Mario Kart [Part Two] - CallMeKevin Stream (ft The Irish Lads)

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with the two of cowboys ted they're a bunch of cowbites i love how i'm like [ __ ] all like they're locked down and that like me sideways was another one one of the memes i keep seeing like in the rounds because we're all on the lockdowns like they're taking the roads in ted it's great i forgot about that one that's perfect yeah shout out to the irish subreddit bunch of legends there everybody watching go watch father ted yeah you gotta watch what else are you gonna do it's like half our culture is just father ted references yeah you'll understand these streams a whole lot more i've still not seen many of them i've seen a handful and that's about it i think you kind of get them secondhand growing up yeah you kind of get bits and pieces got old cheese land are we in the netherlands are we oh this map just said do you want to be in front of me okay oh no i'm deadlocked i didn't even give me time to answer yeah that's that yeah i really like the start of the race because it feels like i'm really part of the race part of the whole thing yeah no no i'm bouncing off the cheese [ __ ] bree i hit myself no [ __ ] you [ __ ] jump jump [ __ ] more drug references it is part of my dialogue i guess i would have said something like oh i hate the smelly cheese oh guys i got a blue shell tell me when to use it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not now you're giving me mixed messages okay wait relax all right okay okay i'm using it relax or i'll never use it okay here we go one we got about two three here it comes get ready [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] i like that guys you like my mushrooms oh my god this session is stressing me oh my god oh no oh my god oh lads i got another blue shell there will i use the blue shell just don't do it just don't hit the shot of your life oh my god damn it i'm not able to turn okay here comes the blue shell no my hero mine too i don't know who did that but i came second because of it and i was being a [ __ ] agent so thanks you're welcome [Music] god good man turg the real winner thank you all there we go there's no chance of me winning my nose is blocking my eyesight [Laughter] wait kevin what's the name give us the etymology of turk turn smart turn good that's about it mike robin kevin kevin i've just been informed you've tagged the wrong rt on twitter it's some child called ryan taylor and he looks like he's 11. well sorry dan you gotta go we gotta get okay whose levels are going to pick [ __ ] it oh geez i wonder which one it's gonna be we're all happy about it come on america come on america come on divorce referendum [Music] oh at me paris on this level oh sorry i'm sorry kevin and then what about it i don't think you are sorry i want ryan in here get out ryan would never do that he wouldn't how are you turning i'm not bad actually ah thanks for the bananas little swine with the lord we got coins come on shigeru give me something besides currency turk let us know if you get a blue shell no will do do you want to say when it goes next time oh jesus so much to dodge and avoid in this oh oh turgy i can't play all right thank you for the warning oh god all right i just had enough get him real quick [Music] i was in first place i'm dodging and weaving you oh guys blue shield doubles down stop being a little drifty sweat kick blue shell on the way it's gone it's a already time see you later boys am i the target on the tongue then shot at turkey this win is for you thanks daniel thank you oh yes [Music] he was the drift king once [Laughter] that's a perfect level for you daniel which one there we go we'll get this one in thanks for the subs guys appreciate it i'm just seeing them come through i'll try and acknowledge them uh towards the end when i can actually talk to you guys i don't want to talk over everyone i like it we're just like quiet now it's like we need a moment you just need a moment to reflect talk to the chat playing turquoise strategy how much i hate know the high real circuit i'm not the chinese one no there we go yes hyrule hyrule hyrule we're playing the zelda level yes all right you holding it did you hold it did you hold it i held it lads how many times do we have to tell you how to do it at least once more because it's not gone through yet [Music] it doesn't matter don't worry about it it's youtube i don't think it'll ever be relevant to me but how do you throw things backwards just so i know you hold your whole team [Applause] okay lads i'm not doing very well are you behind charlie here some trash talking turds out here perk has feelings like this you're thinking of something racist do you think of something else no you can't every time i say some words you can't say oh do you know what he was really going to say nobody's really going to say patty got his stroke master sword i know it's a shortcut wow you two just went dragon ball z oh for [ __ ] sake oh i'm in fifth turg just passed me by and