I made EVERY Kingdom Harder in Super Mario Odyssey

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today I'm playing through Super Mario Odyssey but I have added a mod that trolls the entire game and makes every Kingdom a lot more difficult thank you to Fifi Inferno for making it there's there's no way I said that right but anyway let's check it out and as always subscribe if you enjoy all right so let's start off in cap Kingdom and oh this doesn't look quite right don't worry the ground isn't actually invisible but it might as well be because right when we start we drop beneath the fog and can't see anything at all just got to walk all the way to the railings hopefully figure out where I am here oh I can kind of see where I am if the camera is in just the right spot although it looks like I ran a little bit too far after that okay but after a few minutes of navigating I found the switch raised up the bridge and went inside Top Hat Tower oh and I don't remember this being the starting point for this area also the top door is just gone now but there are some Cloud platforms over on the right maybe jumping across these will be useful um how does that work okay forget that let's just go through this area backwards and get to the starting door hey much easier way to do this frog lless I guess okay this door actually works so hopefully we spawn up at the top and we can actually get to what it just spawned me out here and now I'm back at the bottom okay I guess we'll just go back through the area and this time I'll be ready to cap jump over that's better now we just have the topper fight to take care of but then there's even more difficulty because there's a bunch of wind gusts blowing you around well I mean I guess they don't directly hurt you but it's pretty annoying when I throw a Cappy and he just gets blown backwards instead of towards the boss this is most certainly not your average brutal fight and unfortunately it seemed the only way to get it done was to back him into a corner well I guess it's a circle Arena so there are no corners but you know what I mean and after landing a good combo on him he was defeated but apparently the true boss of this Arena was the spark Pyon because the wind gusts are still blowing and just trying to capture that was insanely difficult Cappy please just home into it come on oh yes there we go finally and now off to Cascade Kingdom and right off the bat this place looks pretty normal so what exactly is the difficulty here Goombas yeah there's like three of them at the start here and that's pretty much it am I supposed to do something with them or what I'm not really sure but that doesn't look too threatening so I guess I'll just capture the chain chomp and break down that rock where the first moon looks a little bit different for some reason but picking it up shouldn't be any different right what the heck is that the bridge just fell onto the chain jomp now he's stuck trying to get back up to where he was wait never mind I fixed him but I guess now I have to do this jump to make it up here and hopefully we can continue as normal with the level now now let's just uh capture the dinosaur and walk right over here to break these rocks and no no you didn't that is the definition of evil right there whatever I can just make my way around the back of the kingdom and use this rock to jump up okay I guess I can't do that either fine you broke me I'll go into 2D I should probably also grab this moon right here because I don't know what's going to happen later finally I've made it all the way to the top now we can just walk over here and fight my damn brood I mean walk over here and fight Madam brood oh my gosh I can't even play we jump over on this side and fight Madame brood there we go but something seems a little weird about this cutscene that's right there's two of them and also there's hot tomatoes on the ground this makes things a little bit more complicated since they're probably going to be bumping into each other a lot more but honestly just focusing on a one at a time made things a lot better and after just a little bit of time one of them had been defeated which spawned a multimoon inside one of the hills and when I tried to defeat the other one it just glitched out so I guess the only thing I can do is try to grab the multimoon from inside here and it actually worked it was good enough I guess after a lot of weird things this place had finally been cleared moving on to sand Kingdom now this place wasn't too different the exterior desert was exactly the same and the only thing that seemed to change were the sub areas since I couldn't find the ground pound spot for this moon but it's okay I'll provide a little bit of challenge for myself and try to beat the any% route for this as fast as possible I'll even do a nice platform clip to get inside this wall grab the Moon while still inside and jump over to the Sphinx that feels like a good way to beat this place and it kind of felt like a nice break from all the trolls we had just seen but of course that changed in the late Kingdom can you see the difference not only is this area completely flooded but some of the moons don't even work right and also look at this platform it still floats all the way up to the surface which is basically at the ceiling of the Kingdom I don't know why this is so much fun at this point I wasn't sure exactly what moons were going to work so I just went straight to the Rango fight which yes has to be done underwater but the question is will the quick kill still work like this well I thought I would try testing it out and the results were very very good surprisingly so I'll go ahead and take that multimoon but I still need five regular moons maybe the notes Moon over here will work since it's usually underwater anyway well all the notes were collected easily but the moon just seems to disappear I felt like I had lost it forever but then I swam up to the surface and found it on top of this platform apparently it just snaps onto it no matter where it is and then I wanted to see if