May Free Marketplace Content Review - Unreal Engine 5.4

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hello guys welcome back to another video today we're going to be checking out the free assets for the month of May now if you are new to unroll engine basically epic games gives away five free asset packs every single month all you have to do is open up the epic games launcher and claim them for free and you'll own them forever you are free to use these Assets in your games or onr engine projects for any purpose even for commercial purposes they have been doing this for many years now and if you collect them every single month you'll amass a large library of free 3D assets that you can use for your games and projects inside of unal engine so this video we'll be checking out the free assets for the month of May there's quite a bit of interesting and exciting stuff this month especially a lot of environment Maps so let me know down in the comments below what you guys think which asset pack is your favorite and also if I should try and make a game with these free asset packs now before we dive into the video check out my courses on smartp poly. if you are interested in making games inside of un engine luckily for you I have a complete Multiplayer Survival game course which shows you step by step how to create a multiplayer survival game inside of Unreal Engine I'm going to be remastering this course in unal engine 5.4 and adding some new features in the course like controller input support first and third person mode and so much more so if you haven't picked the course up yet I highly recommend you do as I will be remastering it when they release on Rion 5.4 now with all that out of the way let's get right into the video now up first we have this modular sci-fi indoor/outdoor environment so you can see we have sort of this sci-fi Planet here and this map is actually pretty big it's a decent size so you can see there's a lot of different details all over the map itself and a lot of these little sci-fi buildings and props so if we go over here we have this ramp you can run up and they even have Interiors so you can see also includes interiors and you walk out of the habitation you can see basically the outside of the planet right I could even play down here to show you guys what it looks like as a third person character you can see everything is to scale and it just looks pretty amazing like the lighting and everything and the assets are pretty decently detailed so if I run up here fortunately the ramps Collision are not set up properly but if I go into this little habitation Zone you could put in you know a couple of different props in here or you can even expand this to have much larger interior as we go out here you can see the planet around us and it kind of looks like some sort of open world sci-fi Survival game where we have to know survive living on the planet so you can make some really cool game using the Assets in this pack they have a couple of other levels that we'll check out you can see they have sort of like this poison poisonous water we have sort of like this Lake right next to us but if I go ahead and zoom out here I can show you guys how big the map is it's a pretty decent size landscape and you can see there's many different buildings stretching across the landscape so there's this little road that connects the following buildings you guys get the point you can pretty much customize and create your own levels and check this one out so we can see this facility over here has a lot more of this sort of scaffolding over here and it even has this nice big window overlooking that lake so yeah there's a lot of different combinations that you can make with the different uh props that you get in this pack so let's actually go ahead and check out the overview level that shows all the assets so if we go to the overview scene this will just show us all the modular pieces that you can use so you can have things like these little hallways which are actually kind of neat so if you look in the inside of them so you have a lot of these different curved pieces straight pieces you can make any sort of hallway to connect the different uh pods together have some stairway pieces and these are all very high detailed as you can see so it's pretty impressive that epic is know giving this away for free we have some windows here and doorways so pretty nice then we have some environment props over here you can see things like the rocks and all that stuff then of course the different modules so you can combine all these different module pieces even this large module here you can see the interior kind of dark in here but we can't really see the inside but here are some of the prefabbed bases or modularity examples you can see what kind of things you can create by just combining the props together moving on to our next pack we have the Tokyo stylized environment so basically we have sort of this inner city map this is what the overall map looks like let's go ahead and actually zoom in here so you start down here in this little level area so as you can see we have all sorts of stylized props and I really like this theme so it's sort of like semi realistic styliz so you can see the stylized assets are very detailed even though they are you know sort of cartoony it has sort of like this realistic theme to it kind of reminds you of like a valerant map or something like that because it has this Unique Style to it yeah you can see we have these little cherry blossom trees you can see all the different props and shops all around here and even the bicycles you can look at the model on them