laughs how embarrassing just went into a wall uh-oh just went into a wall oh i think i'm nearly last with turk i can't get around that corner at all at all it's a hard one to learn in the beginning just just please please just i'm expecting one soon you're returned we're all rooting for turret politely hey daniel look at the rear view mirror i'm coming oh you [ __ ] perfect time oh no oh my god i just bombed myself oh my god how am i managing this oh [ __ ] i used my boots oh damn you daniel [Music] yeah yeah third place got to the line because i saw you i hit you with those flames early on and i had you in my life honestly that ruined thanks for cheering for turtle guys very much thanks for reminding me thank you you guys are cheering on turg and he really needs it right now is this your first time playing mario kart i played it once before but uh not for long i just just appreciate the silence for a brief minute turk turk turk turkey does not understand wheel how supposed to drive it's a cave man people are [ __ ] cheering for turric in my chat now everyone loves an oh underdog hold it please oh [ __ ] yeah wait someone stopped okay someone didn't start great this is my chance hold on hold on hold on i'm back it's all right he'll catch up in no time that's how mario kart works unfortunately oh i shouldn't have gone for that outside in fact i'm probably going to pass you out in three two wait that's a long countdown not hurt what the [ __ ] father jackie [ __ ] saliva in that one all right yes no oh no i'm fish i'm not doing too good i see what you're doing do you see this do you give me the right job this is so fun i love canes don't you don't you dare give my boomerang how's it going kevin not too bad that's [Music] okay all right you left me no choice oh come on come on he did he did say it slow down oh you were yelling at you oh i didn't know jack's just like dude there's a fire going on outside with the headset's on get out of the house how did they end up in last suddenly how did touring pass me turk has star power hit that win get that bread turd ah for fixing come on oh come on pretty good oh no we're gonna have to buy everything at the second half of that lap punch um i'm not gonna say it i got you dude it was something racist no what do you think i am brian i don't know where this whole thing is about me being a racist you are though you are though don't listen to him you should have seen what he said in 2012 voices quick go back find his tweet guys thanks for all the support i'm seeing a lot of support for uh for turk here meowkarin thanks for the bits as well and thanks for all the subs and just chilling out with me this quarantine's rough alone we need to all turret together and turn this out someone rips up my myspace my chat is just the word turk over and over again it's nothing else [Laughter] why did i go first i just get a coin look at me because you're a hero that's right music yes oh okay for you and third yeah you're excited after i said i did it before he does that jack pump the brakes pump the brakes it was like a really brief second but i saw it first dude did you you boss oh my god yeah just just like the greatest moment of pleasure in your life this is a hard [ __ ] level i don't like it oh that's neat okay he doesn't like you either when you're right there no no no there you are no one has fun [Music] [Music] [Laughter] i [ __ ] hate mario kart it's a [ __ ] game welcome you've realized that after an hour oh guys blue shell time who's up front i'm secretly your father turn don't use it wait you created me i'm gonna kill you how dare you now you've done it i don't think i've ever been squashed by one of those music notes wow how how how's it going die that's fine brian you hit me with a red shell i know but it doesn't mean i'm not i'll be upset about this turn yeah pump the brakes come on leave him be happy for once oh my i'm in fifth place this is bad oh god i hate this little one kirk how's it going it's going pretty good did you just follow up with me no i'm good well i'm not good but i'm okay that's what i'm trying to say oh bro bro blue shell coming in coming in hat oh he had a star he's got fire power that's no fun [Music] you had it for a minute i yeah no it wasn't a minute it was a solid second i saw first flash up and then i drove straight off the edge i like the water park it's nice all right we're going to the water park then i love the cake level though it's pretty sweet oh you did it do you see what i did all right you can stay we won't replace you at risk you can stay right here i'll change my mind so who is this ryan is here somebody said at least kevin was worse [Laughter] i'm setting a really low bear for you guys you're welcome no matter what happens at least kevin was worse jesus can you change your car mid-race you can't kenny it's just the start of the tournament i hope okay well you might be able to there's a button at the bottom to change ah there we go wait wait this is the probability of that i thought this was a democracy i'm paced okay