Maponga J III - || Make Your Requests Known (Philippians 4:4-8)

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foreign here on your station brand new space we're moving all our content and sermons for your Spiritual Development right here you subscribe you share with your friends this is your new home for your spiritual growth [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] today [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign Philippians 4 4. Philippians 4 verse 4. gives us a beautiful storyline that overshadows all Church boards the storyline that throws away all Church programs Dorcas rallies women's leagues and women's empowerment and everything that you are doing from Dockers to camp meeting this passage seems to just take you into your rightful places but before we go very far can we just observe a moment of silence for my wonderful wonderful uncle who has stood on this Pulpit many times before we get very far in memory of our beloved pasta and friend mukanya himself was the checkered can we just bow ahead for a moment of silence amen rejoice in the lord always and again I say rejoice let your gentleness be evident be seen by all for the Lord is near should there be any problems should there be any challenges don't be anxious about anything don't be nervous about anything don't be overcharged you're excited about nothing but through prayers supplications Thanksgiving make your requests known before God and the peace of God which surpasseth the peace of God which is above the peace of God will occupy your minds and your hearts in the love of Our Lord 12 and 13 at the bottom day whatsoever things are right whatever things are pure whatever things are noble whatever things are lovely and godly if there be any virtue think on these things when people hear us read such verses they call it they call us motivational speakers but it's not me who wrote the Bible read it for yourself if you don't consider the Bible to be a motivational book then you are reading a wrong book go and find yourself a sad book somewhere to read but the Bible is interested in your attitude if there be any virtue praiseworthy loveliness beautiful think on these things when you find your mind as a warehouse of ugly things ask yourself who is your father when you find yourself sitting down and your mind has become a factory of pile and God envy and angered ask yourself who is your father because if you had read this passage in the first place you'd know that your mind must be occupied by Beauty someone said Beauty summoned by lovely self someone say lovely someone say you know Virtua someone said virtue someone say Godly stuff someone said Godly so when when you find yourself working outside of the parameters of Philippians 4 4. you must know that you are tapping onto the wrong Network first and foremost rejoice in the lord always all parallel words English is poor doesn't have too much elaborates and extra fagans and exuberance of English expression they run short what's your name Mr Payne what's your problem have you got a pain what is that that's the window pain and you wonder what pain one is it why don't all pain you know kind of thing so when they use some English words they tend to say the same word but it could have multiple meanings because they don't have because in English it's always as of all parts of life and always as of all times rejoice in the Lord on all parts of life rejoice in the Lord yet all chronological orders of time so let Joy occupy your time let Joy occupy your endeavors and Paths of life again I say rejoice when you find this repetition in Scripture it means it's important and I cannot find a better way of echoing this this back to you but in Romans chapter 8 you know if you can read it from verses 8 going down there's no condemnation for those that are in the Lord you go down for the Lord disciplines those that you love you go further down for the spirit of God and the spirit in US confirm within our hearts that we are Sons and Daughters of God and we are heirs and coheirs together with Christ hear the backgrounds right there and that we are all modern conquerors through him who has loved us and then towards the end it says neither Heights no depth no wits no things that were things that are things that are to come no Angels no demons should separate us no you know now if you hear the coverage of Scala and Vector quantities of time if you hear this passage talking telling you about Lance and widths and Heights and depths and metaphysical stuff you know cosmical stuff and historical background and everything he says in all these things we are more than conquerors now if we have conquered in all then we can read Philippians 4 verse 4. which then clarifies for us that in our past when we look at our past others look at it with anger and disdain Philippians says rejoice some look at the future with anxiety and they don't know what tomorrow will bring Philippians says rejoice some look at their presence and they don't know how they're going to make ends meet and Philippians says Rejoice someone they get on Heights they get fevers and fears of heights Philippians say rejoice when you get down to the depths of your own problems even there Philippians says rejoice in the lord always and again just in case you forgot I say Rejoice now if you miss this party then you missed everything your attitude through life exam fees assessment examinations whether you are going to be testing whether you are pregnant or not because you slept without a condom the Bible says rejoice in the lord always you you don't have to to make worry part of anger part of he says the attitude must be that of constant Joy therefore Joy is not laughter but joy is an attitude the mic yeah Joy is not loved yet then that one is joyful no no joyful is not just laughter it's your shoot towards life why do you have that Joy because you know that we are more than conquerors and you know there's a better verse that says for all things you didn't hear me four in my vision it says for all things the good and the bad as long as God is the cook it comes out edible you can process that with I she's good or whether it is in all things consider the joy that as long as God is sitting at the kitchen and cooking your menu you'll have something edible you may not understand