How to Change Your Circumstances | Marilyn Hickey

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thank you thank you thank you thank you do you know I would never have dreamed let's see it be maybe 65 years ago that we would still have a church I remember an evangelist who said to me of all the pastors wives I know you're the biggest example of a failure you know and we've heard things like this is that true when I want to go on television they said you're not television material you'll never make it and of course you know God had told me to do it and one man not a born-again Christian said well I think she'll pay her bill I'm still on television that's 47 years ago and they're not and what I want to inspire you with this morning is radical faith so look at someone say God can do anything in your life never forget it so when I get into this message I get so excited about it because it really is my life and it's Ezekiel 22:30 so put your hand on your heart say I cannot forget Ezekiel 22:30 so it says God looked for a man who would stand in the gap of the hedge now God is not looking for gap finders you can sit there and you can tell what's wrong with you what's wrong with your husband your mate your children all day long that's a gap finder but a gap stander is the one who gets the miraculous so what is God looking for this morning it's 948 what's he looking for he's looking for a gap Stander's so point to yourself say God don't look any further I'll stand in the gap amen and so how do we stand in the gap and that's the big thing and I have found this through my life you stand in the gap by speaking what God says so when you begin to speak well I'll never be well my kids will never serve God my husband is a thug you get what you say because a-gap stander speaks what God says so I'm gonna go back in an experience I had in Romania when I first began to travel you know I think this would have been 89 I went to Hungary and they said to me would you like to go to Romania now Romania at that time was under Russian control and they said you know we can get you into the underground Church if you'd like to go it's a day long driving so I thought yeah I'd like to go to Romania so we drove all day and there were these big signs of child Cisco you say well what's that it's a person he was the leader of Romania at that time he was a very bad news communist and he would turn off the heat in the winter where the little babies were so they would die so say yuck three times yuck yuck yuck and you say you're making it up no I'm not his name is Chow Cisco and so we went in to go to the underground church we had to be very careful because they were very much under Russian control so we drove all day and I'll never forget we went out at night with the lights out on the car drove into a neighborhood and in the neighborhood they had walls around their houses and so we turned they turned on the lights and blinked him a couple times they opened the wall we went in there was a house it was totally dark and we went inside and down at the end of a hall was a light and there were Christians worshipping God underground believers and the next day they came to our hotel room and we water baptized them in the bathtub I mean these are awesome experiences but I remember on the way traveling back you know we were going to cross from Romania into hungry I saw all these pictures of gel Cisco and it said chal Cisco our hero and so I began to speak promises that within a year he would die you say are you that ugly yes and so I said chalcis go is not going to be the leader by the first of the year he will die he was such an evil person well nothing happened and you know and when you start to walk in faith you look kind of stupid and I said to people there in hungry chal Cisco's will be dead by the first of the year well it didn't happen didn't happen this is April and didn't happen and finally it's the 27th of December I said god they're gonna stone me for being a false prophet is this is really getting dangerous and then it came on the news on the 27th that they had shot that JAL Cisco's so thank God but and it really released Romania I go in there now I love to go there love to preach there's a lot of freedom but why am I saying this because you have the power of life and death in your tongue so put your hand on your heart say I cannot forget I have the power of life and death in my tongue and so this is a very important thing for you to hear this morning because Ezekiel 22:30 I have it there says he's looking for someone who will stand in the gap so I think well what is a gap standard you know how do I stand in the gap for somebody I say what God says about them now you say well I have some gaps did you ever feel like you just couldn't do something but did you ever say I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me so put your hand on your heart say I can I know I can I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me so when you look at your gap don't just look old this is the way I am and I'll always be shut up and say what God says so look at someone say honey you need to shut up saying negative things about yourself and about others so I'm going to tell you an experience I had with Michael when Michael was about 11 or 12 years old he's our son he is now in his mid-40s but he said to me one day I said how come you haven't cleaned up your room he said because I'm lazy I said don't ever say that about yourself he said will you say it and so I repented what are you saying are you saying the gap are you saying what God can do in the gap and you need not only to say it to yourself but you need to say it about your children your grandchildren your ugly neighbors the purpose of your work for you need to be a gap standard now I guess I'm radical faith I think faith pleases God do you look at someone say honey your faith what you say pleases God because it can change and bring miracles so I'm thinking