Hora de Aventura y la Realización Personal de Marceline | Teorías de dibujitos

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Adventure Time is one of Cartoon Network's funniest yet entertainingly complex series. Kingdoms, fights, different species, powers and magic strategically configured to give us dozens of stories, each one more bizarre than the last. And if there is one that I think did not stand out, despite the beautiful teaching it leaves, it is that of Marceline, the last vampire of Ooo. But… does he make music? Who were your parents? Why is she the only vampire alive? Why is she even a vampire if her relatives aren't? Or obviously, what is your relationship with Princess Bubblegum throughout the series? That and more, in this new chapter of Cartoon Theories. At the beginning Marceline is presented as an antagonist appearing for the first time in EVICTION. Where, worth the redundancy, he evicts the boys since originally the iconic tree house where they live was his. And they offer no resistance because of Jake's terror of vampires. They get a new house in a cave but it turns out to be scarred by it too. They have a fight—serious on Finn's part but jolly on Marceline's part— which ends with laughter from Marceline who just wanted to have a little fun. He gives them back their tree house and stays living in the cave. The house that you surely remember where the entire series lives. In another chapter they find her tormenting an old man that she has as a lackey. A slave that does anything I ask. On the other hand, he must respect the hero's code and letting the old man suffer is against his principles, so he takes his place and becomes Marceline's lackey. Contrary to Jake who tries to avoid it, but well... With him as a lackey, they fly to a house, break in and everything indicates that Finn will collaborate in the death of the pianist who was inside. He tries to avoid it but an enchantment prevents him from saving the lord and this happens: Yes! He does nothing but suck the red out of his tie. And although Finn is confused, he doesn't give it much importance. Marcy then revives an army of skeletons in a graveyard and they march towards the castle of the Duke of the Nut. Finn thinks that they will massacre all the civilians at the party. So he goes ahead and tries to alert them of the imminent attack by the undead army without much success, because Marceline catches up with them anyway. Revealing that it was not an attack, but a Marceline concert that the Duke requested for his party, since she is famous. One of his most memorable aspects is that he is a well-known rock star among ghosts, humans, and nuts. Finn is still confused. He has too many doubts about whether Marceline is evil or not. Although he interrupts him and shows him a tender flower, he gives him a fruit and orders him to slit his neck in the castle garden with his bass. He tries to carry out his orders but he can't, he is incapable of harming such a harmless little plant. Marceline always took a turn showing that she never meant anything but well, but here she doesn't see how she couldn't be a monster doing that. Where is the trick in killing this plant? There is no trick. kill her now But... You should have killed her when she was still adorable. Luckily Marcy saves him and when it's daylight they travel to a strawberry field. She is a vampire and the sun burns her. But he enjoys walking with his umbrella in places like this, because of the danger of not having a place to hide. And right there, in the place that I told you where she is most defenseless, Jake comes out of some bushes with stakes, garlic, a strawberry costume, attacks her and ends her life. Yes, that scene caught me too out of focus, but don't worry. Finn smuggled it into his backpack moments before, so he releases it when Jake leaves and she fires him from being her lackey. It is not bad nor does it want to kill innocents. She just enjoyed bossing him around and playing with him. But now that he knows that everything he sends him to do actually ends up being good, he doesn't have any kind of joke anymore. Marceline has a couple more episodes where her confidence with boys increases, including a chapter where Finn tries to make the sweet princess jealous with his help and we see that Marceline is not very much to his liking. How about Finn? Good evening Marceline. Hello Bonnibell. Yes Yes. But don't worry, we'll come to the sweet princess later. Don't be anxious, I already know them. Hunson Abadeer is the father of Marceline, the king of the Nightosphere, hell in the series. And one day she invites Finn to help her by recording one of her tracks entitled "Canción de las Papas", a song that talks about her father's absence throughout her life and how she lost the little trust she had in him that day. that he found him eating his potatoes without permission, which for the worse were cold. So they weren't even worth it. We could say that this was the potato that overflowed the package. Trying to fix the situation between them, Finn summons Hunson Abadeer at Marcy's house, arrives, greets Marcy, steals her bass and goes out to suck souls. But he manages to stop it by playing the potato song when it is in its purest form, he realizes what his daughter feels, asks for forgiveness and tries to reconcile with her. And he would have if it wasn't for Finn interrupting them, freeing the souls and throwing him back into the fucking Nightosphere. The end. How could you do that? How could I save the day? How could you embarrass me like that