March 8, 2020, "Giving Him Something He Can Feel", Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph

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[Applause] and all of God's people who love the Lord Jesus Christ said together a man and a man once more if you're glad to be in the house of worship right where you are take your left hand and slap your right hand real hard with it help me give the Lord a big hand clap or praise this morning how we thank God and obedience to him who died once and will never ever die again whose name ladies and gentlemen is an awesome name there is healing in our Lord's name there is salvation and strength in our Lord's name in fact I've never preached this service before and I kind of do a litmus test when I'm near Christians I've never been around because when you mention our Lord's name Saints get happy without the music playing let me just do an 11:30 litmus test his name is Jesus son of the Living God - you're uncomfortable prelate and pastor my friend and brother will y'all help me salute and celebrate the under Shepherd and the potentate of this pulpit dr. Howard John Wesley will you help me do that help me do that I'm gonna take that hand clap for me but I want you to give the pastor of this church a head cloud the man who feeds your soul and hears from God to nourish your life and empowers your witness man wherever you are dr. Howard John Wesley we love you man we're grateful for you and thankful for the rest and restoration you are gaining and into dr. Williams and this wonderful constituency of clergy give them a big hand clap they have been so kind to me so kind it's one thing to watch your clergy function as a pastor while you were there it's another story to watch them function in your absence and so then in the absence of dr. Wesley they have done marvelously wonderful give them another big hand clap I appreciate them I appreciate and applaud and then to this music ministry of the Alfred Street Church what can you say about the melodious voices of this choir they have been doing this all morning long y'all ought to help me celebrate them help me do that to these musicians who could play anywhere but there in church owner Sunday morning a man to God be the glory for them to my well to the young lady who was a part of my staff in Beaumont with our youth ministry doctor and Jerrica Anthony if you're here and you can stand up I want to look at you why you idiot hey man y'all give her a big hand clap I am so proud of you god bless you and to all of you our who are concerned about the coronavirus listen to me we have a 97 year old mother in the balcony and a 90 year old mama on this floor and if I could and I would drink somebody of water right now whatever they have done I want some of that when you help me salute both of those beautiful octogenarian plus ten [Applause] it's just right and it's just proper and so we ought to help celebrate that mark chapter five friends a mark chapter five just one verse but we'll look at an entire narrative mark chapter five once you've found that I would invite you to stand on your feet for whisper prayer and the reading of the sacred sentiments of the text unto thee O God do I lift my soul thankfully and joyfully master I've come into your presence Lord I come this morning to say thank you so much for letting a man like me preach for a god like you Lord if President Barack Obama had asked me to speak for him I would have told the world of that occasion but God you have chosen me from the foundations of the world before my mother ever met my daddy before my grandfather ever knew my grandmother you had this moment fixed in time for me so god I stand here today not because it's an event on my calendar it's an assignment for my life so God helped me today not to just talk about you to people help me speak on your behalf take my mind and think whether it take my mouth and talk with it standing my body but Lord make this moment so clear and Clarry and regarding the cross that sinners would come saying I want to meet this Jesus you've talked about and that Saints would leave saying I most stay on the battlefield until the day I die Fixit Gaza that satisfies you in the name of your redeemed son we pray oh man mark chapter five just one verse as we stand together listen to the word of the Lord and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes that's enough for the day you may be seated I won't attack this text for the purpose of preaching dialogue and discourse I'd like to use for a subject giving him something that he can feel the grass withers the flower fades the word of our God shall last and stand forever the social landscape of America in 1962 was nothing like it is today thank God for our ancestors and for those who would fight for civil rights thank God for euro Americans who march with us on the Edmund Pettus Bridge who would turn their backs on their own to represent what was right for the liberation of those who were oppressed I'm a 53 year old man of color and I have never seen a four why of a white only side I've never sipped from a fountain that said four colored