Marilyn Hickey | Change Your 2021

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[Music] hi there it's pastor reese and we thank you so much for watching today we know this message is going to be a blessing in your life enjoy now i just feel that to do something a little different this morning so will you let me yes i'm older than you so i'm going to do it anyway anyway i feel led to give a scripture to this section of the church right here right there got it put your hand up so i know okay thanks be unto god who always leads us to cr triumph in christ you are going to have a situation this week that will shock you because you'll win in it amen i want to give a scripture to this right in here and this scripture has to do with your mind thank god i have the mind of christ jesus has made unto me wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption so put your hand on your head say i have the mind of christ i am cool i'm really smart i make wise decisions okay and this one you have to raise both hands i'm not going to give it to you okay the scripture that i have for you this morning is so good because it has to do with people and you have you are surrounded with favor like a shield people are going to show favor toward you that never liked you watch for breakthroughs with people so put your hand on your heart say i have a breakthrough this coming week with people amen okay now this morning i'm really excited about ministering this to you and this is on change your 20 21 you know i believe this is going to be the best year of my life now i have some big plans because we have a big god so look at someone to your right say get a big plan you have a big god amen and so this morning are they okay these are really good glasses they come from walmart no they're really good now i want to look at the 23rd psalm and you know we are considered sheep say baba and so i want to look at that and i i don't want the wool to be pulled over your eyes is that cornball oh yeah okay so we look at this it's such a beautiful psalm and i took this psalm i remember for seven years and prayed it every day over every member of my family the lord is my shepherd and i tell you i saw wonderful things happen so i think praying the promise can make the problem go away now this is important for you to remember put your hand on your heart say praying the promise helps the problem go away now i know this about sheep i know a little bit but they need lots of attention right i mean they're if they fall on their back they don't know how to get up you have to go help them roll over and we're considered sheep john 10. and so we need a lot of attention and we need it by reading our bibles we need it by praying and i get up in the morning and i make coffee because i like coffee it wakes me up makes me have a better disposition and i make coffee and i have like 50 confessions that i make because i want this sheep to have a really good day and there are some big things i'm believing for like having a meeting in saudi arabia a healing meeting because they like old women and i fit and so you say oh you're old you can't do anything don't tell me that and don't tell god that he doesn't know that and so i think it's very important that we take this and change our 2021 that the lord is my shepherd so say it with me the lord is my shepherd and sheep need a lot of attention so you need to get into the word and you need to give him attention to what your need is so that he can do it another thing about shepherds they mark their sheep i love that i'm marked put your hand on your heart say i marked see you're marked and when i look at how good god has been to me i think man i have a good mark it's really beyond what i can imagine is so good and then the lord is my shepherd i shall not want okay i've had lots of opportunities to want have you and i was thinking about people getting cars you know i have had many cars that god gave me and i remember one time when i was in another country and hardly anybody had a car and so we had them stand and believe for a car and the pastor six months later flew over to talk to me to tell me how many new cars people had i mean we have a big god he has a big thing he does big things so don't just ask for little things put your head on your heart say i don't just ask for little things this year i'm asking for big things i'm not gonna want now i i think this the devil is very restless you know oh dear this hasn't happened that hasn't happened and jesus came to give us rest so i have to tell myself that sometimes quit worrying what's wrong with you you know he came to give you his rest so are you trying to do it or is he going to do it he's going to do it and so we need to rest this year now sheep live and they don't carry their own burdens he carries them for them so some of the prayer let him lead you into stillness and tranquility i don't know how you are but i want to help god you need my help this isn't happening fast enough you know you really need my help and so i want to go to pakistan and have a healing meeting again and isn't it something years ago everybody say years ago say marilyn you are really an old woman years ago i went to pakistan and had a healing meeting people said they'll kill you but you notice they didn't kill me now they're inviting me back and i want them to pay the expenses why not i think some of those people are very rich okay and i want to share something with you and i won't use names but one of the first places i ever went to and the lord is my shepherd was hungry and someone wrote to me and said you need to go to hungary and this was when they were under russian you know it was bad time and so i wrote to the pastor and said you know i'd really like you to pray about my coming to hungary and so they said okay we will and so they prayed they said we don't feel led well i said pray again they said okay now you know that made me look like an idiot pray again because i feel led so they said okay come on now one of the biggest revivals in the world is going on in hungary and that church i went to now has a hundred and eighteen thousand people in it don't