Marine Rifleman and Double Amputee's Strange Visit with President Biden

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my mom said that she was like I don't give a [ __ ] say I don't care what you guys do she's like you better take care of him for the rest of his life he leans over me and he's like this close to my face and he's like what do you want what do you want yeah I said what do you want I said what I've always said you know my mom is my hero and uh it's true at one point I I flatlined and uh I did a few times but they brought my mom in and had her say goodbye to me because they're like he's not gonna make it like he's he's probably not going to make it and um I mean I couldn't imagine being my mom's shoes my mom you know she was like I'm just you know I'm so sorry this happened to you and my buddies also have said that to me too and they don't feel they don't feel sorry for me you know I told him like you feel sorry for me I want to kick your [ __ ] ass like I don't feel sorry for myself and uh your mom sounds like a very special woman yeah she she is a fierce woman and I from childhood to now yeah I mean I've always said you know my mom is my hero and uh it's [ __ ] true um I wouldn't be the man I am today without her and the way that she raised me and I mean seeing her go through the struggles that you know we did as a family um and how she lost everything and built it back up even better it always proved to me I was like mom [ __ ] got through it so can I and I always every time I had a heart moment in my life I'm like my mom went through all this [ __ ] to give me a good life like I'm gonna be successful I will be successful and uh I'm very thankful to her for that um yeah she came and said goodbye um and then the regimental Commander um it was he was great my mom my mom was there uh Colonel Graham and they were like what do you need like to my mom and she was like you get his best friend here right now if you want him to live get his [ __ ] best friend out here and so they [ __ ] cut Ritter orders um I got flown to Andrews Air Force Base and he was flying they flew him out to Walter Reed um to DC and so he met us at Walter Reed but some I don't remember this but another Marine was saying uh and the Wounded Warrior Battalion like the liaison who's there for my mom was saying that uh they were trying to lifelike me to Walter Reed and I like woke up and I don't know if this is true or not but this is what he said uh um that they were trying to lifelike me to Walter Reed and there and I like woke up and they were talking to me uh or they were talking over me about like flying me and talking about putting other Marines on the bus and he said that I was like I want to ride on the bus with these guys and like turn turn down the [ __ ] flight I was like no I want to [ __ ] ride on the bus with the Marines going to Walter Reed and uh so they put us on the [ __ ] bus with them and and drove us drove us to Walter Reed and then uh which I feel like would only make sense because I don't know why else I would not be life-flighted over with how critical I was um so now I'm a Walter Reed it's like four or five days post post blast and uh it's like August 31st or something like that or yeah and they like wake me up they pull me off of out of intubation pull the sedation off me and um I woke up and um you know my mom's there my buddy Ritter he's there and my mom's like hey sweetheart how you doing my mom she knows me really well like she she took photos and videos the whole time from the time she got to Germany to me she took photos and videos of all this [ __ ] and through [ __ ] tears and one of the first things I said when I woke up was like did you [ __ ] take pictures of this or what and she was like like yeah I took [ __ ] pictures [ __ ] like she knew I would want pictures and videos of like my surgeries and stuff and and uh I mean that's that's a testament to her [ __ ] strength as well but um before I jump into this she on the way back to to Andrews Air Force Base from Germany they actually had put her on a plane with all of the refugees so a few of us who were injured and like a hundred and something refugees were on this plane my mom was saying obviously she grew up you know 20s in her 20s uh when 9 11 happened and I was like three or four years old and I remember seeing it on TV but she talked about you know having a lot of biases a lot of Americans did after that for middle easterners and her first thought when she realized that all these refugees are on the plane she thought oh [ __ ] is this plane gonna blow up like this just happened like I was just playing in a [ __ ] blow up and then she looked over at some point during the flight and saw this Afghan woman standing and holding like these three onto these three medical beds and it was three of her kids and uh who had been one of them had been like in the operating room with me and she like went over to her and like tried to converse with her and she like pointed like are these your kids pretty much and and like the lady nodded and then my mom like pointed over to me and was like this is my son and they just like held hands and cried and uh she just like let her know that she was there for her and not alone so I was pretty cool to hear um and she told me she's like you know being on that plane and seeing what happened and seeing all those refugees he was like people don't get to see this [ __ ] that was the first time that I realized this is this is why this happened this is what my my son and all these men and women serving are out there doing they're rescuing all of these families all these thousands and thousands of families this is this is why this happened um like well this is why this is what they were out there doing this is what they were there for and uh it's pretty cool to hear talk about that um yeah so I'm at Walter Reed and one of the first things I say when I wake up like first words out of my mouth I was like coming to and just really [ __ ] high obviously I'm like [ __ ] me she's like what I'm like [ __ ] me and she was like what's wrong sweetheart like other than the obvious and I was like right away I was like those [ __ ] blew off my [ __ ] leg like said that right away and she's like well no like they didn't blow off your legs I just knew like I remembered like almost immediately when I woke up like I already remembered uh most of what happened um and she said I talked for nine hours straight just like about everything that happened like the [ __ ] the gunfight the [ __ ] bombing the [ __ ] interpreter going down to the gate everything leading up to it and uh you know that I was awake for like two days um and on like on Earth yeah they started bringing in uh generals and like all these [ __ ] people