it looks really nice but yeah all of these streets here are closed off as you can see so we have sort of this uh playable area and we have a couple of other different stores as you can see here we just continue on this way this is sort of like the guess like the train station so yeah I'm not really sure what you could use this for you could use this for a lot of things uh you can make some little city game CU it comes with all these little skyscrapers and buildings I really like these cherry blossom trees it just matches the theme of spring which is the current month that we're reviewing these assets so if I go ahead and actually zoom out here and show you guys the overall level you can see it comes with this sort of futuristic highspeed Railway that reaches above the city but also the buildings are pretty nicely detailed so you can see they have these little balconies even the rooftops but yeah that is the overall map again it kind of reminds me of like a valerant map so you could maybe make like a first person stylized first person shooter he let's go ahead and check out the overview level so here are all the overview assets as you can see everything is essentially just modular so the following level that we saw was made just by using these assets just a different combinations of it which actually pretty impressive if you think about it but you can see all of the stylized trees we have some some Leaf decals down there have crosswalks different sidewalk pieces some of the different city props like bicycles traffic cones things like that different types of window pieces some signs some letters have some antenna pieces and then back here are the different wall pieces that we saw that made up all the different buildings so it's actually really impressive that they made that entire level just by using these modular pieces the next asset that I want to review is the replicated grab system so this is sort of a multiplayer physical grab system so I'm testing out this level I'm going to test it out with two players as client so we can play this as multiplayer and I'll play in two new editor windows so we can see what's going on let's go ahead and put these side by side here so you can see my character is right over here if I hold the left Mouse button and drag I can actually pick this up you see I can basically pick up an actor and it has sort of like this physical grab component so basically if I grab it and wave it in the air that will be replicated to the other player who's connected to the server you can also rotate so if you hold down q and move your mouse around you can rotate the object itself and then Mouse right you can throw which is actually kind of cool so I can pick this up and throw this and then Mouse wheel zoom in and out you Mouse whe out that will go ahead and bring it closer or farther from you so I don't know this is a pretty cool uh replicated system I honestly it wouldn't be too difficult to create something like this from scratch itself but if you don't have you know too much multiplayer experience it might be something difficult to create as you can see it's replicated out of the box and you could just swap out the actor meshes for things like different props and create some sort of game where maybe the player has to solve a puzzle they have to place a box on like a pressure plate or something like that to solve the level so pretty interesting free asset pack next up we have this environments bundle so there's a total of six maps in this bundle there's a lot of environment Maps this month but the first thing that we have here is sort of this it's called an engine room so we can't really see too much inside of here so I'm just going to do unlit but as you can see there's a lot of different props in here sort of like the Sci-Fi environment you see we have this little desk area down here or control room and up the stairway we have sort of this main engine room and it sort of overlooks guess like this landscape area but yeah that is the first environment right here and I can show you guys some of the demo assets so as you can see here we have stuff like walls window pieces the door piece these little Terminals and they're pretty decently detailed as you can see so the props are pretty nice quality and let's go ahead and check out the other environment so this next map is sort of like this desert environment so one nice thing about it is it comes with all these little uh desert Palm Trees so we have sort of this Courtyard down here and yeah we can go inside the building here I don't really think there's much in there but as you can see it's this is Desert environment with a couple of different props so it's kind of unique how this asset pack has a wide variety of uh different environments as you can see this is everything in the level itself we have this landscape then all the different props in here and again if you check out the asset overview this will just show you all the different assets included but moving on we have this other environment which is sort of like this I don't know hell environment I guess so you have these chains these different Rock ruins and pieces I don't think I was able to open up this level without crashing so my Unreal Engine project unfortunately just crashes whenever I try to open this up I'm using this in unal engine 5.4 but moving on to the next environment we have this neoc City so let's go ahead and check out this level and this is one of the more impressive uh environments that comes in this pack so you can see it's sort of this small neoc City sort of like a cyber Punk theme in here you can see all the different lights giving