Mandaloregaming - Halloween Games Continued - VOD

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[Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's time [Music] is now i think i fixed it it's working it's working the last time we did the uh the not pt game and there's a dlc which is i would assume more of the uh not pt but we'll see and thank you um [ __ ] there's a lot already gaylord zapakowski that's a familiar name rottenpie you're the guy617 silly little boy silly little boy ciggy stardust and one clock all right let's see how this goes [Music] where are my scissors [Music] hey [Music] you owe me your soul and it's time to pay up all right so i did actually um go back to one of the other endings and it was um mostly more of the same and yeah we um we did watch the baby right into the wall a lot last time [Music] i guess it's oh yeah it's right there thank you uh skippy tbr slight fox 105 bow hammer tv stabby lasso and i thought oh evil genius is a very um that is a happy game i like the lodge it's not really a reason not to be on yellow water someone said hang on i'll fix it i'll fix everything i promise when i was a child i used to lay in bed late at night staring at the ceiling listening to my father scream scream at my mother scream at yet another failed masterpiece finally just scream out into the darkness why is it so loud it became my lullaby and even when they took me away the screams followed i was once told that insanity runs in my family it's time to make it stop how bad is it okay hang on uh why did that did they change this for the settings for the dlc because i had it down last time uh maybe maybe okay those are very quiet footsteps but maybe [Music] a little bit more oh let me aim this that'd be a good idea wouldn't it okay surely surely that oh no that's that looks loud that looks loud hang on how about how about there no not now please not now um hang on that wait that looks right it's quiet oh please please no that looks equalized that looks equal yeah okay it's quiet there we go i thought i set that for much higher thank you orange juice nut cheshire cat the beast 821 gm 66 666 q bromingo 95 okay what ann vaslin let's start the video game oh this is way later [ __ ] sake let me trap the music volume a little bit thank you kaiser hawk really going to regret adding that one to the rotation i think [Music] i'm not sure about having a character giving commentary shut up quit looking at me like that that dog is there for a reason all right you can let them out for now what the [ __ ] god damn it okay so um well that was established that the dogs had died okay was not established that he had cooked up the dogs huh [Music] i mean if this is a flashlight this has to be and it's time to pay off at least a few decades later i'd think why the [ __ ] didn't i turn off the xenomorph sounds thank you shepard there was an alien isolation thing a while back which i realized i did not because i was adding um rotation sounds in but what i can hear you in there i'm coming you furry little bastards you're not getting away this time where are my sisters what the hell are you doing in there what a hero it's quiet please i'm gonna have to take periodic sub breaks i can't tell just the lighting's it's dark but it doesn't look as crisp as i remember i wonder when was the last time this place saw sunlight what [Music] furry bastards why did what and plastic tubing can you summon dimitri for five no i can't i'm pretty sure he's what is he doing right he's playing factorio halligan where are my scissors wait there's another flash what that's a big crown oh the summer trees so green and vibrant and full of life but also young and inexperienced let's try to find them a more poignant season where they are wiser have some stories to tell what yeah this is a little differently paced than the first one no put that down you were doing so well oh it's crayons or paint where here's paint brilliant let's add some more of the same color that won't make it boring or predictable what oh no [Music] is this the meta commentary on the first game uh what the [ __ ] are there penumbra dogs oh they sway in the breeze but are none the wiser just like you [Music] oh no i did hear um conflicting things about the sequel which i have not played either if they were going in this direction oh hang on when i get out of this section i'll go through the names now that the the train of whatever it is [ __ ] sake more blue oh they sway in the breeze but are none the wiser just like you yeah this reminds me of um of uh clarence from penumbra monkey brilliant let's add some more of the same color this is a that won't make it boring or predictable oh this is a puzzle okay what color back to blue oh they sway in the breeze but are none the wiser just like you not green not blue okay might not be a puzzle might just be hunt down a new color [ __ ] sake a dog why are there dogs ah yes the autumn of life when