to do [ __ ] photo ops and [ __ ] and you know like come meet me and stuff and I'm I don't know any better I'm really [ __ ] up and really high and a few people came in a few generals I don't even remember who honestly um and then they're like you know do you do you want to see the president of the United you want to see the president I was like it's like what it's like the president like yeah yeah the president I was like the president United States like yeah the president United States like it's like the president wants to see me like yeah he wants to come see you and like thank you and meet you and I was just like what the [ __ ] and I was like my buddy my buddy Ritter he's a he's a black Republican and uh I'm like yeah I want to [ __ ] meet the president who's gonna meet the [ __ ] president and he's like looking at me like what the [ __ ] and uh kind of makes sense a little later but uh I was like okay and so I told him I was like hold all of my whole hold all of my uh opioids like hold all of my narcotics and stuff like I want to be coherent when I when I meet him and they're like no we can't do that I'm like you're gonna hold all of my [ __ ] drugs other than my antibiotics like I want to be coherent when I meet him she's like okay and Mom's like [ __ ] listen to him and uh they held all my my pain meds they're like he's you know when when is he going to be here like he's going to be here in about an hour well one hour goes by nothing two hours goes by nothing and I'm still I keep coming in like do you want you know it's time for your meds you want your meds I'm like nope hold them hold them hold them and uh like three hours goes by it's like four hours at this point and my mom's Furious like she's like what the [ __ ] like where's this guy and um you know I'm uh she finally she like kind of sits up when I see her again get a little anxious and she's like okay like like the Secret Service are coming into the floor um he's probably gonna be here in a few minutes and then this uh average white dude with brown hair uh comes in the room like presidential seal on a shirt and a black mask on with a presidential seal and I'm just like looking at this dude and he like passed down my mom passed down my buddy am I looking at this guy and I'm like looking at my mom my buddy and this dude's just like standing in the corner of the room what's going on and he's like over there and I'm like mom and she's like sitting to my right like Mom mom she's like what what she's nervous you know and I'm like is that the president and like everyone in the room starts laughing and uh the secret service agent starts laughing and he like pulls on his mask and he's like no he's like but I work for him and I was just like what the what I was like this isn't the president it's like you mean he worked for him and uh I was like oh my God who's the [ __ ] president and just so much had happened just had so much trauma on me I had no idea who the president was I didn't think it was Trump I didn't think it was Biden I just my brain couldn't make the connection I couldn't I had no idea who the president was and I'm like holy [ __ ] like this dude's gonna be here in here any minute I have no idea who the president is and uh I look over my mom like Mom Mom she's like what like what what's up sweetheart and I'm like who's the [ __ ] president and she's like laughing and she's like what I'm like who is the [ __ ] president and she said are you serious I'm like I have no idea who the president is and she's like it's like sweetheart it's like it's Joe Biden and uh this is just me talking about what happened but I just leaned back and I was like oh my oh my God and uh this I was like oh my [ __ ] god that's what I said and the secret service dude just like beat red and like trying not to laugh and uh I was like [ __ ] this dude like two minutes later he walks in with him and Jill Biden and their little Entourage of people and like photographer and uh right away like remember him coming up to me um trying to shake my hand like much try to shake my right hand and I look at him and I'm like I don't have an arm and my left arm is in this big ass cast with this giant orange [ __ ] phone block around it I completely immobile all I can do is move my head my arm's gone like I don't have an arm and he says oh and that kind of stands up and then like goes over to reach for my fingers because about an inch of my fingers are showing and just like grabs my fingers doesn't say doesn't greet me or anything just that's what happened just grab my fingers and uh I was like okay that's weird and you know almost immediately starts talking like about how their son served in the military doesn't say anything about what happened she starts talking about how their son served in the military and uh my mom is just like she's furious at this point and they're like taking pictures and stuff and uh she goes she's like my mom said that she was like I don't give a [ __ ] say I don't care what you guys [ __ ] do she's like you better take care of him for the rest of his [ __ ] life and uh like she said that and um I'm sitting there and he comes over to me and he leans over me and I have a picture of this to prove it I'll show you this picture that I have um it's a pretty funny picture uh he leans over me and he's like this close to my face and he's like what do you want what do you want yeah I said what do you want I said what he said what what do you want I'm just like confused and I just got blown up just [ __ ] saw my friends die next to me like I just want to be myself and he's like huh and my mom's Furious and she's like he said he just wants to be himself he just wants to be him he said he just wants to be me and he goes oh okay and they just continue to talk about everything but what just happened and then um they just ushered him out of the room he didn't know what to say they ushered him out of the room and that was that hey everybody I'm Sean Ryan click here to subscribe to the Sean Ryan Show YouTube channel for the hottest and most compelling interviews that you will not see anywhere else I've also made a playlist of all the previous SRS episodes so they're easy to find you can find that right here
Channel: Shawn Ryan Clips
Views: 1,098,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vigilance elite, shawn ryan, shawn ryan show, the shawn ryan show, shawn ryan podcast, vigilance elite podcast, shawn ryan navy seal, navy seal podcast, navy seal, talk show, podcast, podcast show, real talk, marine, infantry, sniper, scout sniper, amputee, combat, military, veteran, Afghanistan, warrior, leadership, Biden Administration
Id: 3DT1U8BVhxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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