Marco Pierre White - The Perfect Crackling

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what I'm going to do now is show you how to make the perfect crackling no fuss straightforward guaranteed every time same time bit of sunflower oil just massage it into the belly pork you could use clarified butter you want it without the oil the crack cleaners neveress gold it's neveress crispy table salt you just seasoned evenly not too much salt we take a little water we've put that in the bottom of our first steel tray I mean if someone said to be market how much water who cares because as long as he doesn't evaporate I'm not that bothered and the reason for that is because I want to capture all those juices and so that is the base of my gravy it's just put up very poor on our rack one and a half hours will be two hours bottom shelf aprox 160 your crackling should be golden brown perfect so within that time we could make our honey glaze so for the honey glaze we've got the clear honey stare a nice six or seven and 1 tablespoon of cracked coriander aprox 600 mils of honey clear honey and it goes then we take her coriander and our star anis and then we reduce that down by half and that's our glaze my garnish for my roast pork is gonna be roast onions cooking you should be a pleasure may be said y'all get a takeaway I didn't appeal them I just cut them straight off I don't mind a brisket it holds it all together bay leaf take a bit of the sage and just a little bit of seasoning and then just pop them in the oven and when they cook they're cooked the inspiration for the pig is from the old man it was a cheap cut but it was delicious good fat content buy a belly pork it's much cheaper than a prime cut it tastes better amazing crackling rabbit as you can see the water underneath let's collect all those juices and that's gonna be the foundation of my sauce my gravy is now reducing and it's almost there but just to finish it off what I will do I have a tiny bit of my honey reduction inside just give it a bit of sweetness and then I'm going to glaze it with the honey reduction okay that's our peg [Music] I like big chunks I don't like it so thin slices and this little piggy went to market you really went to market this is a big pig it smells good and you to drop this in the middle of the table on a Sunday lunch or whatever day of the week to call that a sense of occasion doesn't have to be perfect [Music]
Channel: Lucy Machado
Views: 2,334,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marco Pierre White (Chef), crackling, belly pork, honey, recipe, great british feast
Id: psNGoGb8ykw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 35sec (215 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2013
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