MapleStory: Arcane Catalyst Is EXTREMELY Broken!

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okay this must be the easiest way of making a new main and getting symbols for the new main assuming you have an existing main already and that is the arcane catalyst so from the description accelerates the flow of erda developing the current symbol making it unstable uh alternating symbol cannot be equipped but it can be transferred within the world the growth level is reset and you lose 20 percent of the total item exp and then once it's stabilized you can return it to a normal arcane symbol and use it and blah blah blah you basically need to complete the quest line for the symbol on whoever you're transferring to and obviously symbols with level growth level 2 and up can be used with this otherwise not be used with this so before the 227 version patched in maple story this was kind of painful to use because what you had to do essentially was pay double the amount in bubbling fees basically each time i went from level one to level two you will have to pay a price on the main so in this case is my kaiser and let's say i want to transfer a symbol i will have to level it pay a certain amount and then after i pay a certain amount i have to use that arcane catalyst i just showed you and i will turn it back into level one essentially with a bunch of orbs stacked on top and then i will be able to move this to let's say another character of mine so once i move it on the other character i will have to pay again to level it back up which means you have to pay double the amount for a leveling assemble and that can be quite painful but what the version 227 patch did which just happened recently about a week ago is that now arcane symbols can keep going in terms of stacking on top without having to level it so let me show you what i mean so you see this first symbol i have right now it says 28 out of 20. back then you couldn't do this the most you can do was 20 out of 20 and then you will have to enhance it before you actually equip more symbols onto it but now you can basically equip unlimited amount of symbols on top of it and it will just accept it and it will still count towards your progress and you don't have to level it which means you only have to pay once so again for the arcane callus your symbol must be level two and up so it can't be used on a level one like this it has to be a minimum of level two so meaning i have to level these at least once to level two that's relatively cheap so who cares right another thing to note is that you can't go past the maximum amount so the maximum symbol amount to level the whole symbol to level 20 would require 2679 symbols so which means you cannot put more than 2.679 k worth of symbols on top of it why is this important right like who cares why don't you just do this on a mule wasn't it better think of it this way right would you rather do a arcane daily questline on your main who has its arcane quest lines cut down from the maximum let's say three to six or whatever else to now is one basically have to do one for each region and each type of plus so uh one in vj one in choo choo one in latchland one in arcana one in morass and one in s first for a total of six quests plus whatever party plus there are or whatever many games there are but i only have to do it once whereas if i do it on my mule let's say my mule is in managing journey right now right so managing journey will have six daily quests i have to do assuming my meal is at least level 200 and below 210 so i have to do six of these i have to do six vanishing journey quests for the same amount of symbols so why would you want to do that you're basically only doing 16 of the work for a hundred percent of the gains well not really a hundred percent because again the arcane catalyst does take twenty percent off at the end but i think that's a small price to pay and then it's completely worth and then on top of that let's say you want to go to choo choo region on the next region you will still have to do more and more quest lines so it will never be as fast as if you were to do on your main and on top of that one of the biggest reasons to do it on your main is stream defender so how likely is it that your second main or third main make it to age 100 200 whatever the case may be that your main makes it too very unlikely right so if you're able to make it substantially higher you'll get substantially more coins for dream defender so why wouldn't you want to do it on your main and you'll have to do it once as opposed to maybe two to three times on your mule when it's not high enough level you know what i'm saying slight flex here i then make dream defender number five congrats to me pat myself on the back anyways i digress as i mentioned the symbols required to level a any given symbol in any region to the max level 20 is 2679 according to this maple wiki page that i found and the total muscles required to level is 1.4 bill approximately for vj symbols and obviously it's going to be slightly more expensive for espura and the higher level regions like future and whatever but you know around 1.4 to 1.5 bill range so before you would need to at least pay 2.8 bill first on your main before you transfer it and then again after you transfer it it's a very s crazy awesome change that they did where you basically have to level one so you only have to pay 1.4 bill to do it on your second main after you transfer it so this is what the symbol looks like after you transferred it as you can see you have to transfer within the world and then you have to equip it onto your second main third main whatever case may be and you will have 164 out of 12 in this case and you want to just pay muscles to level up to whatever level this gets to when you use the octane callus you see this little user interface right here where it shows you before change after change and you know how it is and everything so for level one to level two it requires twelve symbols to level up and so the 12 symbols plus the 192 on top already is 204 symbols right and then so 204 symbols subtracted 20 percent that gets taken away from the arcane catalyst you get 163.2 so 164 approximately the math works out like this and as you can see it it makes sense right there nexon's not really scamming us here and then here let me show you the other one so for the other one we have the vanishing journey symbol and this is level four and from level one to level two it requires twelve symbols as i mentioned before level 2 or level 3 requires 15 symbols level 3 to level 4 requires 20 symbols and then there's a total of 47 symbols from all of the levels i just mentioned so for a total of 47 symbols plus the 43 at the current level you get 90 symbols total so 90 symbols worth in the before change right and then you subtract 20 percent which is 18 so 20 90 is 18 and you get 72 so as you can see in the after change it is basically 72 out of 12 so again the math works out here so the end result would be 47 symbols would be expended from level 1 to 4 leveling and then you will have 25 symbols left over from your 72 and the after change and then you will get a level 4 symbol that is 25 out of 27 in terms of the symbol exp so yeah guys this is a pretty big change for those of you who want to make a second main or a third main and you guys want to get symbols in a slightly lazier fashion because again you're really doing one daily per region versus doing six dailies or three dailies or four dailies per region now obviously you don't have to max it out all the way to level 20 amounts worth of symbols before you actually transfer it over it depends on your intents and purposes but you know you can definitely push it all the way to 2.6 k before you actually transfer it over it's not a big deal so yeah guys hope you guys found this video helpful leave a like if you did be sure to subscribe to the channel if you want to see more and as always guys i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: ClanKaiser MapleStory GMS
Views: 21,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clankaiser, gms, kaiser, maplestory, maplestory arcane catalyst, arcane catalyst, arcane symbol, transfer, another character, guide, how to transfer, how to transfer arcane symbols, maplestory how to transfer arcane symbols, maplestory v, maplestory 5th job, maplestory arcane symbols, maplestory arcane river, arcane, symbols, MapleStory GMS, How to use Arcane Catalyst to transfer Arcane Symbols to another character, arcane dailies, arcane river dailies, maplestory arcane dailies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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