man seeks shelter from the elements let's see how our little hut fares when the skies grow dark [Music] well it's not blood yet oh i see it no no dogs i hope this doesn't lead into no straw to the wrath of malachi again [Music] shelf uh i'm so close to the paint damn it well there's no going back happy birthday please please no why is that cat sad [Music] oh please no i just want to find the paint oh look at that give can i oh can't reach through the wall oh hang on [Applause] what is happening [Music] [Applause] no [Music] is it a metaphor for sisyphus [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's happening i did it no yellow you see in the end all we take for granted is fragile and temporary man passes while nature endures speaking of which i don't think our proud stallion likes the weather let's brighten things up a bit [Music] oh not reading it are they going to light the horse on fire i feel like that's the only way this can go you're not listening how is some soggy grass going to help here we need to make it warmer [Music] wow i thought that was yellow it started telling the lighting i mean the yellow was way across before [Music] a dog just keep giving him more grass oh here's the doorway no a wet rag won't do us any good no matter what color it is that is a large doberman i mean if it was a pit bull i'd probably be dead by now that thing would crunch right through the doorway yeah see he runs right by there we go [Music] what [Music] [Music] you i'm gonna go around let's see to go backwards in one of these yeah i'm not sure about the whole uh melting wall melting everything what but oh yeah that was the blanket please just let me back in wow okay if it's not in this okay there it is that's right the sun bestows its high praise on the land it's getting warmer and warmer until finally marvelous isn't it i know it seems like a tragedy but a beautiful tragedy is always better than an unremarkable existence ah what in his own way i believe he meant well he wanted me to excel hoping that when the time came i would succeed where he failed avoid his mistakes god knows he made plenty of those i don't know about this oh right i can i've escaped the room uh thank you to foofer the one uppest oh my shro swag a spatula boy brynn daniel oh [ __ ] brendan was here calum d guy furthington lafonk and hecarius yeah red white and dude xx sims han yolo and kodo king and gain roomo and whale facts who [ __ ] me up with a xenomorph earlier okay i'm caught up in saint sauce and everything i'm sure brendan's up to some mischief this october i can't tell if this is um hang on okay no that's so strange i don't know if it's just me but this looks like significantly worse than the first game but i don't know if that's just because it's like pitch black in here like that can't be possible what the [ __ ] why can't i oh what's wrong with this thing oh no the werewolf room choose between mother and father dad was such a drag i guess i'll go with dad oh hey there oh come on don't be afraid it won't bite here try for yourself i don't think so this is so strange if this is a mario 64 piano no no that's not quite right oh [ __ ] oh no um still not quite there like am i a child or like a this seems a little small for a child this is like a walking fetus you know what maybe dad's right oh there's there's no escape did i not make myself clear you know what i have an idea go get your crayons uh if that chest swallowed me up that'd be pretty scary actually i thought that the second i leaned into it where are the crayons ah [Music] afraid of yeah i am i am afraid of that looks like a [ __ ] playstation cheat code no can't you see the colors oh oh i okay i get it blue pink red blue oh i can actually stand on that [Music] i'm doing it right right if you can't do it right then don't do it at all what is i thought that was the cart for a second dogs i mean i know it's a i know it's a doberman now so i'm not too spooked by it if it was like a pit bull like grinning in the end of a dark hallway with like its black pit eyes reflecting back at me that'd be frightening well what's another scary dog i want i've seen some pretty crazy australian shepherds actually one of my friends had her face really [ __ ] scarred up by one but they're not like no i've seen i've seen scary australian shepherds i take that back so do you just choose between the the dad door and mom door constantly or did i just come out of that kind of oh please if she bonks her head into the wall again uh [Music] it's a toy oh oh that's a lot bigger what what i everything's so like warped i'm more just going what's happening what the [ __ ] let me out please oh thank you postal service okay i'm gonna i'm not sure about this one i'll give it a little bit longer but um i don't know maybe this is just like the the child dream or something you go in each room it's different [Music] he looked and [ __ ] child huffs paint the game i mean this is