EXPANSION - THE SETTLERS - HARDCORE City Building || FULL GAME Beautiful RTS 2024 Part 02

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greetings everyone hello and welcome back to the Settler's new allies once more to yeah trying out the game once more without too much seriousness without too many expectations and we are very close now to unlocking that gate here that's going to be great another hostile encounter that's the enemy Engineers once again and they're finding gems here still baffles me that we can see what what actually is looking here but that's okay we've also finished this decoy here right and this one is now TS up to 10 enemies in an area when activated it has a lot of hit points as far as I know and with that we do have the ability to um keep those Towers active for a while we have delivered all the fish hooray how much fish do we still have left six ton uh six not tons but pieces let's have four Engineers um actually here going for delivering fish to this gate here right so we can continue with that mission and I would like to recruit let's say yeah five more Engineers because we can't afford it really we don't have that many at the moment and what these two Engineers are doing now one of them is delivering the tool theom there is one tool for this washed up treasure over there and boxes were washed up on the beach perhaps they Harbor rare Treasures uh we can see the treasure right away and in this case here it's one tool that we need to deliver to get the gems in perfect with those chems we can get special troops my other engineer they can now claim territory because we need to start with that otherwise we cannot build a road into this area even though the enemy Engineers are here doesn't mean that we've lost these territories to us yet right we need to claim it of course yeah lots of stone here as also the first fish is being delivered now to the Eastern Gate and here we also now claiming this territory more Engineers so let's continue with claiming it right away claim it all the way down to this area so they will just now do this forever there's also two more engineers and those two guys we could use to yeah also now um survey this area right so uner it mining area let's also hopefully find us something in this area perhaps those Engineers can fight each other I don't think so unfortunately that would have been a funny sight so the a opponent is way far way further ahead right they they're already in this area they haven't claimed it though yet and I don't think they have enemy troops yet either so this is still something that works for us more gems that's not good I don't need gems honestly I need mining materials there's iron Perfect all can hide from me let's survey this and let's also claim it all the way down to this area right there's more Engineers here of the enemy but still they haven't claimed it so we can claim it there's coal and iron so this is this is what we're going to need for a proper weapon production what I can start with two is then probably yep you're going to recruit more Engineers go ahead this one here has been now unlocked so we now have as you can see the I'll look into it the gems and this engineer can now bring those gems back home there you go 100 gems I can live with that very nice so this we're claiming now the enemy in theory could also start claiming this one but he would need to start from his territory and I have no idea yet where they are we could actually use one of my Engineers to scout down here there's actually a nice reward for tools down there there's weapons six weapons I can build let's just see what enemies as far as I can see the enemy has not reached that gate yet nope so we can actually deliver the tools down there yep let's do it and get the weapons Meanwhile my expansion here is coming along and we can now build that road right and I would like to of course build that road along the the deposits that we have all the way to this area down here we need a bit more space in this area for a warehouse because you need have a warehouse to make the logistics work is a to you can also do this and more Engineers continue now building those roads all right this one here is also out of locks now the sill so we can dismantle it as well we don't need two Sills now anymore we have plenty of planks at the moment and I'm probably also going to stop producing tools now because this is actually consuming rocks for us and we are looking at a very finite amount of rocks and I don't want to run out of them and I think we have enough Engineers for now they're claiming right perfect here this area we can now make use for a a warehouse that we need to build this is consuming a lot right 10 rocks 10 planks and three locks we need it because otherwise those mines would be too far away from this warehouse and you need to have warehouses in closer range of course this makes us very vulnerable right because here there's the bandits so I don't know we just have to risk it I guess we could also probably start building up a another defense area here which is going to cost me again so let's protect this Warehouse here with Towers let's have one Tower let's have a Bastion Tower again in its in its vicinity yeah over here let's build this one let's build a decoy too a decoy is powerful close to the Tower here there you go so we can start protecting this one too but that's going to consume a lot right Meanwhile my Engineers continue to claim this territory we have unlocked the weapons very good so let's actually get two of my Engineers to collect those weapons down here how's it looking with the gate in the meantime 17 out of 40 fish so this is also coming along and since we are rather kept on Settlers I might also consider more more residences here and I think we actually need to build it like that right because I cannot build a block of residences lots of construction right now so they're busy I'm not going to build a temp mine yet because I don't think we are going to need one we need weapons that's this Tower here for uh this this wellous here for because this unlocks now the mining area down here by the way is that all yeah there's nothing here to survey anymore so it's it's only one iron deposit unfortunately and two coal deposits so this is also something we can