Marcus Luttrell "Lone Survivor" Speech

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those are you've seen the movie that fall we did this is where it all started right there and we've we pinball through this this uh grove of trees for about two hundred yards I landed on my back and I broke my back in multiple places broke my pelvis and Mikey landed on his face emember he crushed his face pretty bad because when he said to look at me it was you know all bloody or whatever he turned around well that's when they hit us with rockets and the mortars and our world just kind of started blowing up around us well that's it was time to go to work alright and at no point in time it was any about my teammates afraid of anything and no point in time did anybody stall and the door so to speak that he didn't kind of back up and say hey I don't want to be in this it was hey this is what we're here to do let's do this about an hour and a half into this this gun battle Danny had broken both his femurs he had a compound fracture on one of his tip fibs he'd been shot four times that I knew it I was dragging and the movie they kind of portrayed this the right way but except for one piece and that's where we were separated he didn't die alone and he and all my guys that got killed I was right there well I picked him up over my shoulder to take the brunt of this fall and when I turned around to take the fall I spun him right into a bullet I shot him right in the back of the head blew his head off killed him right then and there well I wasn't ready for his dead weight when he fell over the top to me it collapsed me and I slipped off of this this rock embankment and face-planted into this boulder I broke my nose real bad shoved it through my face actually and I bit my tongue in half and I swallowed it and then totally incapacitated me I was I was on all fours I mean like a [ __ ] trying to throw that thing up man I finally got it up a bit I put it in between my teeth and bit down on it again so I wouldn't swallow it and Mikey was out on this Boulder just like the movie he was out on this no cover no nothing and crawled out to this this embankment to make our Sat phone call he was sitting up and took two rounds to the chest spun him like a top dropped him on his face and this bothered me he was my best friend had been for a long time we've been through a lot of stuff together I mean I you know I loved him I never told him I loved him while he was alive because guys we just don't do that but you know I'm I'll see him again soon probably one of the first things I tell him and then he started screaming my name for help you could hear a lot of ache a fire into his area a lot of RPGs I mean they were laying it on him pretty hard cuz I couldn't get to him was too steep and he had that Sat phone up next to his ear and he got shot right between the shoulder blades dropped him on his face normally to break a navy seal you have to kill us that's why we make it into our training that's why we can call ourself seals because the only way you're gonna break is is to kill us I snapped right there like a twig like a little [ __ ] I couldn't hand I couldn't stand to hear him die they killed him I never saw him again ever I caught up with axe he was a couple hundred yards below me and an RPG hit behind him separated us blew him one way blew me another I never saw him again for the rest of my life and knocked me out again when I came to I was laid over the backside of this rock I was upside down my pants med gear kit GPS compass all that stuff was gone I had a harness on had one magazine with 11 rounds in it I went out there were 13 magazines at 30 rounds I rolled over that's paralyzed from the waist down I started crawling pull it using my elbow and started pulling myself through the dirt into the side of this ravine well I got up man the Sun was going down and I just started I started to crawl I was in bad shape I was dying I didn't know what to do and I was laying in this tree looking at the moon and feeling sorry for myself and I'm most lady and I was thinking my brother's a Navy SEAL - I got twin brother he's a Navy SEAL and I was thinking about him a lot and my teammates and everything that I all the training that I had been through and I lay down I was like you're being a [ __ ] get up let's go that's exactly what I said was I gonna do lay down there and die I'm gonna do that I definitely I'm gonna feel sorry for myself and I kept thinking I was like are I'm still alive man I'm alive I mean they fought and died I'm still alive so the mission is still on let's go so I reached out and I grabbed a rock and I reached out as far as I could and I drew a line in the dirt in front of me I was like I'm gonna crawl with that to my feet hit it if I'm still alive I'm gonna do it again that's what I draw a line crawl to my feet hit it I'd fall down a hill I'd crawl up another hill I draw another line and I did that for seven miles when it was an option when I was out there and I'd shot a laying down there and there were somebody's like well why don't you quit because it's not an option alright that's not what I am you understand what I mean so if I'm a Navy SEAL I'm a gunfire I'm oh I'm a war fighter and if I get shot and I can pick myself up I'm gonna take myself up so you shoot me again and kill me basically I'm not gonna stop ever period until you take everything away from me you strip it all the way that's the way we're trained the day you're going to Train they take away everything that you are and that you ever work and they mold you back up to what they want you to be you accept the fact that Europe you're a football player so why in the hell is something preventing you from doing that and doing what you're supposed to be doing on the field that wasn't my job maybe still wasn't my job that's what I am here at damn football player and a good one that's what you are it's not what you do and if you're a part of it something to where your whole livelihood and everything you depends on another man that's where that bond come from everybody knows that a bond is forged an adversity right but rely on it set on each other man love each other as a team ain't nobody out here then you ain't willing to sacrifice everything for everyday man what do you got you got something you're gonna walk through me man you better bring some help you got a thing cuz I got my boys right here about find out who that's why you gotta be man like it's gonna take everything you got to get to the end of this field but pray to God you put the work in because I have you
Channel: Premier Financial Alliance Success
Views: 2,232,379
Rating: 4.951848 out of 5
Id: ttYZVFlCjOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2017
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