Manifest Your Greatness | Accept Your blessing's

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[Music] let me tell you there are three ways you become great num1 is to be born great number two is to achieve greatness and the third one is to have greatness conferred on you I will share with you how you can be a success and how to chart your course of greatness because just because God has made you great doesn't mean you're gonna realize it Jesus was born great achieve greatness and also had greatness conferred on him and all of his greatness he gave to me I was born great in Christ Jesus so greatness is in me so the things that I do become great question is do you realize God says commit to me what you plan to do and your plans you've heard the saying we don't plan to fail we fail to plan every day you have to plan you need divine direction so that you can do the right things hook up with the right people not expend your energies and things that are not profitable you don't necessarily need more resources you need better direction I cleave as a believer to that acknowledge him and all that way that he should direct that path because frankly many times it is not an issue of leading more money I need more direction you don't walk in that vision that God has given you you want to become God's dream what he's dreamed of how God sees you the only reason to remain poor is my choice nothing can keep you poor if you choose not to be you see there are some people who are afraid in their life they think they have no advantage in life so they think my dad was never rich I never came from a worldly home I don't have any advantage all I just want in life is if I can get a good job and just you know fix myself and have enough for me and my family I'll be fine no life is better than that life is bigger than you and your family call beyond the limits don't keep your life down there don't confuse movement with progress remember just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done or you can run a place all the time and never get anywhere god is good god is great god is great from the bottom of my heart I thank you all money is not evil it could help somebody it could feed the hungry it can clothe the naked it could help do a whole lot of things money is not evil it's what you do with it that's evil in fact the Bible said money answers all things money gives you options it just simply gives you options it gives you options you have options you can do more the Bible said the love of money it's the root of all evil it can become an idol in your life god bless the children of israel with the wealth of egypt it was them that turned it into an idol when God starts blessing you that's when the tempter comes against you when God puts you in your Garden of Eden puts you positions you in the place that he has created for you do you know that God has created a garden for you to live in a utopia of sustained blessing and the closer you get to giving in the place that God has designed for you the more the slithering serpent snake is going to confront you and try to talk you out of the place new levels bring you difference how they new you are you following what I'm saying you know a lot of people talk about the Jews today and how that they are strangely successful it's amazing they actually the most successful people in the earth today that's a reality they have the most finances absolutely successful absolutism they were very clear as to how they became like that they talked about the things that God told them to do which the Jews do and they became wise financial the truth everything that I have is by the grace of God understand that it's a gift put God first in everything you do put God first I've been protected I've been directed I've been corrected I've kept God in my life and has kept me humble I didn't always stick with him but he always stuck with me so stick with them in everything you do if you think you want to do what you think I've done then do what I've done and stick with God the whole revelation that they have is this everything that was promised them was given to us and much more God gave to the church better promises than he gave to the Jews and there are more Christians rising up today in that knowledge and understand in discovering who they actually are which means if those of the whole covenant have been as successful as they have been in this world think how much more successful an inflation those of the new covenant will be when it is for whom there what are Jews discovered was just who they are they even have this thought I'm gonna be successful because I'm a Jew and what does the backer say he is not a Jew which is one outwardly but he is a Jew which is one inwardly in the spirit was it telling us that the nature to which God was pointing was not to the natural Jew or the spiritual referring to the church God for there's no limit exceeding is infinite - how much I'll reward you God said there is no limit exceeding is an infinite word without ending God said I am that exceeding great reward there is no limit to what I'm gonna give you there is no stopping me from blessing you you gave up something for me let me tell you since you gave what was in your head let me show you what was in my head I am thy exceeding great reward Oh God if you ever believe what I just said it would forever change your life if you stop putting limits and boundaries of what God could do God said I am your exceeding great war God blessed Abraham so much that Abraham died and couldn't use all of his blessings his descendants are still spinning out of that word exceeding I can take you up to New York I could take you around Hollywood I could take you around CEOs in major facilities and show you Jewish descendants that are still spin me out of that except I'm telling you if you get the word I'm teaching down in your spirit you will live and die and not spend up all the blessing that gospel release upon you and upon your children and upon your children's children serve the Lord failure there's no place for it in your life failure in life is not for you I will always be successful I've been there successful in my life and I will always be successful and excellent it's not possible for me to fail it's in me I courage in me get your bodies go to Genesis 14 12 through 24 we're