Remembering Murph: A Memorial Day Tribute featuring Marcus Luttrell, Morgan Luttrell and Mike Sauers

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[Music] of the united states [Music] up [Music] god [Music] and justice [Music] [Music] smack that one though so memorial day is right around the corner as you guys know it's typically when participants around the world take on the murph challenge people are always asking us about the murph workout and where it originated tell us a little bit about why mike was so fond of the body armor workout and why it was his go-to workout man i don't know if fond is a word i'd use for that i mean you know something like this i know that's just an odd word he was a functional strength guy yeah he started out with he wasn't he wasn't a gym rat he wasn't a big guy he was a functional strength guy so so the body on my workout he kind of gravitated to i'll let you take it from there but that's how i noticed yeah we're running because we when you talk about mike murphy being uh like they're starting to tap obviously you wouldn't have known by what he drove and how he worked out i mean he tried to be just as much what much of one of us as anything that was that was the coolest part about it i mean he kicked his own ass just to show us he could do it that way that was i remember that and it's funny we were talking about him and and everything you hear about man he did it and that greatest part of it to become something like that man you got to have that other edge too like that just ass kick in the ground all the time that was one of the funniest parts about we came up with that workout to do that in afghanistan was trying to do a one-arm pull-up we had read something and it was saying that was like a pure sign of strength like gymnast strength right that one arm pull-up and we out there in afghanistan man with that pull-up bar underneath that awning we just kind of get under there every morning during pt and then we couldn't do it anymore we take the body armor off hit it again then we go into the weight room and pull that lat pull-down machine repeat it and then there's some other stuff that sounds like something he talked you into yeah i mean listen man that's the coolest part about him dude like he didn't have there wasn't that distinction between the officer listenman during the ass kicking he's like hey go out here we're going to start working out that was a great idea you know because i always try to put on weight house and uh it just it was fun out there that's all we had to do and we're always limited you know when we're deployed it's not like you always have especially in the beginning of the war you didn't have a giant gym over here where you could work out you just had to make do with what you had yeah so obviously if you can find a pull-up bar you know the back of the stairs just anything you can do pull-ups on and you have your body armor and you've got a place to run you know you can knock out the mark not to change anything in the murph but one of the things we would do is like one guy when he was doing the pull-ups the other guy had to hang and get that reverse strength and the same on the lat pull-down machine he had to wear your bottom and hang from that sucker and that created a crazy crazy strength like that gorilla strength man for our hands and whatnot because we could climb i mean in afghanistan we were climbing our asses off man and that was part of it as well but yeah it was it was something and it's murphed into or morphed into this yeah it's it's amazing to see how people gravitate toward the workout and the whole reason that we call it the murph challenge is because when we get people to take it on you know people would say memorial day murph or just do the murph people would think oh i'm going to show up on memorial day and i'm going to knock out this workout and then they'd get about two sets into it and realize like wow this is a really arduous workout so putting the name the murph challenge really let people know like hey this is a challenge you know you need to really prepare for this you need to get yourself in shape you need a good two months a basic two month work up so you can complete this workout you know unbroken without you know having to scale it down and do the proper movements through the workout morgan you and murph were pretty close correct yeah we were on buzz together he was a class ahead of me so we we we started our relationship early on uh before we got into the teams and it just developed there because we ended up going out to stvs together and before he people teamed up with with marcus he and i would pile around we lived together for a little while me him and jake and it was it was i can honestly say marcus mentioned earlier you know you have this officer enlisted relationship and he was he could he he had the ability to navigate that fine line of professionalism when we were at work but then he was always definitely one of your best friends when when we weren't that's the best way to say that you know and everybody always respected that about him but god almighty he could get himself in some trouble man oh man yeah yeah and the funny stories yeah so i mean the the allure of mikey mike murphy and you know and his act overseas and saving marcus and putting out that call and winning the medal man he's a national asset he's a national hero and man he was just such a formidable force when he was kidded up and ready to rock and roll but he's such a kind-hearted soul any and this lends itself to where he's from i mean new york city right and we got a chance to meet his friends and his family and they were just you can tell he was raised right by the people that he surround himself with and it bled over and we're from texas so we're like polar opposites right but we naturally gravitated toward each other and god i tell you he could just bring the laughter belly laugh out of you and it wasn't something he would naturally try to do it's just because he was he was he wasn't scared to make fun of himself