Marathon in Crocs World Record!

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I'm about to attempt to break the record for the world's fastest marathon in Crocs in what is my first ever Marathon this can only end badly 3 hours and 2 minutes is the current world record which means I'm going to be facing the top 1% fastest Runners who mean business and they are wearing the fastest most high-tech running shoes money can buy but can I beat them in Crocs how much were they 285 285 40 quid and as I need the start the Crocs are starting to get a lot of attention very curious how's this going to work hopefully it will wait you're going to give me a bit of a complexion support team yeah you do the whole thing yeah so we're going for sub three we're going for the world record you must have Shin steel oh I'm so nervous I think they thought I was joking but I really wasn't I was attempting to become the first human in history to run a sub three-hour marathon in Crocs and it was go time let's go come on here we here we here we go okay the game plan was pretty simple run fast uh 6 minutes and 51 seconds per mile fast that's how quick I needed to be going to break 3 hours and it was seeming worryingly easy I and people could not believe their eyes I mean who'd be stupid enough to try and run a marathon in Crocs never mind at sub three hour Pace well that person would be me and I was loving every moment of it 629 4 Mile WR progress but despite this early success there was one thing I was very worried about the wall when your body simply runs out of energy and your legs start to feel as heavy as the road they're running on the wall is something even professionals can't avoid and as someone who's never done a marathon before what was it going to do to me but that wouldn't be an issue till at least like mile 20 so I just carried on running way quicker than I should have been this was only going to make the wall way worse but hey that was for future me three for the world record yeah yeah let's go all week oh no got CED on sport mode I've got Lightning McQueen logo on him good luck Lads I was running 30 seconds a mile faster than I needed to this was just outright stupid at 10K I'm 2 minutes ahead of pace the wheels could fall off any minute though then they got pranked by this guy go let's go got am I nearly done yet no just through 10K oh no how much training been done in the CR is this in 100 m time this will be my longest run in the crops right okay so it's it's one for the day but we're going with it strong running so far the way through he's going to smash it World Rec on the card let's go got this and in a weird crossover a YouTuber behind me film the whole thing so here I have Croc runner in front of me go go Croc Runner see the Crocs how on Earth did I not hear that am I dead cheers sharing drinks like this is only acceptable during a oh do me cheers mate you've got to stay hydrated and after 7 miles some support from my girlfriend and mom was just what I needed I did tell mom to take some horizontal video and we got some portrait pictures but thankfully my girlfriend Molly was also there with a proper camera oh oh I have the bloody let she was also that committed to filming that she didn't actually cheer me on can we get a thanks Molly thanks Molly anyway 8 miles in feeling pretty good and still running way too fast right just about to hit an hour in and I'm here with Brett Brett yeah we're going what are you going for today what time well I'm hoping for 255 255 oh nice just on Pace at the moment yeah just over 9 miles in so yeah we'll see awes you never know what happens when it gets to 20 mil wall I've heard about this the wall I would say 20 mil is probably the first half of the race last 6 miles oh no I might have been laughing on the outside but I was crying on the inside well best of Lu yeah best of luck to you too man cheers man great R let's get [Music] [Applause] [Music] it may awesome keep going all done all of a sudden running Croc doesn't seem like that much of a challenge okay you ready bin shot 12 oh crap okay we're getting up to halfway now feeling pretty good uh put my feet on the other hand ah it's like I'm being stabbed in the bottom of the foot this is tough going halfway there we go nice one this was when the pain really started I developed a massive blister on my left foot which was making the Crocs unbearable but the support from the crowd and all the other Runners just kept me going everyone was so friendly Oh my days this is super boost that's wild man oh cheers man though yeah don't tell anyone he's a prototyped almost at 16 mil now hit 25k I'm in big trouble my left thought is going through pain I didn't even know existed on the pain Spectrum hang on I need a drink oh thank you but why why was I doing this so I used to be a very competitive Runner reaching as high as National Finals in the 1500 M but after getting so many brutal injuries year after year I quit winning competitively and gave up my goal of becoming an Olympian and ultimately my dream of breaking a world record which is why this meant so much to me okay it may have been