah smaller is a pony boot and i see him like dude this is hilarious mario is just on his back like swimming through the pepto bismol and it's like oh my god what are you doing okay i don't know where you just went i wish you guys could see what i just saw okay so he took a cannon and i saw him fly across like the whole thing and he just can you can now i don't know i don't think they could see me here this is the spot i wanted to hide right now okay yeah if you're being so honest why don't you just give us your exact location i'm in the salt room with the fire bros obviously you didn't say i'll be honest he's lying yeah exactly we know not to check there all right so i'm in the pan bro room let's see i don't think he's in here just in case did you just go check the uh sub area which strawberry the photo the pan yeah yeah okay i was like because if you just went to where i was hiding all right i i have a feeling that small ant was doing some big mind games here so he said he was in the salt fire bro room but he intentionally didn't say i'll be honest so he wouldn't believe him but in actuality he's in there i am i didn't i did check in there just now and i didn't see anything yeah but what if he's hiding in the good spot yeah i really hope there's no good spot that i'm unaware of there is a good spot okay there is a good spot yeah the fire it's pretty great if you don't know about it he's not there though you really can go deep there i really hope that's unfortunate i'm just i'm checking the cool spot just to make sure that he's not just going to other people's hiding spots yeah you can hide that pretty well on either side crafty don't ask questions warp to meet plateau right now everybody do it i found small ant he's in the room in the room the fire bro one there's a there's a second good spot i got him he didn't let me climb the pole once i grabbed it it wouldn't let me do that either for something he was being honest i was being honest okay and you must have saw me run by then yeah you went right over top of me over top oh i wasn't sure if you would remember cj's good spot and yeah who hasn't speak yet crafty and fur is that that is correct oh crafty hasn't seeked either yeah nope yeah these are kids the kingdom is i'm rolling it now okay it's cloud viable no i left it out uh oh looks like it's sand am i seeking yep all right all right favorite i mean this is this is keeping it juicy indeed that means the last round's gonna be me oh no all right i'm in the odyssey boys you guys can go yep go all right all right all right i'm going to one of my spots at long last [Music] it is an all or nothing spot because we will not be able to see anyone coming like i'm thinking here is this crazy is this a terrible spot it's not a goaded spot but it may well serve me well you got like 10 seconds don't find me i'm going to the bathroom but you can start all right i found a really cracked spot it's honestly the same all right and i'm seeking i say as i don't have a spot hiding creeper chase walking my roommate's having a shower why are they always having a shower when i need to go to the bathroom oh i'm not muted [Music] oh no one's on the glide on platform oh i was actually just there i'm surprised you didn't see me no if you died you can just just don't worry about we just started it's fine i didn't actually switch over to seeking oh dang it i forgot as well i'll have a minute yeah go hide her go hide her for my revive i won't add any time sounds good no that is kidding me it's the first place you checked oh [Music] oh that is what [Music] all right in fairness was the second place i checked because i did check the the floating aisle [Music] i died i'mma get ready you died yeah okay i keep dying chet uh i just want to check this room cass thank you for the sub i appreciate it there's nowhere i wonder if he saw me wait was that was that you small ant where in the ice oh no that's nitro where where he's in the uh the underground temple where i had that really dumb spot okay he went there no way okay he he wasn't in can you make that no you definitely can't oh man he died no he hasn't they're like slightly off sync too so it's making it really hard for me to get them here it's like jumping around the pillars oh yeah okay okay this was a horrible idea no oh no i thought i could make that that have been sick that would have been like you're really close damn i'm really i'm i've been really just testing my luck lately my god i mean do we get a do we get a new testament yeah yeah it's been three minutes it's been it's been more than three minutes all right uh sub area or not nope sub area yeah technically i'm in the sub area are you being honest yes honestly i am technically in a submarine technically technically hmm honestly he's pretty honest checking the uh the bullet bill one right now i don't even know what this one is uh someone just asked me a friend she asked me in my chat uh i saw her but i'm getting a jacket someone if i can make lickles models specifically upside down just that would be funny that would be funny would be quite the funny thing is that i could literally do that right now in the code or in the in the server code i could just invert your rotation i wouldn't even i saw you in came back for you lickle i wasn't sure yeah the crafty's in a sub area am i the last one alive yeah you are the last one alive yes all right i think we're gonna check the other ice cave you're gonna check the other ice cave okay i'm gonna check the jacksy room oh that would be uh that would actually be a good one that's not really easy to get into before it captures yeah um true hey no okay well i don't think anyone's here anyway such a dumb room okay where do i go i don't see anyone in the jaxy sub area we're just doing some sick hops up there oh wait fur is oh my gosh you probably can make it up there if nobody's hiding up there wait is it just crafty yeah where you at boy wait is that crafty he oh he's in the jackson area no no i got him i tried to juke you out that was quick i don't know why i turned around but i why did you turn around i don't know honestly actually i'm gonna be honest i i was pretty sure i i uh i wanted to see if a spot was possible it wasn't but then i saw you and i was like oh oh man where were you he's in the jedi i was theorizing a spot to hide over here because i uh my previous spot got compromised so i had to make it i had to find a location yeah i was trying to see if it was possible i was like theorizing if it'd be possible to get onto this pillow over here oh i was like do i risk it and try and i would have