Dr. Myles Munroe Steve Harvey Denzel Washington - MANIFESTING YOUR GIFTS | TESTIMONY

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[Music] our focus today is going to be on understanding the principle of self manifestation write that down if I was to be asked what is my greatest advice to give you as a young man or young woman it would be this message people are not looking for you they are looking for which you are carrying and if you don't manifest what you are carrying the world will ignore you because you exist doesn't mean you're going to be successful because you are on the planet doesn't mean they're people again and notice you you can live an entire life and not be noticed by humanity we can bury you in a cemetery and we would never know you were here except for that tombstone and the reason is because most of the humans on earth live on earth but never manifest themselves and so the most important goal in your life should be self manifestation now this is how you know you're not living in your guilt if when the alarm clock goes off in the morning and you ain't happy about it you ain't doing what you want to do so you fighting upstream you're going against what God created you for if your job makes you sick to go to if you're unhappy with waking up to go to where you got to go it's because you ain't living in your gift some people are born to be teachers caregivers nurses babysitters those are gifts if you're living in your gift you cool it's just if you ain't if like of you Fried Chicken better than anybody else you should be somewhere flying chicken man you do have better than everybody else you should be somewhere doing somebody's half those are gifts telling jokes was a gift they're just not just running jumping if you paint you should be painting if babysitting is what you really do you should be babysitting you're doing anything if you fix cars you work with your hands you're supposed to be working with your hands you do anything else when that alarm clock off in the morning you ain't gonna like it now if you waking up you're going down that ain't paying you she won't you hate your coworkers you're down there your boss has no business being your boss I just know I just never thought that anybody should be in charge of me I always saw myself free I just wanna come to work this was all I wanted to Bishop Jake said this and I would hate to die and never do the thing I was born to do you should look into that before you mess around and check out of here write this down please discontent is the seed of change in other words you will never change what you tolerate how many times have you said I need to change this you know but you keep doing it it's because you tolerate it so how do you break a toleration here's my advice write this down you will never become what you could be until you become angry with what you are anger brings change your life is defined by which you hate can you write that down right now whatever you don't hate you allow and whatever you allow you will never change people say that God is love sometimes we use that to accommodate evil but the Bible says God also hates things the Great King David wrote seven things God hates Solomon wrote 14 of them what kind of habits do you have what is your secret habit what is your public habit you design in your future with that habit we don't decide our future we decide our habits and our habits decide our future if you have a habit of watching television your future is designed in that habit so the power of our habit can control your destiny so you got to decide your habits I have a habit for example of reading the Bible every day it's not a some spiritual giant I needed a habit so if I don't read the Bible I feel like I'm going through withdrawals what a good habit to have prayer should be a habit for most people prayer is an occasional surprise or when things are falling apart only your gift will make room for you now what is your gift it's the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort that's your gift quit running away from the gift your gift will make room for you stop trying to be something you ain't gifted at nobody asked you to go down here study to be a dentist and you're a really good at that listen to me all of you have this guilt identified it's the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort that's what you should be doing you're wasting your time pursuing your passion the bible does not mention passion it mentions your guilt what are you gifted at and do that stop tripping you can do that if you fried chicken better than everybody you know you are B so my fried chicken people make millions of dollars frying chicken Popeyes Kentucky Fried Chicken El Pollo Loco all he doing is making chicken somebody just started making chicken you know the story of Marie Callender's do you know what this woman did man she worked for a diner a greasy spoon diner that was going out of business it was her only job she was a single mother it was her only job she needed that job but the diner was going to close so she went to the owner of the diner and said let me bake one of my pies people liked my pies and see if I can help you make a little money he said whatever bringing in you she bought one pie they sold every slice the next day the people came in and asked for the pack she had to go home and make another pie the next day so many people ask for the path chair to make folk pies being people start saying can I buy my own path she made so many pies at this store that she eventually saved her money and put a commercial oven in her house she'd amazed so many paths to do shop he's selling hamburgers no more oh he's selling his gym path that's how Marie Callender got stuck Marie Callender now has over 120 restaurants you can't go to no frozen food section without seeing Marie Callender in there you know what she started with a pack y pack would you become after today depends on what you do with this message all of you in this room I have good news for you you came to this earth because there's something that earth needed that