and stab my dad? How could I shame-save you? Marceline. Agh, I'm glad you're back in the Nightosphere. It was emotionally draining. Reconciling with him in a chapter where he claims not to suck souls. And since I really don't suck any souls, let me attend one of their concerts. He embarrasses her like any good father, and fights with his fans, but ends up forgiving him when he gives her an oversized t-shirt from his merch. It's too big for me, but they say it's the style among punk rockers. Believe me, there is nothing cuter than a father or mother who respects your taste in fashion. Easy crocodile, don't make me go down there. What will you do? Eat my potatoes? Listening again to Marceline's songs in what was lost, where Finn, Bonnie, Marceline 's favorite things and that muffin are stolen by the doorman. Escape through a door and to open it they must play a song. Marceline sings a macabre song, but Bonnie criticizes her and replies that if she doesn't like the song or the one who doesn't like it, it's her. Continuing with a song complaining about the sweet princess's hatred for no reason, tired of always being an inconvenience to her. He feels that he is not even a person, but simply one of his problems. This creates discord. At one point Jake gets tired and leaves. I know that in these times talent does not matter. I'm out of here electronics. Technology without talent! Yikes. But then he comes back. what was there Jake, good vibes. Shut up, kid. I only came back for the music. Finn answers the door with a song about friendship and they find his things after disfiguring the doorman. I end up with a lock of Princess Bubblegum's hair, Jake's blanket and a rock t-shirt that automatically presumes to be Marceline's, but... It's mine. It's mine. Do you keep the shirt I gave you? Yes, it means a lot to me. But you never use it. bro! I wear it all day... under my clothes. It seems that Bonnie didn't hate Marceline as much as she seemed. And the vampire for her side only went with them to spend time together and help them, since Marcy had nothing to lose. He lost his favorite thing a long... a long time ago. As a child, she used to live with her mother in a motorhome where they took refuge after the Mushroom War, a nuclear war that devastated the kingdom of Ooo. One day she began dictating a map to Marcy and they traveled together to a shelter as soon as they managed to finish drawing it. But on the way they met a mother and son wolves. They attacked them and Marcy used the powers she inherited from her father to save their lives, sucking the soul out of the mother wolf and terrifying her own mother Elise even more than the initial threat. Who as soon as he finds a motorcycle further down the road, forces Marcy to go on without it. To walk what's left to get to the shelter alone. And despite trying to refuse, she sadly accepts that for her mother she is just a monster that she got away from when she had the chance. Marcy decides to follow her mother's map and arrives at the shelter, repairs it and builds her own toys and even continues to compose music there. He dedicates a song to the blinking red button on one of the computers. Although some time later she leaves him in the city where an anthropology professor finds her crying, gives her a stuffed animal that she nicknames "Hambo" and lives with it for approximately two years. The professor had found a magical crown that wore down his sanity, but he couldn't help but keep wearing it. He was addicted to her. And to avoid harming her, he abandons her, just like his mother. Although I am not going to talk much about this man because I would like to bring you a video exclusively about him. So 10,000 likes! Fate is in your hands. Young Marcy continues to live her life. She meets a human town that accepts her when they listen to her songs and whom she defends from the vampires, which is why she transforms into one, because by sucking their souls she sucks their powers. Thus causing the extermination of all, becoming the last vampire of Ooo. Here he grows to where he only changes light and stops aging for the rest of the series, where he meets Ash, who tricks Finn and Jake into entering Marceline's memory and unknowingly stealing the memory of when Marceline ended up. her love affair with him long ago for selling Hambo in exchange for a magical flower. Wow! set sail! Where did you get the money for that? Oh, I sold the teddy bear you loved so much... to a witch. What about you? You're crazy? It was my favorite thing on the planet! We ended up sick! Finn here! Look at this crazy psychological crack. When they wake up, he takes off the costume he is wearing and they go home, since he does not remember anything because his memories were stolen and Marcy continues to believe that he is her boyfriend. Although Finn puts her in his own memories to show her the memory of seeing her memory when they broke in to steal her memory. What the fuck? They wake up and give Ash the beating of his life. Getting Hambo back a long time later, when he manages to find out who the hell had bought his stuffed animal, The Witch Maya. First she tries to get Bonnie to come along with excuses, but she can't help it and tells the truth: She needs her help and wants to spend time with her too. They manage to decipher what had stopped her. He barely saves impulsive Marceline. But at last they arrive at the witch's house. They investigate the house separately and Bonnie finds Hambo's purchase certificate among many receipts when the sky witch catches her red-handed