reason about how big god is just believe it put your hand on your heart say i believe i have a big god i don't have to reason away faith now saint augustine you know and i don't know that i would call him a saint but they did at that time he did something he believed that he could rest in god and anything you read by him talks about resting so it's not wrestling but it's what resting now i want you to rest in this year that god is going to make it a miracle year are you ready you say you always pray the craziest things that's right i'm a crazy pastor's wife i have been for years if you just learned it you're very new so put your hand on your heart say father i'm going to have rest in you i'm not going to wrestle i'm going to rest in jesus name and so we do have a rest so when we go to bed we don't have to worry and fear and be anxious so i remember one time when they said you know 127 men have taken an oath to kill you this was in pakistan because they didn't believe in women and i thought oh my goodness i don't want to die i'm too young and so i remember what i did and at that time i was memorizing a certain scripture a chapter and so i began to go through that scripture and go through that scripture and now you know they love for me to come i have an open invitation to pakistan and saudi arabia and saudi arabia my invitation is from the imams now you may be saying well what on earth is an imam and imam is a leader of a mosque and they love old women you know you think i'm old i'm this i'm that just shut up and think what god thinks you are so look at someone to your left say shut up think big for this year and so i think folks if you don't believe for big things are you going to get them i don't believe so i think this is very important this morning so what i'd like for you to do is take a piece of paper or your phone and just write down one big thing you're believing for this year can you do that just take a moment and do it my big thing i'm believing for saudi arabia to have a healing meeting because they like an old woman and i fit it so well one big thing maybe it's someone in your family to be saved maybe it's a health thing maybe it's a financial thing you need a breakthrough in your business and i notice what you speak is going to be very important you wrote it down but you need to speak it so one time i was invited to be on a talk show here in denver a new talk show not a christian program and so this interviewer was a real smart aleck and he said to me well don't you think we have enough religion you know why do you think you should be teaching the bible and i said do you think everybody knows the bible no he said i don't i said that's why i am could i help you and so and i hear myself say things sometimes and i think you are not that cool and this is what i love about god his mind can flow through us and answer for us in situations and circumstances that shock us and so you know i hear myself say some things and i think really you are not that smart your grades were not that good but see i have the mind of christ and that is so important for us to know today so let's pray over it so put your hand on your head say father i believe i have the mind of christ for this year i need it all year long and i thank you for it now when you go through this psalm the lord is my shepherd i shall not want you begin to see these are his names he is jehovah rohy he is a shepherd i shall not want he is a provider he is jehovah jireh and yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i won't fear any evil why because you're with me and you will protect me and take care of me so we begin to take this psalm and to apply it to our daily living you say well it's too hard to memorize oh shut up don't tell me the 23rd psalm is too hard to memorize put your hand on your head again say i have the mind of christ this is an easy one amen now i'll never forget cbs went with me to pakistan and interviewed me and they said what are you here for are you here to convert muslims and i heard myself say this i said no i'm here to transform they thought that was a wonderful answer i didn't have that answer that's god showing up and showing off so i want to pray that for you this year that god shows up and shows off in your life put your hand on your heart say i'm believing that god shows up and shows off all this year and i am going to take this psalm and apply it to my heart how easy to make coffee and speak this psalm amen reese am i doing okay okay i just need to be sure you're okay i have a wonderful son-in-law and i'm not prejudiced when he came into sarah's life i jumped up and down okay now it says he prepares a table before us is there something prepared for me is there something prepared for you yes so he's prepared something very special for this year so i want you to bow your head and i want you to pray with me say father i believe you have prepared something very special for me this year and i'm going to receive it i'm going to keep my faith in you and i'm going to watch my big mouth amen now when you go through the psalm the lord is my shepherd i shall not want you make me you make me to lie down in green pastures you lead me by still waters you're refreshing me these are all the things it is the now i really call this psalm the i me my because it all has to do with you with me with my look at the promises i me my everybody say i me my this is my psalm say this this is my psalm for the new year and so then it says he prepares a table before you my goodness and he says goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life he didn't say just a few days he said all the days of your life so if i look behind me what's behind me goodness and mercy now look behind you say they look like goodness and mercy they're behind me and they follow me so this psalm is a very important psalm and common to us but do we pray it and use it so as i said for seven years i prayed it every day but i didn't just pray for myself i prayed it over every member of my family so you don't know michael and barbara michael is our adopted son barbara basically his wife was a prostitute i don't know if