when we started our church you know we had seventeen people the first Sunday doesn't that look like success and there are some people who come to our church who were in that first service but we began to speak promises so you know I told my husband I'll go back to teaching school so that we'll have support he said no we're going to believe that God will be our support I thought is going to be awfully thin you know and so we would just speak you know that we would have enough coming to the church now when you only have 17 when you start you know by the time you're three or four months along maybe you have thirty but that doesn't look like you're going to have support so we had a woman who really had faith and she was our treasurer so she would count the money you know the last Sunday night and I remember she counted the money one night and there just wasn't enough for our support now this woman's faith not mine this woman's faith she said well if God can multiply loaves and fish why can't he multiply money now you say Marilyn you're crazy radical you are totally right but I've lived a radical life so too late to tell me it doesn't work and so we counted the money it was the same amount it wasn't enough so she said well we'll count it again so she prayed over it that it would be multiplied same amount she said we're gonna do it again we counted over again and it was enough to support us God multiplied it so you know when you say well I don't believe those things are gonna happen it's too late I'm older than you are and I see how radical faith works it is awesome how it works so you know here when I saw what went on with John Cisco that they killed him oh you say you didn't go around praying for people to die no no no no but I began going around praying for more healing and for miracles because the more you see God work the more you can go back and you can what can I say you can celebrate well you did that then you did that now you're gonna do something even greater in the future and you celebrate so look at someone near you say honey learn to celebrate your faith now what did God do when he created the world what did he do he spoke the word and that when I read Genesis 1 8 times he spoke the word do you think if that's good enough for God it could be good enough for you I really really do and so you're gonna have people say negative things to you do you have to say it too or could you say what God says and God speaks faith so I looked at this a long time ago and I said God and I would have been about 11 years old I want to be where you are because we went to a Methodist Church and you know I was in this little town I said I want to be where you are are you in the Methodist Church are you in the Baptist Church are you in the Lutheran Church the Catholic Church and this is what he said to me at 11 years old he said I'm in the word so I wasn't born again but that's when I started seeing he's in the word and you can speak the word and so you know I remember when I first wanted to go to Pakistan you know they said they'll kill you you know there's no question what they'll do plus I didn't have the money to go I needed $30,000 and here again you say well you're just some crazy old faints lady but you can be a crazy young faith lady are crazy young faith but because that's when I started so look at someone say honey 11 is not too early to start speaking the promise so I began to speak the promises and I got born again so I got the author of the promises in my heart at 16 so it was so good and I began to read the Bible but more than this I have found in speaking faith the Bible reads you and sometimes I think God you're not late but you're so last minute and the first time God began to deal with me to go to Pakistan I didn't have enough money for it and I was going to end in Asia first to speak at some churches there and I lacked $30,000 you know you say well it's not gonna work you don't have the money to go but just remember God can be last minute so put your hand on your heart say stand in faith to the last minute amen and so I'm ready to leave Indonesia I'm sitting in the lobby of the hotel waiting for them to pick me up to take me to the airport and a man was sitting there who is a Christian and he said what are you doing and I said well you know I'm going to Pakistan I'm gonna have a meeting there and he said do you have enough money do you have strangers come up to and say to you do you have enough money and so I said well not exactly I'm lacking thirty thousand and he opened a briefcase and said you're not now and gave me thirty thousand so you're gonna tell me this doesn't work that I'm too radical too crazy honey I'm older than you and it's been working a long long time so look at someone again say honey radical faith is really good now what do we need to speak to change our circumstances what do we need to speak we need to speak what God says that he can do all things I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me so you know if you go back to my early life and hearing Kenneth Hagin teaches to speak the word speaking promises you would have looked at me and said oh give me a break you will never make it and remember and that day women didn't speak except God didn't know that and so I remember when I wanted to go on radio you know they said oh no you know you'll never pay your bill I said I will pay my bill I wanted five minutes every weekday and I went to my husband and said you know he will cost me five dollars each weekday he said well he said that's your baby I'm for you doing it but it's your baby you have to feed it and God has been feeding my baby all these years and you say what's your budget now just eight hundred thousand a month is he still feeding it you say you're too old honey it's not your age it's your faith so look at someone say honey it's not your faith you're I'm sorry it's not your age it's your faith now what do we speak to circumstances so you may say