and explains this: Hambo is mine, her body is charged with emotional attachment. Perfect essence for potions. So get out of here. OK? Cutting to Marceline, to whom Bonnie throws the stuffed animal and they escape. But what did Bonnie do and how did she get Jambo back? Well, there's something I didn't tell you. At the beginning of this episode, Bonnie wakes up in her castle wearing the rock shirt that Marceline gave her as pajamas, she wipes her face and sniffs it like a sick person. I imagine that after so many years the shirt no longer has the smell of Marcy itself, but it must remind her of the moments they lived together, or at least that's what I deduce from the photo that is pasted on the inside of one of the doors of her closet. On the other hand, Maya wanted jambo because of the emotional attachment she carried and Bonnie, since she could not break the rules of her kingdom, since she must respect any type of exchange that is made in the market using a currency in legal circulation, she trades her object more precious in exchange for Hambo to give a joy to Marcy... his rock shirt. And revealing at the end, with Maya, that the emotional attachment that Marcy had for Hambo was nothing compared to the love that Bonnie had for that shirt. But why? Why the photo? Does Bonnie like Marceline? Well, something like that. They both have a past together, it's just not talked about until season 7 in plagues. Marcy arrives at Bonnie's house angry because she left the sweet crown without telling her and didn't know where she was or what was wrong with her, denoting that she really cares about her. Although when she explains the reasons, Marcy calms down, understands her and they take care of their garden from pests together while they talk about their things. They catch up, let's say. When the pests show up, they chase them down and find some sort of Mineshaft where Bonnie caught her long ago tagging the walls. They remember that in turn Marcy forced her to tag her name somewhere and move forward with hopes of finding that graffiti. They come to a bridge. When they jump it, Marcy jokes that she always has something ready when she flies with her boots and this is what happens: If I have to always be ready, not all of us can fly. I didn't always have to worry about so many things, you know? The sweet kingdom was small, very manageable, but it kept growing and growing and there was always a new threat to face. That's why you stopped talking to me. Not me. Although they are interrupted by the Plague mother whom they try to defeat, but Sarpado regenerates. They run to a shelter and find Bonnie's graffiti by sheer luck , but she bursts into tears. He lost his cap on the way and although he didn't care much, it was the potato that spilled the package. He overflows for having lost his cap, his people, his kingdom and Marceline, whom he asks for forgiveness. But the plagues interrupt and Marceline, who is completely broken, turns her hand into this-... thing and opens a hole through which they fly away together to their cabin. Finally being able to go to sleep since she will take care of her garden in her place. Shortly after, in that same place, Bonnie takes Marceline's powers because she asks her to. That is, it makes her a mortal. He feels that he has not grown as a person for a thousand years, that he lives in automatic mode. And he believes that he is motivated by not having death against the clock. I mean, he's a serial procrastinator. Bonnie accepts despite it affecting him, since she is also immortal and doing this would mean that at some point he would have to see her die, but he agrees that it will be for the best. It will squeeze more value out of fewer rich years than out of an infinite void. So he gets into a machine and blah blah blah blah blah they get their vampire juice out. Although being the first time she tries this, she forces her to rest at home to analyze how it evolves. Hmm yeah. That's why, sure. That night Marcy dreams of her fangs... well that. And wakes up out of his bed. In the morning the boys go to visit her because some peasants lost one of their cows and they think it was her. Not sure, they investigate the forest finding the culprit, a horse-sucking oil monster. But when they run with Marceline, the peasants have taken justice into their own hands. They kidnapped her and tied her up at the end of a mill to exterminate her impure blood, facing her at dawn. The sun begins to rise above the horizon. The firstborn ray of morning descends timing the last rays of life in the vampire's body... What? Marceline, you're not dead. Luckily we do not lose the protagonist of this video, otherwise it would have taken longer to take videos. But hey, oil monster, who the fuck are you? Like I told you, Marceline was in charge of exterminating and sucking the soul out of every one of Ooo's vampires many years ago, so when she drained her demonic vampi powers, all that shit was left in the vampire juice that Bonnie just put in a bucket and that's it He became the oil bug of the forest and split into five vampires, the original vampires. Without more to do, they go out to kill everyone and Marcy to suck their respective souls until they reach the vampire king. The universe is simply a repeating cycle and just like in the past, Marceline ended her life together with the group of humans. Now he will kill him again, only to come back in a few years and be stabbed with a stake again. He's fed up. He wants to break the cycle, for Bonnie to get her vampire juice and just be a