only yet in 1962 amongst all of the humiliation degradation separation Jim Crow and the like America was in turmoil what's interesting is ladies and gentlemen that was a man in Detroit Michigan whose name is Barry Gordy who could take all of that stuff that was going on around us put it in b-flat and come out with the Motown Sal let me let me let me digress momentarily cuz I don't want to offend real saintly Christians here disservice dr. Gardner C Taylor one great prelate now post OMERS prelate and pastor argued that an order for redemption to be holistic and complete you'd have to blend a little bit of your Saturday night with your Sunday morning Taylor says if you don't have any Saturday night you don't have any Sunday morning and if you have too much Sunday morning you forget you ever had a Saturday night so let me borrow some of your Saturday night right quick because in order for you to understand today's discourse you've got to go back to Hitsville USA Michael Jackson hold on with the Jackson 5 Harold Melvin and the blue notes I heard that over here talk back to me if you can wait Teddy Pendergrass oh man Larry Ruffin and the temptations it was music ladies and gentlemen with a message attached when we wanted to address the ill and issues of Vietnam Marvin Gaye said brother brother as far too many of you died mother mother that's far too many of you cry and we've got to find a way to get some lovin back in here today and when we wanted to deal with a broken family we didn't have Oprah and Steve Harvey no no no no no no no no Larry Ruffin and the temptations put that me flat here is how they made the musical argument papa was a rollin stone wherever he laid his hat oh he will raise like me huh albums and 45s I wish I had a praying Baptist sure wait and then when we wanted to reconcile relational constructs to get husbands and wives to agree and work things out a black Baptist preacher's daughter from Detroit Michigan who was the Queen of Soul with her pink Cadillac I don't care what you say I still love me someone read the Franklin here with what she's saying she said girl you don't have to take your hand off your hip you can't talk to him crazy and if you want him to act right you don't have to give him something enough sad at night let me flip the Sunday morning because I don't want to look come here Sunday morning you see ladies and gentlemen Christians in this current culture who have been braced at theology of the Scriptures and understand the biblical text with a with just a broad knowledge understand we have a God we can feel we are not Buddhist or Taoist we are not ladies and gentlemen we are Christians and we believe in a God we can feel sometimes in fact if you really know God you know you don't have to be sitting on a butte and alpha Street Baptist Church to feel him way hello can I just ask you ever been at a red light and the Lord made you miss the whole life ladies and gentlemen he'll catch you on a freeway stuck in traffic and focus thank you having a conversation with somebody on your Bluetooth and you talkin to the Lord all by yourself he will catch you in your closet between your fat clothes your skinny clothes and clothes you wear right now god help me breathe can I just take a quick sir Manik survey how many of you know what the presence of God feels like hold on you ain't gotta shake your neighbors hand just elbow your neighbor say neighbor I'm glad I have a god I can feel sometimes I wouldn't have a god I couldn't feel every once in a while now here was the intellectual part of today's discourse an argument if you can feel God and you just attested to the fact that you can then it stands to reason if you can feel God there ought to be a point where God can feel you oh come with me ladies and gentleman to mark chapter five it is the preamble to the constitution of the kingdom of God in the synoptic writers version of mark and if nothing else out you just the three thematic discourses of mark five or to do it number one it shows us clearly that your God is supreme over all demonic activity hey Alfred Street how would you shout if I told you no demon in the hell was a match for the gods you serve I wish I had a good shirt laser general I need somebody who know the devil there's no match Satan is no match you serve a god who have power over demons whole out here is how the story goes like a Tinseltown screen this crazy man is living in the tombs amongst herself trying to cut himself with stones he's not trying to kill himself he wants to clean himself but every time he realizes he needs more blood to shed he realizes no matter how much he cuts himself he can cure himself he sees Jesus coming from the other side of the sea Jesus gets off the boat and the man with the devil's in and fall at his feet can I throw this in the gumbo while I'm making my room you know you got some kind of a God that even the devil bowels at his feet and says wait you're the one that ought to be worship he falls at his feet and worships the Lord allows the demons in the man to go into the pigs and the pigs over entered the sea the Bible says he's now saved and in his right