this morning well you know I don't have good health folks they told me I had an enlarged heart when I was 23 now I had a check-up the other day they say you have the most wonderful heart we'll have a new one because God has spare parts in heaven so do you need healing in your body this morning can God give you a miracle does the word teach this are you gonna stand on it or throw it out and say it's just for Marilyn Hickey no say this word is for me so put your hand on your heart say as my days are so shall my strength be amen and you know sometimes you get up in the morning you think oh god not today so this is what I do you've heard me say this before I say good morning father I did this this morning good morning Jesus good morning Holy Spirit this is your beloved Marilyn you say how can you be so arrogant I can be so arrogant because the Bible says you're his beloved New Testament or is it 60 times so look at someone say honey I know who you are you're his beloved and so we say what he says then when I go to bed at night I say good night father good night Jesus and I literally do this good night Holy Spirit this is your beloved Marilyn is this Bible you know if you say I'm a mess is that Bible does he call you beloved as a Christian are you beloved and so then I go through the things he's done that day and say oh my goodness you did this you open this door and now now it appears we're gonna have an open door to have a healing meeting in Saudi Arabia now you say Oh give me a break I'm gonna give you a big break because I'm not just God's pet you are God's vet so point to yourself say I am God's pet I need to say what he says now you say well how can you do a healing meeting in Saudi Arabia well some years ago I met an imam an imam as head of a mosque in pakistan and we became friends his wife got healed I went to their home and prayed with her his wife got healed so we became friends so he said to me not too long ago would you ever want to have a healing meeting in Saudi Arabia I said well is the Pope a Catholic oh you bet I would so he said well my best friend is the head Imam of Saudi Arabia and so he said we can have a healing meeting and now CBS wants to come with us you know God has a big mouth and we need to say the things that he says and be big mouthed about it amen and so I'm looking at this we need to speak words to change our circumstances but I love Romans 5:17 so I'm going to count to three and we're all going to read it together are you ready now if someone's not doing it get after them you know I'm older you need to do what I say okay one two three four if by the one man's offense death reigned through the one much more those who receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the one Jesus Christ who's supposed to rule say I am and we need to take that word and speak it and I see this in fact I say this every day because there's some big things I want to do especially in Saudi Arabia they need a revival don't you think don't you think I should go in cuz they'll think oh she's a woman she's stupid and on top of that she's old so they'll let me do everything so I'm speaking those words to you this morning because you're my church and you can check on me well have you gone yet is the door open yet because you're speaking it with me so look at someone say honey you have faith for Marilyn Hickey her life is not over it's just beginning amen okay now did Jesus tell us to do this so I'm gonna count to three and you're gonna read mark 11:23 you have it in your notes ready one two three four assuredly I say to you whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believe that those things he says will be done he will have whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you shall have them now watch this it didn't say when you see it believe it it says believe that you have it and you will receive it so let's get it right say believe and receive that's the big key now timing oh you know I want God to do it in five seconds but sometimes it's not that way there are things I have spoken the word over for years and years that now I'm beginning to see them work so I want to share something about Michael Michaels I will and I adopted Michael when he was three and a half got into the drug scene you know problems and then a woman got pregnant wait basically he married her and she became a prostitute so yuck twice yuck yuck look so bad but the Bible says the seed of the righteous shall be delivered proverbs 11 21 so I would say that and say that now Michael had a daughter by this woman who has become a Christian and all of that family back there are born again they live in Columbus Ohio and you know you say oh what a mess what a miracle so put your hand on your heart say every mess in my life has the potential of a miracle now he says here whosoever shall say to this mountain this is Jesus be thou removed and cast in the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believe that the things what which he saith not Marilyn you so point to yourself say I need to believe and say it with my mouth even when it doesn't look like it I need to believe and so he says if you say to that mountain be thou removed cast in the sea and don't doubt in your heart but believe that the things which you say shall come to pass usually have whatsoever you say well why would I speak to a mountain to get what's on the other side many times we're not getting what's on the other side of the mountain because we're not speaking to the mountain and we don't really believe it'll work but today is your turnaround day amen so put your hands up say I'm speaking to the mountains in my life I thank you Father for breakthroughs and turnarounds what I'm hearing this morning I'm gonna live I'm gonna keep this in my heart that I can talk to mountains and get what's on the other side amen so we say well I I would sure like to have a race I would really like to have a race well why couldn't you have