Manual & Electric Vevor Honey Extractors - An Honest Review

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obviously these two boxes from vivore here we have a manual extractor and here we have an electric powered extractor so I want to do a comparison using both of these we're going to break them out of the boxes look and see how they're packaged then we're going to actually go in the garage and extract some honey and see how they work looks like we have a honey gate we got the crank for the hand crank on the mango extractor got some different bolts we've got some legs over here let's go ahead and pull those out there's the extractor looks like it's all in there we just got to add the legs and the hand crank looks like this comes off pretty easily right here lifts off the page comes out this is for the honey frames okay and here we have the protective coverings to put over the extractor while it's spinning so we'll get the legs put on there get everything put together and then we'll go try it out okay the honey gate looks pretty simple pretty simple you just stick it in here like this just screw it on there the legs look pretty basic you just real basic just take your washer Bolt of course I'll use some pliers to tighten it up up in the garage but that's all there is to that that's really easy so there's three legs this right here goes on looks like real easy it's got a little square there you just stick it on there and tighten this a little spin this right here obviously goes into the cage a small ball bearing down in the bottom where the cage goes we'll set the cage down in there [Music] very simple looks like we have room for four mediums we're two deeps or you could probably do two mediums and two deeps at the same time maybe nice and snug then we have the covers for safety so it just spins like this right here so we'll try it out a little bit okay now let's do the electric extractor here the legs are very similar I mean frankly it looks pretty nice here I'm going to put a link in the description to both of these extractors but I believe it's actually an eight frame extractor I think you put I think you put four mediums in here radially and then four tangentially or I believe you could put deeps in here four deeps in here tangentially like laying on their side like that so so the rod drops right down that hole like that so it can spin and this is a little different of a setup here this right here these kind of fit down these grooves right here and then you tighten it another feature is it has these little hinges here we can attach the covers the protective covers if you look right here it does have a speed adjuster so you can change the speed we're going to go do shoot some video with both the manual and with the electrical powered motor extractor here and just kind of see how they work okay here's the honey off of the hives in the backyard the Apple May highs we got eight mediums of Honey some of them aren't quite full but they're pretty good and then we have a six deep frames that we're also going to test out so here's a setup it's our little manual extractor here ready to go they got a five gallon bucket here with a paint strainer in it another five gallon bucket here with the paint strainer and a comb Capper so this is kind of how we did it back in the day we did thousands of pounds of honey this way we had an old hand cranky Striker kind of like this but we're gonna go ahead and kind of go old school here while we test out this extractor and show you how it works first frame 100 for the year just slide your knife up like this I found these serrated knives work about as good as anything got us some kind of orange colored honey here that could be tallow I got a little scratch here if we need to kind of get a few areas I can scratch it like that we also use pin roller sometimes but I'm not sure where my pin roller is it might be done at our bigger facility and just there's a little out of practice using this thing but then just flip it around like this this goes down that hole right there you can go from the bottom of the top or the top to the bottom like this scratcher to go you typically won't put this end in the leading end I believe so we'll put it like this like I said it's been a while since I've used extractor of this type before and I'm going to do two mediums and two deeps and just see how it works one issue is these things are so high right here that they hit this as they go around and they're going back see they hit it as they're going around do I tried to figure out how to lower the whole rack down maybe there's a way to do it but I can't figure out how to do it so you just got to be careful and uh with the handle on this side over here though I switch sides it seems like it's a little easier it's still going to walk I don't know if it might just be because these frames are unevenly full of Honey obviously to work better if the bolts to the floor so anyway there we go they're just gonna let it do its thing hold it in place and now we're going to flip these around you got to flip them around on this particular type of extractor they're pretty dry did a pretty good job spinning the honey out slip them around it really is a super tight fit in here so it's kind of tough to do that it works it's just kind of you gotta probably get used to it it's my first time using this extractor so as I use it more I'm sure I'll get better at it there we go just have to push it down a little better really have to stabilize it [Music] boy it's uh paper it's just hitting okay we took the mediums out when I went to the Deep Side I realized that I not flipped one of the deeps over and that's why it was bucking so bad we flipped it over and just went ahead and sped it out and you see how easy it's spinning now so that was my bad that was my fault see it's just totally even totally balanced really not bucking at all significantly so the key is that you flip them all when you're going to flip those frames over we're getting this figured out I went and got some prettier comb see how pretty and white this is it's gonna be a lot better experience see look at this new fresh honey here on this beautiful white comb this is some newer comb I think and that definitely came off of there easier are these are all mediums it's working nice and smooth now they're all similar