How I went from 9 to 160 Bees in 3 years.

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okay this is my nuke yard and those two are empty I'm kind of out of frames at the moment so I got what I got and those two were one of them is empty I think I think just one on the yeah that's got to be in these girls are begging for more boxes and frames you need to sell some bees them two's empty and that top one there is empty um yeah they do get robbed out occasionally you got to keep keep up on them this orange one here just got robbed it was robbed out not too long ago just got to put more put another frame of honey in them but they don't have a queen right now but they will make a queen because I put eggs in there same way with these these when you have a queen in them already these are two frame nukes that I made yeah this and there's a lot of clean and hope she wasn't a lid when it wasn't on the lid but yeah this one's ready for it this one here is ready for the five frame box or if I needed a queen there it is I could take a queen out of any of these they're not necessarily for a 10 frame starter Hive they're for whatever you need them for you need burger that I want to go in and take it out of there they're resource hives have you got a queen is failing there you go take a two framer out put it in the hive take a five frame or put it in a hive take the other frames out it just it is what it is I mean you got them for what the what you need them for use them for what you need them for don't just don't say Well they're for this and they're for that no they're for whatever you need them for you use them so I use them make them for resources
Channel: Warren's life.
Views: 2,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QJHw8WfRL04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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