Break Your Mental barriers - Romans 12:2 | Be transformed by the renewal of your mind...

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[Music] I want to talk to you about seven steps and it will happen 2020 is gonna require you to stretch seven steps is simple steps in this text seven things that Naomi told Ruth that if you apply these seven steps to your life the thing that you've been looking forward to happen will happen not trying to make you shout I'm not trying to make you happy I'm trying to make you ready seven significant steps let's pray father I thank you for the opportunity you've given me to feed the flock of God of which your Holy Ghost has made me overseer we're praying for some lost son I seized this opportunity to preach the word without fear and without fever that the Holy Spirit would a restive way thank you for being God in the midst of your people thank you because your word is true I felt such it's heaven and earth shall pass away but your words shall stand forever speak to us today out of the volume of the book Oh God that we might hear the word of God and be edified thereby and we asked it in the name of Jesus and for his sake we pray in Jesus somebody shout Amen the church is not a hospital for Saints it's a hospital for sinners we broke we are broken we are messed up we got scars we got issues we're going to the Book of Ruth we're in the third chapter of the Book of Ruth where as one through five Ruth was just looking for any man she went looking for a man she was looking for the man she knew exactly which man it was she knew exactly where it was she had a specific goal what we're seeing in the text today is one woman named Naomi teaching a younger woman named Ruth she gives her seven simple steps that I see as life lessons that can be effective for any of you who have anything that isn't ending and you want to see God do that thing in your life because the greatest child of victory that you can have is when this thing begins to work in your life when it begins to operate for you you begin to move into the things of God are you ready for this quickly number one you must know what you're going after you must know what you are going after you can't live your life in the and ring around hoping you hit something and whatever you hit you say that's what I was aiming at you have to have a specific target in mind what got you in trouble is hanging around with the wrong people y'all let the wrong kind of people influence you people that real will keep your world let me say that again turn the mic up they didn't hear me y'all let the wrong kind of people influence you Paul says here's one thing I do I'm forgetting those things which are behind I don't know what you've gone through I don't know what causes you to cry I don't know what stressed you out I don't know what turned you up world upside down but here's one thing I do know we can do when we step into 20/20 we're gonna leave 2002 most believers we are procrastinators it was tomorrow what you can do today so when we pray over your giving I want to pray over the thoughts should think because if you think wrong you go wrong if you take down you go down if you think you can't get up you can't get up if you think you can't be free you can't be free so you think you can't learn anymore you'll never be able to learn your thoughts are you good dragging you down or taking you up everything starts and the thoughts you think you are no better than the thoughts you think if you think little you go little if you think weak you go weak if you think up you go up one pot slap yourself in the head one pot that's how close you are what scares me about this generation right now is that we are going into a dumbing down of ideas we don't feed our minds anything we don't invigorate ourselves anymore just reality TV we set up four hours to watch people like the fool - you have the courage to think because if you can teach you can change you can move you can involve you can grow you can become you are one my dear oh wait your situation is not a problem your thoughts are the problem as a man thinketh in his heart so is he I really feel like praying over people's vision today most people don't succeed at getting what they're going after because they don't take the time to research what they're going after they ask for things and then see if they want them but you have to be careful about that because if you ask for something you might get it and before you start believing what all you want to see God do you need to be sure that that's what you want to see happen in your life know what you're going after the old patriarchs in the Bible before they went after anything they asked God is it your will for me to have it that's a very significant question in knowing what you're going after before you go after it I ask God is it yours because if it's not your then the only reason you're going after it is because it looked good on somebody else you begin to covet what belongs to somebody else over and over through Deuteronomy the Book of Leviticus over and over again God speaks against coveting things that belong to your neighbor because God didn't want us to be jealous of each other he wanted you to only want what he meant for you to have and not want what he meant for me to have now you say men of that but there's very few people who live by that principle most people want everything they see somebody else will they buy houses they can't afford because they're trying to keep up with somebody else gotta have personal dough you have professional goals you got to write a plan on how to reach those goals but if you really want to be a winner if you really want to come off as successful if you really want to be bright only go after things that are meant for you to it will make you look successful and it actually is not that you're successful I can show you or I could make you think that I know kung-fu as long as you let me choose who I do it to I kicked you in the head if it's the right one and what makes you look