rt stands for really terrible i've heard that one before go get some more like original insults okay [ __ ] brian's a racist i'm in third we're always history well he is no but you don't understand he is brian my pr team are ringing me right now and they're panicking this is a bad image it's my mom i got a bomb am i swimming in caramel or what is this wait no don't hit turn okay who's in first place no oh my god i got hit by two red shells though that's i think mainly me oh god i got the [ __ ] shortcut and still messed up oh yeah faster just don't give me a point it's me dan it's me it's terrific oh sad please don't talk to me my reputation is drift king is getting lost like my self-esteem is pretty low right now i just can't bring myself to tolerate you shrink the next day who shouldn't hide you're sad shite all of a sudden oh oh come on oh i scuffed it i you hit me instead of die hit him it in that's the stuff uh there we go who's the master you love to see it guys i'm gonna use my blue shell soon no don't yeah do it do it do it brian's way out okay i'm using it it's a democracy [Laughter] it's a [ __ ] democracy oh wait i'm not in first use it uses it sorry it's already oh wait you're a sumptuous little [ __ ] that's right yes houston on the swipe now he's in first you're happy now drip [ __ ] come here come here come here [ __ ] another one for the drip [ __ ] oh yeah no yes yes yes did i hit you right at the end [Music] [Laughter] oh man uh you're using it too much if you use it too much it's going to break what does it tell you a catholic school i appreciated that my horn has ran out of juice chat viewer at the time five pounds was enough to satisfy me go by and your mess uh lunch quarter don't do it it's for charity vibra this is charity stream i hope you enjoyed the rest of your stream as much as i thank you dude thank you oh my god none of us with the five thank you very much chat we are now up to one thousand and forty three dollars chat revenue is two hundred and eighty four thank you very much guys thank you very much just for folks very kind very kind yeah just some folks knowing the streams like this like a charity stream as well on his youtube channel uh if you all want to hop over there later and just always brian drop a few cheeky bob brian's doing it too [Music] ryan it sounds like you got some weird little head on you it just sounds normal to leave me alone all right you always sound that freaking far away yeah i'm used to it you all sound that way when i'm playing this game [Laughter] back to this game at proximity chat our voices are tied you should all wait at the starting you should all wait at the starting block and give me like a 10 seconds too far okay we'll do that next race yeah that would be really nice no i'm not going to hit you i'm not going to hit you i just saw oh get him oh did you see that side swipe i saw what you were trying to do all right tinder boy all right all right you see that swipe i have a [ __ ] pro i'm a [ __ ] legend so i am oh you've got a nibble on your ass oh come on editor just an absolute barrage of him smacking me put in all those clips that him calling me your asus me calling you racist who who's calling me i was calling you racist but i wasn't i was just you caught i love the never ending [Laughter] that's just how my car sounds that's how i got my name just turning along you're way too far ahead i don't like it i'm not i'm not parks are going to catch you can't see the truth what have you done to take him away from me i just ruined your race sorry yeah i'm i'm pretty proud of god now that bomb got me good okay [Laughter] oh i was invisible the [ __ ] irishman came out of nowhere which one of us this game's rigged it's quite a few irishmen yeah you got to be yeah you got to be more specific ah they're all they're all the worst hey except her is such a traditional irish name i motivate myself by chanting tori it reminds you that someone is doing worse jesus overcoming all odds look turg is just practicing social distancing you all need to take a page out of derek's book hey we got the driftway [ __ ] it anyway let's give it a go i'm actually really enjoying this like even though i'm not contributing at all i think it's really fun like not even that is a fantastic idea that will do so well you probably know i did should it just be turbo should it be mario kart butter what should it be with your branding okay yes thumbnail it's a close-up of like your me or something yeah yeah yeah just have targ and then the second episode is called episode two turk2 rain we were born that together too furious episode three just make it like a youtube original series every episode is a turg video blue shell two turk two furious coming in oh my god this is the end for me the fate of the turd turk nine i can just steal all their titles turgan shaw they just donated twenty thousand dollars just to specifically [ __ ] you over so i'm sorry i'm sorry i did it for charity it wasn't malicious it was twenty grand someone just died twenty grand but no one no no