Master Manor Lords: Essential Perfect Start Guide

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well hello everybody people have asked me what my starting strategy is I'm going to show you some of the best starting strategies for this game what I do with my money we're playing this on a normal difficulty I have a hard let's play if you want to watch that that gives an immense step-by-step introduction into the game to conclusion but that's not what we're talking about today we're talking about beginning strategies all right so the first thing you want to do is just kind of generally identify where your food sources are now we have a berry rich Berry deposit and we have wild animals I am always Keen to doing wild animals they are one of the best in my opinion we're going to just build a nice little straight road and then we're going to build kind of a little circular Road just making an area for us to kind of build some stuff up in this General place now the first thing you want to do is acquire more wood a mistake people make is that they spend all of their wood before they build a login Camp if you fail to build a login Camp you will lose cuz you cannot build anything so that is the first thing you want to build along with your hunting cabin or if you want to go for berries go for it I go for the hunting cabin because you will need leather for the next part of this game basically the steps we're going to take are to get you over 50% approval and there's a quite a bit to do to get you there so the first thing we're going to focus on as I said is the lumber camp and our food supply now what I need to warn you about is something that does not seem obvious when you have a hunting camp it gathers leather once you hit 12 leather if you have nowhere to put that leather they stop skinning animals your your village runs out of food and you die now a lot of people are running into this and not knowing why they're not getting food anymore because they have a hunter camp and they have 20 wild animals well this is why it's because you need a storehouse so as soon as you possibly can and you can do this straight in the beginning which we will be doing you can place a storehouse so that you don't have this issue all right the second thing that we're going to do is look at how much money we have we have 50 shekels now there are three things that we are going to be doing with the shekels one is buying another ax the second one is upgrading a two family house plot into a massive veggie farm and the third one is opening a trade route to sell planks we're going to start producing planks and preparation of getting our church up which is the main building you need to get your approval before we get there though we have to do a couple of other things which I'm going to show you right now once your login Camp is up you will assign a family now what's cool about the logging Camp is if you go to advance you can limit the work area make sure that you are not logging where the animals are or the berries it is important because they will screw up all of the spawning so we're going to assign an area that we are not worried about that happening in I'm also going to increase this to three people so that they can get as much logs as possible and we're going to build another Hitching Post so that we can get another ax to help carry all these logs and help with buildings make sure you assign a person into a hunter now the general rule of thumb sometimes you will have wild animals that are normal like this and sometimes you will have wild animals that are rich put your hunting limit to whatever half the population is that seems to be the optimal spot currently with the pat with the pendini patches of course to making sure that you're getting ample food all right once the Hitching Post is up what another ax this is going to be massive once your Storehouse is up just kind of watch your hunting camp for the uh generic storage to hit 12 you will most likely have to put someone into your Storehouse to remove it the hunting camp is really terrible they will move stuff over to the storehouse but not at a rate that is going to help you avoid the issue where they just stop producing food okay now that we have all of these beautiful things we are going to be building three dual plot family homes and I'm going to show you how to do that now these are going to be farms and they're going to be just big enough to get what we want all right and then you're just going to press down now we only want three of these okay one two three they have to have the plus sign to indicate that there is a second family plot this will give us six homes all right we're going to prioritize this one now that we have the two Au we're like really doing awesome right now going to be a lot easier for us we're going to pull back on the logging Camp just a tad we're going to leave two people in there we want to get as much wood as possible of course we have two families unassigned for helping the build now that we have this up we want to make sure that we are building our first vegetable garden and expanding living space now in my strategy what I'd like to do is get chickens but you need a little bit of money to open your first trade route we're going to go to the trade tab we're gonna go to the trading post and we're going to put our Trade Post on the King's Road which is this main big road that you see in the game now the easiest way to know if something is actually the King's Road is to go to your roads hit alt and then highlight it a normal Road has no highlight and you just delete it the King's Road tells you it is the King's Road and you cannot remove it that is the easiest way to find the King's Road that I know of and then we're going to put the Trade Post right here relatively close to where our Storehouse is and we're going to start selling board production so we're going to need to start on the next things which are the saw Pit and the wood cutters Lodge so we're going to get the wood cutters Lodge we're going to get the saw pit we're going to expand the Living Spaces of our other houses and get everyone out of the streets we currently have four and when these are done done we'll have six which is enough for our next our next home all right the Trading Post is up so what we're going to do is establish a trade for planks you're going to come over you're going to click this button over here to establish trade very very important and then you're going to go to export full trade we're going to be exporting okay our desired Surplus is 20 that's how much we need for the church we're going to just put it to 22 just to make sure they don't screw it up now now what we're going to do is just make as much money as possible and when we hit 25 Regional wealth we're going to get chickens and then any other Regional wealth after that we can kind of just probably get some more aux it's good to have as many Ox as you possibly can I probably am a bit too severe got a lot of ax our hunting camp is getting close to having it storage full we really need to watch this and watch our food to make sure that there are no issues we're going to get the wood cutters Lodge up and we're going to get the saw pit up now we have no more buildings that need to be built except for that one right there so we're going to make sure we finish our buildings and then we're going to put that guy right back into the logging Camp so in the beginning of the game you're going to be juggling a lot of your your people there are a lot of things that we need to do the next things that we need to do is to make sure that we have our wells down we have our well here and that we have a small market area so that people can get food 30 stalls is more than enough we're going to create just like a little bit of a weird weird little road right there we're just kind of messing around with stuff and you can definitely put the marketplace and