great is when you pick your battles there are some things that you don't fight because that's not your fight you don't get into that thing you don't pick those battles you don't covet what you see somebody else fight down because they're annoying it to fight that they can do that you might not be gifted to fight that area and you don't want to covet somebody else's battle or covering somebody else's success covet and the other word I want you to think about is the word envy because Envy is the attitude that you have about other people's success when you become envious of other people's success you fail to become everything that God would have you to be and the quickest way to stop being envious of other people's success is to know that God has something for you that everything in your life is preparing you for that thing that there are in your life defining moments this is a critical issue there are in your life defining moments moments that if you handle properly they are pivotal points that change your life for a lifetime here's the great news somebody might have said you know what I didn't messed up you know what my values have been bad my direction has been wrong I haven't laid down a good example I haven't had my focus in the right direction the great thing is we serve a God who will give you another chance $1 wages I'm a great Reformation in your life one thought away from big am billionaire one thought from overcoming one thought from starting a ministry one thought from building a business you serve the Lord with your mind you serve with your mind if you saw into the kingdom you're not asking God to give you money what is money strategy give me a plan away from the greatest experience you've ever had in your life it is at these moments that if you know what you're going after everything that you went through before is justified it prepared you for these defining moments this is basically what Romans 8:28 means when it says all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord when you come to the defining moments in your life you can look at the other moments in your life and say Lord everything you took me through before was preparing me for this moment and now I'm ready to go after what God has promised me and received it at all costs wake up in the morning to make something happen get up out of the bed with an agenda know what you're going out to be clear about your direction don't wake up in the morning and see if something's going to happen but people get up like that nothing does happen and the days turn into weeks and the week's turn into months and the months turn to you years of mediocrity is what causes people to be bitter if you want to get around bitter and complaining people get around people who are not seeing much activity they're bitter they're complaining they're cynical and they're jealous because nothing has happened and they want your life like it's a soap opera if you want to get around less gossip and less jealousy get around successful busy people because busy people don't have time to care what's going on in your life I have no need to investigate what's going on in your life I have so much going on in my own life that I'm not interested in what I heard that they said that you thought that if I thought what you said that I didn't mean if you're a god the only people have time for that is people who are not doing anything because they're living their life vicariously through you what's going on in your life and treats them because nothing is going on in their life and if you want to stop that from happening to you wake up in the bed and know what you're going out to get up out of the bed with an agenda when you have an agenda you don't spend time worried about how you feel because it doesn't make any difference how you feel you woke up with something to do you come to sue she says to her wash your face once your face is a significant issue because it means literally don't let your past affect your present wash your face means wash everything off you that you collected along your journey and prepare yourself for where you're going what's your path off of you so that it doesn't pollute your present you'd be surprised at the people who have ruined where they are with where they came from see the problem with somebody are you can never reach forward because you're too busy looking at the past you still trying to figure out who did what what they did how they did it when they said it why did this happen to you you got forget about it it's all waiting then you can do about its history you can't change the past you can't do anything about yesterday the only thing you can do something about is tomorrow and you need to be spending the day doing something about what's gonna make tomorrow different you can sit across the table to interview them and when you start interviewing them they start talking about what they went through and what they went through on the last job they just wasn't ready for me and they just didn't understand my gifting of the person of my color and after why you can see bitterness and the whole problem is regardless whether they went through a bad experience or not they never wash their face and you're not ready for what God is about to give you now because you're still polluted with what you went through then you'd be surprised at the people who are married to two or three people not legally but mentally and emotionally you're with Fred but you're still angry about Jimmy and you got an attitude about Willie and now you were Fred treating him like you might be Willie and just in case you have a Jimmy used to do that and you're ruining your present because your past is still active in your life the whole woman talk to younger before you go in and further wash your face look at somebody I don't care how clean there are looking right in the face and say wash your face I shouldn't be able to look at you and see your pass on your face wash it off here you can't go forward until you wash the past off you forgetting