a child that grew print a lot of paint they were not using safe paint back then victorian tyler1 adventures actually this is an edwardian mansion what if this is what it's like to be bruno mars i'm after wrestle with tardigrade as the final boss can i get the chandelier please no okay layers of fear the 511 adventure like i i genuinely don't know if this is just supposed to be like this is how a child sees a mansion or it's also supposed to be warped because when you do both it's just kind of weird [Music] oh [ __ ] it's a loop uh hmm okay there must be something else in that room i need to find if it loops again and there is okay once i go in the fire oh i go left maybe that was it no no i'd gone that way before right yeah that's the same way there's something in here [Music] i don't get it [Music] so i would think it's the dagger but i couldn't click on the on that can't spin it around huh can i go in the fireplace i'm gonna go in the fire i can't go in the fire let me try going backwards then that's usually the answer okay nope i'm back here [Music] i think it's something to do with this photo here this painting oh [Applause] look at that now i can go across to [Music] all right do oh this is so blurry oh i can't even imagine how this looks with stream compression too yeah how how does this look on a [Laughter] okay you know what that i think this might be a time to it's the dog all right this might be a time to vote whether or not we do something else if everything's gonna be this [ __ ] foggy because the base game is not like this at all this is strange i probably seen the dog and i could walk out i have all the photograph pieces now so that must mean something unless i need to go down the basement and lay it down on a thing because in the base game i think that um if i had gone to the top there's nothing here would like lock me out there we go shouldn't you be in bed it's all right you can stay just don't make too much noise daddy's working what do you mean who's that it's mommy what that's not what mommy looks like well she does to me oh before the fire am i going to get out of child height can i eat some milk and vegetables [Music] please oh yeah the new amnesia is coming this month i forgot about that that won't be for that's like two weeks too i should stream that game maybe i might be busy trying to get the uh halloween video done sure i'll come up okay okay you know what for people who haven't seen this before i just want to show for um let me show for paint for reference what the main game looks like wait what that's weird for whatever re this is what the main game looks like i don't know why they covered everything in like fog and warped it that is i mean maybe that was just like for the one section but it's like it's a dlc so that's already gonna be pretty short very strange oh well we learned a lot last time okay i'm gonna open up the uh the list of things i have hang on gonna have a a brief intermission why pull up the let me pull up the what do i have installed but there's something else that can make it easier okay wait i'll make sure there's nothing i can't be showing in this okay here's what i have installed right now i have i have no straw to the wrath of malachi installed still i that might be a leftover i still have witch hunt there well i look at all these number necklaw necrolog started on that one a little bit looked like more of penumbra a lot of people saying witch hunt do you know what people who weren't here last time witch hunt witch hunt [ __ ] destroyed my computer last time i tried to play it i did not recover from witch hunt oh right i do have silent hill 4 as well [ __ ] i forgot i had that i actually don't remember much of silent hill 4 because i remember a lot more of um 2 and 3. ah that'd be good i should do a straw poll i'll do a straw poll where's my [ __ ] technical difficulties uh okay let me get this set up real quick so okay the poll is now up in chat oh ah it's looking like sun hill 4. [ __ ] where are my scissors all right silent hill 4 for now but if something happens or god knows what witch hunt is very close behind okay people are saying do a pull with the top two that's fair they're actually pretty [ __ ] close then again i my worry is that i won't survive witch hunt all right there's a pull two wow new poll available pops up that's nice but even if witch hunt does win i'd probably go to south hill four after because i don't think witch hunt's a super long game oh my god they're so close holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay so i'll do some witch hunt for a while and then i'll go to silent hill four because holy [ __ ] that's so close witch hunt crashed your pc and broke your audio every time that's true that's very true but the good news is now someone might click on a um might click on a silent 4 hill stream and see witch hunt if you're playing horror games play star citizen oh [ __ ] sake i know that