MapleStory: Marksman Bossing & Training Guide

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Marksman Marksman is mainly a long range Archer with pretty good burst and mobbing you have one summon that you use for bossing Arrow illusion you might be able to use this to train at Rico regions it's basically a loser soul in terms of damage the general Buffs are as follows decent speed infusion decent combat orders Frost prey sharp eyes and maple Warrior you have two toggles guided Arrow which isn't used until Level 225 and Beyond when you have enough note slots for the skill and Reckless hunt which will be a passive in the ignition patch for marksman's main boost no Trio you want snipe slash Empower snipe piercing arrows slash Empower piercing Arrow all burst slash Frost prey there is no secondary Trio set for movement you have flash jump up jump and quick descend you can use covering fire to LEAP backwards and you also have blink both teleport that you place down on a location to teleport back to bossing bossming uses a crossbow the five hypers you must have are all three on snipe Popeyes critical chance and guard break your Mains foundable attack is snipe and you cast surge bolts every 10 seconds off of cooldown your Aero illusion is used to position the boss and acts as a punching dummy so you don't get a hit it's not a perfectly coded skill by any means so take it as you will boxmen have one iframe perfect shot after ignition this cooldown gets reduced to one minute and this skill can be used as a mini burst with Bullseye shot there is a general order for the full four minute burst repeating crossbow cartridge Berry of the wild epic adventure Maple goddess blessing split shot Bullseye shot it's just shot a b link and ring of restraint then you have your two minute half burst which include repeating crossbow cartridge Fairy of the wild epic adventure split shot Bullseye shot Bishop shot a b link and weapon jump it's basically the same as your Focus except you just don't have your Maple goddess blessing training your main smell will attack is piercing Arrow you can use surge bolts off of cooldown to clear horizontal Maps since the travel is pretty far all birds can be used in certain maps to reach higher platforms when split shot is up you have to use it after ends use fury of the wild and you just want to cycle the two skills if split shot is on cooldown you can cast high speed shot up cooldown think of high speed shot as your split shot with a longer cooldown your training hypers are snipe extra strike and reinforce and all three on piercing Arrow now I bet you're wondering what notes should I use level and prioritize there's so many this next video will provide a general guideline and break down which notes you should use and level first for training and bossing
Channel: ClanKaiser MapleStory GMS
Views: 20,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clankaiser, gms, kaiser, maplestory, Grinding, Legion, Training guide, Training rotation, Maplestory leveling guide, Leveling, Guide, MapleStory Marksman, Marksman Bossing, Marksman Class Guide, Marksman training guide, Marksman bossing guide, maplestory Marksman, Marksman revamp, Marksman bossing, Marksman mobbing, Marksman destiny, Marksman 5th job
Id: J8yyM2FadzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 52sec (172 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2022
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