start with now let's build the iron one and then I'm going to build me a coal mine as well down here there you go meanwhile we should get the weapons in at some point now the en where's my Engineers wait right here already on their way when will people stop asking me for directions H territory expansion completed let's stop with the expansion for now I mean yeah there's lots of space here but that's space that I really don't need for now so I could rather just also use this to gather more resource lots of stone over there very good there's the engineers right he's delivering still the tools yep and it had to happen at some point we're out of rocks here so I can now also delete this Quarry have a bit more space again for building that's great and we have 14 Stone left so this is something I need to to use oh and also Landmark completed it's this one right that we have another weapons let's get to work let's actually use two Engineers for that there you go two Engineers the tower is being finished the decoy is being finished and then we're working on those mines yes and we probably I mean it's the enemy gate but there's Stone here while we're waiting for this one for the stone could still take some time though and hostile encounter it's the enemy engineer St look at that they're not being attacked by the bandits this is unfair to say the least right the bandits completely ignore my competitor is there to do let's get to work I'll contact the Scout more and let's also continue claiming territory here right and since we have the resources I might also build me another Tower here to fortify this area we're down to six rocks now oh this is not good the Quarry costs me how much four planks the Iron Mine however is finished and also the coal mine is about to be finished and we're producing now iron and then also Co now very good very important because with that we can now start the this mything digging here there's the iron right yeah I don't know why oh they delivered to this Warehouse so the storage between the warehouses is not shared unfortunately so they need to deliver to this area first and then to the tower right takes a bit more time everything because of that we could have more donkeys so we have four right now as you can see they are used to deliver more resources at once four are fine for now we can build more than with a coach maker all right I can't stop with this smithing yet because we're out of stone so yeah seven more fish and then we could start with some proper mining here so we can already prepare this by building another road all the way to this gate so we can make this one finished inside and for that more Engineers are already on their way perfect the envoys asked me to wait right here and also we have reached this area now can I use a normal Quarry n we need to build a stone mine here if I want to start with that and let's just hope that this one has the range of the warehouse we still trying this one right because we have the Rocks here there's still some weapons also lying around what's up don't forget about them four more fish almost all the trees are gone here now but we're sitting at 50 planks so that's very comfortable like could also just start here with the The Chopping right that would be fine too I love these deliveries there's two more bows lying around I wonder why they're so fat they're running around all day very good to and decoy finish so this should be a proper defense for this area and also one more fish is missing there it's already on the way perfect we still have five fish done left so I can still stockpile a bit fish is endless though right so on this beautiful area here we can get as much fish out as possible however they're not working with full capacity so I think we should get rid of one of them this one would be waste otherwise right so this should boost the the working conditions again of this one very good gate has been finished let's use my Engineers close by so this one job to do I can get it done claim this territory and also this engineer can do it as well to speed things up because I cannot build that road here while it's not claimed yeah meanwhile all the resources are in for the stone mine and let's just hope that the range to the warehouse is not too far otherwise this would have been for nothing because I'm not building another Warehouse here just for the stone mine it's only four planks though so this is okay yeah oh by now my competitor actually has managed to open the gate so this is something and there's the stone mine and it seems to be working yep very good stop asking me for directions it seems to be still within range of this Warehouse here so this is working perfect is there something to do and with that we are getting some Stone here and the same applies to this area now let's build that road all the way out and then have another Stone mine here somewhere there's a tower enemy defenses yeah you can stop claiming territory now it's as close as it gets to this area here we've also used both of these landmarks so there's nothing here to do anym on this side here I'm not uh protecting that stone mind though so this is not something we need instead I can use my Engineers to get to the other side can I actually cue them up yeah very good cuz here we have lots of construction to do now there's also more mining down here that we can do so let's use one of my Engineers coal very good and I would like to build now Stone mines there it is this might really be too far away though right but I'm intending to build another Warehouse here anyway there is once again oh weapons for tool so let's also start delivering the tool over there just one tool really what we need and the remaining Engineers are going to claim all this territory here for us let's get to work there you go here also iron and coal that's about it there would be more here there's nothing just like with us the enemy probably still also doesn't have soldiers yet right so he still also needs to to to secure weapons and to also uh secure deposits just like we do yeah there's the stone coming in perfect out of that stone mine a beautiful sight indeed our an that one and there's the stone being delivered already let me all right there's also lots of resources here I wonder why this road has not been