Lake fishing would work work because we're trying to catch a fish underwater well already underwater I thought that was just SpongeBob logic but apparently it works here too then I just needed three more and I figured out the perfect way to get them since everything here was beneath the surface I could just capture a cheap cheep grab this moon right behind it swim up to the zipper Moon and grab that one and go up even higher to grab the moon in the chest on the painting platform all while never leaving the fish funny how I didn't realize the Strat until just now this makes this Kingdom actually pretty interesting to explore but I'm ready to get out of here so let's head off to wooded and what do we see when we first enter oh wow let's see how interesting that will be you did not what is that you are evil you are an evil human being thankfully there happens to be a nut and a pot right where I fell but that was very demoralizing once I got back out I ran over to try to tag the bunny and whoa there it just gained some infinite jump power up into the trees oh and also the moon rock no longer has a moon in it so that's fun at the very least though I can still buy one from the shop so at this point I should be able to jump up the cliff or maybe not well I refus to give up and talk to the Sphinx so instead I just went all around the outside wall and thankfully that seemed to work then I captured the uproot got the moon at the top of this tree tree and of course I had to do nut clip okay you are actually evil yeah so apparently most of the nuts here just don't have moons in them thankfully the one in the Maze is still there but that's about it at least for the giant panha plants we saw earlier they might look pretty intimidating but it's not that bad if you know what you're doing oh and can you guess what happened after that was collected well not much because the flower Road does not exist but that's why we have this jump allowing us to get all the way over to this platform and breaking open this nut which has no moon go into the tower and capture the uproot to break this nut which has no moon but we can actually get one out of this whole thing because stretching your legs is still there and after all that it was time to fight spew actually scratch that spew time three there's going to be a lot of poison on the ground from this thankfully though spew is one of the easier brutal and that allowed for some amazing combos like this to be possible honestly this almost looks like what a perfect boss fight is the difficulty feels just right and it's super fun to play just make sure you plan accordingly because sometimes you'll defeat one of them the multimoon will spawn over here and you'll be diving into the poison as the camera changes so next time I was much more careful and was able to grab the multimoon from inside the ground for some reason so now we just head back up for the second part oh my gosh it spawns me out here again well as long as I'm down here I might as well grab a couple of moons since there's probably not too many more options above once I grabbed two from down here I went back up and grabbed one from behind the wall this nut was empty once again so I grabbed charging station and then went back up to complete the story so the tank still shot down these targets just fine but once that was finished and I grabbed the story Moon the wall just stayed up for some reason that's not supposed to happen and there is absolutely no other way in okay well I guess technically you could get in if you got infinite height and made it over the invisible wall but that doesn't really seem worth my time instead I'll just go back down and beat flooding pipeway and then I got one more trick up my sleeve remember that bunny from earlier maybe to avoid what happened before I can just drop on them from all the way up here you have got to be kidding me fine I'll do fire in the cave instead wait there's like 10 of them and they all just killed each other and I I got the moon okay that works thanks I guess I am ready to move on after that unfortunately there was a little bit of a break after that because Cloud kingdom does not have any changes just the usual taken down Bowser thing so what happens in lost all right then I don't have Cappy and all the poison is slanted kind of makes the background look a little creep creepy in some parts so what do I do try to get on this stump nope okay I guess I'm supposed to jump through this hole of poison dive over to this tree and make a huge leap all the way over here okay now I can make this jump up to klepto and get cppy back so now the question is how did the imoon collecting go well started out great for the first one but did not go too well for those after that but then you know I was a little curious to see what would happen if I broke this cage that had a multimoon [Music] inside that seems about right in fact the game freezing is kind of a theme in this Kingdom basically anytime I try to do anything it just didn't work so I was able to find a few moons around the area but I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't find enough to leave most of them just aren't available will crash the game if I try to get them or are stuck beneath the poison on this side of the map this one was so close but I just couldn't get it I even got so desperate I tried using the lost kingdom shop who does that but after looking for a long time and finding that some moons had actually moved locations I managed to collect seven of them so where were the last three well you might have seen that multimoon from before that one breaks the game but there's actually three more in here and funnily enough they are shown right on the map it seems that there is one behind the shop one inside of the staircase and one all the way out in the void for some reason these are all one Moon each but those give us just the right amount that we need to power up the Odyssey you know I could kind of use a break from all the trollness and it looks like we kind of got that in Metro there appears to be no