they they got the twenty thousand that was the deal to get the twenty thousand four yards oh okay i'll accept that because that's true that's amazing so i i had to do it i can't help fair play i would have done the same right oh don't please no one donate 20 grand to him there's some there's some guy in like abu dhabi who's like say no more will i use blue shell now no blue shell now no okay blue shell now oh did i [Laughter] [ __ ] [ __ ] i just saved first place [Music] he's such a nice man what a nice guy what a nice guy i think we should start a petition get turg into super smash bros next oh my god imagine are we better than the [ __ ] arms character that's coming up introducing [Laughter] his super smash is his nose my chat is just lord turd dark dark dark dark you know what i'm changing the title of my stream to turtle [Music] oh jesus christ burger i can't even look at them like it zooms in one of those that's your next toy that's your next um model thing whatever they're called youtube making youtube's a turg you're missing out the [ __ ] out of that yeah wait this thing in the world heard's the better one no boxer or anything it just says the cardboard box made of sticks of manure oh the iconic character how what what away at me what is this track okay should i drift on this one in the corner yes yes your that's a perfect like little sound bite this is actually really good i can practice drifting and i'm i kind of get it now yeah no it took like an hour and a half even give baby park [ __ ] but i like it i i hate it you're the drift king give me your level it's awful [Music] nascar it's the nascar uh will i use blue shell yes blue shell common thank you for having the decency manners the standard is so low in my chat they're like turk finished because they actually reached the finish line standard is so low we're going to see like the burst like the burst and simultaneous death of oh my god your chair is imagine he gets one of the purple boots when he's drifting the chat's gonna go crazy when he finally does that i don't even know what that means turk's just happy to be here yes exactly we should all be a bit more like turing to be honest agreed in these trying times a role model we can look them yes social distancing is easy when no one likes you you don't even need to try it oh god i just hit a wall and then some of you yeah this track is amazing by the way especially for an irish stream i like it i love it i don't know why i don't know why mana has windmills but it does it's very windy up there windy for mana oh sorry chicago's the windy city ramana is the windy village the windy hall the windy horse music's delightful yeah this is just over a great experience you know what makes you feel good oh that was bad are you talking about yourself oh my god oh we are all quite close together except for the coolest one say it [Laughter] yes [ __ ] bananas off kill them [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i know oh you little [ __ ] well your your thing will run out now how about now don't worry i did it hey there was no need for that brian rests on daddy's head i'm an [ __ ] why did i do that poor little turg man i feel like i just like beat a ten-year-old at a sports and just rubbed it in his face i just read shel turg on the finish line what an [ __ ] oh god what does it smell like uh very smelly i've been wearing a while ago oh [ __ ] off god almighty i came first though thanks chad thanks for all the support guys this is really fun even though i know i'm doing terrible i apologize i'm really bad i'm trying to get used to it but at the same time i'm just enjoying myself this is really fun um but thanks for all the support um just watching along and the subs and everything really appreciate it it's just me huh that that's not good jack are you sure why don't i keep [ __ ] stuff oh i get it i thought you were glitched out dude no i sorry here's the green shell oh hit that guy instead i did it one hit me [Music] i don't know how it came off that corner so badly but it did goomba oh careful with that bomb there your bastard throw the bomb that was close i don't know where any of the course is it's in front here it's something oh that was close how can i say it daniel we've got firepower yeah we both them at the same time get the [ __ ] can you get a blue shirt turd will do his best turd try all right let's see kind of ruined what i needed to do there i was trying to red-shell him you want to slow down right no you don't want to slow down i got to keep going you made your choice the drifting doesn't stop oh no i'm trying to get what's happening brian i i had a green shirt and i couldn't whip it out in time story of my life use your words possible possible pass them over pass them over get first jack you're the best you're the best jesus i'm the greatest mario kart player come on jack your number one jack jack [Applause] chuck [Music] [Laughter] there's just pigeons everywhere babies thanks for the turds in the chat boys appreciate it i'm sad i'm sad come on the lads come