guy's doing a um a wendigo game as well i think please wait it's launching a steam game oh god yeah he made a skinwalker hunt let me see if i can add this as it's some little um game it's quiet there we go oh and thank you uh the metal freak 360 big mac ronin political pie dweller feller and stan holy [ __ ] thank you stan that's um that's a little much thank you but i'm sorry that happened during technical difficulties okay it's fine is there no like is there no like specific graphics menu that was the thing last time wasn't it where like they didn't have an audio thing ultra has the worst performance origin okay no i'm not doing that oh my god why does it always come back to witch hunt uh we'll see oh this game more than crashed the stream last time this game uh crashed my cpu last time i got a it killed off my old cpu why'd i still feel short yeah so i'm a little a little nervous about witch hunt i do not remember this quake fov [Music] okay no i just gotta go to the church hey i think i have what you need oh god free attack your hunting targets lightning if it crosses okay silver bullets pack by 15 already watcher totem increase is running stamina i need to go out to the church before i play with this evil sight darkness sense [Music] is this some kind of vampire shoot em up you're probably looking for father ludwig unfortunately he got killed by that horrible beast that's why i'm looking after the church i can provide medical help if you need it i forgot about the oblivion what else i know this book by heart it's the bible feels like playing [ __ ] tribes too compared to layers of fear oh right that uses a ton of mana but that's fine okay now that i've robbed the crypt i think there's a bag of money up there too then i could buy something [Music] well at least it's a halloween game oh thank you uh libra scales welcome to the that looks like a pig wait i didn't want to oh god damn it wait why did i hear magic oh right it's the healing plants right i'm starting to remember the nirn root how could i forget i think i repressed the law of this game okay now i have a bunch of money i have any stamina meter at all wow i don't remember being as fast i could buy metal armor bounty hunter license i guess i'd last longer with that okay i'll buy i'll buy the metal armor lasts a little bit longer have you played oh i haven't played a hades oh hades yet no i possess this ability because the blood of an angel runs through my veins those tuning in this is um silent hill 4. it's just like call of duty all right i don't want to save here oh boy okay i'll find it soon i care if it randomizes what you're hunting the first time but i think it was a werewolf it is running a little a lot um smoother than last time and no it might not be a witch in witch hunt it's time to pay up thank you quantum typhoon no this is shockingly not an end a asset flip it is very atmospheric i give it that it's just it was very very broken all right the bigfoot vision it's by the river [Music] i think i remember where that is there's no pull i remember that okay so he's down by the river because evil dead vision tells me so the faster that heartbeat goes the closer i am i thought the river was down there oh [ __ ] that's not good well there yeah there is a river down there what was that i hear something i'm hearing strange things not the danger is it [Music] i must be getting closer oh right [ __ ] sauron is in the woods how can i forget okay yeah it is back the other way [ __ ] yeah there's like this um the [ __ ] sauron ghost from the third hobbit movie flies at you if you go too far into the woods i can hear them [Music] oh no oh no i touched the water please no there could be another river bend up there [Music] what was my crucifix button oh up there [Music] 30 seconds after installing to start [Music] functioning ah okay on the hunt [Music] i could go back to the rocks to cross i'd rather not get too [ __ ] freezing yet [Music] wait do i have a flask no i think i should be able to bless the water this is silent hill 4. [Music] yeah i guess why can't a priest press like just bless the whole river i actually don't know the lore behind that even if the monster is not here there's at least a witch hunt to it they say witch hunt instead of witch hut i mean this is pretty spooky looking it's just when everything else starts happening belleville fast travel point what the [ __ ] what was that what is that just a copperhead what is this it's just why is it completely still it just bites and pisses at me oh need a map picked up a cannonball what am i gonna be hunting i mean if they do have the serious sam cannonball launcher i think i need to go find some nern root and heal yeah look it's gone people like why would you shoot at the goat do you think i'm not shooting in a goat when there's like satanic magic happening around here and look it's [ __ ] gone that thing would have eaten me if i got near it it's dead why is there