change on the outer city portion of the Kingdom but there is still a little bit of change inside newon City Hall yep the magato are rolling around in here as well that definitely made the normal movement in here quite difficult I actually had to use the elevators for a good majority of it and of course the wall jumping up the pole didn't go so great either but that's not the biggest issue because apparently all of that is just under a bunch of lava so I guess we just have to jump through it like this okay so I found a safe spot on this platform but now what I just got to jump to the exit door well I tried using the lava bouncing Strat and just barely made it to the other side so now I can just jump through the door grab the checkpoint and head up to fight Mecha wiggler and yeah since we're outside again everything was completely normal Mecha wigler Was Defeated now we were in day Metro and there was nothing to worry about so just to give myself a little bit more of a break I thought I would just grab the musicians once again and complete the festival once again appears to be no change and honestly that's just the way I like it so how about we just move on to snow what's different in here well well I can't see what's different out here with the blizzard and once we go inside things look pretty normal at first except for the fact that this moon is just right here and moons on the upper area are just gone so I guess I have no other option than to just try out the four rooms well the snowy mountain had this going on interesting design right there and it kind of looks impossible to climb at first but by using a life up heart it's actually not that bad doing some lava bounces and utilizing this Whirlwind we can get right up here grab the behind Snowy Mountain moon on this side and head right up to fight Rango or two of them because why not also the Moon is just sitting out in the open this time at first I thought it wouldn't be right to just grab it immediately but then I realized this fight is really hard yeah fighting Rango on ice is already a lot harder but adding a second one in that's brutal no pun intended so I thought you know what screw this I'll just grab this thing but don't worry don't worry the game did not let me get away with that it froze on me again in fact that seems to happen with all the story moons in this Kingdom although I couldn't exactly test the one in the poison room because this room is just tilted 90° so you just fall all the way down here right when you enter and there's nothing you can do about it but thankfully all of the spinies die right away but that does not really matter if we can't reach the moon I really tried though and I got pretty close doing a triple jump right here I made it up to this ledge then proceeded to up throw twice to capture the blowy Joey but unfortunately once you capture him his orientation goes back to normal and the Moon is unfortunately still too high to reach but I don't think it would have worked anyway so after that I went into the last room which had the Goombas this room also appears to be slanted so when you walk over here it gets a lot darker that may jump in on the switch a little bit of a challenge but I got it done and then after that I didn't even try to grab the story Moon because I did not want to reset my game again so I guess so once again my only choice is to clip into this wall dive all the way down here into the racetrack area capture the sharan and win the race and was very glad to see there was no trolling in that area now all that was left was to finish grabbing moons from outside oh and you want to guess which moon was last come on you already know now it's off to Seaside so the first water level had more water and the second water level has less water in fact so little of it it's just not even there anymore so that begs the question do the gussion still work well in a way yes they do still spawn in and have all their water to shoot the only issue is of course there's nothing around to recharge but if planned out right the gussion can still be used to grab all the story moons the trick to fly up to the stone pillar and then the lighthouse still works then as a I made my way over to the hot springs I had to get a couple of moons in a little bit of a unique way it felt pretty good making this jump to the Dory Moon also at the very least once the hot springs moon is grabbed now there actually is a pool of water to recharge at that could be useful but for the last story moon on the cliff I think I'll skip the gussion for this one I'll just do a few jumps right here to casually scale up this wall and grab the moon at the top and then it's boss fight time it might be a little bit trickier than usual but thankfully even though there is no water the gussian still have just enough juice in them to fly up and get a hit on the octob boy but then of course after you get a hit you kind of have to find a new gushan around the area so hit number two was a little bit harder was not able to get that done until the hot springs and thankfully this is the perfect spot to recharge if I need it since there actually is a pool of water here still so then after that hit three was no problem we got the multimoon and moved on so at first I was a little confused on what the gimmick for luncheon was because I tried running to the right and I died okay I mean we death planes have been everywhere so far but every direction I went it was not working that's when I realized there was a scarecrow right in front of me and it appears that throwing Cappy on this thing actually disables those death planes so now I can actually explore although getting up out of the starting area is pretty hard if you don't have Cappy seems like the only way we can do it is by using utilizing the Odyssey but apparently this death plane is still active great so I guess I got to find another way up I don't know if this is the best way to do it but I tried getting on the lady Goomba platform and tried doing a perfect triple jump off the salt pile this would have been really