Maranta Plant Care + Propagation 🌿

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[Music] foreign hey guys what's up it's fern thank you so much for joining me for today's video so i'm actually going to be doing something that i don't think i've done before which is focusing on just one specific plant and talking about it and what type of care i give it and how to propagate all the kind of info that i know about it based on my experience so that's what we're going to be doing today and i'm going to be talking all about my maranta this is my variegated maranta i've had one of you requesting for me to do a video talking about the care of this plant but i keep putting it off and i don't know why because this is one of my favorite plants ever so i am really stoked to talk about it um and this care applies to all marantas so um i have my other one here this is my lemon lime miranta it's the same care for both of them this is the only two marantas i actually own and i adore both of them i love both of these planets so much but yes let's talk a little bit about her so i have had this plant for not a super long time maybe three or four months i think i got her in the spring or beginning of summer maybe i actually found her on facebook i just happened to open facebook right when somebody listed her in one of the plant groups so i've said it before you guys check your facebook plant groups because you can find a lot of good stuff there and she is absolutely massive and she was 20 which is a super good price i know a lot of you guys can find these at the grocery store or whatever but i have never seen these in a store here so i just like honestly couldn't believe it that she was selling it like such a huge plan and she has so many different patterns of variegation and she's so prolific obviously and just like such an easy plant um she has some really cool um leaves that have like really light yellow almost white there's some that are like half and half almost as well um oh like this one look at that this is honestly like i am so oh my gosh look at this one it's like the red oh i don't like i love this plant so much this is honestly the thai constellation of mirantis like the variegation is just so interesting it has streaks of white kind of throughout it and then it'll have like large sectoral variation i'll include some close-ups of her in the video but yes i am just like obsessed i think this plant is so underrated and the new leaves come in so cute they're like rolled up like little papers okay so all of the mirantis that i have personally had have been extremely easy going when it comes to lighting i usually give them a medium indirect light however i have had them this one actually i have had this in low light it used to be in my bathroom at my old house um it was above the toilet and there was a small window with frosted glass east facing in that bathroom and it barely got any light from where it was sitting on the toilet and it would still give me lots of growth and be super happy i think that it really liked the humidity in there um i would stay away from sun i wouldn't give them any direct light i've never put one in direct light before i think that the leaves would burn and crisp up i'm not really sure let me know if you give yours direct light but i tend to keep them in the medium kind of now these guys actually are on the lower part of the grow shelf or this one is actually on the floor in the plant room so it does get some light from the grow lights but it's not going to get burned so yeah i found it's pretty easy to find a spot for these guys because they don't require like super high highlight however something they do like is high humidity so i like to either keep them in a room with a humidifier bathroom or kitchen would also be well because those are parts of the home that tend to have higher humidity they are known to crisp their leaves up if the humidity is too low i honestly haven't really had that problem with any of these um i do have a humidifier running in my home though and it generally tends to be like a little bit more humid where i live so i haven't had any huge problems but if you are noticing crisping then it could be a humidity issue or it could be a watering issue these guys like to have their soil kind of lightly moist don't leave it like soaking and saturated all the time but they don't like to dry out so i just kind of keep it lightly moist when i notice that it's getting to the dryer side then i will just you know give it another little drink and um yeah if it does dry out all the way then i will just thoroughly saturate it and i just try to maintain just keeping it a tad moist and they've been super happy however if they do dry out i haven't really noticed anything bad happening so i wouldn't be too concerned about it okay hi friends i'm just editing this is what i look like when i'm editing but i'm just realizing that i didn't mention anything about fertilizing um and i don't do anything special i basically fertilize my miranda the same as i do most of my collection which is lightly um probably every one to two weeks during the growing season or if they are growing even if they're growing in the fall or the winter i will lightly fertilize if they're like actively putting off new growth i do have a video where i show how i water and fertilize all my plants i can link that somewhere but i use just a regular all-purpose liquid fertilizer and i dilute that to half of what they recommend and then i also add super thrive so um yeah that's pretty much all i do um i just wanted to throw that in there quickly i find that these guys do well in both terra cotta and plastic pots but they do like i said they do require a little bit more water so you will get um this kind of mineral build up more frequently if you keep it in terra cotta and i do find that these plants that require more moisture just do kind of get like i don't know the in if they're in terra cotta i feel like they can get like kind of moldy or this weird stuff so um honestly plastic is a good option to go with i have always had this one in plastic when i got it it was in a plastic pot it did just get repotted into this clear plot and it is also classic so i need to take the price tag off of it but um i she looks like she's happy in there so that's good but really you can go with either or ceramic um usually plants that require more water i will put them in plastic or ceramic this one just happens to be in terracotta and she's doing well so it's all good and when i repotted this one i actually knocked off a bunch of pieces which i am now propagating so i will show you um how it works to propagate these guys i'm actually propagating both of these right now but i'll try to show you on this guy um where the nodes are oh it's kind of hard to see so on these guys the nodes are kind of where it bends like it's kind of like the elbow of the plant so so right here oh my goodness it's hard to show right here would be a node so i would just chop it off below that and then pop it in water and it should root from right there i'll try to show you on the other plant okay so yeah it's just kind of at the knobby joint looking parts see if it'll focus okay so you can see at these little like knobby parts where it just looks like almost a little nub that's where the roots are going to come out from so you could propagate um you could chop off so you could chop off right here and then roots are going to come from here and here i'll show you the ones i have going so if you can see it's all the little knobby spots where they connect that the roots are coming out so honestly if you just cut a chunk off like this and you pop it in water you're gonna have roots coming from multiple different areas this one has only been in water for honestly probably like a week or a week and a half and it's already shooting out roots like crazy so probably another week or two and this will be ready to get potted up i've always had really good luck propagating these guys same with over here i have the lemon lime going let's see if it has any roots oh it doesn't really have any roots yet i can see it kind of starting i'll show you where i can see it starting so i can see the roots just starting right there so that guy needs more time hey guys so i am just doing the outro right now because for some reason all the footage i recorded after the propagation section um got lost so i'm just closing out the video i hope that this information was helpful to you if you have any questions leave them down below and i will answer them as best i can or i'm sure someone else in the comments will be able to help you other than that thank you so much for watching i appreciate you guys so so so much make sure you give this video a thumbs up if you liked it if you want me to cover plant care on another specific plant then also comment that down below because i would love to kind of focus on one plant and share my thoughts about it and my care tips but yeah that's it okay thank you guys so much i'll see you in the next video [Music] bye [Music] foreign
Channel: wildfern
Views: 33,371
Rating: 4.9650874 out of 5
Keywords: prayer plants, plant care, plant tips, beginner plants, maranta, variegated, fernxplants, canadian, planttuber, vancouver island, tattoos, vegan, plant mom
Id: TKqAlSUzddQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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