things which are behind I don't care how long it takes if it takes laying on the altar if it takes six months if it takes six years you cannot go forward until you wash your face you're not ready for bow ass until you wash your face you've got too much stuff on you from yesterday you must wash your face somebody say reaching fold that word reach means to stretch for the future it's a stretching clinging issues from the past residue that we can readily detect it is possible to be delivered from something and feel not wash the effects of it out of your lifestyle I don't care what you gotta do to wash your face wash your face until people get no longer look at you and determine what you were before to be surprised as the people who can't figure out why their life is being polluted they've actually been delivered they've actually gone on in their life but they fail to watch from their face where they came from and they look like where they were and so they're still penalized as if they were where they were even though they've come up higher they didn't wash their face you gotta wash your pass off of you or you will forfeit your opportunity to go forward and you'll be angry at people and upsetting people but people would be talking about you if you were just wash your face now they told roof wash your face girl you can't go to the bed of bow ass looking like a Moabite Co Pig problem is you want to stay in the level of comfort and God's Word is to tell you today he's going to put you in situations and environment that you're not gonna be comfortable at my prison to everything somebody tell you maybe I might not be comfortable now but I can get comfortable I might not have been down this road before but I can come down here enough times to where I know where the turns are and what to do and how to make it but you gotta look ahead somebody say look ahead say it one more time look ahead did amazing how God's will and purpose will take you to places that if you're not prepared for you will keep losing them and not know why because nobody has the nerve to look you in the eye and tell you face to face you need to wash your face education doesn't fix this you can go to the University I have more degrees than a thermometer and still talk like a hoax you had the academics you have the intellect you have the ability you had the school loan you have the tenacity you did everything you got the degree you're in the upper echelon you're moving a must certain people of influence and affluence but you're not able to handle it because you'll never wash your face if you might as well be in the back of a trailer over in the project somewhere spitting watermelon seeds over your Grandmama's backwards because for all of your training education you never did wash your face and prepare yourself for where you are now and you're trying to change the whole system to fit you when you have to fit the situation everything's not gonna change for you you've got to all God who am I talking to today if you stretch and reach for what you want to do because if you don't start changing your attitude you will miss your altitude God will want to take you up but your attitude will keep pulling you back down and you'll wonder what's cursing you it's not a demon cursing you it's not a witch cursing you it's your countenance person you they don't hire you because they don't like you and when people don't like you they don't work with you oh you're not ready for this many times have you been approached by a sales clerk who couldn't sell you anything because they had a bad attitude somebody else walked up to you and shown it to you and you bought it with the quickness because they knew how to approach you don't think that it's all about the product it's about the personality too if you got a personality God will bless you we not going into 2020 carrying the drama and the mess that we had in 2000 somebody say you got to forget some things and sometimes it means you got to forget some people 2020 is gonna require you to stretch the third point on what your gets you says anoint your face which basically means put on a fresh attitude there knowing that they're facing the Bible days that did to them what makeup does rough it it brightened your countenance it gave you a fresh clean glowing look and that's what the anointing does it gives you a glowing look it gives you an effervescence it gives you a sense of excitement it gives you a positive attitude where you walked into a room glowing understand this is something you have to put on this is not you you put it on this seats - throws down our generation to have the philosophy keeping it real and we think keeping it real means expressing everything you think but keeping it real will keep you world it will keep you unemployed it will keep you divorced because people really cannot handle that they don't want that what they want from you is to come to work with your face going and walk up and say good morning may I help you today it's such a joy to see you this day right this way we'll be with you in just a few moments they don't want you to coming there scratching your hind parts in law I had to go through so much traffic and my babies baby said it was late and I'm not feeling a big deal today my head his head but they ought to be glad I'm here nobody wants to hear that they want you to put it on whether it's you or not put it on see people never teach you this but on the understand Seneca Nenana mom now the Bible said put ye on the Lord Jesus and that matter whether you feel spiritual or not if you're gonna fight the devil put ye on the Lord Jesus walked into the anointing of the holy God it doesn't matter whether you feelin on it nobody feels anointed all the time but you must put it on Philippians chapter 3 verse 14 here's what it says whatever it is God wants you to do whatever he's called you to do matter of fact gives where the text says let me hurry up he said I love this passage right here is so encouraging so powerful so so profound I press toward the goal set