a dead rat [Music] wow you villain 333 and king madding i missed that one what beautiful music wait was that a no nothing i kind of don't want to save here but [Music] i have no clue where this thing is where are my scissors actually i could there's a mana sacrifice thingy somewhere around here i could save that this is one more step this will be the farthest i've made it from the starting town witch hunt hmm oh i need to adjust that hang on i just read the widgets are behind the game that was my bad thank you dorncor and tim579 you will live forever in my heart man i don't know where that magic rock pile is wait what the [ __ ] i heard growling what's happening [ __ ] thank you king man there's something out there i hear it it's so evil i'm gonna peek it out that looks evil it's quiet why is it closer i thought there was a large like wolf staring at me like these little corners or the ears thank you zuckness and r 8654 i'm so loaded up with stuff [Music] i'm gonna head back to the river i need to hunt the big game before i figure out what this is all about what is that sound what the [ __ ] a zambo just a zombie that's what's making that sound oh god damn it [Music] okay now i'll go save with the magic rock oh i can't spend when i'm i can't believe i was worried about that like it sounded like it'd be like a huge wolf or something all right this is what new england is like i think i'd like living in new england honestly the only thing is it's pretty expensive to live there so a friend who lives up there you know these are some nice woods so i hear another zambino hmm i think you're sauron took my magic i saw on there thank you zainax739 and lilith is here and i know what i'm hearing but i have completely lost track of wherever the monster was off to use vision on it when i got another chance out of magic what is that sound i don't think that's a zombie this is this is silent hill for the room this is what happens when you leave the room there must be another landmark around here [ __ ] sake it's so quiet frostmass22 thank you for saving me it's because i'm getting like lulled into it and i'm trying really really hard to see if i can hear anything and i just don't know like that i heard something again oh thank you being supreme you've returned what oh no there's a daedra where are my scissors oh my god not now i think it's up the hill yep i think i could kill them i don't think that killed it got it oh that's a lot of magic well all right yeah the flame archer atronach is dead the camera was an astronaut or archer knock i think it's atronach that's a stump oh there's sauron see him over there it's hard to make out but he's a little misty cloud right there gonna keep moving oh wow i'm all the way to the top of the map holy [ __ ] time to go back around i see another flame boy up there i want to mess with him i just want to hunt whatever i'm what is this this game has ladders oh what the [ __ ] god damn it what is with the snakes why would it be up here it doesn't make any sense why the snakes my enemy that almost [ __ ] murdered me i need to fight nirnroo thank you royal buffoon i've i feel like one where's the nern route i need nope yeah i've been hurt more by by snake encounters than ghost encounters my health is slowly coming back we're walking the misty hills of new england listen to the breeze and the steps the howling wind signals that i can't find any nirnroot everyone's saying i ran past nirnroot god damn it oh i did it i probably did wait that's a point of interest but you know what i'll come back for it later [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i can only use beast vision when i'm within um 500 feet of it whoa what oh that's is that my stamina low effect it's pretty dramatic okay still near the top of the map but now i'm near oh god please no what what what's happening [Music] i need to wash away the acid [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] where'd it go i mean guess it's dead but no [ __ ] forgot to reload oh well at least the save is right there that's fine oh but it wipes your uh your magic out was unless it was white before [Music] yeah it doesn't drop anything i hear it there it is there's a little bit left [Music] this is um silent hill for the where no zambi this time yeah this is actually the druids [ __ ] ritual site because it's just stonehenge i wish i'd i really wish i'd stop running into that yeah i need to go way down i'll follow the road i'll tracing the saber may conserve some ammo i haven't really had a reason to yet what is that oh i need magic is there a wendigo [Music] let's try it oh wow yeah okay i'll stick with that from now on i hear magic [Music] it's getting faster [Music] okay it is somewhere in the woods oh it's real close now halligan where are my scissors not now thank you plot armor oh it might be up there [Music] yeah i mean that evil vision is just like the bigfoot walking logo for some reason i