off the missive lighting all the signs and things like that and all the reflections bouncing off of the different metallic materials things like the building really like this light design on the staircase Railway I think it actually looks really nice we have this sign right here kind of looks like that was probably AI generated but yeah this is the neoc city just a really simple map a lot of these signs and different lights but yeah that is the neoc city let's go ahead and actually check out the demo assets so you can see all the different building props they are actually really highly detailed even if they're just background assets you see the different building variations comes with a lot of these and even the stairways I really like the stairway design you see we have the Billboards there then just some of the other different props and signs okay one of the last environments that we have is this tomato City and actually didn't come with a level showcase level so I'm not really sure what the level was supposed to look like but there's this demo level that has a bunch of different grass variation so I actually kind of like some of the different colors this looks like it'd be some sort of sci-fi grass so you can see there's many different color types that you can use but the other uh demo level in here includes a couple of different Assets in here sort of like this I don't know aliceon Wonderland themed assets so you can see we have of these trees trees I really like the detail on the trees here different Rock pieces and these wooden tomato houses I guess you'd say this says tomato City have a couple of different wooden props all of the different grass props that we saw on the other level as well these huge sort of jungle trees or kind of look like swamp trees I guess you could also call them but the last map in here is this treehouse level or at least that's what it's called we have sort of this spooky Forest uh level and you can see we have a lot of these trees in here sort of like this pathway that has torches with fire and we continue on to the center over here which has this I don't know red glowing rock you go through the tree and the path continues to sort of like this Valley you can see we have these unique trees that kind of look like a haunted game some sort of horror game but really unique use of assets and again here's the demo assets so you can see all the different props that were included in that level itself so some of the big tree meshes and props they're very big in scale so you can see know the big log pieces The Roots all that stuff really interesting theme I've never really seen these type of guess tree props before four but those are all the different environment maps in the environments bundle so a total of six different Maps the last asset that we have in the free assets for this month is the advanced flocking system so basically this is sort of like an AI fish flocking system so you can see you can use this for underwater fish a school of fish and they move around in unison you can see how they are avoiding different objects avoiding the Collision with these certain objects in the water itself now there's a couple of other levels showcasing what this plugin is capable of to access this you actually need to enable the plugins and go to the engine plugins content to find the demo examples which will show you some of various different demo Maps so here you can see there's a school of different colors you can see them navigating around in this little Cube to represent you know underwater and also see how they dynamically move around different objects to show sort of how they respond to Collision or colliding with objects okay here's another demo level showcasing what the plugin is capable of again some more advanced collision with different kinds of shapes and there's a lot of different fish types as well so you can choose from different templates that you'd like so so if you're making some sort of underwater game you could definitely use this to create a unique underwater experience and you can also program in things like you know sharks or if the player gets near the fish you can have them dynamically move away from the player using sort of the same logic that they have set up in the plugin itself and then over here this next demo showcases again some more collision with objects in this case these are moving objects so you can see them moving through the school of fish and how they run away or navigate away from these objects as they are swimming through the level so you can see they react they swim away and then they go back into the herd of fish again some more interesting examples that are included in this Advanced flocking system plugin so that is it for this video so just a lot of different asset packs this month a lot of different environments as you may saw so yeah let me know you guys think down in the comments down below which asset pack or Plugin was your favorite and let me know if I should try and make a game using these free assets but yeah as always I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Smart Poly
Views: 7,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Release, Unreal Engine 5 New Features, Unreal Engine 5 Next-Gen, Unreal Engine 5 Nanite, Unreal Engine 5 Lumen, UE5 Release, UE5 Next Gen, UE5, Lyra Starter Game, Unreal Engine 5 Lyra Game Tutorial, UE5 Lyra Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Tutorial, Unreal Engine 5 Open World GamesUnreal Engine 5, Unreal Engine 5 Open World Games
Id: 1on0yC2uwBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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