some goal for the prize it's a win the word prize means when I get it what is it if you get it in your life if you do it what gold is it that when you get there you're surprised don't be sad no goals or something you don't want to do pick something that's gonna be a reward for you a win for you something you will get excited about the Bible says serve the Lord with gladness since the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus even the Lord doesn't want you to serve him with an attitude he didn't ask you how you felt he said if he's gonna do something for me do it smiling come before my presence with Thanksgiving he said I want you to come before me singing don't come in here moaning and groaning and weird I start not to come to church like you did God a favor he said when you hit my house come in singing when you put it on God will change how you feel he will give you the garment of praise for the spirit of happiness but you've got to put it on until it becomes you every year I write down my goals I write down my professional goals and my personal goals but I won't just write them down listen to this I come up with a plan on how to reach that goal what do I need to do what steps do I need to take what I need to go if you want a new house first of all you got to get you a job I've seen God take nothing and make something out of it you got to get out of debt you got to have a good credit rating y'all y'all listen to me your idea away from what you saw in your dreams in your prophecies that God spoke over your life you are one idea away you are not waiting on God God is waiting on you what steps I got to say what I need what I need to have to get that what I need to go who do I need to connect with we're places so I need to be write it down get a new goal you're coming into a new era and God is getting you ready for new things and you can't bring that old sad summer depress defeated I got an attitude head-bobbing meet your kids attitude and expect to receive what God has for you do this how you think about yourself one thought deliverance from hopping around in the failures of your past just standing up like a man and say I'm gonna be defined by what's in front of me and not what's behind me what is behind me will not control me I will break the chain on my yesterday so that I could fly into my tomorrow they shall be greater than my former day you will not beat me because I take myself to be strong enough to fight you back off of me if God has given you a new day and a new opportunity it is time for you to anoint your face number four change your garments changing your garments means to prepare for something that hasn't even happened yet she hadn't even made it to Boaz this Naomi told Ruth before you can go you've got to get the garments on now for where you're going to be then to be prepared God is going to bless people who are prepared a prepared person in a prepared place prepared pre-cut into shape prepared for something that hadn't even happened yet are there any faithful people in the room though you're not where you're going yet you're already prepared for something that hasn't happened yet well why would you do that because when it does happen you won't have a chance to get ready you're gonna have to be ready when it does happen and they're talking to anybody and the other thing you have to understand is any time you getting ready for something that hasn't happened yet you feel out of place with what is happening because when you look different from the people you're around people like funny you need to prepare in the direction that you're going is a lot to be able to look at your preparation and see your destination your destination needs to be on you right now touch your neighbor and tell them I'm prepared it hasn't happened yet but I'm dressed for it I'm ready for it I'm learning about it I'm ready to do it I'm ready to walk into it I'm ready to receive it I'm practicing on being blessed I'm getting ready for it right now when it does happen I'll already have my stuff when it does happen I'll already be in place when the cry is made behold the bridegroom cometh I'm gonna have my stuff prepared to go out to meet him a good driver the right personality doesn't just look at the car in front you look down the road and the problem is some y'all y'all all you're looking at is where you are right now you're not looking ahead you're not planning down the road so now is the season for you to move distractions confusion term all out of the way to find a peaceful place where you can meditate and think what am I gonna do at this season in my life what am I gonna do with this age and staying what could I do with the circumstances of my life what would you do with what do you have to make it better one thought if God whispers in your ear once every 10 years it would change to say something every day and it'd take you ten years to work out what he said in the aspect of what God's called you to do he wants you to look ahead reaching forward to those things which are ahead somebody say ahead look down the road look where you're going look what you gotta do look where you gotta be don't just look where you are now look where you are all to me gonna be you out of be ready right now for things that your eyes haven't seen and your ears haven't heard you ought to be so ready that people who knew you before ought to be confused by what you're doing right now you ever get into the kingdom of God if you ever get plugged into the ways of God if you ever get connected with Christ your life will never be the same [Applause] this is get down to the floor that's number five she says go to the place in other words move into the place where the blessing is going to come if you ever noticed that whenever depressing comes one of the first things they try to do is get you stay in the house because the devil knows that in order to get a certain level of blessings you have to be in a certain place and he'll do anything he can to get you to be all dressed up but in the wrong