Mario Odyssey Hide n Seek but everyone is 2D

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me and seven other friends are playing super mario odyssey online multiplayer hide and seek but with a catch it's like paper mario flying away amethyst modded it so that everyone is always 2d yeah we did we reconstructed 3d mario 3d mario is just 10 2d mario's in the trench coat this made the rounds absolutely hilarious so enjoy the video oh wow you look like a nightmare there wait why do you look so wait amethyst jump that was weird we're finally going oh god one minute starting now i'm running i know exactly where i'm gonna hide so one thing i never really considered is where do we hide yeah that's a great question oh my god you can't copy now you can't do anything this is going to be incredible i'm very excited for what's about to happen 30 seconds i can't make these jumps i'm happy with this okay i give up i go somewhere else did you see me i wonder how many areas in these kingdoms are even going to be accessible i know right oh we can warp too oh this is so good oh no you can't get swimming that's all you get we're gonna find you oh i'm already terrified take it slow take a slow all right any thin ones i have no idea how hard this is gonna be well it can't be that hard because you can't really climb up but also you're very flat so you can kind of just stand next to walls you're a piece of paper it's paper mario i'm not gonna lie i'm wearing a bright pink shirt so it really blends into the scenery here i'm bright yellow and so is man yeah i'm pee colored i don't know how to jump i died you died oh crafty this is a horrible spot i'm moving okay so i was trying to do the the bullet bill sudbury i wanted to get to the end of it no no please you really just you just jump a lot farther than you normally do you killed me too how are you getting everyone this is brutal all right oh my god i was just standing in the water and there goes tyrone i'm kidding everyone three already dead everyone was in the pond everyone was in the pond once you fall back you kind of are stuck down here i do i see that now i think i can oh that's the punishment for hiding in the pond i found bikes wait is that everyone oh it's just me left it's just furry yeah it's just for her okay oh gosh did fur go to the top of the kingdom using the slope all the way around can you do that can you do that i mean i just did a full lap yeah i wonder if he's around here [Music] oh are you freaking wait you are running around a tree get back here he's not in the tree he's he's near the uproots at the trees okay i'm on my way he's near the rocket flowers now near the sphinx he's going towards the odyssey he's going up the slopes someone go down the slopes from the wall do not go down from the slope get back here i don't know exactly where you are oh it's right there no i don't even know what's happening in worms neither do i he's going towards the shop oh there he is oh get away and get back here i'm unstoppable hurts all over flowers he's going towards flooded pipes oh no oh wait he's going in fighting where is he go and flooded i'm checking near the knot here where did he go where did this flat man go [Music] did he go up was that him no no no we had to have being in the how did you how did you lose me did he go up was that him oh my god what happened there what the heck is happening i'm so confused honestly mars like this is this is crazy oh so he's not in fights he's not in pipes where did he go what is he just like up against the wall somewhere just a little sneaky boy i thought for sure somebody saw me i think i did but i have no idea where you went yeah you did you definitely did did he jump over us to go back well here is a legend oh my goodness all right mars you go left i'll go right wait did you join did you just jump mars no you found him oh amber this is jumping oh fight got me where was he near like the notes ramp behind the odyssey at the odyssey yeah you guys ran back past me oh my goodness slope again this is so chaotic how did you escape for so i i went uh ceo what oh i guess we'll never see oh wait crap you know i'm sorry i wasn't paying attention i'm sorry i'll just tell you i was crouched by a tree time to get carried by tyrone i'm so excited oh what the hell wait what's happening oh my god your sprite has like six nipples oh i have six let's go it's starting now oh okay hi this is gonna be so awkward in this kingdom i know the water just doesn't work oh my gosh do i hide on top of the odyssey right now or do i wait for a future kingdom this could be good chat right i'm doing a jet oh this is to be great yeah we're kind of stuck here so this is where we're hiding the p dome i'm bright yellow man maybe yep uh you've had an extra 12 seconds sorry i can't believe they got an extra 12 seconds i'm checking this sub area can you even i don't think you can make it there can you i mean you use like salt mango