God hid inside of you everything in creation was created with a gift everything God created nothing without a gift in it it took me 30 years to make that one statement research experience my own life studying creation itself you were brought to this planet sent here by a greater power to deliver something that we need God created everything with gifts in other words you are a package sent to earth to deliver a gift to your generation you are obligated to us you only which you are carrying whatever you were created to become you possess now this is a divine principle what do you think your gift what did I say whatever you were created to become you possess it now in other words whatever you were born to do is not ahead of you it's within you because whatever you were destined to become God has prepared you with it the Creator never places the future outside of a thing your future is not ahead of you it's actually trapped on the inside in other words write this down you came to Planet Earth with your future inside of you I say it this way God hid your future in a place where he knew you couldn't miss it a gift is the inherent capacity to fulfill a function that meets a need in creation every word is important here inherent means no one can give this to you you came with this no prophecy can give you a gift a prophecy may stir it up this session is probably one of the most important centers in your life because you are still stuck looking for a job you know what's good about gifts you don't to look for them the dude that cut my hair I met him in 1986 he cut my hair for $10 I remembered him when I got on TV I had hired he came out there he started making $300 a haircut I paid him teen he had been with me so many years that he was making fifteen hundred dollars per haircut I was getting my hair cut fo times a week for television and Tori I paid in fifteen hundred each time he was making six thousand dollars a week you know what he was doing cutting hair that same haircut I paid $10 for in 87 this dude was cutting it now for 1500 I cut my hair off but let me tell you what he did I paid him a chunk of money for being with me all these years gave him a severance pay told him good luck guess what this dude got now he got four salons and he owned two barber colleges you know what this do make now 3.6 million a year you know what he do he could have he don't do nothing else that's his guilt trend of mine we grew up with all he did was cut grass he had a single play law more than he pushed he was so good at it he could raise the blades up and Lord he could cut patterns in your grass we little I'm going hey man we going swimming now I got companies Jackson grass he could cut patterns in you yo he could put your initials in your grass as a little boy $2.00 for the front $2.00 for the back $4 we just laugh at him all the time well let me tell you what we laughing that night he got a landscaping company in Cleveland nobody's born making four million dollars a year you know what he do he cut grass he got 38 trucks he got all the contracts in the city malls corporations and when his snow outside he do such a good job cutting the grass he put plows on the front of his trucks he got all the snow removal contracts this boy making four million dollars a year and you know what he do he cut glad if you study all of our culture all of our culture's look at our coaches they are built on employment the employment destroys your gift it stops you even from thinking about it we have been damaged greatly by our educational systems because they have actually been conditioning us to believe that we are only here to find a job pay some bills and die matter of fact everything your parents tell you how to do at a job most of us based on our culture have been taught to go and find you future and so we are conditioned just to get an education to get a job and then work in a place we hate for forty five years and then they give us a clock to go home with to sit in a rocking chair that watch the rest of our time fade away this is what they call retire mutt it means you're tired so you are retired double tiredness do not go to school young people define a gift single woman I promise you you'll never find your gift in education so make a note of this a gift can never be learned it can only be refined that's why you can go to college and get a PhD and still be broke because education is not a gift you can actually go to school and spend a lot of money going through all kind of universities and never refine your gift because you took the wrong causes most people god forbid in this room when to college and study the wrong thing because your decision to choose a certain area of study was motivated more by economic potential than personal fulfillment now you are depressed because you are not fulfilling your gift well-educated and still trying to pay your phone even your career may not be your gift is what I'm saying and God may send this message to you right now to tell you it's time to change your career into your call I was speaking at a school was I was talking to the students potential was mortified with my message because I was telling the truth I was telling the kids the education is important but your education is not the most important thing in your life I'm sorry it's not your dream is the most important thing in this world it tops your education if your dreams dwarf your education I said and the principal came up on the stage while I was tweaking don't ever say that to my school again well I'm just telling you don't you can save you kids a lot of pain if you talk to you about daydreams you got to talk to young people about their dreams see is natural education the Bible don't even mention education it ain't even in them the Bible says a man without a dream or vision shall perish if you talk to kids about their dreams your dreams can spur you to get the education but if you never find out what a child is dreaming about you can't hold their attention it's the dream man if you got a kid that want to be an airplane pilot you quit talking to you about