Marco Pierre White recipe for Pork belly with cider and cream sauce

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one of my favorite dishes to eat is roast belly pork with a cider cream sauce very very simple so firstly what we have to do is score our pig you could get your butcher to do it for you what it does is it helps release the fat which creates the perfect crackling tiny tiny tiny bit of oil what i would recommend when cooking belly pork is firstly start it in a cold pan and then bring the heat into the pork it just assists with the crackling and the cooking as you can see keep the bones in don't take the bones off use that as your rack which you normally sit it on to cook the perfect belly pork you have to do a few things one make sure it's bone on two score it three skin side down cold pan bring the heat into it what that does it starts to render some of the fat gets the heat into the meat turn it in the oven 160 in my opinion is the perfect temperature to make great crackling so the pork's been roasting for approx one and a half hours crackling so we just put that to one side let it rest to serve with it rather than a gravy we'll do an alternative we'll do a cream sauce cider apple juice double cream and season with no pork stock cube but if i'm honest the pork stock cube gives it that nice porkiness which salt can't give and to finish a little calverdos just balances it out because sometimes it could be a bit sweet if you haven't got calvados a little brandy will do when i say a little i mean just a tiny bit just knock back that sweetness without doubt this is one of the most delicious sauces and the most simple to make cider not really a recipe all you have to remember it's equal quantities so reduce the cider to a syrup not a caramel a syrup almost there now so at that last stage really watch over it because it can go from syrup to caramel very quickly and then we take the apple juice and then just allow to reduce down once again to a syrup not a caramel you may ask why we reduce the cider why reduce the apple juice to create intensity of flavor so when we add the cream the cream is then infused with the cider and with the apple juice to give it that sweetness again you can see that i take it off and i just shake the pan because what i don't want is a caramel because it changes the flavor from apple to caramel juices from our roast then we add our cream whisk it in and then what we've got to do season with the stock cube just dissolve into your sauce and just finish with a little calverdos just a little teaspoon just to balance the sweetness there's our roast belly of pork with cider cream sauce it also works very well with roast pheasant with roast chicken to this sauce
Channel: Marco Recipes
Views: 1,374,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Marco Pierre White, Recipe, Knorr Stock, Pork Belly, Cider, Cream Sauce, cooking, cooking with pork, unilever, crackling, roast pork, perfect crackling, celebrity chef, michelin chef, learn to cook, sunday roast recipe, calvados, gravy, kitchen, apple juice, pork and apple
Id: V92ZU26ThEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 11sec (191 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2011
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