a race could you so if you need to raise put your hand up now put your hand on your heart say I'm asking for a big race I'm asking that I be the best employee they've ever had money chases me down and catches me in Jesus name Amen and so what are we doing we're speaking to our mountains and so don't you know he looked for a man he looked for a woman who would stand in the gap of the hedge what for just to look good or to say I'm a Christian no to speak to the mountains and get what's on the other side so there are things I speak to our president every day you know you say do you see him doing them all not yet but I don't know how to give up I just know how to win and this is what I say to the devil you know the game is not over till I win the game is not over until I win and then I watched God push buttons and push things it's awesome so what you're hearing this morning is not just for today this is your lifestyle so put your hand on your heart say my lifestyle is to speak to mountains and get what's on the other side jesus said this to me and I believe it and I receive it in Jesus name Amen amen so folks I'm not just up here to just talk to you about this I want this to work in your life I want you to see increase in your health I want you to see increase in your wealth you know I asked God for certain things and sometimes I don't see them right away but I don't give up because I've taken that thing the game is not over till I win and so I stand on that and sometimes it it takes some years it takes some months you know and sometimes people will discourage me well you're too old to do that really did God say you're too old Maryland you're 88 you can't do anything anymore you know I have to say what God says Amen now you say how did you get into this crazy radical life well I invited Jesus into my heart that was at 16 and I'm 88 I'm older than you do you think I'm sorry for this no I'm not sorry I'm so slap happy that I've had such a miraculous life and more miracles ahead now this is what I want you to do maybe you have never invited Jesus into your heart that's the beginning of the miraculous because he died in your place he took your sins he arose from the dead and he says whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord and know that he will be saved now maybe this morning you say well I am saved but my lifestyle wouldn't say that what a good day to recommit your life to Christ you think that's a good thing so we're all gonna pray and it's not gonna hurt you to recommit your life is it I don't think it will won't hurt me I always want him to be the center of my life so I want everyone to pray with me say father I thank you today that you love me I'm not an accident I'm a divine appointment I repent of all my sins I have faith in the blood of Jesus to cleanse me of all sin I thank you you have created no beginnings for me I thank you I can look up and not down and I can see you're going ahead of me and you're preparing the way in Jesus name Amen now I want you to do something I want you to clap we're just clapping for Jesus best life in the world amen so look at someone on your right say honey it's good you came today look at someone on the left say honey it's really good for you too amen and I know we're going to receive a special offering isn't that true for missions because God so loves the world so let me pray with you and you're gonna describe it but I would like let's work together Pat we've known each other Aloha and you tell them what it is and then we're gonna pray that God will tell you what too so that's good I like that this is opportunity for prosperity men and nothing like planting seed in missionary ground Amen to touch the world that's what this offerings about Christmas in July supporting our missionaries around the world that Marilyn Hickey ministries saving Moses and all the others so you make out your checks to encounter church you can use credit cards on the envelopes if you did not receive an envelope there are some special right here that the ushers have that says Christmas in July and are you ready to give are you now if you're saying I don't want I don't know what to do right now take it home with you if you want to but make sure you bring it back okay and just pray about it at home but if you're ready to give now let's give now let's just give God a glory shout today as we do this in just a moment so write your checks prepare your envelopes and pastor Marilyn's going to pray so I'm giving you something do you like presents I love presents so I'm giving you a present as you leave this morning because you say I don't know what to speak you're some crazy woman telling me to speak promises what promise so I have a book called speak the word and it's free it's a gift so look at someone say honey you like free things but take this and use it because you don't want to lose what you gained this morning so let's pray over rushers come forward please and when they come we're gonna pray you can pick up these books as you walk out the door they'll have them for you alright pastor Maryland lead us in prayer please you want to pray let's use your faith yes you got great faith I have grateful let's use your faith for this do you know I had faith for a million-dollar gift I never got one and for like 15 years I confess I'd get a million dollar gift and I did Wow and you know where it came from Africa Wow don't try to figure God out just know he honors faith so father we just pray over this special seat for our missionaries you love these people you love the Lost we love the Lost as a church show us what to sow and God give us a bigger harvest in souls then this church has ever had in Jesus name and everyone said hey bang get the Lord appraiser what a morning what a teaching you
Channel: Encounter Church
Views: 43,127
Rating: 4.8831887 out of 5
Id: braalcM9TD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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