maybe you don't need to understand you may not see maybe your eyes are not that good you may not actually process it maybe because your software can't comprehend it but if you know the one that is calling then the journey becomes tolerable therefore faith is not a leap into the dark at the Young pastors here we shall be correct you faith is not a leap into the dark but is his confidence in the voice that is in the dark that when you can see but the voice that beckons you to come you know the voice the man I have my children here with me should I end a very dark room deep into the tunnels come and they cannot see where they are fitting will touch but if they know and have confidence in the voice that is calling them in the dark surely they should know the men inside his walk this path before me and when he says I must come you need confidence in the voice that gives you assurance that when your eyes can take you my experience will carry you we don't work in life because we have it all together we work in life because we are sure the voice I had at the beginning saying come up here when I was doing my fourth grade in Primary School sleeping on my father's bed and pig State you stood on my window I don't know what I was dreaming was in a vision and they looked at me on my bed and he says come up here that's what I was dreaming I stood out of my bed and I jumped up and I joined him where he was we walked the whole night on the continent of Africa his skin was black but it's charcoal white so the thing and we walked around we walked around towards the early hours of the morning he brought me back to my bed I've never missed that voice and as soon as I'm sure the one who called me to be here knows where I'm going none of your flipping business you follow your call stay on your lane stay on your lane if you've never heard the voice of God calling you don't go about telling those who have had him I have heard hence I am I would not have been had he not rejoice in the Lord always again just when you're getting bored see it again rejoice be sure of the one that constantly beckons you from the limitations of your understanding and the limitations of your denominational cocoons and he says come further you guys I wish you could read books such as Ezekiel come here and he walks in and the faith is only up to the anchors we have angled Christians who like dancing in the rain and in the waters of Faith only as long as they can see their feet it is a comfortable place to be Ezekiel is told that's not a good place come come come he gets depend the water is up to his knees now it's getting a bit tricky you can't run as fast as you want it looks like the water is getting more control than you have but you can still run away from it and the word says come the water reaches up to his waist now the gospel is beginning to baptize his morality and his knees and the water is becoming stronger and is becoming weaker and just when he thought he was comfortable the voice said hey hey further down into the deep and he moves further and he moves further and he says finally here a man can swim but when you are in the deep end you are no longer in control the water is in control and I'm tired of Christianity where the church and people are in control because you never have a heaven or a blood that you died for so shut up you're smelling armpits and smelling shoes go home and wash yourself you have your own problems to deal with when you get to the place where divine grace thrives human capacity becomes a weakness you are subject to the waters that you drown yourself into and if God says let's move you are no longer in control but he is in control three illustrations only and I'll sit down the sermon title is make your requests none make foreign if you come to the river with a teaspoon you walk away with a teaspoon if you come to a river with a cup you walk away with a cup you bringing her Bowser you walk away with her when we later on meet on land and find me with a Bowser and you have your teaspoon don't let's not argue about the capacity of our containers if you want more go back to the river you made yourself more so those who pray for small things receive come on guys those who pray for medium to well done get medium those who pray for well done to bend they also get in other words when you come to the well in John chapter 4 bring your picture with you grace is sufficient resources to fill up the capacity of your demands so don't walk up to God with small things you will walk away with small things some of us are miserable as Christians because some of the prayers we pray they don't even need God to answer them you can answer them for yourself you can't pray for God to come and feed you hell no Heaven you're coming feeding nobody will give you means to make money but after that you go to the shop Buy on food go home and cook it for yourself and eat it for yourself just remember to buy some tissue but God is not involved so we need to know where to involve God and where does God stop God does not run a spoon feeding session to lazy people who think that prayer is an answer to everything president is an answer to laziness all right then put on record your Bible says prayers and your prayer books is present answer to everything I tell you today president and answer to everything don't pray for miracles we shall not prepared to accommodate because when Grace invades your space you may just discover that you're incapacitated my father the favorite Prophet every time I would make a request she's never pray for a moon said why because even if God can give you you don't have a plate where you can carry it sometimes we ask for things that are Way Beyond capacity for software I paid to you some of the young boys and girls who run around social media and you read read some of my stuff and I know from your literal accounting and I.T you know small little certificate in human resource and two books of Ellen G white you know and you come into the you come into this big sea that is full of you know they say swim but if you drown in a pool have you read your Bible if you can't run with people on foot on foot how much more when they get on horses if you're struggling with me as a fellow Christian how much more when the non-Christian begins to talk to you if you can answer me as one of