studying this morning we're not shouting we're not whooping we're not falling out we're not screaming we're studying and he blessed him and said blessed be Abram of the Most High God possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be the Most High God which hath delivered thine enemies into thine hand if right here is great wisdom for people who are on their way up be careful who you let bless you Abraham has won this battle with a bunch of servants he took a bunch of servants and went out and fought a battle and lon you know you're annoying it when you can take less and do more with it blessed be the Most High God which had delivered thine enemies into my hand you're gonna get dark shot at you when you start being successful people are gonna hate you because you gotta be tough to be blessed can you stand a big bless can you stand the level of attack you're gonna come up under do you have the faith to trust God to cover your back not everybody travelers in the paths that God has planned too many walk off course and Johnny in life in a course that was never chosen for them and sometimes they even seem to achieve success they even seem to achieve greatness in the world but everything they ever achieved they will lose because it was the doors far for there are some buses you ought to turn down faith doesn't just accept faith rejects it takes faith to say no that's why even with everything they've got if it happened to be worldly successful then never fulfilled because they're in the wrong paths to some blessings that look like they're easy and they're quick but they're not divine to be discriminative in who you allow to be your resource if it's not from God you don't want it many people self-sabotage their own success they don't even know that they're sabotaging their success because you've been surrounded by people who are enabling your poverty by their mentality and their mentality has defined you and contaminated you and even though you say you want to be blessed you keep doing things to stop you from being blessed like getting in bed maxing out your credit cards buying stuff that has no profit in it because that curse mentality has permeated your ad to to the degree that you are subconsciously taking your blessing and putting it in things that are going down rather than to invested in things that are going up because you don't have the courage to be controversial you want everybody at the old barbershop to still be glad to see you when you come here and so you keep falling back down to their level so that they will like you and the first thing God told us somebody he was going to bless was fear not why did he say that because it takes courage to be blessed oh you don't hear what I'm saying people wearing mink coats and living in trailers that's not what I'm talking about I'm not talking about the look of being blessed I'm talking about the reality of being blessed and the heavier priorities in the right place and to be a balance of a stable minded person it takes courage to do that fail big fail big so do what you feel passionate about take chances so don't be afraid to go outside the box don't be afraid to think outside the box don't be afraid to fail big to dream big but remember dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment so have dreams but have goals life goals yearly goals monthly goals daily goals I try to give myself a goal every day have goals and understand that to achieve these goals you must apply discipline and consistency in order to achieve your goals you must apply discipline and consistency you have to work at it every day you have to plan hard work works working really hard is what successful people do what did I do yeah just remember just because you're doing a lot more doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done don't confuse movement with progress so continue to strive continue to have goals continue to progress Abram said Behold to me thou has given no seed and lo one born in my house is mine heir and behold the word of the Lord came unto him saying this shall not be thine heir he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir first of all you can't have true success without a successor you've got to start thinking generationally are you gonna miss the point God start tugging Abram about being his exceeding great reward Abraham immediately starts talking about his son see one of the great things that Abraham had with God is that Abraham thought like God he had a God mentality he was thinking generationally if you're going to be my exceeding great reward let me bring up to you this issue I had with my child because I'm already leave half of my life and I'll never be able to spin to the bottom of the check you just wrote I need an air to catch people sit tight cuz I think you have no idea who you are I don't think you have the cool who you are I don't think you understand that your mom and daddy are the cup but baby you're the saucer and when we overflow you're supposed to be there and hopefully to catch the exceedingly abundantly above all that she may the blessing that I don't have room to receive it's supposed to fall on you but but young people you have to position yourself one of the curses that is killing our generation is that most of us start from ground level zero we start out with nothing all over again your parents started with nothing they died and left you nothing you go back to see where I have to start over again that is a curse the curse of not having anything consequently because nobody gave to you you don't think generationally so you're talking to a God about blessings that if God ever takes you serious he knows you're not gonna live long enough to hold all the stuff he's gonna give you so if you don't start thinking generationally the conversation is over until you get a passion for your children and to see the blessing of the Lord follow your child you're not ready to talk to God because God said he got too much for you you have to live in this moment but think in the next one forward thinking people are positioning themselves to be blessed because you're thinking in terms of what are the next few moves anywhere you use that principle you will be blessed I don't care how good you are in the moment if you fail to have preparation for the next moment you forfeit the