lion, harm no one and chill. So seeing nothing wrong with his request, they make him the cute kitty he wanted to be in the lab. But being the vampire king and being so powerful, he released a black cloud sheep that tries to destroy the kingdoms but Marceline manages to defeat. Taking a bite at the end of her absorption with which she becomes a vampire again, but it doesn't bother her because she feels that she accepted herself a little more. Now, moving on to the final chapter of Adventure Time, which obviously I'm not going to talk about in this video because otherwise I would stay for three hours. But what I do tell them is that there is a kiss between the two and at the end of the episode they move in together. What cookies that are for God! Arriving with the necessary context at the key moment in Obsidiana. Marceline and Bonnie grow up living together. One plays her music and the other is a scientist, until one day she is surprised by a boy from the town of Cristal, a fan of Marceline, who needs her help. Many years ago, she freed the Crystal Kingdom by imprisoning the dragon that tormented them with a very powerful song. And although neither of the two girls looks very excited to hear that, they accept, get on the motorcycle and head there. On the way they cross the Motor Home where she lived with her mother as a child and arrive at the kingdom. Everyone mistrusts her, since they were brought by the Cristal child, who, thanks to him, woke up the dragon at first. But at that moment, some little monsters sons of the dragon attack Marceline, she turns up the reverb and SAS! It proves that it is the real one, so they take her to the dragon without question. Marcy seems quite uncomfortable with the whole situation. On the other hand, the fact that she gets all the attention makes Bonnie jealous and on top of that, the crystals surround her every time she tries to help. When they get to the dragon, Marcy asks Bonnie if she really wants to hear the song she's playing, kicking off a flashback that clarifies why they're so weird. Many years ago, the people of Crystal had problems with the dragon. They called Bonnie and she helped them. He placed shields and studied everything possible about the dragon. In turn, he not only had a relationship with Marceline, but accompanied her to the Crystal Kingdom. She wanted some attention and the rebellious punk that she was at that moment didn't care one bit about the safety of the kingdom, so she only bothered Bonnie to escape from there. Until this happened. If you didn't want me to come, why did you invite me? I did not do it. They called me and you came. To tell you the truth, I can't stand it when you act like a monster. Well, since we are going to tell the truth, that same song, leaving it as garbage, is a song that ends up capturing the dragon at the time. Marceline's song, the Savior who returned the tranquility to the town of Cristal that is talked about so much in the chapter. And the same song that in the future and with a good relationship with Bonnie is playing again to once again control the monster. Is seriously? Okay, we're done. Although this time... it fails. Just like with the magic door, the dragon was contained by a real song, and Marceline is no longer the idiot pank who hated anything that moved. Now she is full of understanding, love and acceptance, so she doesn't feel the same way about the song. Plus the person dishonoring the song is her favorite person on the planet. And seeing that everything failed, Bonnie summons a shield system that is installed around the door. Marcy, surprised by the speed of the operation, asks if she expected her song to fail, to which Bonnie coldly replies that they never knew why the song worked in the first place and she wanted to be prepared. This tenses the situation quite a bit since it offends Marcy, who escapes, since as she said: It's as if she doesn't remember what it's like to be hurt or sad. Hmm. No, I know it's inside of me. I just have to go find her. I have to come back. I have to go back to the place where I hit rock bottom. Yep! Marcy enters the most recurring artistic question there is. If you can create art while being happy, or yes or yes, you have to go through sad things. Realizing that your best works were created at the bottom of the well where your darkest times are stored. May our best songs, videos, drawings, etc. they came up at our worst moments. So he grabs the motorcycle and-... although I don't know why it doesn't fly away, I imagine it adds drama to the situation. Anyway. He traverses the desert and goes straight to its root, the place where he drowned his emotions the first time he felt like a monster: the refuge to which he traveled when his mother abandoned him. And in fact, his dolls were still there and the red light to which he dedicated a song as well. Only now he's bigger and he knows what that button means. A pending voicemail that you hit play. Marceline, you're there, right? big girl? Sorry for misleading you. This is not going to change you because you have a good heart. I love you Marceline. I hope you can forgive me. Her mother never left her, but as a result of the mushroom war and radiation, she was dying. He was not immortal like her. So he made her draw the map in case she didn't last that long and the day she found the motorcycle, she didn't actually escape. Instead, choked by the blood she coughed up and tormented by the thought that her daughter would have to take care of her lifeless body, she abandoned her. He forced her to leave her