yeah why was there no name tag oh okay no there's no way someone did this where did he go huh well there goes crafty there he goes yeah this this spot is so stupid there's a good chance that when one of them finds me they're just gonna see me floating i don't even know how to maneuver with the 2d mario it's impossible maybe they'll focus on mars and so i can just sneak my way around the tent probably not but maybe i don't have to check the zippers because you know you can't fly there maybe tyrone only knows the any percent route there's someone here on the painting oh yeah i thought it was such a good spot i blended in so well yeah you you really did though there goes katie i have fallen down i see fur oh my gosh okay uh fur is on plessy on blessy no i'm not i see him just floating through the air i'm not on fleshy oh god how do we get up yeah that's not better anymore very creative spot like what where'd you go what what what what i don't see you come here come here come here no like uh bars did i get you they get too far you got me through the pipe oh my god okay oh my god where did fur go i didn't jump off fleshy okay so how are you supposed to get back up after you get to the very bottom of the world i see amy you're lying no how did i get how did i miss you get back here amy i'm chasing amy through the town she's she fell down the well oh no this is gonna be um interesting she went through the pipe oh she died in the pipe okay so who's missing fur and me he ran away he got away dude fur what the heck why are you back on plessy i never left oh yeah it's just floating around i can't get to you hi crafty you're too far away just go for a jump just go for it okay nope oh i didn't make it almost almost i don't even know how i would manage to get plessy to sync up with yours you might be able to jump to me from the right side oh if i pause okay i got a big shot if i pause i'm just gonna stay here i'm i'm not moving oh i went i jumped at plessy and i like clicked is that fluffy wait where are you oh perfect i've synced up my plessy with with fur where is he it's crafty oh yeah the places are all like different oh no i got on plussy for a second oh no i fell all the way down he's right there shoot if you warped you could probably just jump down on top of me that's what i'm saying shoot i'm gonna pause my game wait for his to come next to me oh you're so close damn it oh no crafty he's oh he's getting closer oh no oh no i'm i'm swimming into oh all right you got me okay you guys this is a good strat crafty okay just me now man are you in a subway or overworld i'm in the overworld how about this where in the overworld are you um i've seen everybody so maybe he's around here look at him go they're all running away what if he's just in the 2d area i don't know where he is so he's not up here how does he manage to find these spots where the hell what if he's just at the odyssey he just went back to the odyssey oh my gosh he is he's running oh my gosh this is why he was pissed mario i can't believe it he's down here he's running through under the water contaminating the water supply got him oh oh i think we got him yeah take it so where were you i was in the piss ball wow the piss ball yeah i blended in really well because i'm pissed mario too his power oh my god this is so much better than i ever expected it to be it's so dumb oh it was like right here enroll in the kingdom oh no i hope this kingdom works before we start the next round if you're enjoying the video please subscribe it'd really be appreciated [Music] yeah i made sure moon works this is like a frog power up without needing the frog oh this is gonna be so bad i don't even know where to hide i know exactly where to hide the best spot run okay seeing everyone run at the beginning of the round just so funny did someone go into the shop i don't think so right wait are you just what happens if you fall in lava fun fact um lava is treated as standard floor to 2d mario right really oh oh no i'm going to the moon cave why'd you tell them [Music] don't find me don't find me please don't find me immediately please okay i won't find you crafty my secret crafty no no no bars please marcus mario is made by his place i got you i see i see tyra oh my god i knew it time get back here i see crafty i'm chasing after him stop where's there's no way i could be faster than you gravity where are you where did you go crafty oh my god where did you go i'm vectoring like crazy i see tyrone ah see what you get and i'll get crafty i see a small ant too it's small ant one what are you talking about i fell i fell oh my god everyone's at the beginning i don't know who smell antoine is oh he's gone oh my god shoot i don't know i shouldn't have said anything was so slippery i walked right off the edge i don't know where he went shoot man this game sucks [Music] this is such a good spot because you can't you can't make that jump i'm pretty sure