place it's a dangerous thing to stay too long in a place that you're overdressed it's alright to be in the lobby as long as you leave but if you're gonna stay in the lobby too long that's why no matter how much I love people I can't stay in no place that I'm not trying to be if I'm trying to go to the next level it doesn't matter where I start it matters where I finish and I don't mind you seeing me dressed differently from you as long as you're on the staff on my way why am I going in this direction because he's calling me he's calling me you're gone wherever you want to go going to the beach gone swimming do what you want to do he's called he's calling me he's calling me and here she comes into a new environment because she's getting into place and when you start getting into place you don't fit see being successful is lonely because you didn't fit where you came from because she was dressed for where you're going and so you've got to be prepared to be a misfit if God's gonna give you this blessing if you gotta have a strong support system you can't get this level of blessing big big crush you're to in to be out but you're to out to be in you you're too close to your destiny to let your history hinder you from getting to your destiny and so when you start moving in to your destiny you're in the position but you don't feel comfortable is there anybody in here who knows what it's like to be in a position that God gave you and you don't feel comfortable in it you're in it but you don't feel worthy of it you don't feel right to be in it you feel out of place in it but God gave it to you well get in the place and stay there God knew who you were when he put you in the position stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop feeling unworthy and get yourself ready for what God he did he tell you he would do a new thing in you then he tell you he was making the head and not the tail don't blow this miracle this mirror who am i preaching to this miracle it's for you you're working on the wrong stuff stop trying to change people's minds let them think whatever they want to say you don't have time to be a steward over somebody else's thoughts when it comes to your future your scan your frame doesn't even sound moving in the place I'm getting myself situated so I can get into place and the next point can I give you this next one I'm almost through when she got said let's say she said now when you get into place this is critical when you get in the place Ruth shut your mouth she says don't get in the place and try to make something happen all God wants you to do is get in the place and wait now hear this woman is is all dressed up in the bed of bow ass excited waited all of her life on the verge of her miracle something that's gonna change her destiny and the one that God is going to use to change it is sleep in the strange to be excited about something nobody's excited but you and your first tendency is try to make them be excited about something they're not excited about but God says just wait touch three people that say just wait this way don't try to make it happen don't try to force it to happen don't try to throw out your business card don't try to get no reputation for you just be prepared and just wait when you wait on the Lord see whoever this is that needed to get this message you not gonna have to open this door God is going to open this door for you when God opens a door let me tell this ahead a few folk who know what it's like for God to open the door when God opens a door it's mind-boggling it seems like it comes out of nowhere it just happens just when the devil said you wouldn't go get up just with your flesh it's too stupid and you'll never be anything God just opens up the door he said I set before you an open door let me tell you what's good about God opening the door if you open the door you have to keep it open but when God opens the door he said doors open doors open no man can shut them whoever I'm preaching to the day God is getting ready to open up a door for you then it's utterly mind-boggling you won't have to defend it you all have to fight for it all you got to do is stand still and see the salvation of the Lord God is going to open the door if you just wait on them they that wait upon the Lord shall renew that strength if you just wait on him just stop you don't walk through the door into your destiny just stop you're going to get your breakthrough at all you got to do is wait number seven Ruth never spoke to bow ass until boy spoke to her and number seven is never trying to shine when the light ain't on you it's a cheap trick to try to be wonderful when it's not your time but when you find out is your time that's the time for you to come out no-holds-barred and give it everything you got that's all I say give it everything touch somebody and tell them something is about that I've been feeling it I've been feeling it for a long time I've been right on the verge for a long time but the thing that I've been told the verge of is about to happen in my life but here's a very important thing I need to tell everybody in here everybody into him this is very important to you everything in my life I've been passing for 30 years and I look back over the many things we've been able to accomplish and I'm telling you everything that we've been able to accomplish start it off with me writing down a goal [Applause]
Channel: Inspiring Habit
Views: 1,440,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inspiring, Habit, Inspirational, Motivational, Successful, God, Jesus, Lord, Christian, Christian Inspiration, Christian Motivation, Christian Encouragement, 2020 motivational videos, manifest your gifts, Become Who You Were Born To Be, Manifest Your Gifts Maximize Your Potential, td jakes motivation, best motivation videos, Renewing Your Mind, having a changed mind, Break Your Mental Barriers, Pastor John, your 2020 assignment
Id: wzcuFLvI2HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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