on for a manner two in a row that feels good after i lost that race someone the chat was just quit twitching youtube man [Laughter] like that's it you're done you're you're the drift duke now you can't have the tail of king the drift prince you're just a jester now oh i like that you are oh oh big one i don't know why i don't know why i picked this one it looked nice this was awful i can't win any more races even if i come last i get one point and i'll be obsessed [ __ ] goomba hit me at the end and no flew over my hand pissed i'm not completely racist of you to say but i shot him you're going to be my pr team hate you now awfully racist so you can't collaborate with uh jacksepticeye no no i'm too racist oh jacksepticeye yes perfect to accept akai probably not i love the music on this one i always come back wow really really oh no i saw the banana and i just decided to eat it anyway oh god oh jesus christ the bananas are useless go [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was brilliant do you ever see that oh i haven't seen that oh yeah i have to see that oh it's amazing he does work experience in the aquadome wherever it is limerick or whatever it is oh god wait brian let me pass you let me pass you you really up to be next to me there you go there you go i did a [ __ ] thing what was the point of that you just wanted to pass me oh [ __ ] that did not when you you'd have the the talent to get by again wow what a nice guy very eloquently why did i just say why did i listen to him blue shell coming in yes no talk i didn't ask this time because it's it creates a rift in the group wait a second [Music] whose booming was that target i hate this man you ate what turk yes do not say that some things you can't take back sorry chad i couldn't come first again the nerves were too much i missed target if only he was still here sometimes i can still hear his voice park guys i deserve like a 10 i was going to say 10 minutes yeah that's more accurate [Music] yeah i'm starving yeah two more uh let me keep going on animal crossing yeah i'm going on animal crossing after but let's last two races i'll send people over i have to do turnip stonks man i still don't understand the stocks i'm so dumb [Music] if you get like a high sell rate from tommy or timmy let me know so i can visit yeah two strawberries for five euros [Music] well i'm in fifth place this is new low yeah you can't get any lower though [Laughter] no no i don't know i won't conscience won't let you no i feel like an [ __ ] for hitting you with a red shield [Laughter] ah i've had a great time playing america richie by the way just one second yeah this is the one you would when you have the crown on your head but yeah i'm having a great time brian's just salty ryan doesn't have emotions i hate you i hate you salt is his only emotion this whole stream i hate you that's right you just took the baton from me as he should have we need more voices i'm just here for content oh yep well get up you win you win dude oh no i got hit by one too oh that means i win the grassy [Music] if you want to do that jack you can go [Music] how do you do it you go it's in the main menu [Laughter] my favorite level i'm [Laughter] yes i've just muted there again um i think this is our last race i think people are dipping out but i might keep streaming something else so if you guys want to see something else let me let me know what you want to see [ __ ] you dirty bastards oh no i missed the boost i'm too busy making race your [ __ ] house down mario i'll break your knees i'll break peach's knees i'll [ __ ] do it sleeping on my open [ __ ] i never knew there was a double item down here this is my favorite shortcut i've never used it come on it's not very short it's not very short it's just it's just showing shortcuts in this level it's falling style no don't take it oh geez oh daniel oh that's the old one [Music] the pipes the pipes are caught i'm gonna get hit i'm gonna get him yes you are but you've got a mushroom you're back in it come on lads come on team players well what what's the goal here stop writing why you know what's happening what did you do how are you doing back there you're kind of quiet i'm not that far behind so i'm just before i'm just enjoying it i don't believe you what i know i'm right behind look behind dahi can you see me see i see you i'll break all these bananas for you turkey if you could just break in general that would be good no no no no no no trying coins i've got bloody boxes no mr items get rachel's useless ballok [ __ ] you asked nicely well didn't your mother raise you better than that doesn't take a lot to [ __ ] me [Music] throw the mushrooms down throw him down throw him down yeah bullet or something bollocks you're not going to get it are you no you're letting me jump i tried i'm sorry i did with that oh that was a rough crash at the end i can't just turn points on 34. they're all like triple digits not a single win i think i came to know how to end it boys you know how to end it you ended on rainbow road everybody