the well up at the beginning of the game I don't tend to really care about that stuff until I get all my homes up because they it doesn't they're not going to go anywhere on hard difficulty you actually have to get those up like right off the bat they're they're a lot more re receptive to that stuff we're also going to be upgrading the storehouse here in a bit all right we're getting really close on the leather there the church we're getting close to our 20 boards you can also sell firewood that's a great one and firewood is definitely one that I do a lot of that's only four but you can establish a trade route there and we're going to say anything over 50 firewood we sell we got to be really careful you want to scale that with your population 50 is not a whole lot for a decent size pop you not anywhere else very cheap to expand the Hitching Post and all these things I also like to move the hitching post that you start off with to a more receptive area like that we want to get all these supplies off the ground of course okay everything is built we're going to put one person to the log more person in the logging camp for a bit [Music] what I tend to do is just kind of play around with stuff until I can't anymore we're going to upgrade the storehouse and we're going to put a and we're going to put a person in the storehouse too so that he can start emptying and moving along we have a lot of goods the leather here everything that is being used the next thing that we want to do is get the Tannery up this is a requirement for your homes you come over and look at your homes they need water access Church access fuel food and clothing which is linen leather or yarn so we're going to be creating leather in the food stall we're going to start getting vegetables in conjunction to the meat here pretty soon and even eggs if I can make some more shekels on the market we have two trade items right now boards and firewood all right we have 40 planks which is more than enough once we get this church up it's going to push us over 50% and we're going to start attracting more families and that's a big deal at this point I'm going to look at how much of each product I have all right we're going to pause on board production cuz I need someone to help me build stuff and we're going to go into the loging Camp I just kind of look at what I need right now we need a bunch of Timber and we're going to build some smaller houses and the smaller houses tend to do better with chicken for chicken coops anyway so that's fine with me or we can do a bunch of big houses you got to be careful I don't we're going to need about eight wood or we just build smaller kind of cool it's kind of cool all the stuff you can do in this game you can really do this in any way that you want don't be shy good s and ladies all right we're going to build four more houses I always like to add like roads and stuff between little nooks I think it just makes it a little nicer you can do it however you like though and we're going to focus pretty heavy on that I'm going to actually pull everyone out of wood we have eight months worth of firewood we have four months worth of food we've taken the leather out of the hunting camp the storehouse is pretty essential we'll probably need to get this constructed too but yeah we're getting a lot of stuff we got our Traders going now things are looking good we're going to put someone into the Trade Post to start making money all right large Storehouse is up essentially just a lot of building now we're going to okay yeah I think we're actually going to pause on the Trade Post for now you want to make sure you get someone down there though I just kind of want to focus on getting this stuff all built up once the church once we can attract more families once we build more homes we're going to be in good shape but we really do need to worry about our food I mean the wild animals are enough now another com strategy that I use as you can see we've hunted all of the animals to their their point is we can also get the berry up and when you see that the animals have all been hunted you can switch them over to the forgers Hut if it's in season we have a really good seasonal Berry thing right there but we need the leather of the hunting camp which is why it's one of the first things I get up for the next stage of development and keeping everybody happy and keeping our approval ratings really high we have a church now so the next time this goes we're going to be above 51% we'll be there relatively soon all right forger Hut is up we're going to suspend the the camp we'll also want to get a granary up when we have the capacity we'll want to have a nice Granary for everything put it right there for now you want your graner and your storehouses near your market for efficiency they they will stock them we have a new development point I always go for Orchards and we we'll use some of our money to do an apple farm up here too we ever make any we are above 54% so we are attracting people now you can see how we use our shekel Ox vegetable farm buying the cheap trade routes of boards and [Music] firewood and we're going to fill these uh burgage plot level ones the small guys here with the chicken coops and it will be glorious all right we got our sixth family now we have three free families so we are going to put someone in the Trade Post we are going to put someone back into the saw pit and we're going to put someone back into the logging Camp cuz we currently have no production and we have more families coming we have 14 months worth of fuel so we're not really not really hurting there we're going to want to get someone into the Tannery to keep this approval rating High ah Granary is almost up let's get the granery up good to get your food off the ground there we go yeah you're basically just going to be juggling your people around as you need things especially when you have like two years worth of fuel like we do we are selling fuel um and we do have someone who has a a stand open why it's nice to have the stockyard guy do that you actually want the stands to be done by your storehouses they're a lot better at it and when your wood cutters are handling it it distracts them from producing those goods whereas the storehouse person has nothing better to do so if you ever see that just fire the person in the production building and wait for them to put the the stall up so he just put up the fire the firewood stall so that's beautiful all right another family just moved in so we got board production we got log production we got wood cutter production and now we have Tannery production and and the forager is definitely getting a lot of food and we're getting up there on our food supply we now have 30 shekels so we can get our first chicken coop now chicken coops and goats don't matter it even says there provides passive fueld that is even confirmed in the dev's guide only vegetable gardens and apple orchards Size Matters and apples are really really good see with with Farms they have to go out plow and plant and do everything every year the apples they go at once and they yield very small amounts until year three and then after that they yield amazing amounts so apples are the way to go they stole my fire wood all right we're at seven families out of 10 we're at 55 big thumbs up that is it you just keep expanding from there you keep increasing your chickens you keep doing all that but that's basically the perfect start to this game I've started so many times in this game I just kind of wanted to show people my methodology so everybody have a great day
Channel: TactiCat
Views: 150,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: manor lords tips and tricks, city builder, manor lords, manor lord guide, manor lords beginners guide, manor lords guides
Id: m9O7YzohpTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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