Mandy Rose's parents on The Golden Goddess' tomboy days: My Daughter is a WWE Superstar
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Channel: WWE
Views: 938,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, My Son/Daughter is a WWE Superstar, Mandy Rose, mandy rose entrance, mandy rose theme, mandy rose vs, mandy rose sacs, mandy rose interview, my daughter is a wwe superstar, womens wrestling, wwe women, wwe womens wrestling, tough enough, amanda saccomanno, amanda saccomanno tough enough, yorktown heights
Id: S3hZUSvUrbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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3 Italian older brothers lol. It must have been a blast dating her in high school.
I dont know who is more stereotypical New York/New Jersey.
Mandy Rose or Liv Morgan
Is Bruce Springsteen her dad?
"My daughter is a WWE superstar and one of the most beautiful things in this world so i'm good in life"
Everyone comes off as a babyface in these. Would love it if they did one for Fuckface Ciampa in kayfabe.
I like hamburgers too, Mandy.
I feel like going to her dad's deli now tbh.
Too bad we'll never get to see an episode of this with The Undertaker.