education talk to him about being a pilot how great it is where he'll be able to fly then he'll do math he'll do engineering he'll go to science cuz he wants to be a pilot it's the dream that's the biggest thing people killing me man with this education I ain't knocking education but you can make it without education I ain't got one you know many people got degrees they ain't working ain't workin nowhere now if you want to be a doctor lawyer Dennis stuff like that you got to go get education we're not talking about that but you keep going to get all these pieces of paper hanging on your wall you got one degree they make it with that your life will never be a straight path I began at Fordham University as a pre-med student I took a course called cardiac morphogenesis I couldn't read it I couldn't say it I sure couldn't pass it so then I decided to go into pre-law then journalism and with no academic focus my grades took off in their own direction I was a 1.8 GPA one semester and the university very politely suggested that it might be better to take some time off I was 20 years old I was at my lowest point and then one day March 27th 1975 I was helping my mother in her beauty shop there was this older woman who was considered one of the elders in the town and I didn't know her personally but I was looking in the mirror and every time I looked at the mirror I could see her she was staring at she said something I'll never forget she said young boy I have a prophecy a spiritual prophet she said you are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people now mind you I'm 20 years old I'm flunked out of school so when I got back to Fordham that fall I got in and I changed my major once again for the last time and in the years that follow just as that woman prophesize I have traveled the world and I have spoken to millions of people through my movies I found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing second Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 read but we have this treasure where is it hidden in jars of clay earthen vessels your body to do what to show for it that this all surpassing power is from God and not from us Lord of mercy because I put that stuff inside of you what are you supposed to do with it show it for manifest yourself know what happens after what this is and we are hard pressed on every side but not crushed we are perplexed sometimes but not in despair in other ways no matter what you go through the gift is still there and despair I lost my house gossip but you still got to give the bank took back the car I still got to give my girlfriend left me but I still got to give right this point down please the gift is the source of value to the traded thing let me say it again your gift is the source of your value your value comes from your gift so if you never find your gift you will never be valuable to us and your value determines how much you make in life you get paid for the value you bring to the earth don't pursue money whatever gives you value is the source of your wealth and sometimes people try to make money from their gift too early my advice is give it away free because when you give you a gift away free it gets exposed even a drug dealer knows about this they give you the first one free you must be serving your gift how many years have I taught I mean form I was 15 years old no visionaires teaching the Word of God never got a cent and someone gives me ten thousand dollars a day for speaking you get jealous of me I gave it away free for 15 years you're trying to get paid you even endeavour for 15 hours give it away free serve you gift volunteer I was 27 years old October 8th 1985 hilarious comedy club walked in a comedy club first time in my life what amateur night $50.00 drove 40 minutes home cried all the way home this girl I rode was she said why are you crying at my $50 is the only monster I'm born she said what you mean you born I said I know what I'm gonna do the rest of my life she said you're in Willmar fifty dog but now I've been praying my whole life God what is it my life got to be more than this I wanted that comedy competition I went to work October 9th the next morning and quit my job that decision cost me everything I had I lost everything I lost my family I lost friends I lost every day I became homeless I lived in a car for three years but I just saw this I saw this I saw this vision I just pursued it I said why I said you have to take chances in life if you don't take chances in life you'll never have the life God has for you life is about risks if you play it safe you won't have much of a life remember this life is risk it takes it take courage to pursue your dream I just did it it cost me everything God is very good man when he sees you take a leap of faith he supplies you everything you need NASCO cost you something but most people are not willing to pay what it costs to go after your dream because you gonna had to hurt a little bit and most people don't like being uncomfortable if you don't want to be uncomfortable please do not pursue success because success is very uncomfortable I learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable if you can get that in your head everything you've never gone through God got you through it you didn't even realize it he just got you through it you can't name one thing he didn't pull you through well I lost my mother I'm still grieving over there I lost my mama twenty-one years ago I still grieve over but I'm here you know you got through it you're gonna get through it but you gotta take chance in life man can't play a safe y'all you gotta jump you got go far you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself you will suck at something embrace it because it's inevitable and I should know in the acting business you fail all the time early on in my career I auditioned for a part in a Broadway musical perfect role for me I thought except for the fact that I can't sing I didn't get the job but here's the thing I didn't quit I didn't fall back I walked out of there to prepare for the next audition I