mind hold on for every man in here the Bible says the folk from the city came out to see him and was afraid of him you know what I gotta say about that they were cool with him as long as he was crazy but when he got his mind together and bow to the Lord he became a dangerous man I need about 200 men in here who would tell somebody I'm a dangerous man I'm a dangerous man watch this watch them the shout of the day is he has power over demons wait the last story of Mark chapter 5 show us that he has power over death hey Alfred Street how would you celebrate Jesus Christ on this marvelous second Sunday March the 8th if I told you your God had power over death hold on here is what it means you not leave it until the Lord say it's time to leave I don't care whether it's the coronavirus I don't care what this tuberculosis cancer leukemia you are not checking out until the Lord says come home I wish I have about 500 of y'all who've already been through the storm and rain who know I leave until the Lord says it's time for me to leave what's it he gets to this woman and the Bible says it's ji versus daughter she's 12 years old and when he gets to the house I love this story they are in there weeping and wailing dr. Williams Jesus says to the parents don't trip just trust me don't panic just prays and look it's gonna be all right he gets him the house and they are weeping and wailing Jesus poses an interesting interrogative he says why y'all making all this noise Jesus then turns around to the crowd and was they inform him the girl is dead in the paraphrased version of the King James Version of the Bible here but what I think Jesus told them he said that's what y'all think she's dead but I'm too much of a resurrection for anything dare to hang out around me and the Bible says they burst in the laughter and here is what Jesus does that I think anybody who really needs a miracle ought to do today he turns around and puts all those Joker's out wait a minute can I just ask how many of you need a miracle today you came to church expecting and anticipating something from God hold on just wave at me like you're in a parade if that's you take that same hand don't shake your neighbors hand tap on his shoulder and say do you really believe he's a demon buster do you really believe he's a life-changer do you really believe he can take cracks on the crackhead do you believe believe he can since I'm a senator you better believe he's a life-changing alive real y'all looking at me as that joke about you cuz the folk best meat you can mess up your whole miracle but ladies and gentlemen right in between these is a miracle about disease hold on out for Street how would you shout if I told you your God has superior power over every DC y'all don't know when to get happy let me tell you this your God has power over demons your God has power over disease and your God has power over death how would you shout Church if I told you your God has never seen the problem he couldn't fix he's never seen a mountain they couldn't move he's never seen a to me he couldn't strength he's never seen a city he couldn't say he's never seen a properly couldn't resolve I need about 50 y'all in here who will help me celebrate a God who has all power in the hello of his hand what's it well imma get happy by myself or they watch the show there is this nameless woman who's been hemorrhaging who squeezed between both of these stories she's all the way to find Jesus while Jesus is in route today irises house they footnote sometimes all you really need is for God to do is to pass by the Bible says she heard that he was coming through town I don't know whether she rare at the Galilee and gazelle the Jerusalem Journal or the Palestinian Post I don't know how she found out from the nail shop the beauty salon I don't know but here's what I do know she made up in her mind if she could touch the hem of His garment she was gonna be made whole she presses her way through the crowd ladies and gentlemen and it is not easy for her but she touches the hem of His garment and Jesus stops and says hold up somebody touched me the disciples never get it they say hey Jesus a bunch people touch you and Jesus says in the in the John our eighth out verse of the Bible wait a minute it's focussing me but some it gave me something I can feel he turns around and sees this lady's kneeling on the ground and the Bible says she told him all that took place oh that took place oh that took place ok footnote footnote footnote whenever a lady says what happens she don't want a synopsis she don't want to overview she won't a play-by-play moment-by-moment so this one I think happened alpha Street she said oh Jesus it's been a trip I got sick and stuff just went from bad to worse my friend and reduced me to some herbs I bought them they didn't do me no good so I went to this one doctor and all he did was flirt to hold all the own time I just knew he was gonna help me but he didn't help me didn't this other doctor made me buy these pills I took them and they upset my stomach so bad I was just stuck around the house I couldn't go nowhere I decided I was gonna