you how much more when those that are not within us will begin to talk to you so I'm not a puppet of your own imaginations that should contain me in your echelons of beauty as long as I conform to your styles of thinking and I'm a good boy yeah good boy and you know you're the supervisor and the manager good boy yeah he's now in order yeah he's walking this Thin Line did you go to school with Jesus three people only and I sit down make your requests all right let's let us miss the first gentleman his name is bartimius and the Lord asks him after he has shouted and shouted and made noise and people trying to push him aside and finally he says bring him over and they bring him over and they ask them a question what do you want what do you want but to me as they don't mix his words straight to the point that I may see that I may see just be intentional about your requests brain in a cloud of assumptions oh Lord you know my weaknesses Lord you know my problems you know in some of you when you say where's your wife she's somewhere here she's somewhere you know you say there she is there there she's that one in glasses then that one that one that's them that's my wife okay don't generalize the areas of your inefficiencies be clear about it what do you want that I may see first request pray that you may see many of us have eyes but therefore cosmetic use they can't see they see pictures they see but they can't perceive English no is they see but they can't perceive they can't process what they see therefore eyes to the man like a movie just seeing pictures like a child scrolling through a book not interested in the writings they're just looking for pictures pray that you may your eyes can come in contact with the intention of that which you are looking at is someone with me number two let us go over and let us meet some solo Solomon Solomon wakes up in the morning sacrifices ten Burrows 20 Bulls a thousand Bulls you know boom one by one by the time he finishes sacrificing he goes to bed and when he goes to bed God gets worried yeah have you ever done something that will wake up God from his sleep and God comes to Solomon in the night and says ever since I became God no one has given me a thousand Bulls what do you want so you must you must do some certain things in the spiritual realm until those you are in communication with start asking and questioning your intentions you didn't hear me guys you didn't hear me this is high grade now this is high grade I'm moving over to another level now you know when you do stuff because it's expected out of you it's limited but when you do it with no intentions until those you are doing it for start worrying what is it that you want God steps up to Solomon's bed in the night don't stop sleeping stop sleeping foreign what you want if you want something extraordinary to be done to you start doing stuff that is extraordinary you want God to do something for you that has never been done then start doing for him also that which has never been done break the barriers of limitations who said it's ten percent who said he's 20. who said is 30. what if you can give 150 percent what if 200 what if a thousand come on a service can go on with one bull one bull service is done you have met the requirements you didn't hear me many of us were still practicing Christianity on the basis of requirements you don't even deserve a miracle the assembly what I call box stickers you meet the Ten Commandments the bare minimum what do you want Solomon looks up and he says um since you have left me in this complicated position and you gave me a good father and I have a good Kingdom that I'm running I don't want nothing much I just want brains on wisdom the Lord looks at this boy and says criminal boy of all the things that you can ask for I mean I bet you letting us pick up a sleigh Queen here let us pick up a six-pack boy here and let God look at you and say what do you want I bet you trips to Dubai will be sourced for gtis will be ordered Bentleys ghosts will be ordered Shades and glasses and houses and mansions will be mentioned clothes that are matching would be mentioned glasses and an inexhaustible black card in the bank so that we can swipe and Pie as long as but Solomon looks at God and says I I have everything but you guys are missing it man when you are poor your prayers are equivalent to your poverty but when you have everything you may just start Desiring other things that are outside of materials you can make your prayer lives material begging sessions in the corridors of Grace I wonder how I want a house I want school fees I want a husband I want a wife what have made you think that God runs a material supply shop those that are path materials start making requests that are on the other Realm what do you want can't touch it because I want wisdom God looks at him and says because you asked for wisdom ah over and above the wisdom you you you you you asked for the master key it does not come alone he didn't hear me guys when you make requests ask for those things that have partners if you're following me you can hear what I'm going you can hear where I'm going if you are making requests don't ask for those things if you get a car you just get a car actually a car is doesn't a car is a problem because you need maintenance you need fuel you need other things it will take away even what you are given but there are other things when they come they have extra stuff that follows them I want wisdom God says above wisdom I will give you I'll give you wealth money therefore money is not Superior to wisdom in fact you don't need a husband you need wisdom how to get him you don't need a house you need wisdom on how to get the damn house you're praying for you don't need that you need this because when you got this it will assist you with the software to get that unfortunately many of us are not focusing at this we are focusing at that and when that comes in the absence of this we are still in a mess that we were when we did not have those things that's why many people who win Lotto many people who win lots of money they are poorer after they win the money than they were before they received the money because money without knowledge money without wisdom it's a flipping mess without knowledge and wisdom is a torture room Education Without