blessing right the vision make it plain let him that read it run there by what is next what is next and who is worthy of it don't just aspire to make a living aspire to make a difference so you find in acts the seventh chapter and the book of Hebrews when God said I've heard the cry of the people losses revealed that I've surely heard the cry of my people in Egypt so the first thing in life when you want to begin your journey of greatness until that starts you will never begin is to hear the cry of the needy you've got to hear the cry there are those who shut their ears when there's a cry in the night they don't care that's the reason for their poverty and feeling you never journey in life and a part of greatness on you first you learn to hear the cry of the needy the cry of their pain the cry of their sorrow the pride of the poverty when you learn that things begin to change and change will become a circuit and anything you want good you can have so claiming work hard to get it when you get it reach back pull someone else up each one teach one philosophies number one I will open up the channel between me and you in other words I will open the windows of heaven simply put obedience opens up the heavens obedience opens up the heavens you could be shouting in front of closed heavens because it is not what you say that opens up the windows of heaven it is what you do that opens up the windows of heaven consider Matthew 3:16 where Jesus was baptized and the Bible said straightway when he came up out of the water God opened up the heaven and Stephen who would not denounce the name of Christ in acts 7 54 through 56 the Bible said that as Stephen was being stoned and he kept his word before God that the heavens open up obedience opens up the windows of heaven that's all you got to do to open up the windows of heaven it's just obey Him obedience opens up the windows of heaven if you ever get tired eyes shouting in front of closed windows obedience will open it up number two God says I will dispense what I had with hell in other words I will pour you out a blessing when I see you do what I told you to do I will dispense what I was hell are you following what I'm saying anybody want what God has was holding if you want to know what he's withholding Jeremiah 29:11 say if God has something in mind for you that you may haven't expected in that God has already planned for you to win in the end and God says I can't dispense it until you obey me 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 6 to 12 says eyes have not seen ears have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things that God has in store for them they love it but when you read the whole six through 12 it even deals with in references across had the princes of this world known that they were doing they would have never crucified the Lord and begins to talk about what God does when you obey his word even when people try to sabotage you God will break the curse and turn it all around and release what is with L in your life are you hearing what I'm saying to you finally say thank you for grace thank you for mercy thank you for understanding thank you for wisdom thank you for parents thank you for love thank you for kindness thank you for humility thank you for peace thank you for Prosperity say thank you in advance for what's already yours so I live my life say thank you in advance for what is already yours true desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you sit beforehand to indicate that it's yours already I'll say it again true desire in the heart that itch that you have whatever it is you want to do that desire that it's that's God's proof to you sit before hand already to indicate that it's yours do you understand the cross was an offering read Hebrews 9:14 read Hebrews 9:28 read Hebrews 10 12 read Hebrews 11:17 all tell you that the cross was an offering that's why the grave couldn't hold it I said the cross wasn't offering that's why the grave couldn't hold it it may hold you three days but he can't hold you any longer than that it's gonna have to give it back there's gonna be a resurrection breaking forth in your life off you some of you had everything resurrected but your money you got your peace you got your joy you got your salvation you got your pray and for you the last step is your finances but if you'll get this one the same God that resurrected your life and brought you and turn you around and resurrected your mind will resurrect your money I believe God for resurrection in your financial life in the name of the Lord not so you can ride around in a golden portion three kool-aid out of a gobbler but so that you can send your kids to call it so that you can learn and not borrow so let's just be the head and not the tail so that we can finally get our act together into the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God our way with this foolishness that the only people who are blessing our community is the pimps and the drug dealers the devil is a lie you guys will tell me that say that it's better to his followers than God is to him God said I swear I'll bless you I'll bless you all the guys will never give up it's not without commitment you'll never start but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish it's not easy keep working keep striving never give up fall down seven times get up eight G's is a greater threat to progress than hardship so yet work and Jess is chapter 1 verse 28 God's first command to all of humanity be fruitful and multiply lay your hand on your neighbor and say God is holding something that he wants to release in your life this year you
Channel: Inspiring Habit
Views: 1,232,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inspiring, Habit, Inspirational, Motivational, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christ, Christian, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, Ask God big, ask and it shall be given, dream big motivation, Accept Your Blessings Wealth Management, td jakes tv, denzel Washington, Pastor Chris oyakhilome, biblical prosperity, td jakes sermons, td jakes motivation, td jakes prosperity sermons, Pastor Chris oyakhilome prosperity sermons, 2020 motivational videos
Id: eWhleQtBT9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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