easy if it wasn't for the way these walls were designed there's kind of a lip on the top of it that makes wall jumping very hard so instead I had to use this wall that was 90° from it and make a perfect dive off of that it took way longer than it probably should have but finally I made it all the way up and could head over to spewart and you know what for once this fight was actually completely normal minus the fact that once again the moon was already active on the platform but based off what happened with Rango I decided to just defeat him anyway so thankfully we could get that Moon without the game crashing with once again death ples all around it so we're still platforming through here without Cappy I was able to get a couple of moons even with this handicap or I guess in this case it's without a handicap but anyway I didn't have a hat so getting over to the cheese rocks was a little bit of a challenge obviously you can't capture the lava bubbles so I had to just jump over this rock and that was another thing that probably should not have taken as long as it did but at least to make up for it once I got over the moon was just out in the open and after that was collected the death planes seemed to turn off for a little bit thankfully because I am going to need Cappy to take control of the meat so the first trip up to the pot had been made but then I had to give up Cappy to make it back there I tried to find some other way to get up to the roofs and thought maybe these lanterns would be the answer unfortunately it didn't work but funnily enough I accidentally ended up lighting both of them so I got a free moon but then of course I had to make this stupid jump again because why not and also in order to get into the cave I had to actually use this 2D section who does that nobody ever goes in here what have I be come but then I think everything was pretty much back to normal nothing was going to kill me inside this cave so I got that story Moon and there was no scarecrow at the back of the Kingdom so I quickly jumped my way all the way to the top before I could be trolled again and then I actually was able to capture a lava bubble and then launched right on up to take down CA at this point I was so tired I just wanted to be done and this was the home stretch the things also became a little easier once I saw that ruin was not changed at all which makes sense the smaller kingdoms don't really need anything extra so I guess on to Bowser's Kingdom and I got trolled almost immediately yep you saw that right the platforms disappear and then reappear a few seconds later it also doesn't seem too consistent either the timing feels kind of random so that's why it lowers a little bit that's your warning to jump originally it seemed like that was going to be really hard but I actually got a feel for it after a few attempts and actually used it to grab this moon in a pretty cool way this then it was just a matter of staying in the air with the Poyo flying over to Island 3 and taking down the ogre and somewhat surprisingly after that story Moon that was pretty much it for the gimmick I was fully expecting the platforms to drop while I was getting the shards but that never happened it was almost too peaceful but I shouldn't have let my guard down because the shop Island actually did still disappear but miraculously I made it out of there completely unscathed and then that was pretty much it topper and Harriet didn't have anything weird going on this island didn't disappear at any point unfortunately but also understandable because this one is pretty big so I just went right up and defeated Mecha brutal with no issue you know that Kingdom really was not that bad but after everything I had been through up to this point it seemed like a lot but there was just one Kingdom to go now it was time to defeat Bowser but it might not be as simple as it usually is because check this out we have disappearing platforms here as well oh yeah and also there's no moon gravity well that makes getting through all this a little harder and of course once we do Moon cave skip just is not happening well I guess we're going in thank goodness there were no trolls down here but the thing is I do not play through the moon cave that often as you might expect so I'm not completely used to all the movement in here that became very clear once I somehow missed this platform and died but I told myself that would be the end of my suffering this time I paid a really good attention to where I had to go then I charged through all the Rocks got up to mamn brood which did not have a second one to fight this time and that was it for this place and once I made my way into the wedding hall and fought Bowser I realized that this was it for the mod but you know what I am totally cool with that I will gladly defeat Bowser in the normal way here capture him in the moon's core and make my way through everything in here with no surprises to kill me finally everyone had been saved this one took a lot longer to beat than I thought it would and I think it frustrated me more than any mod I've ever played and I mean that as a compliment because that is exactly what it was supposed to do to troll the player and make them hate you but don't worry I still forgive you and I think that's about all I can take for right now so I really hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching and I will see you next time take care everyone
Channel: O3
Views: 24,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, nintendo switch, video game, fir smo, super mario odyssey gameplay, super mario odyssey 2, super mario odyssey ost, super mario odyssey hide and seek, super mario odyssey walkthrough, super mario movie, super mario bros movie, mario odyssey walkthrough, new mario game, smallant, cjya, challenge, super mario odyssey mods, challenge run, fir, nintendo switch 2, speedrun, minimum captures, smo min caps, arrowstotle, kingdom, harder, troll
Id: hg_jzN-xVcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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