she still is or not but i prayed this over them and i'm beginning to see breakthrough from them and interesting because my grandchildren here call me mimi so my grandchildren over there have decided to do the same so if that's a new title mimi i love that title but let me tell you it came out of praying promises and not just declaring problems you want a good year you want an exciting year you want a powerful year then you need to pray the promises of god amen so i want to just share again some special things that i believe god is going to do this year i believe we're going to have a real breakthrough in our government that's going to bring peace in our nation there's a lot of junk you know i i i watch the news at least an hour a day in the evening but i don't just watch it you know i'm praying to change it plus of all disgusting things i have an exercise so i do that stupid thing for an hour can you imagine oh but i need to do it right so there are exercises there are things we need to do to have a healthy body as well as reading the word praying the word and having a healthy mind and spirit so if i look at this year i think i want it to be the best year of my life but part of that's going to be up to me do you want this to be the best year of your life so i want you to join hands with the person beside you you can't do that not supposed to do that don't join hands sorry thank you reese don't join hands but we're going to pray for the one on our right okay so we pray for the one on our right and the one on our left and we pray this is their absolutely best year they have a hunger for the word they have a hunger to pray they have a hunger for you because you're the good shepherd you are our good shepherd and that's so important amen now maybe you're here today and you say well uh i don't know if i am really serving jesus i don't know if i really am going that direction i want to change directions i want to go with the good shepherd how many of you want to go with the good shepherd put your hand up really high i want that direction in my life so i want you to pray father i want to go your direction i thank you father for giving me a hunger for your word to go to church to be blessed and to bless others for this year i want this year to be a miracle year i thank you father what you started in me will continue in a favorable way this year amen now i'm going to ask you to do something else i'm going to ask you to pray that god will lead you to someone in the next 30 days to pray with who needs prayer i think folks we are so much into bless me instead of bless others and you know when i am on planes you know uh i i have something i can say you know because usually you say to people well what do you do well i'm an accountant or i'm this or that they say what do you do well i'm an evangelist what is that and then i really get to talk to them and i have a card even that tells you how to receive jesus so usually they are open i think they think what harm can it do she's so old and i get to lead them to christ i don't think there is a greater joy than leading someone to christ and perhaps you never have i'm not going to ask for hands to be raised but i'm going to pray that within the next six months you're going to lead someone to christ so put your hand on your heart say father i believe in the next six months i have favor with sinners and i will lead someone to christ i thank you father for this year being a prosperous year amen amen you know and i think why should all the sinners get the new cars and the new houses you know we should get them right surely blessing he will bless us and multiplying he will multiply us and people say that's carnal i think it's spiritual i think god wants to bless and prosper his people but prosperity has purpose and i want to use prosperity in a purposeful way so can people stand up okay i just don't want to do anything wrong so i want you to stand up now i want you to turn around and look at me okay so i believe this is my turnaround year because i'm taking this psalm i'm speaking it into my life in a daily way i love sinners sinners love me i'm prospering i love to prosper and i thank you father that this is a miracle day for me and i'm going to look for someone that i can give the 23rd psalm to in jesus name amen you can be seated reese did i do it okay okay i feel like someone has a prophetic word here does someone have a prophetic word you have something you want to speak that's prophetic do you know what i'm talking about i think you do i'm just going to wait a moment and if you have a word i want you to come up and just share the word don't scratch your head because i might call you up well the word that i have is a turnaround word that this whole coming year is going to be a turnaround year it's going to be a turnaround year for our nation it's going to be a turnaround year for our churches and what god is doing i believe we're going to have peace as far as presidential things everyone say peace i believe the turnaround is really going to be something and we're not going to look down we're going to look up in jesus name so look up say i'm looking up i'm expecting a turnaround in jesus name amen well thank you for watching today we pray that this message was a blessing to you and your family yeah we invite you to watch us again on facebook or on youtube and if you haven't yet liked our facebook page or are subscribing to our youtube channel please do so now god bless you and your family we look forward to connecting with you again soon
Channel: Encounter Church
Views: 7,555
Rating: 4.9453926 out of 5
Keywords: Encounter Church, Reece Bowling, Pastor, Centennial, Church, Sunday, Wednesday, Service, Colorado, Marilyn Hickey, Sarah Bowling, Sermon, Message, Holy Spirit, Preaching, Teaching, God, Jesus, Christ, Worship, Live Stream, Bible, Pat Mahoney, Aaron Malone, Judah Dawkins, Sarah Malone, Niki Martschinske, Band, Music, Bethel, Bethel Church, Denver, UpperRoom, Robby Dawkins, Bethel Worship, Elevation, Jesus Culture
Id: qZpnlPwaQ3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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