find my way to get to you and when I got almost to you those disciples are unless being nice they've got bad attitude but I ain't let them stop me I press my way out I press my way to get to you and when I touch you I feel healing go down on the inside ladies and gentlemen I need for you to hear this argument today your God is still a healer I don't care what anybody says your God still has the power to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask all things I can prove my argument if you have ever been sick in here and God restores your health stand on your feet if you have ever been to the doctor and love saying I don't know if God can do this but the Lord restored your health live to your feet and high-five somebody and tell your neighbor he is still a healer but every now and then you gotta give him something he can't yeah they see they'd be seated how do you give God something he can feel let me squeeze these in I've got eight minutes left number one you gotta pursue him like he's all that matters God is a jealous God he he won't let anybody else have any of this glory God says of himself I'm jealous which lets you know right away that if you think that you gonna have an issue that demands God's attention and you gonna let somebody else have the glory God will let you keep that to yourself here's what this woman does she pursues him because she knows she is economically distraught she now has no money she is now socially disconnected she hemorrhages for 12 long years and because she's financially distraught and physically disconnected by the way it's one thing to be sick it's another thing to be sick and broke at the same time god help me and so she's sick and broke at the same time and here is what she does she finds a way to get to him she's been sick not one year not three years not five years not seven years she'd been sick for 12 long years the miracle ladies and gentlemen is that she's lived this long and she's not dead yet I want to throw this on the table right quick some of y'all should have been dead and sleeping in your grave but the Lord just keeps you in the hollow of his hand I wish I have about 50 of y'all in here who know if it hadn't been for the Lord just keeping you but wait josephus makes a more interesting argument he says it's not just the lifetime of the other illness or the length of the illness it's the limitation of the illness watch this I was studying in this text cuz I knew I was coming to preach for my good friend Howard John Wesley so I looked intently cuz that joke is like an attorney in a courtroom trying to prove okay so I said let me get my case together so I studied this and you know what I discover I asked God Lord why did it take you 12 years to heal this one I mean if you could create the whole universe in five days what took you 12 years to fix her I looked in commentaries from John Christendom in the nineteenth century all the way to John Mack author in the 21st century trying to find out what - God 12 years to heal this woman when I closed my last commentary dr. Williams the Holy Ghost showed up in my study and made me realize it didn't take God 12 years to heal her it took her 12 years to run out of options I argue ladies and gentlemen for those of you who are still looking at options this ain't your day but I want to talk to 50 of y'all just 50 who can say I'm out of options I ain't got nowhere else to turn I don't have anyway why don't we hold on what an option lists people lead to your doggone feet God sent me all the way from Texas to tell you today could be I [Applause] have a lady of my church her name is sister Latoya and toi had breast cancer grade B stage for its worst kind very aggressive and when she would worship God she wouldn't worship God like we do you know people who need God are never comfortable she didn't care who was watching her who what they were gonna say you know when you're really in need of God you kind of just you know you look at people that say stuff like if you can fix it you would and maybe you wouldn't but I know God can some will just trust in God you know she will come and fall on the poor pit steps cry out to the Lord and all of that stuff and you hold the thing that blessed me about this young lady's life was that when she got to the end of the journey not only was her body cancer free but they didn't need to do any further procedure cuz the Lord had already come into her and started to heal her ladies and gentlemen the oncologist asked her what kind of physician are you using he said what are you doing she said I have another doctor who's been touching my body every day she said I commune with him I will I need about 50 breast cancer survivors although if you're not ashamed of your testimony lead to your doggone feet right quick let people see what a miracle looks like and tell them I know it by the shape pursue him wait can I can I go deep it down for then watch this time till when I give you out this one not only must you pursue him like he's all that matters but you got to push past people to get to the master let me hurry through this my time is really up but let me