must be near it's quiet i do not want to fall on that i'm [ __ ] skyrim horsing myself i need to get out [Music] oh wow they really nerfed cold like if you got wet that was like a death sentence before thank you uh up for killing send help please and we'll bug hero i might have to use vision again monster shout if the undead hurt you you okay i have a dragon shout there's a 30 chance he'll shout to scare them away [Music] can i get like immunity to snake [ __ ] close to it [Music] oh that's a huge ravine holy [ __ ] is there a bridge around that no pulling up there what why was the monster shout a belch [Music] why is it a belch okay he's actually pretty [Music] it's like magic i need to get up the stairs [Music] this hill stairs he's on a road somewhere wait there's something up there it might be patrolling the road oh this is promising [Music] smells like teleportation potion uh i don't know if i should drink teleport juice pray near it i want to sing drink [Music] well i've lost it now so a sip couldn't hurt oh god damn it i thought i might go to like another cauldron that's a go anywhere button oh no thank you no thank you that's a big boy what's this gives the ability to fast travel into town if you have at least 100 health consumes 100 mana huh i didn't expect him to be carrying that man bat i probably should stick to the road actually this is silent hill 4 outside the room they're gargoyles but i call them [ __ ] i told you to play metro exodus now they think about it so it's uh what look at all these treasures [Music] if i stick on the road i'll run into it we'll get faster i think it is [Music] [Music] surely [Music] what damn it i'm on the trail somewhere around here it's up this road it's quiet thank you charlie quadruple93 i i'm close i hear it [ __ ] [ __ ] it's a werewolf it's a skyrim [Laughter] i didn't think it'd be so fast i didn't think it'd be so quick oh my god why is it so fast is it so fast okay i think every stream i've done of this has ended of me with me dying to that [ __ ] werewolf except last time i died it just crashed me yeah i'll check lowry that's what i'll do oh my god thank you pink asparagus it'll be time for silent hill 4. inside the room wait no oh larry was playing i earlier i can get some clues from how this went already how the [ __ ] did i wanna know clock is fine too when did this get made this is [ __ ] terrifying yeah you can tell when it's the uh layers of fear too it wasn't that loud i actually know that wasn't layers of fear too that was um the dlc whatever it's called oh yeah that was back in the wrath of malachi i'm glad that one fell into the abyss oh my god is this a [ __ ] chart there i wasn't scared of the raccoon i thought i thought the raccoon was that that yeah when did i talk about mermaids what did i talk about how do people remember that how do people remember the scary mermaids in blue submarine number six oh [ __ ] sake [ __ ] sake [Laughter] oh god wow euros everything you've said is probably on a wiki i'm glad there is no stream wiki i'm really glad there is no stream wiki like the details people remember already just really surprised me [Laughter] oh i'm so glad that one ended oh god yeah how high resolution is this how high resolution is this why is it still loading i'm not opening this you [ __ ] yeah okay that was almost legitimate schism fight that's hardy great versus bruno mars oh my god every there was a lot happening during layers of fear i'm not saying that like i worry about pitbulls all the time it's just if there was a scary dog that's what it would be for me what the [ __ ] that's way too much these are way too much it took a year i googled mandalore gaming wiki and one of the results is limo the lost on wikipedia with no actual mention that's fair i am not i the skinwalker game isn't even out yet is that vince offer yeah that that's what happened last time this is this is all things from last time of people remembering how awful it went he looks like that [ __ ] um who's he an oblivion thoronir who he runs like the uh the discount shop in the imperial city because he's like ripping stuff off of dead people well he doesn't know it spoilers for the thor near quest and oblivion oh my god hunt down the beast [Laughter] is that the main character from layers of fear too please that's what happened that's what happened to me oh my god it wasn't i if i didn't hit a single snake in that game i would have been fine just bless the whole river yeah that i think that's legitimate how are there so many how are there so many oh no what the [ __ ] is that carmo don't put the onion in it wow wow that's getting really elaborate enough the pit bulls keep coming back any good witch hunt should make four shots a minute i can't believe someone saved him i can't believe he survived when i played what i expected it's so true oh my god i need to stop thinking about mystery of the druids because i've already been playing it