finished yet asked me to there you go right here and the remaining Engineers you can continue into this area because here we now need to start with the construction then of a warehouse too once I have a bit more Stone in this will take a long time though because we need to deliver the stone now from this Warehouse all the way to the other side so via this Warehouse to that warehouse then there we have the stone and I think it's safe to build that as ASAP H now I would like to get more territory here first build it a bit more Central for this whole area I haven't seen unfortunately any bury deposits that we could use or hunting grounds that would be more deposits of course right to get fish or to get meat and berries in there is tool for gold I have no idea what we need the gold for what I know is that we have finished this delivery here now and we can now get the weapons in so that will already be 12 weapons that we have so we can start with the recruitment of troops now soon let's actually also use my second engineer and those Engineers plenty of space let's build us another Warehouse here here you go and of course with this Warehouse we also need to protect it then so I will also need to use a lot of resources for uh fortifications 91 uh yeah we will also need to start with the tool production again soon let's actually finish this road and yeah let's build a second Stone mine just here yeah a lot of iron and coal in at this point perfect you see the master I'm itching to build me that first I mean we can actually do it the furnace right to start building iron ingots and out of that the blacksmith can make weapons so let's start with that let's have a furnace right here beside the warehouse where the the materials are actually coming in right let tricky with the tiles there you go and then we can have a blacksmith here too I'm going to make this as Central as possible so it's close to both warehouses here right we still have 20 idle um settlers right now so probably need to build a few more residences again because we have a lot of jobs now that we fill and of course that requires then lots of Workforce [Music] me I love how actually on this map we have to work on both sides here simultaneously to make it work right I like this Dynamic so here we have now furnace and blacksmith coming along and here we have now Warehouse coming along for further Stone expansion and another iron um sight that we have then defense wise we like the stone though so I'm not going to be able to defend it for now we can however boost the stone mine so let's boost this one here for fish to boost my stone output we have lots of fish in at this point that I can use you can stop with the expansion our engineer we don't want to attract those Bandits there all right here we can deliver one more tool for the gold I'm doing this and here we can also use the engineer once again to get those resources in let's stop with the expansion we might attract hostile forces very good warehouse number three has been finished work together that means also that we can deliver those stone that stone now way quicker right to this Warehouse here right away for defense and here we lack actually Engineers that construct y they're already on their way uh let's keep a few here we need to keep them on both sides let's get to work only Engineers can build I could have probably done this a bit a bit faster sending those Engineers over sooner know I should go to the training somay there's more coming very good we have 13 stone in at this point so I can actually afford me some defense here again and yeah let's let's protect let's protect the the warehouse hostile encounter where oh it's just these guys and probably just along the road here yeah let build us some Two Towers there and then once we have the resources another decoy again and then another Bastion Tower to repair once again this is going to take a while at the same time though we have finished over here a furnace one more delivery and also the blacksmith is coming along so it's getting busy here too with all the resource deliveries now another landmark has been completed that's this one and we can now get the gold back home it's a long journey though wood has been depleted so this area is now completely without wood right so I can now get rid of the of both of these so this is now lots of space for a big city and I would like to get my my loggers right so one logging Camp probably here for these guys and this is probably going to be a permanent one then because we can use then a Forester to make sure that we do get a permanent amount of of trees here and let's also squeeze in a sawmill somewhere here just beside it perfect and since we really should work on a few more people let's actually continue with rest residence is here as well two more and since we have yeah not enough stone at the moment really consuming that much huh exuse me could also work on some fish boosting for the stone mine here because we need Stone on both sides come on all right meanwhile here production is in full swing let me through so producing now iron ingots and the black Smith is already waiting for this he needs coal and Ingot actually so we have two coal consumption buildings that's probably why we need a bit more coal so I'm thinking about a another coal mine here make up for it very good so at this point the military production is in full swing and we can now start on the training grounds and then really recruiting US military units and then go to the offensive because right now I think we're faster than the opponent though I wouldn't cry it out too loud at the moment I have no idea where the opponent really is uh progress wise so we'll just see if there's not a surprise attack coming in oh we actually can steamroll him that would be fantastic I actually enjoy it so far safe for the initial attack and we continue onwards then in the settlers new allies stay tuned [Music]
Channel: Nivarias
Views: 14,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the settlers, settlers, the settlers new allies, settlers new allies, gameplay, settlers gameplay, walkthrough, guide, review, campaign, city builder, strategy, 2023
Id: gkAlaCYRzX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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