perfect spot i know people are gonna be in moon caves so i'm going there right now and this isn't my round this is absolutely my round anyone check the church i don't even think you can even get there maybe if you go for the monkey this seems like the best place i i don't think you can make it through moon cave there's like so many wires i'm still gonna check anyways you'll never know you know someone's gotta be in moon cave god the lava is so expansive i really hope bite didn't see me i don't think anyone's in moon cave uh do we have hints yet your spot isn't that good because i just found you oh yeah you never mind okay wow it was just like behind like a rock somewhere in the cave wow look at him go where did he even hide here it's probably sub-area hint time by now oh yeah probably sub-area not in a sub-area not in the suburbs probably at the top of the chapel that makes sense yeah i i completed moon cave oh what if you did one player moonskip and 2d i forgot you can't go up here at all are you looking at the channel look i didn't realize you couldn't get up here too i couldn't realize it oh my goodness okay i think i've been pretty thorough with the moon cave i also went through it a lot and i didn't see anyone so i'm going in oh there comes katie do you remember when i saw you smell it and then you ran away and then i was just like with my little pixelated feet that was so crazy and i can't believe you ran away no fear no fear why is no one checking this crater bro what if all this time i was hiding in sphinx that'd be crazy because i just checked that place literally just went in there what if i left right after getting the hit that would be really funny too you do that so often for i did it like once and i was like waiting for the hint because it was like i found santa he was just hiding in a coin ring using a coin ring we're just running around the octopus there's like there's a couple of octopi near moon caves which ones man go into moon cave run oh i see piss i see him get back here no we're going to the the checkpoint we're in like the middle of the map right now he's he's going to the odyssey so someone warped there so we can cut him off yep still running towards the odyssey back here spanx back here where is it running away from me obviously now get over here catching someone with moon gravity is so hard can you back yeah vectoring is like overpowered i've been vectoring the [ __ ] out of this that's like the only way to move fast it's kind of like bunny hopping oh i've died so did i katie oh i did two he can't get back up though so he's stuck down there i'm gonna guard the exit crafty he can't leave so i don't want to risk it in case he figures out some weird strat to get up here you literally i don't see how you could make it it's small at you're talking about okay you know you know it is small he's stuck somewhere in the bottom area where did you go oh my god so it was fur here too fur is probably probably here so you guys don't see me or small ants in here and all of you are looking i found i found fur i'll keep an eye on him he's on the final platform on top of the spark pylon small issue i don't actually know how to get up there but i sure as heck see fur i know how to get there is he up there here come here come here and come oh don't do it get small at first no i don't feel like it it's gonna be gonna [ __ ] i'm gonna get him all right you got it i'm gonna get him get him i'm gonna get him hit me get smaller please there's so many of you [ __ ] where are ours everybody [Music] get back here no i can't make it go get him i'm gonna get him i'm gonna get him go get me how am i not eating you what check back there maybe small lines back in that corner oh wait what oh oh i died check behind that pillar baby's back there i already looked there that's where i hid probably on the side i have an idea i'm gonna jump into the keyhole at the very bottom of it i'm gonna be so upset if he's just behind like the very start i got stuck in a hole i think katie's in the hole that i was going to go into i fell right in yeah but he's not in the hole i will be dude everything is yellow and orange is impossible oh my gosh you're right he just blends right into like everything i'm the pee man wait did anyone check like the deep hole with the moon in it i think i just did it yeah like the keyhole oh yeah okay now i need to go there i need to get to the p-hole there's no way to get back up here i feel like i can come down and help but what if smith found the ultimate high jump movement found sweden up just hiding in the corner of the like upper area he just he just jumped into the hall he jumped into the hole he's not getting out smith furrier right there yep right here i know i was trying to sneak up on him wait what isn't he in the hole oh i missed oh dude the death perception is so hard i can't even do that gotta there we go i got samantha yellow snow oh and with this blends right