enough recently i've been playing so much of it stop it how is it still going down how are there's so many edits i don't get it [Laughter] you put the entire oblivion sky box there the room outside i just can't i can't do it yes the druids are coming i don't care anymore they're coming malpark no it's time for the room it's time for the room everything will be as promised please sink [Music] oh no yeah let me turn that down a little bit for reference like i said before i barely i don't know if i finished silent hill 4 because i played it so long ago noise effect great great great real time shadows why that's not in the front i don't know right okay [Music] yeah you can have a blue blood [Music] um harry was happy and enjoying his new [Music] life five days ago something strange happened having a recurring nightmare every night he couldn't leave room 302 topical [Music] wow yeah i'll adjust it when it [Music] that should be good wait did i not [Music] no but didn't okay [Music] good start what's with this room oh oh e and q are sidestep oh my hang on i thought i changed these last time i've gotten a patch [Music] okay whoa let me go back for a second okay the great setting stream enter is enter connection space caps locks evade [Music] left shift run walk okay [Music] surely this will be better actually no it won't [ __ ] it i'll spawn default until i start suffering [Music] it's covered in blood and rust this is my room but what the hell has happened to it this room is it really my room it's in terrible shape the air is so heavy my head hurts that's weird my red typewriter is gone the window i can't get it open neither can i that window back to bed this is my bed this photo was it here before my head this photo wasn't here before i've seen this lighthouse before shit's locked the game that's i mean things change eventually yeah i have there are all sorts of dusty items here what the hell none of it's mine i may actually have no memories of silent hill 4 my head's so heavy this photo it's filthy was it here before the scenery i know i've seen it before i don't remember putting up this photo this church i can look at the lamp for a second yeah red typewriter's gone same spot none of my dusty items can't open the drawers there's something it's a barrier of some kind this is my bed i heard to beat this game that you have to play a pachinko machine please oh i thought that might be globe somewhere playing this photo my god this room is [ __ ] filthy [Music] i think the rust in the corners really like puts it together [Music] [Applause] pentagon [Applause] back in my room back out there oh thank you terrace chiavo 420 [Applause] and that was scary thank you sinax you've saved the people it's part of an old picture book there was once a baby and a mother who were connected by a magical cord one day the cord was cut and the mother went to sleep the baby was left all alone but the baby baby made lots of friends at wish house and everyone was very nice to him the baby was happy it's ripped here and i can't read anymore actually i'm going to rebind two things maybe [Music] there we go [Music] there removal less roboty who is this guy i feel like i might be seeing that again i don't even know what this is the clock when did it stop working did i even have a clock in this room before where'd that big tv come from i found a record player in here creepy it looks like a face [Applause] if i move this but now it's back where it was smelled horrible i'm afraid it smells horrible i'm afraid to open it up i'm not interested in food at all my head it hurts what is this photo it's all faded and i can't see it well wait i didn't get such shoes oh he's here [Applause] [Music] um man i'm still mad about silent hills [Music] maybe maybe something will happen now that konami is his own not konami now that kojima is doing his own thing may he'll do an independent thing and not a silent hill thing it's a kitchen tech demo [Music] yeah i did see something that he yeah that he was talking about jun jito about doing something together again i don't know if anything is like they came of it or if it is they're just keeping it quiet [Music] there we go back in my real room oh yeah the um the silent hill composer sound design guy i know he's working the medium but i think he did some of the music for um for layers of fear i know he did good for observer for sure [Music] thank you delete trevor and serve bot seven aku i don't know i missed that oh that could be certain surfboard zaku i don't know i don't know anymore what the cord's cut [Music] oh no please free me yeah for ps2 this is actually pretty [ __ ] nuts oh small items here well actually i take that back now i think about it um wow that's nice i guess it's because i'm thinking of snake eater but my memories also my mind's probably warped by the hd version of that game too murder glass this hall hotel south ashfield i keep pounding the window what oh i'm