2017 Chris Kyle Memorial Benefit

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shooting one person is great but if you can put fear in the minds of a hundred you do your job and that's what Chris did is assignment so if my country is going to go to war I definitely want to be there and it's not to bloodlust it's to make sure that I can protect anyone that's out there every sniper out there there they're out there for the same reason and you know he was he was one of the same guys but he just happened to fall into some really good opportunities and he was very very relentless on you know staying on the gun but you know he just like all the snipers you know they they all care and they're they're a special kind of person you know to be able to sit up there and do what they do being a sniper overwatch is boring it's monotonous it's hot you know it's sticky bugs fly around smells but if you are off the glass meaning if you're not looking at the scope if you're not constantly surveying Andry surveying the battlefield things happen that you don't catch and Chris learned and did it better than everybody else that um you have to serve it about it you have to be constantly on the gun constantly looking at those surroundings because if you miss something may miss an opportunity and you don't succeed in that mission and as a result of failure prisons very good at catching details and it's just like hunting but you're just hunting some of the worst people in the world I am amazed by by some of the things that you've accomplished you are an incredible sniper and you're the longest targets the target that you hit in combat was I was think about this today twenty-one hundred yards away which is 21 football fields away yes sir that I can't even understand making a shot from that distance I can't either he had the nickname the legend but he was legendary way before that just because of his character and that didn't happen by Stan's he learned that from his dad turning that way his brothers got the same attributes one of the key things that we always tried to drive into the boys was be happy it didn't matter what you were doing be happy one of the things that our presses as Chris was he was kind of a clown right he was a guy that was always entertaining people always cracking jokes always doing pranks on people and always having fun with whatever he did and one of the best things about him was that he was going to have a good time regardless of what was happening regardless of circumstances we were in as a troupe or as a platoon or as seals in general or us guys in military he was going to have a good time doing it and and that really means a lot when you've got guys going through hard situations where we're taking casualties we're having our friends not only in the SEAL Teams but our friends that were there on the battlefield at the Ramadi with guys are getting wounded killed every day and that'll wear people down and what you have to do to get over it you know there's a bunch of things you can do to get through that you stick together and you got to have a good time even when those hard times come that's one of the things that Chris really added added to the platoon added to the troop was that you know things are going to be rough and wasn't going to stop him from from having a good time and making sure that we all knew that we needed to enjoy what we were doing and keep our keep our nose to the ground it keeps getting after it I was just put in a position where I had more opportunities but yeah and I definitely cheated I used ballistic ballistic computer that tells me everything that there's I'm just a monkey on a gun okay well I wouldn't go that far but well yeah I've said he was pretty much a monkey on the gone of course people he got to the point where it was that was the thing to do was to get to be choked out by Chris Collins yeah he said he loved it somebody asked me one day Chris I were choking you out on Sunday well every time he would see me we'd be around he'd usually be sitting there and he just walked me over sit on my head and part of me when I look back on what Chris taught me I feel blessed and fortunate to have worked with him and work for him and I think the reason there was a method to Chris's madness and I think he knew how brutal war was and I think he wanted to make sure that we were ready for it I think he knew that though we'd all been through SEAL training we'd never seen anything like it and I think he knew that we needed to be hardened and we needed to be forged and we needed to be we needed some thicker skin no matter how tough of Navy SEAL are you know a lot of guys have very thin skin and their egos bruise easily but Chris's didn't and I think he would joke a lot about his shooting but when the time came you know the numbers didn't lie but he wasn't the best shot be the first one to tell you and he wouldn't be afraid to get you know critiques and you know information from other people to be a better sniper that's the reason why he personally rewrote the sniper manual for Naval Special Warfare and I think you know it's a testament of somebody who's willing to learn and continue to learn that was one thing I loved about Chris Kyle is that he wasn't he wasn't about self-promotion he cared more about his family and taking care of the guys and you know getting us home to take care of our families and really anything else he was a really good leader and you know he'll always be missed I think when you want to know Chris you have to one talk to his parents talk to his brother or read his book and that gives you a true glimpse into who Chris was and what he's done and I think the benefit has taken that Chris and has continued on whereas you know the international superstar Chris that's that's a blip on the radar in Hollywood but this is something that's lasting Chris wanted to do whatever he could to help and then when he was taken from us and you know we just made it our goal to carry on his legacy and it's really something that we believe in in our own hearts is to give back I'm trying to get people to take it another step forward let's show them Thanks and it's just little random acts of kindness whether you want to mow their yard or babysit so they can go on a date or take a nap cook them a meal if you just show them thank you it'll blow them away and it means a whole lot more than just thank you he was put on this on this earth to do the job and you know he he did it and did it well he left doing what he was supposed to be doing doesn't make it any easier but he was he was happy doing what he was doing and yelled to me that's important yeah he was he was still serving even though he wasn't in uniform if you actually spend time with me you find out I'm just fun-loving guy [Music] you [Music]
Channel: jeff horny
Views: 1,595,560
Rating: 4.8977904 out of 5
Id: -nMDFrwQhiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2017
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