knows you landed on rainbow road one last one for the buys one of those [Music] fantastic donation message there by the way you have reached top speed this is the top speed car sound brian you don't want to run yes we're going to go on turds if it was going to be brain i was just going to leave the stream immediately that's it i'm done remove the switch from the dock so he has 34 points so we've done 34 races oh wow no wait no i came second once and fourth like twice once was a pity one but still okay oh this one's way too confusing what the f what you just show us where he touched them right on the dick i said sauce i didn't need to hear that i didn't want to see it i'd like to see dorothy's dick turg is like an action man he's got nothing going on down there his penis is also called turtle [Music] you're gonna throw that rachel or not brian thinking about it oh this track is very difficult that was a good throw that was a good thing i was actually looking behind me for that one too at my screen is so good at this you know do you agree with me oh go on i'm not gonna yes i did this track is so difficult how convenient wait what [Music] it's my oh my god just i got a bad angle there don't go off the map perg [Music] don't do it have mercy on me what are you doing to the lads i'm sorry turk doesn't understand the gravity of the situation or anything oh you're so far ahead there's not a hope of catching give me a bullet bill or something come on come on okay i got i gotta get the cheeky jump this time he's throwing him can vomit damn it dude jesus christ give me a [ __ ] bullet okay all right christ almighty i'm just gonna know this trap yes i can time this no no it's not gonna help is it i got it wrong [ __ ] that corner like a hero yes yes you're my [ __ ] did that red shell help oh no i got it i got a blue ray at the end no [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that track is brutal whoa taking those corners to [ __ ] counseling can we get a terrorizer [ __ ] in chat please remember it again the main one the main one the main one guys come on come on playing last one last one come on encore [ __ ] [ __ ] the silence you [ __ ] [ __ ] god you [ __ ] suck you really do brian jesus christ alvin i'm not talking to you leave me alone all right all the other races don't matter whoever wins this when yes yes here's my chance boys shoots off into first he's been beating us this whole time come on it's just one straight track it's not straight it's very busy this looks [ __ ] horrible you're looking forward wait who's oh my god this is how it feels i'm so bad i got too excited about turkeys at first turkey legit turns time turn turkey third time actually so far ahead he actually is gonna turn come on let's go turn let's go dude [ __ ] either he's just genuinely better than us right now no he got me 100 accuracy hey who's throwing stuff at me i'm sorry i'll slow down for you no how did i last all of a sudden wait i'm getting my second wind we all believe in you if you're in second i'll let you win turk no bro you just have to get second let me win listen you don't have a chance against turkey who's actually passing us all out a lot come on i did it boys oh no no i've ruined it all it's all over just like that for no reason so much hope oh my god my chats are praying for turkey [Music] [Music] that's the plan he needs 30 seconds a 30-minute head start and then they know you're crying maybe no i charges a nice a 10 second head start and then i might get five no all right so no one moves nobody move is that the agreement okay all right ten seconds all right why mississippi no tara go time you said nobody move no you gotta stop your sweaty shots yeah move a little bit wait guys six reset i crashed i got kicked i told you keep moving [ __ ] you communicationer sean if you take the win alone we still have your butt racing we'll keep we'll keep the perspective going okay we gotta stop jack spot from winning oh no why don't you throw that red shell i saw the red shelter i'm going for turk oh my god i have the greatest jacksepticeye watching my stream come on affect me that's okay if i if i get first i'd slow down at the very last uh corner for your turn you guys aren't being very cash money right now no no i'm giving the win to him i'll just wait till the last corner there's a couple other sweaty bastards here you can't play me kevin no no no you are a girl you got to be better [Music] [Music] for target right yeah we'll do a guide of honor guard of honor for target [Laughter] please tell me i get him off the map no no alex because you've got [Music] [Music] there he is i remember in the year 2020 i watched a caveman a mario kart race that was beautiful fair were you on the front lines jesus christ oh done
Channel: LoneStar
Views: 21,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: callmekevin, call me kevin, twitch, live stream, the irish lads, mario kart, turg
Id: looeyxEGcRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 23 2020
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