throw they saying right quick when you have the need of physical healing remember God can heal you in any way he chooses to okay let me say the same thing another way all healing comes from God just because you take a pill don't Mena's go help just because you have a surgeon does not mean it's gonna come out all right all healing if I say all healing comes from God so what's what happens ladies and gentlemen she's pursuing him because she's the one with the problem the problem solver is Jesus but between the problem and the problem solver are people one more time you in the text there's a mass of people the woman has the problem Jesus is the problem solver so between the problem and the problem solver are people third time's the charm the woman has the problem Jesus is the problem solver and between the problem and the problem solver are people fourth time which woman has a problem she's been hemorrhaging and Jesus is the problem solver and between the woman with the problem and the problem solver are people I argue ladies and gentlemen what our real issue today is is we have people so high on a pedestal and sometimes they actually block us from the blessing God wants us to have I argue you ought to tell people I gotta keep you in your place I appreciate you but right now my heart and soul needs God is there anybody in here who can say pastor ain't all I need God so past ate off what's the difference here's what I argue this is an argument dr. Wesley if you're watching we can talk about this over dinner one day but I believe there's something about the cry of the desperate that moves the heart of God for those who are cool calm and collected you'll never understand this but I argue ladies and gentlemen that there is something that moves the mercy of God that comes from a heart that cries to God in desperation without embarrassment of humiliation that says God I need you and I need you now I'm not leaving until I get what I come from I need God okay watch okay just for the sake of argument biblically watch this let's go to mark chapter 2 were in Capernaum the Bible says the house is packed because Jesus is in the house it's the village of mate hold up walks four men carrying their homeboy I don't know how far they carried him from I don't know his name don't know how much he weighs I don't know how hot it is outside but here's what I do know they didn't look that Joker from a good way and they get to the house and they can't get in it was a good time for them to say dr. Williams listen down the house is packed we'll catch him when he come back next week but when you are desperate you don't have time to come back next week so they go up on the rooftop I like this story and they start tearing the roof off with that bad boy they let this man down and Jesus say is I'm gonna heal you cuz you got some crazy friends who will just do whatever it takes and ladies and gentlemen I argue he had desperate friends you ought to do a quick survey and ask your neighbor are you desperate enough to help me if I get down and I can't make it you ought to be around some people who will say I will do whatever it takes okay hold on mark chapter T and verse 52 there's this blind man sitting on the roadside his name is Bartimaeus wait I bought emmaus is not even a proper noun it's really like an adjective bar means silent emmaus means man from nowhere so he's the son of a man from nowhere but he's sitting on the roadside he can't see but he can't hear and he can't talk he's nosy like most of us he hears a commotion passing by he says hey what's all that noise he said they say it's Jesus of Nazareth and he cries out ladies and gentlemen Jesus thou son of David wait you Missha shout the folk with eyes called him Jesus of Nazareth the blind do called him Jesus son of David it's interesting could the folk what eyes can see in the blind man care he says hey Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me and like most church folk they said bar tone it down you too loud it don't take all of that can I tell y'all what's most upsetting and I'm out of here I'm gonna tell you this and I'm through as long as border mayor's cry out after them they never told him be quiet boy cried every day hey give me a nickel drop Martin ah oh that's cool you don't want my head he hollered everyday and as long as he was hollering after them they never told him be quiet but when he's got climb out after him now he too loud I say the devil is a lie bartimaeus coz what common sense tells him to do he cranks that joker up all the way to ten decimal jeez I think we ought to tried right quick anybody need healing in here everybody need God right quick hold on I got time to plate I want you to stand on your feet lift up your hands thou son of David have mercy on me that was healing in his name and his power in his name that was strength in his name hey I gotta go that's my time I throw this in i'ma let y'all take communion while I go catch my flight I want to go pray for one of my members who had a heart attack in the middle of the night I called the cardiologist his Beaumont and it was several exits so I called a cardiologist