in Crocs but it's still a world record and I had to break it so despite this pain I was going through I was going to fight through and try and achieve my childhood dream this crowd is awesome let's go and despite the absolute agony my feet were in I still managed to be clocking some fast miles and meeting some great people what's your name Eric Eric nice to meet you meet you man and what why do you run uh well live up in edra yeah um I've actually not done that much training for this I've been in New Zealand oh awesome they have these like great walks there yeah um people treking yeah yeah yeah I decided to like run a lot of them yeah um so was my training basically great running up and down mountains oh wow awesome go do it yeah let's get this done I love the filler as well oh cheers man I'm not loving the C the camera was not doing this hill any justice it was so steep especially this far into a marathon is that a big hill everyone spoke about yes like God downhill come on and as I got closer to distances where I might start to hit the wall I was showing signs of already hitting it my Pace was slowing and it was still over 7 m away from the finish it was not looking good coming up to mile 20 now supposedly where the wall is and where it's like you're halfway through the race oh my God this is pain like I've never experienced hey cheers man Marathon oh man I haven't finished yet amazing to kill him hey good luck mile 20 there we go where the race really begins apparently oh please my cves my feet and knees just everything it's just cramping but we're still on pace so let's get it let's go man backing out he's flying and as if I wasn't going through enough pain already I I was now bleeding thanks to the camera hardness five to go let's get it believe it or not though there was people much worse off than me the wall was claiming its first victims and it was really looking like I was next I was in so much pain every bone in my body was telling me to stop and it looked like the wheels could fall off any second the only thing keeping me going was the support got it you got this come on let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this is Richie I had a great conversation with him at Mile 10 of the marathon and he gave me some pretty unnerving but good advice start yeah that's what everyone keeps telling me 18 right that's the start line is it 18 go on dude you wen't kidding and even Richie a multiple Time marathon runner with endless wisdom was in the bin he was struggling now 30 seconds a mile off the pace with just every two bit 2 and 1/4 mil to go 2 miles come on I can do this I was slowing massively but I built up such a buffer from the early miles that as long as I didn't stop I should break the record come keeping everybody keep smiling smiling oh wish I cannot convey to you just how much pain I was in at this point but anyway I had a side quest to complete final chance to take a bin shot let's get it [Music] yo that's a victory in itself this was by far the most painful experience of my 13-year running career maybe even my life I was getting slower and slower my feet were on fire I couldn't feel my legs my body was screaming at me to stop but I couldn't do that I came here to achieve my dream I came here to break world record and I was not going to do that by quitting I'm going to do it I've got this let's go going do it it let's get it cheers man you're idiot as well I know why have I done this to myself yeah one mile thank you help cheers dude what the fu everyone had told me I'd done it I thought I'd done it and as I came around the final Bend with just over half a mile to go I thought I had the world record in the bag but then the unthinkable happened cramp godamn cramp I've been dealing with a cute cramp for the last 6 miles but this I could not continue running and because of how much I slowed in the last few miles if I didn't get back running soon I wasn't going to break 3 hours I was watching the world record slip through my fingers but then in this moment I thought about Ed and his laugh and Bret and his cool shades I know these other great people I met along the way I wasn't just breaking the world record for myself anymore I was breaking it for the people they wanted to see a world record I couldn't let these people [Applause] [Music] down honestly if it wasn't for the crowd I would have quit this race miles and miles ago the support was [Music] [Applause] overwhelming finish oh my God the pain was so excruciating but this was the first time I was actually confident I was going to finish and even more importantly I was going to finish with a world world record I had a vision of like crossing the line celebrating hands in the air but I was just in so much pain I barely remember coming down the home [Music] street that was the hardest challenge of my life hardest physical challenge I've ever faced look at me oh my oh [Music]
Channel: Chris Howett
Views: 679,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AgileGB
Id: 1qmZ9Zt4_ZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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