Prayer Can Change Anything - Marilyn's FB Live

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i am sitting out here in the hot sun in colorado it's hot out here but it's not unbearable you know i like to get out here in the sunshine i think it's good for us we don't want to get sun burned but i think we need this sunlight it's helpful well we sure have plenty of it in colorado right now and i am excited about ministering to you today that god can take mistakes and make miracles isn't that something so think about that for a minute you've made mistakes i've made mistakes plenty of them and i've seen god come through after i have repented and take the mess and make a miracle so maybe if i wanted to name this time we have together i would say messes to miracles because this is very encouraging to me and when i see what abraham did and what sarah did she was a big part of the problem and how we are a part of the solution to this problem today so i think a lot of times we think oh well the things i'm doing do not have that much of a future but oh when i read this in genesis i think oh my goodness it had a long future and we are a part of the answer to it another thing i think about this you will like today it's the first time angels are mentioned in the bible and so we don't pray to angels we pray the work and the angels respond to the word so don't start praying oh let this angel come pray what the promise says pray what the word says and then god can send angels to help to bring a solution into your life so i'm telling you don't get caught up with angels i have a whole book on angels and you know that could be very dangerous because some people have gotten out of sync i don't want you out of sync i want you in the word now when i look at the story i'm looking at genesis 16 and sarah hasn't had any children she's very upset by that and so she says to abraham you know go to my maid and the maid's name is hagar and when she gets pregnant i'll take the baby and we can claim it as ours you know again have you ever tried to make up the solution and you just messed it up i have i'd have to put up both hands and both feet and everything and so the more we can let god's word be the solution and our obedience to god's word the better it can be and you say how do you know that through years of experience honey the word works and sometimes we don't want to do the things the word says we don't want to apologize to people we don't want to make people feel good we want to slap him sideways and that's not the way to do it so this helps you not to get out of sync and how getting out of sync oh my goodness it can have long term problems for you so i'm reading in genesis 16 and sarah doesn't have any children so she says to abraham go to my maid perhaps she'll have children and then you know you're the father and i can raise them so you know trying to fix things your way can make buckets a problem so abraham listen to sarah you know when you don't listen to the word of god you can produce buckets of problems only this has done it for centuries so he goes to hagar the egyptian the maid and she conceives and when she conceives oh brother this sounds so female you know she despises sarah i'm the one pregnant by your husband i don't have to do the dishes if i don't want to i have your husband's baby you say so female that's what i like about the bible it's so real so she conceives and sarah blames abraham though she's the one who told him to do it may this wrong be done upon you i gave my maid into your arms but when she see she had conceived i was despised in her sight and sarah i want to say honey you're the one behind it but can god and i want to say this to you so carefully can god take a mess and make a miracle messes that we have made and we don't have to just we can repent we don't have to just despise ourselves because we were so stupid and everybody everybody has been stupid but remember we have a loving heavenly father so now what happens is that hagar when she's treated so badly she flees and she ends up by a spring of water god loves hagar too he loves sarah and abraham they're the seed of promise but he loves hagar and so she springs and an angel comes to her now this is very interesting to me the first time an angel appears in the bible is to hagar isn't that interesting you say god loved abraham and sarah even with their mistake and he loved hagar so the angel finds her by a spring of water and he said wherever you come from and where are you going i'm fleeing from my mistress sarah then the angel of the lord said to her now watch what the angel said he didn't say well get away from her she's acting like a jury and why isn't abraham taking care of you return to your mistress submit yourself to her authority oh dear lord i don't like the word submission you know sometimes that's a really hard hardcore thing you know and you see your teenagers going i see my grandchildren going through it submission is hard when you think you know everything and the angel said go back submit and the angel said to her i will greatly multiply your descendants and i think sometimes folks we would have more miracles if we submitted more so put your hand on your heart so i won't forget i will have more miracles if i submit to god's word more so the angel told her you're with a child and you will bear a son and he gave the name ishmael because the lord has given heed to your affliction and he describes what he'll be like now we know that isaac is going to be the seat of promise and so what's going on here well it's kind of a mixed up mess but when you let god in on things he can take mixed up messes and make miracles and she called on the name of the lord who spoke to her you are a god and you are the god and she called the well be here lei hey roy which is god thou seest me i'm gonna spell that name because i don't know that i'm saying it wrong b e e r dash l a h a i dash roi you are the god that sees me but she doesn't have the seed that's going to be the promise that's going to be sarah but god looked at her he loved them both and if we look at this carefully both of them made mistakes and i've made mistakes and repented of them and i had god create a new beginning and keep this in mind he can do that for you what i want you to get out of this is god is a creator and he can create new beginnings for you so now hagar bore and they called him ishmael and abram was 86 years old when hagar bore ishmael to him now you can imagine how sarah must have felt oh dear what have i done i've messed up things and now my maiden can be smart alec with me and say i don't i don't have to do the dishes you know i'm pregnant by your husband messy messy and when abram was 99 years old the lord appeared to him and said i am god almighty should i the god who's more than enough walk before me and be lameless i will establish my covenant between me and you and i will multiply you exceedingly and abram fell on his face and god talked with him saying as for me behold my covenant is with you though he had made a mistake god didn't throw him out and you may have made mistakes today but look to god he loves you repent of it and let him create a new beginning for you and he said no longer shall your name be called abram but it shall be called abraham for i have made you a father of multitude of nations so both sons are going to have multitudes one is the son of promise one is not the son of promise but there's going to be multitudes and