prayed I pray and I pray but I continued to fail and fail and fail but it didn't matter because it was an old saying you hang around the barbershop long enough sooner or later you're gonna get a haircut so you will catch a break and I did catch a break if you don't fail you're not even trying to get something you never had you have to do something you never did imagine you're on your deathbed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we came to those you could have brought us to life and now we have to go to the grave together so you got to get out there you got to give it everything you got whether it's your time your talent your prayers or your treasures the question is what are you going to do with what you have I'm not talking about how much you have whatever your gift is what are you going to do with what you have last one secure the next generation have you notice that every fruit gets seed in it every fruit gets seed in it because the fruit must maintain the future that's my whole life my whole life is to help people better than me that's why I teach you so much I want you to be great people 10 keys to success how to release your purpose number one you must first understand your destiny number two you must have a vision of your gift see the finished product number three believe you have the ability fulfilling number four you must live by the laws that protect that gift we call on principals number five you must have a plan laid out to go toward your gift number six you must have the right people around you because there's some gift killers gift killers there's some folks who are suffocated because they fail they want you to fail they ain't going nowhere and they want to take you with them you gotta be careful with the people you have in your life and number eight persistence you gotta handle the pressure to go after your gift because you live in a culture that doesn't want you to manifest your gift the beautiful thing is when you manifest it then on sudden they become your friend because they want to eat your gift number nine you know persevere to bring forth your gift because you will always have resistance and opposition discouragement failures but you got to keep coming back and number 10 you must pray over your gift every day pray to the one who gave it to you to give you wisdom to manifest it I pray every day above my gift you pray for your purpose don't break your food don't pray for clothing you want to pray for your role in God's kingdom your delivery system which is supposed to bring to this thing that's what you pray for Oh God show me how to do it revive it refine it define it for me keep it fresh Lord let me see this purpose should I pray for the best things in life is on the other side of fear it's on the other side of fear but fear freezes people man your fear failure freezes people suppose I don't do it if you don't do it you might you might not make it that's a for show so that's just my opinion that's probably not what most people share but your dream man it's what your dream about you got a dream about something so big that it Dwarfs all your fears the way you overcome fear is what your dream you got to make your dream so big that nothing matters except that dream you're willing to do everything is necessary Nelson Mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small and settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living because taking risk is not just about going for a job it's also about knowing what you know and what you don't know it's about being open to people and to ideas to not only take risks but to be open to life to accept new views and to be open to new opinions even though you're scared still well it may be frightening it will also be rewarding because the chances you take the people you meet the people you love the faith that you have that's what's going to define you know your purpose believe your assignment document your vision put it on paper you were sent to earth to release your hidden potential hold a mango seed in your hand and see a mango that's what vision is you see the end result do that with your life submit to the right environment even though you see the mango in the sea you got a plant that seed in the ground and give it water and give it nutrients your greatness can be destroyed by the wrong environment the books you read the people you are with the places you go the church you attend all relate to which you become feed on the right materials when you put that fertilizer on that seed that seed gets happy what are you free lysing your life with you spend five hours watching Elliman I mean what are you feeding your vision what are you feeding your gift you go over this in different clubs or just God is saying what are you doing what are you feeding your gift give your gift time to develop you'll never get mine goes from a mango seed in a day go through the process persist under pressure when you plant that seed in the ground all the pressure is on top of that but the pressure is important for the seed the pressure of your life test the reality of your gift whatever stops you is how strong you are never be discouraged never hold back never give everything you got and when you fall throughout life remember this fall forward your gift is supposed to produce more seed you should be mentoring people all the time to become greater than you serve your gift to the world then you are great fish can't in the water they got to stay attached you came out of God don't try to fulfill your gift for God [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Successful Life
Views: 51,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational video, motivational speech, powerful motivational speech, powerful motivational video, motivation gym, motivational speech for success in life, motivational speech workout, motivational speeches, motivational video never give up, motivational video morning, motivational videos for success in life
Id: YPJ8N1-i7Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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