behind to avoid seeing her die and not worry about more things than she would have to worry about in the apocalyptic world that unfortunately little Marcy had to live. And as would be inevitable, he starts crying, understanding that he was never really a monster. That it may be different from what his dad was. That all her life she was just an idiot. In fact, when the Cristal boy catches up with her and enters the shelter, he plays a song full of resentment and hate like the ones she used to write and says this: Was that what it sounded like? Ugh, what am I doing? He understood his life with a tape of less than a minute. I understand that she was never what she thought she was and that her mother was not afraid of her, but loved her. But that in the face of adversity he had built a shell facing each of the steps of his growth on the defensive. Trying to agree with the rest that she was a monster and she was going to prove it to them for fear of being harmed. For fear of rejection. When in reality it was the complete opposite inside. Which confused Finn at first when he was his lackey. For what he is willing to help Bonnie and leave that resentment behind, which when he arrives he releases a very funny dialogue. Your new song should be extra angry and sad. No, it's like a wave of acceptance washed over me. Nooooo! The Cristal boy feels that he must redeem himself, since he created this problem in the beginning trying to heal the break on his forehead. So get his attention and run inside the cavern while the dragon chases after him. Bonnie and Marcy run after him, but the crystals activate Bonnie's system and pulverize the entrance, locking them in the cave and burying the dragon in stone. When they wake up they have no way to escape and trying, they only manage to destabilize the cave more and more. Marcy explains what she saw in her shelter to Bonnie, but beyond that, there is nothing left. They are going to die, so he gets up, takes the boy's ukulele, and plays one of the most brilliant songs in the series. In the lyrics he clarifies how much he loves her and how he regrets his behavior towards her over the years, the result of the thick shell of aggressiveness with which he protected his ego. And he takes out everything he had inside, managing to touch the small light that the dragon was also hiding. This revives the original soul of the dragon and releases it into a beautiful kitty that makes its way for them to the outside. They celebrate the release of the dragon with a little crystal by playing some very good songs and end with a flashback to a Marceline concert at the exact moment where she throws Bonnie's rock shirt. Revealing that Bonny was actually a fan before they met in person. That's why he loves the shirt so much, it's from the day they met. Finally closing its arc, where, as in any good story, our protagonists continue their lives happily ever after... literally forever. I'm sure none of us is exempt from feeling like a monster in some way. But that's what's nice, feeling one. Marceline wouldn't have lived the life she did and she wouldn't have grown the way she did if she wasn't a monster. The greatest virtues are always learned from our worst mistakes. Marceline's shortcoming was thinking that her mother's abandonment was because she was afraid of her and it ended up being one of her greatest lessons. That she is actually a beautiful person on the inside, who simply had bad experiences that ended up turning her personality to the defensive of the planet. An abandonment, screwing up with someone or simply a series of actions that create a huge hole in our hearts can make us attached. They can make us the last person we would want to meet. A mirror that reflects everything we don't want to be. But in no context what one should feel is shame, because misfortunes are what build us. Marcy learned nothing the day she sucked dozens of souls, nor when she exterminated all the vampires in Ooo. She learned how to be a vampire when they all came back for revenge. If there was one thing Marcy wanted before all this, it was to stop being a vampire. It wasn't until problems arose that were fixed throughout many chapters that he really learned how to be a vampire. The day they play their song for the first time, have the success that will make them so happy and lock up once and for all the dragon that tormented them for so many years, let's celebrate our victories. But it won't be until the dragon rises again and our song fails, when all the vampires we've tried to hide come back to haunt us, that we'll really learn how to truly defeat them and become stronger than ever. Embrace that moment and suck all the blood you can out of it, because it is precisely those things that make us move forward, more conscious and better. Jodie says goodbye. I hope you continue your time with the best of emotions.
Channel: jodie cartagena
Views: 1,052,742
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Keywords: jodie cartagena, hora de aventura, un show mas, teoria de caricaturas, teorias de dibujitos, regular show, cartoon network, teorias de cartoon network, el iceberg de, marceline y la dulce princesa, marceline, adventure time, la historia de marceline, la historia de marceline y la dulce princesa, finn y jake, novias, problemas, ruptura amorosa, hora de aventura marceline, canción de hora de aventura, canciones de hora de aventura, finn and jake, arco de marceline, fandub
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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