in so does tyrone are you guys ready go hide [Music] oh i got blown off the bridge like some paper all right i've got like no idea where to hide i'm gonna be completely honest i know where to hide i'm going deep oh 20 seconds which one is probably like the least checked i think this is good please i need a good time for what's your timer at uh classified information oh my god classified really yeah it's more exciting if you don't know i'd be worried about what small ants timers are honestly i think crafty had a good time too yeah i'm going crazy we're coming to get you oh oh okay i'm pretty sure katie and amy are in here oh my god at least i can see up there well uh i uh i don't know where to go oh this is actually going to be hard so many different areas to check yeah i'm going in shabaria someone always hides in cheveria running is like not really a possibility here you kind of need a good hiding spot it's not the best but i think it might work possibly [Music] [Music] a little nervous i managed to jump from there to here that's three and a half you can't make that jump i can't make any of the jumps well i have a feeling everybody's in shafari that's ridic no it makes you think that there you go there's no way that is too obvious come on now what are we thinking why would i ever even suggest that i'm sorry i was that's a that's a mistake i might have a bit too obvious bites is here [Music] amethyst is in like the ice snake room no i'm not you're lying liar i am so far away from that i don't think i'm going to be getting there i'm just assuming she left oh no i missed her she left she's in the main area in chavarria these chases are so stupid they're trying to get the best line possible go go go don't go with that pipe don't do it i won't i didn't plan on it come back here i don't want to i don't feel like it that would be oh my god where is your location everywhere and no oh we're in the water going under the bridge i see i see i see yeah trying to form the perfect lines oh my gosh she went back down you know we're just gonna find more people down there i'm gonna go back and see if anyone's hiding anywhere else maybe she doesn't see me she didn't see me [Music] oh i missed fail oh come on come on i'm like on top of you oh my god go go go go go go go go go go go go where you going mars is that you they didn't see me i'm just screwing with them i think mars is in the ice snake room so was katie fight i thought you didn't see me mars you got me caught everyone's in this room you went into the icicle cavern this is the dumbest chase ever [Music] yeah we got you to fall no i died the ice is so slippery is leaving she's going into the main area oh okay yep died i bought like three minutes of time running though holy [ __ ] all right so small ants still left right in tyrone yeah yeah we haven't been he's in chavarria anyone checked it down at the bound bowl area i am right now with katie i'm checking you can't get to the good spot right no no you need a cap jump do you though do you though make sure to make sure to check on top of the crates down there no you can't you can't we can't ground pound [Music] can you even make it up these crates i can't even jump on the first one i mean you could use snapshot to check good [Music] how did you jump up there smith is he on the crates he's on the crates i knew it all right i'm coming down i'm not on the crates i'm gaming oh my god how did you you had to have jumped off of something just game harder it'd be like a run and oh my god that's close where did you jump from frame perfect come on oh spur made it hello small ant he jumped in all right we need tyrone now he's in this room he is he's in that room no in the in the other room around the podium we looked around the podium we didn't see him he must have left he might have left i would never i think he might have left where is he maybe he's still down here okay whoever said lava and poison is safe poison is not safe poison is not safe lava is safe good to know i was about to walk on the poison in the poison room okay and i slid off okay oh i found that room he was in the rango room when smalling out in me i literally just ran out of the pipe all right what's everyone's time at because i think that was the last game yeah i might have a chance here i'm at 250. i'm at 9 30. 7 54. 13 42 5 46 man okay fur what are you at i am at 26 30. 31 39 oh oh my god oh that was pretty close though that's been i went crazy i knew it was gonna be close i just wasn't sure how close [Music]
Channel: Fir
Views: 1,015,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario Odyssey Online Multiplayer, Online Multiplayer, Hide n Seek, smallant, cjya, craftyboss, tag, extreme tag, manhunt, mario odyssey manhunt, 8 player, mario odyssey modding, modding in 2022, everyone is 2D, Mario Odyssey 2D, speedrun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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