How To Make a Prayer Plant Houseplant More Full! | Maranta Plant Propagation!

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hey guys today I thought we would propagate some prayer plant been a while since I've done like a sit down plant video and I'm miss doing it so today that's what we're going to be doing I have been wanting to propagate some Maran to plant I've been working on making this lemon lime Murata more bowl it has been growing quite a bit but as you can see but really you can kind of see down here it's just a little bit sparse so I've been propagating something slowly it has been growing like pretty well there's new growths there new growth there some new growth Oh a few new leaves over here this one's about to roll but anyway the moral of the story is I really want to make the base of it more full and thick looking so I thought I'd show you the process I use for propagating this kind of prayer plant there are a few different methods of propagation you can use but I will actually physically show you my favorite way to propagate it's really easy and straightforward so I just have some containers of water you know how much I love water propagation because I'm nosy and I love watching the root systems I just get little glass containers like these at the thrift store and I do prefer ones with a wider base and then like a smaller neck and opening it helps stop leaves from sitting in water and potentially like rowdy so yeah basically all we're gonna do is find a note I will also show you close-ups of all this we are going to find an ode and finding nodes on moranto plants they look a little bit different where its widest and then gets really thin that's going to be considered the node so and that is the case with a lot of different Moran type plants it doesn't look like your typical node I'm like a philodendron or pothos or even like a Hoya pretty much any other plant so I know it can be a little bit confusing put your fingers on a branch and slide it down gently and where you fill that bump where it's really skinny and turns into like a one stem looking thing that's where you're going to cut so I actually think I'm going to this branch right here because some of the lead are getting burned or do you keep this close to my oven and sometimes it gets a little bit too hot and this thing gets pushed close to the oven so yeah I'm going to cut this one so just cut so I'm just leaving about an inch of stem down there that's not completely necessary but this is just what I like to do the roots will form out of this I'll show you on a few of my other propagations so I'm also going to cut off some of these ugly leaves and just so that it has more energy to devote to pushing roots really quick this is actually a really good example you can also take single leaf cuttings on occasion it won't work on every single leaf depending on how long the leaf has grown but here here you can see there's this bump there is a little bump there that is a noted cut just right below that and also stick this in water and it would probably grow roots although like I said I do think that more leaves equal higher chance of success although too many of these can also mean lower chance of success so I guess I don't really know what I'm talking about but you know what I mean okay so then just literally gonna plop it in water like so easy peasy and while we're here I thought we could pot up a few of my previous propagations back into the pots you can see what a difference it makes so this is when they started probably four months ago cut it in water for a really long time but look at the roots they are pretty good and you can see let me try and show you the stem the stem is there but the roots formed out of that bump I told you about earlier it's gonna take my scissors finds like a bare spot in the soil kind of dig around in there a little bit to make a hole so to breathe and I do recommend watering your miranne to plants before propagating them I have found that leads to higher success rate and then also before planting them back into the soil I recommend watering your main Moran to plant just so it's not a shot as much of a shock from the plant going that's been in water for months to the soil if the soil is dry it may like burning but we're just gonna plop her in there a little bit see make sure you like the way it lays there we go beautiful see it and it just looks so much more full I do actually have another one that's kind of more fresh so I don't think I'm going to pot it up yet I've only had this one propagating for I think maybe a month hope you can see those roots I do use filtered water or rain water for my Moran toes they do not like chemicals whatsoever so I highly recommend using filtered water if possible you can always of course try tap water and see how it works for you and where you live tap water's different place my place but where I live tap water just does not work for my miranne toes so I'm going to be honest with you and say that I actually don't change the water on my water propagations I know that's so bad and such bad practice but it has worked for me all I do is once the water starts going down then I just fill it up with some fresh water and I've had any problems with root rot or mold or bacteria forming or anything like that so I mean that's just what I do it's not necessarily the best practice but I don't know why it works for me so I would also like to note that while I'm propagating plants I like to give them one like level higher of light exposure if that makes sense so I do keep this plant told about eight feet back from a West window and then about two feet back from a northern covered window so it does get very low light as I do keep my Moran to propagations about eight feet pulled back from a southern exposed window with its pretty strong potent light I would say and I do definitely think that it's important to make sure that they are getting excess of light while they're propagating they need a whole lot more energy to form those roots so it's just poked me in the face just something to keep in mind and a little thing I like to do I don't know if it's a scientific thing but it works for me so I'm gonna share it with you so I do typically let the roots I mean you saw that last spot I let them grow for a few months before plotting them into soil just to ensure that they're strong enough to support the plant if you know what I mean so yeah you this is the finished plant I'm actually probably going to propagate this to show you a close-up as I'm talking about it if I missed anything or if you have any tips and tricks for propagating prayer plants more ethically fiesh to romance are really similar to the clay thea plants ten a pea or ten a strawman - Nancy - man whatever it is all of those kinds of plants are really similar to one another as always please leave any socks or tips and tricks in the comments down below it is much appreciated so that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and I will see you my next one
Channel: Harli G
Views: 785,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: calathea houseplant, maranta houseplant, prayer plant houseplant, prayer plant, large prayer plant, prayer plant propagation, make plants look more full, how to get free houseplants, water propagation tricks, how to propagate indoor plants, take cuttings from calathea plants, best way to propagate prayer plants, lemon lime maranta, indoor plant, leaf, root system, node, propagate, propagation, water propagate, free plants, large indoor plants, hanging houseplants
Id: xw5-64qWKlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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