who goes in my church I said doc Bransford ready to go to the hospital I said no pastor just wait till in the morning so I went the next morning when I got to eat are what they had been holding my friend there I remember there was a lady in the corner of ER with a little boy I guess maybe about maybe 12 months old 14 months and her she was kind of like economically destroyed okay she was an economically disadvantaged okay hold on third time she was from the hood okay how do you know cuz I'm from the hood she had Ashley ankles she had that duster on it miss she just rushed out the house had a few gold teeth in her mouth Ted on the neck and so the Lord told me pray for that baby I said yes Lord I walked over I said sis can I pray for your child she said yes yes pray for him I laid my hands on this baby and as I'm praying for this infant dr. Williams this child's abdomen is starting to swell the woman looked up at me and that and that hood was finna come out you know it's only so long you can keep it in I gotta let y'all take Commun is only so long you can hold it hood in when I got it in the name of Jesus she said thank you real move back y'all she just went slap crazy just went to Holland y'all the police came out I said oh man this fender go down back then after the police came nurses after the nurses came doctors and that the doctors came people I don't even know what come out it was a whole team of people around this woman about 14 people helping this baby they didn't ask for no insurance card and that's where the sign no paper they just knew she needed help and when I step back the Lord said if that works for her in the ER can you imagine what it would do if my people would adopt the same principle I argue ladies and gentlemen if we really need God in here you would lift up your hands in this house and cry out Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me is there anybody in here today who says I need God and I need God like right now if you need the longer like right now stand on your feet look at your neighbor in the eye and say neighbor neighbor I've come in here because I'm out of options I need God in my family I mean God in my finances I need God in my health I need God in my body is there anybody in here who needs him like right now wave your hand find one more hand holding like you're not scared you don't catch you nothing up shake their hand like you got faith in God and say neighbor my god is still a healer but you gotta know where to put you hey tell your neighbor I quit she touched to him of his karmic everybody shout him of his garment it was the talent of a Hebrew man's comment that was hand tassels at the end of it and the Bible says when she touched that right tassel which represented the Word of God it healed her like right then that's why you need the Word of God in your life keep your word him in your bosom because there's healing in his world that's salvation in his word find you somebody you don't mind touching like wicker and say neighbor y'all and crap nobody you look scared I said find somebody you don't mind touching them and say grab your neighbors hand look at your neighbor in the face and say neighbor he's still a healer the Bible says I will look to the hills but whence cometh my help my help comes from the Lord which made heaven and earth he will not suffer thy foot to be moved he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep the Bible says God is our refuge a very present help in a time of trouble the Bible says if my people look what you're called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then will I hear something heaven forgive their sin and heal their land find one more neighbor's head and say neighbor I know that first any healed huh tell you me I know the word er that turned everything around for her tell your neighbor if it works for her it's the work for me I believe she grabbed the word that says I will bless the Lord at all times at all times I tell you to lift up yo hey open up your mouth and shout hallelujah [Applause] [Music] I just have one more question what are you doing wanna do it why don't you do it say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] listen I'm gonna thank you for watching for worshiping and being part of our witness today get the Word of God in the worship moving from your heart and you want to continue to support the great things that God is doing it out for Street you can give you let tronic lis online through our app or even our text to give option I once heard a sermon and afterwards someone said is the sermon done the ushers respond to us the sermons over but it has yet to be done you just received a word from the Lord worships over now let's go live the word and get it done it's fast to West see you next worship service [Music]
Channel: Alfred Street Baptist Church
Views: 26,863
Rating: 4.8120103 out of 5
Keywords: Alfred Street Baptist Church, 2020, Rev. Dr. John R. Adolph, Giving Him something He Can Feel, #asbc, #wearealfredstreet
Id: GiuppuC_3dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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