weight spinning it out it when I had it set up straight in there that tilts back like this and it raises this up so it hits the edge here so I actually tilted it all right this right here leaning this way towards the to the top bars on the frames and as it's spun this one's actually broke when we had it the other way as it spun then it levels out and doesn't hit it anymore so just a few things you got to play with to figure out how to use the thing okay let's go ahead and check out this electric vivore extractor I'm going to turn on you can gently ramp it up goes pretty fast it's very pretty quiet actually now we screwed these covers on here if you open them up it automatically turns off as a safety feature so we had to screw those on as soon as you close it turns back on so let's load these things up with some frames and see how it works and we got four tangential and then four radio we see how it works I'm not sure if it'll be better at trying to do eight at a time or just to do four at a time hopefully I got them in there right thank you we're gonna let it go kind of slow here for a little while it's on about 55 right now let's turn it up a little bit [Music] starting to walk these things always walk though every extractor I ever have a walk the bigger ones we use for our big harvests are bolted to the floor and you can bolt these to the floor as well it's like it's working well let's Let It Go for a minute and turn up a little more it's walking pretty hard here uh so I'm having to hold it down it's bucking a little bit here so that go till it evens up a little bit okay now I'm going to turn it off we're gonna look in here and see quite a bit of Honey down the bottom now we have to go with these tangential frames and flip them over yeah they're dry they're pretty good looks good that side is wet that side is really dry did a good job got most of the honey out I kind of like this little extractor all right let's turn it back on again I like the way you can adjust the speed as well fairly easily here as the frames empty out it should quit bucking as the weight balances off a little better this is 70 right now it's not bucking hardly at all 85 it's on 100 I'm not having to do a whole lot it's doing good these frames are definitely clean of honey for the most part pretty dry the radio ones not as much we might let them go a little bit longer I'm going to spend a little bit longer on the radial and just see if it spins it out a little better it makes sense that the tangential ones would do better the ones that are sideways because that Force just pushing it straight out whereas the ones are an angle like this it's a little bit harder for it to spin out I think I don't know how fast it's going but it's it's doing the job it's pretty smooth machine okay we're gonna open it up the gate beautiful honey okay we're gonna run one more load for the video These are deeps I put four deeps in here they fit in there quite easily and I mainly just wanted to do this to see if it was powerful enough really to to spin the honey out on these because they are quite heavy I've got it on 60 now it's a pretty heavy load so we're just going to let it spin a while so far it's handling it just fine we're at 100 on this first go around I'll let it go for a while I'm gonna let go I'm going to let it go a little bit longer then we'll flip them and see what happens it's definitely handling the job okay so far okay we're just about done with the Deep frames it's not even really walking at all now which means it's pretty much shaking all the honey out of there and the frames are about the same weight now so this seems to be doing a great job after extracting some hunting with both extractors I definitely I just got to be honest I prefer the the motor extractor the electric one it seems to be working well we've done a few frames with each and it seems to do well handles both mediums and deeps I do think I'm just going to do four at a time though I'm going to do them tangentially which means they're going to be like this it just seems to work better I think overall time will be faster than trying to do radar line tangential so we're just going to use four at a time I think you can use eight the manual extractor just seemed to have some issues I just uh the biggest issues with this thing that I could see were that the cage is just kind of high so you got to be careful make sure the frames in the right so it doesn't hit this thing you really can't hardly use the protecting covers because the frames hit the little stops as they go around so it's kind of a difficult thing there might be a way to move the cage down and if so I think it'll be fine I just don't know how to do that I think it would be a nice little extractor except for those couple of problems overall they're sufficient for a hobby beekeeper I wouldn't recommend these if you're going to have quite a few colonies if you want to harvest a lot of Honey is probably not the machine for you but for a hobbyist beekeeper this can you know got 10 20 hives even it probably will work out just fine once again my recommendation between the two is this one positives are they both spin quickly and extract the honey this one has a smooth motor it does both deeps and mediums one other thing I don't really care about either one of them is that the honey gate is up above the bottom and so there's probably a half inch or three quarters of an inch down there if honey just kind of hangs out on the bottom some extractors I've used in the past spin the way you just have to tip it forward and the Honey will come out it's just a little more of an issue cleaning up but it's not a huge deal it's not a game changer for a budget extractor I'd recommend this one this one it does function but it really just has a couple issues as far as I'm concerned so uh asked my little review of the Vivo extractors hope you enjoyed it maybe it was helpful y'all take care and we'll catch you on the next one
Channel: brucesbees
Views: 6,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vevor honey extractor, vevor honey extractor reviews, beekeeping, honey, combcapper, local honey, brucesbees, honey supers, hobby beekeeping, hobbyist, manual honey extractor
Id: xugvsECCods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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