because he he i wouldn't say he was quirky look honestly he just had this thing about him yeah and it's one of those things i wish i could articulate but i don't really have that it's almost like a kramer kind of deal when he wanted to be i understand like his dad would always say it still does it's like mikey's moral compass is straight up i mean we're supposed to go and that's absolutely right i mean morally when it's time for that stuff to kick in it was there was no deviating from that but i mean if we had to go get into something people kind of confused that like that's why he was a great seal i was like he would back us up when he needed to take the hit for the boys when he had to and some officers won't do that oh yeah i mean he'd take hits for us when we'd screw up he just sit there and get yelled i mean he would take it that's how i think he mastered that look because he was getting yelled at he knew it wasn't his deal but he had to take the hit on i mean he would make us pay that's probably why he was like he was and that's the respect they got that's why we respected them guys hardcore man when them that act like that those officers that treat us like that and he and he was that's why he got to take us on the opposite he did and it i mean mojo's right there'll be situations we get into it a lot of times he he right there beside us a lot of times it was us sometimes it was him straight up causing it causing it and we back him up and because of that we i mean look what we went and accomplished you know and then his dad says his moral compass is is on point i i absolutely would understand i that was and sometimes i couldn't say long island hockey player just i you know talk smack just mean i mean everyone knows what kind of the guys them they can be if they want to be right so it was a it was a blessing to have all of those designed into one i thought he was he was magnificent for the job he was truly is there something that you could tell us about murph that not everybody knows something that you know hasn't been portrayed in the movie or the book just something that you experienced with murph because of your close-knit relationship that that little man he would he his running shoes now you're supposed to change your running shoes out every two months or 200 miles his shoes were literally taped together and when he would run the tape off he would tape him back and he's like i don't really see any need to spend any money on in new shoes because the tape works just fine his cell phone back in the day when those things first came out was taped together he drove this forward green ford explorer was just uh you wouldn't know he would he didn't brand us the fact that he was an officer at all i mean it was almost like he would wear that worn out stuff excuse me to because if we had cool stuff he didn't need it you know i'm talking about like it wasn't yeah that's uh that's how you always knew the best officers in the teams they were the ones that drove the old chunky jeep like four tires that don't even match they just they just don't care you know they come in just the style is just terrible and you're like are you wearing desert boots in the bar like on all of them that's how you didn't put his name on it just said that he's just so i mean i got easy going yeah easy going because you you hear and you read you see you know mark suddenly read the books and the stol is just such a laid back guy and i don't it's not insulting i hope for me to say that if you met him on the street or saw him in a bar very unassuming and he like oh yeah absolutely very unassuming not like like you know he's not the big guys like us even bigger like you just switch that gear right in the middle and he's such a kind-hearted guy yeah i mean he wouldn't spend a penny on anything materialistic not his thing no but it's funny because his fiancee was such an amazing young lady man you would think that he would just try to be you know polish just oh you go back to the house man somewhere like that white house little pick and fits around it and i mean you walking on long island was like a neighborhood it was a funniest thing but he could beat whatever he wanted to that was a cool part about running away we did man and he he led by example that's the best he did he led by example because we were just like him i mean he would get in situations that that are just tough and this this this workout does that man and i think it's just grown over time to where it teaches something about and we all got a little michael murphy inside of us right we need to have it you got to be able to handle yourself in each one of those times good or bad hard easy because the only easy day for us was yesterday let me purposely go get into some of that stuff just to stay hard so and that was our life and people ask us if we get used to that i mean we never do we just keep doing it the biggest like you talking that was obviously funny yeah the only easy day was yesterday amen i'm extremely grateful to be here and because of all of those that gave or made the ultimate sacrifice and i'll never forget that and there's so much going on in the country today and it's just so trying in turbulent times but if you sit back and say hey you know what because of those that made went forward and did that and gave their lives so we could be sitting here today around this fire hanging out with each other i'll always say you know give thanks for that i mean i mean that from the bottom of my heart yeah [Music] you
Channel: ForgedĀ®
Views: 898,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marcus Luttrell, lone survivor, Morgan luttrell, the lone survivor, navy seal, seal, navy seal workout, the murph challenge, murph challenge, mike murphy, lt michael p murphy, Michael murphy, body armor, murph, the murph, take the challenge, luttrell, mike sauers, forged, forged clothing, the Murph Challenge 2021, Taylor kitsch, Mark wahlberg
Id: cbkGYKxqzfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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