so i looked this and abram fell on his face and talked with him saying as for me behold my covenant is with you and you will be the father of a multitude of nations you will be exceedingly fruitful i will make nations of you and kings will come forth from you so not only is abraham he's blown it we would say sarah has blown it hagar you feel like she's caught in the trap of it all poor thing but everybody is going to come out of this winning so if we look at abraham and sarah's seed we look at the jewish people and no question the promises that are to them are so wonderful but also the arab people have promises to them now i'm going to tell you i am called to the arab people i'm called to the muslims so you know you say well don't you know about the jew of course i know but i'm called to people that you know it doesn't look like there's much left for them and i want to tell you egypt you know these are arab people primarily is in great revival i want to tell you that christian television overseas in these muslim countries is prospering like crazy i want to tell you that i love to go to pakistan pakistan that's a muslim country and i have a great advantage i'm sharing with you they like old women i'm 89. so they they really think old women are great so they come to the meetings and they believe that jesus heals because in one translation of the quran it says that jesus heals so you use the things that god has put out there to reach the people with his blessings and what he has now you know i have such a love for muslim people but i think they feel it so so i have to tell you something funny when i go to the grocery store sometimes i've had muslim women come up and lean on me and say to me i don't know what there is about you but i just love you i think i love you and if we can see that god loves these nations and he loves these people for it didn't say he just so loved america it said he so loved the world now what i like to do is take nations on and pray for them so there's three nations of course i pray for our nation i pray for our president that's very important but there are three nations that are very very large you know and you say well what are they well these are the nations of russia of india they're huge nations and i like to pray for these in china because they're so big and god loves people they're created in his image so i want to encourage you take on three nations do you pray for our nation do you gripe about our president or do you pray for him you know griping doesn't change anything it just makes you feel bad and so taking these nations on so in the morning i've shared this with you before i get up i brush my teeth i make coffee and i have certain scriptures that i speak and i of course i pray for nations griping doesn't change anything praying can change anything and so i look at little hagar here i feel sorry for her but god didn't say oh abraham you've blown it i'm just through with you but he comes to him and sends a wonderful melchizedek king of salem who is a priest and he brings bread and wine and he says he's the priest of the god most high you say what do you think the bread of wine is i think it has to do with communion and i think when we take communion we can take healing and healing is available to people and they're blessed and so now watch what abraham does he ties to him and it says he gave him a tenth of all and god blessed him in everything that he did and he blessed his seed he blessed his seed and i see how his seed tithed i see how god protected him i see god's blessing on the jews and that's important that we pray for them that's important but i also see that he so loves the world and we need to pray for the islamic people we need to pray for these nations and then god gives him a promise and tells him don't be afraid i'm going to give you and he gives it to him in a vision i'm going to give you a son i'm going to give you heirs and i think isn't god something the thing i see about god in all of this is he wants everyone to win he wants the muslims to know him he wants the heathen he loves the heathen he asked for them for his inheritance and so i see that when god begins to give us that and the other night you know my neighborhood i live in a cul-de-sac we had kind of a get-together not a lot of people and i thought i'm i'm just going to share what i do i love people and i love the bible and i love what are going to happen to the people and that you know god so loves us but he loves the people in our cul-de-sac he loves the people in your cul-de-sac he loves your next-door neighbor and i think when we read this in genesis we begin to get the picture of god's love he so loved the world and so ask god to give you certain nations to pray for and pray over those nations get up in the morning and pray over get up in the morning and speak his promises and i always find this and i've found this for a long long long a long time that promises work with problems that you can move mountains and get what's on the other side of the mountain because if you speak to that mountain and you speak the promises of god the mountain will move and what's on the other side of the mountain something so wonderful for you that you cannot imagine now i'm gonna go back a little bit in my history because when i started in the ministry women didn't minister you know we played the piano or the organ i didn't do either one are they saying solos if i sing everybody would leave and so god what do you want me to do and he spoke to me to cover the earth with the word what on earth how would you do that and i didn't have bible school training i was a school teacher i taught spanish and french and latin how would god do that but see i can say the process of god the miraculous process of god can do such outstanding things and if you put yourself in his process who knows what god is going to produce who knows who you might win you know and i have some people that i get to mentor that are great winners and you know you would say well they don't have that big a ministry oh but they're winning people that i could never win probably i never had the opportunity and so what does this whole story tell me what what do i want to leave with you that god can take your mess if you turn to him and he can make it a miracle for you i should say miracles plural okay so put your hand on your heart i'm going to pray for you father i pray for everyone watching this facebook today that we don't look down we look up we we don't look who we are not we look at who you are we look that at having favor with unsaved people and backslidden people they love us we love them and father we thank you though we're in a challenging time it's the opportunity for a miracle time so i thank you for multiple miracles coming from this facebook today in jesus name you
Channel: Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Views: 3,316
Rating: 4.909502 out of 5
Keywords: marilyn hickey ministries, today with marilyn and sarah, bible teacher, Christian, marilyn hickey, sarah bowling, Bible, God, Jesus, ministry, global miracle ministry, teaching, prayer, encouragement, evangelism, healing, miracles, God's Word, Miraculous, Live Miraculous, building bridges, share the gospel, gospel to the nations, international organization, love, impact, truth, God's Promises, scripture, Christianity, Word of God
Id: NzJCzkKksi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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