been able to make it so yeah but but then smaller would have found it because i'm sure that's where he was theorizing to go to next wait that's possible yo yeah can you grab the ledges in this room nope absolutely not that was also a theory that i was thinking about yeah i was like maybe you can capture and grab the ledge because like it reminded me of that one submariner that you're in uh in snow kingdom fur yeah i i only had that idea because you had your spot in bowsers so it's come full circle yep all right i'm rolling you sold out my spot this round [Music] it looks like it's going to be the one on the pyramid oh yeah it's like oh no there's no way i can stay away for that long okay everybody's being very quiet are we are we good or like uh i'm ready i'm ready i'm assuming small and little are also ready you're 60 seconds yeah something like that you got 10 seconds i'm just going into the submarine all right your time's up all right i'm in hider oh yeah everybody ready go higher make sure to get right rolls yeah [Music] all right first thing i'm gonna do is like like clip i hope he's not being serious oh god he's being serious oh god he's being serious wow okay oh god i was really hoping you weren't being serious this is this is gonna take a while isn't it especially if i blunder like that i died you died yep i don't i don't know what happened i i i j just hit the ground pound button and it was right against a wall so i had to either bonk or okay well that's great no but uh i'm currently currently losing where is she where is she where's she going she's in the mean area the main area okay oh no um crap this is problematic how did i lose you so fast what you were just right over the wall i'm a master of disguise i don't want to tell you i can't believe it i was like i was i lost sight of you for like two seconds and you you found that perfect time to just hide in those two seconds yup i'm blind i can't believe this i didn't see anyone when i was hiding uh so like where was the info where did you where what uh what's submarine i am in the red area and there's no one in here here i'm going i'm going i don't think he saw me i'm just i'm just going i'm just going away oh god i mean i don't exactly have much of a spot right now i'll be honest this is not a good spot to escape from i'll say it's not a bad spot in that it's kind of annoying to be in so i'm not sure if people would check this is weird how did you do this she she was in the main area yeah okay so i was you know how there's the painting that takes me back to sand up there and then it turns into a luncheon um i i bonked trying to dig it up here while she was she successfully made it up there and then as soon as i made it up here she was gone so i assume that means somewhere nearby i don't i don't know she's probably in trying to escape now yeah okay well i i i really i'm not sure if i could ever find her uh she's in the frog room oh she is very much in my drug room i don't think he could find me yeah um wait so she went back yeah she's in the frog room now i'm chasing her okay well she's dead i'm dead yeah do we need to be honest yeah yeah uh not in a siberia oh i did actually see fur in the red sub area but i was hoping you didn't leave it i left because when you died i was like oh i i need to leave i am not in a sub area interesting okay [Music] uh now that we have the the customs uh player actors you won't see the wow this is really deep if someone goes no shot no shot no shirt what happened where is leaving he's in the main water area the the middleweight main water area okay this is the big lake direction where is he going uh he is heading towards the zipperman okay is dory he's probably please don't block he you can't outrun me forever we can use captures i just hear i just hear he's going uh towards the the top the top of the city uh now he's going towards the arena oh he's on the arena he's in the arena right now i'm just i'm watching i'm not gonna try to get myself up there oh he left he's got he's jumping down back to the attack back to the odyssey area uh odyssey area okay he's jumping he's never behind the the choke yeah i see him i see him we still can't get him come on look at him he jumped over every one of us top level speed runner right here you just can't be stopped how is he still running there's four mario's after this this is not happening is that no we're on lap two [Laughter] let's go wait oh no that was a bad choice i don't like that one oh you're going to seek your hidden route in the lab no come on i'm like right there no don't leave one for it we're going oh you're going in you're going in you have a five second if you go in the exit camp the exit i thought i knew the strat i thought i knew the strat the chase dude for a second i thought we were gonna be chasing nikra for an hour there man dude this isn't darker side that i ran so long ago if i just knew how to do this wall jump thingy oh man you guys have been chasing me um let me tell you that god damn it okay well well that was that was intense that was a beautiful chase that was wild that was the best possible outcome right there yeah that was the round all right all right let me guess i didn't win yeah i don't think i i got that one dude i think that was actually my wait was that my first dub oh [ __ ] sort of oh yeah sort of kind of i think that was the first time i was the last one nice leveling up let's go getting better wait was that the last round yeah it was yup okay 20 20 55 is my final time so yeah i got 53 i got 52. dude that luncheon was just hilarious like the amount of times that i saw you guys and like that whole pot situation oh my god you should have been able to give me that i was not ready i can't but then you just fell yeah honestly like that could have made the difference like crap if crafty or small one could have won there if you just had found a gotta me right there honestly how's everything yeah um i'm actually really surprised the server didn't crash at all or this or like yeah wait wait wait let's take a moment to like realize that that's it yeah there was pretty much no complications after this the round started yeah it was great that's amazing look at that schmooze iw
Channel: Lumations Fan Edits
Views: 363,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hide and seek, tag, mario odyssey, mario galaxy, nintendo, speedrunners, speedrun, smallant, nicro, lycel, fir, craftyboss, fun, game, videogame, funny, challenge, cjya
Id: Dr33ZhHrS1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 14 2022
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