morality you end up in prison having stolen people's monies because they make you an accountant they give you a signature to sign you look at the money and say oh this is mine it's not yours yet welcome China therefore you pray for books you pray for knowledge you pray for all these things I want you know can I graduate can I graduate by the time you graduate you are two months away from prison and you don't even know it what do you want I said the same entitled make your requests noon make your request known Solomon says I want wisdom God says now wisdom is not a singular wisdom is plural comes with Grace comes with power comes with wealth comes with exaltation comes with everything else that I have you didn't hear me Philippians says and the peace of God and oh you helped me on always I'll come again on peace and the peace of God and the word peace can be translated in English transliteration in two ways peace is of shalom over tool but peace can also mean fraction of can I get excited and Philippians says and the peace of God first translation and the shalom of Yahweh will occupy your minds styles of affection and your hearts styles of emotion the way you think and the way you feel must be governed by the shalom of God don't feel too much don't think too much let the Shalom of Yahweh become your occupancy of processing your thoughts come on remember someone there that's the traditional one let me come to Punk's theology in my own book he says and the peace of God and uh not all off fractions of divine presence will be deposited in your human space and this is above human understanding come on guys come on guys man if you can't say Amen there you never say another amen again and the Bible says and the peace of God some elements of divinity will start residing with you and this is a path human understanding no but you you cannot you can never occupy all of God come on you you can't break my father's proverb the moon can't fit in a plate if God should come and says I want to stay here with you you burn Moses says I want to see you God says no no one has checked me out in this lift man go behind the rock hide yourself I'll cover you with my hand on your face take a piece of cloth and cover yourself hide behind the Rock and I will pass on the other side then you'll see me what did Moses see God is good God is kind God is merciful god is long-suffering he is enduring forever his love is Everlasting Moses did you say God no no I do not see God but in his presence I came up with my own definition of what God is all about and the peace of God which is a passive or human understanding will God is the Watchman with the sword on the doors of your hearts is a God on the doors of your minds God you are against the influence that are coming from outside what you want I want wisdom so number one pray that you may see number two pray that you may be wise number three is Elijah is we are concluding what do you want Elijah and Elijah looks at him he says man what do you want after I am gone and Elijah says to him man I want something from you Elijah says don't hurry me if you see me go that's for another day if you see me go some stuff you must be present when other stuff disappears then other stuff will do will appear you must be a pain you must be there when it disappears so that when the new appears and I maybe I should come back here is Montage will be if you see me go you're not ready guys you're not ready man you're not ready if you see me go then I'll give you what you're asking for Elijah says I want your I want you can you give me your jacket give me your jacket and not just a jacket he says the man give me a double portion of your spirit other people know stuff to ask for stuff to ask for still arguing about ancestors and spirits and all this hey hey the Bible says I want a double portion not of God's spirit foreign students you can go to numbers and Moses the Bible says when he was anointing the elders even those who were not in the tent the spirit of Moses went into the tent to anoint them also you cannot speak such stuff so Elijah performed seven miracles how many miracles how many miracles you can go home and verify what I'm saying if it is correct then you become like the bereans who went home to confirm that what mapunga say is it in accordance with the word that makes a difference he's seven miracles later in the Elijah performed 13 miracles how many miracles then God is a liar because Elisha asked for come on I shall ask for a double potion and then he got 13 miracles in his name and he dies and he's buried in a tomb those who read their Bibles I can see you're getting excited in it when he is in the tomb where no one can access him his flesh is rotten it's just bones left in the grave then the black book says another young man passed away and when he had died the people of the city they walked up with him to go and bury him in the caves somewhere next to where Elisha was but before they could arrive at the graveyard there was an Army that was approaching so they had to start running and running away with the dead men behind them when the enemies were catching up time was too late there was a cave nearby there was a cave nearby they said no man we can't struggle let's just dump this boy here inside this grave and we Run for Our Lives then the black book does not spare us when he entered into the into the cave and his balls touched hellacious bones number 14. I bet you Elijah died with number 13. he's got a question for Elijah on the resurrection morning you cheated me I asked for 14 you only gave me 13 but before Elijah can answer him back there is a young man who is going to walk past and say I am number 14. I said make your requests no asked not just for a spirit some people know how to double it up I want a double portion of your spirit rejoice in the lord always again I say Rejoice let your gentleness be evident to all for the Lord is near please enrolled subscribe and join us in changing our continent there are those who are always asking what happened their those who make things happen [Music]
Channel: The Gospel According to Maponga Joshua III
Views: 108,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 47sec (2447 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 06 2022
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