rattling on the window oh thank you woo [Music] do a crossover with russ scott i don't know how that would work he makes really good videos though i want to look out here again man that guy's in a hurry it's a brand new scrapbook you can view the contents of the scrapbook by pressing the scrapbook button oh [ __ ] oh i haven't got anything that's fine this chest could hold a lot of stuff looks like a scrap of paper from some book oh god through the ritual of the holy assumption he built a world it exists in a space separate from the world of our lord more accurately is within yet without the lord's world unlike the world of our lord in a world in extreme flux unexpected doors or walls moving floors odd creatures a world only he can control okay let's talk about the um the scary nightmare world travel lightly in that world he who carries too heavy a burden will regret it [Music] that's the warning look out here too whoa wait wait what's happening over there well that's gone whoa what the [ __ ] is what's happening down there in that window look at that guy was glitching out of reality there's so many different little [Music] animations was that was a time thank you k fan77 photo of me as a kid and then when i graduated from high school actually speaking of lost in vivo does um i still don't know if they have any new tapes after last year white wine yeah i'll take the bottle of white wine it'll break eventually if i keep using it as a weapon there's chocolate milk here you got the chocolate milk very sweet five days ago that's when i first had the nightmare i haven't been able to get out my room since then the phone doesn't work the tv doesn't work i can't get anybody to hear me yell my whole world has suddenly turned insane my doors chained up the window sealed shut on top of that someone shamed the door from the inside now i gotta get out of here don't go out what the hell what's going on here cyline galvin from next door oh man i hope my luck changes before the party oh that was loud what was that oh [ __ ] what is that hole what the hell don't go in the hole somebody in there [Music] i wonder if i came out this way i i would not recommend the [ __ ] hole the hole where strange voices are coming out of thank you charlie and plot wait no i don't know pull on the part hanging down got a steel pipe certainly better than the chocolate milk oh god [Music] was this the [ __ ] spaghetti dimension [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a long tunnel probably shouldn't [ __ ] crawl in the hole [Music] i vaguely remember this i remember the escalator this is where zombies get hit with a pipe oh those will need to change too different controls for first and third [Music] person or not actually oh i think those will change with the um right yeah okay nothing welcome to brazil that is a man walking with [ __ ] confidence i'll talk to her [Music] [Music] who are you what's your name henry and you this is very strange this is my dream and you don't even know my name it's cynthia your dream that's right this is just a dream and a really terrible one too i hope i wake up soon so you think this is a dream huh well if it's not a dream what is it anyway i want to get out of here but i can't find the exit [Music] and yeah i've played um will you help me find i actually didn't play the first silent hill i played i'm kind of scared two and three [Music] it's just a dream so i might as well have some fun it's been a long time since i played either but i four i think i played the least of and that was a long time ago i'll try to sign passage yeah i did like a sun hell two more it has been a few years since i played them so maybe different now but i don't know okay into the dimension of darkness then [Music] i do like his love walk cycle a lot [Music] [Music] oh wait a minute i think i'm gonna puke [Music] don't do it what's happening in chat no i wish i had a [ __ ] spray bottle [Music] so [Music] i don't remember the dog so yeah she was just these guys what the [ __ ] oh no where's where's my hit buttons hang on cause i don't think it's clicking i think i need to equip my uh stuff i could hit him with chocolate milk okay b right control oh god damn i can't use them there must be more shots already what's happy no getting paddington by the dogs yeah hang on let me look at that again i think i'm good am i losing my mind everything's in the defaults already action investigate real weapon should we hit that should be the same button it should just be spacebar the game's not haunted it's fine right control okay [Laughter] that's a promising screen there we go this is the future of gaming gonna get it oh my god i mean to be fair silent hill combat's always been it's a little different [Music] but now we're ready okay it's a ready weapon and then smack [Music] gotcha i'm pretty sure plugged controller in for this honestly but it's fine i guess i could kill her before she turns into dogs but that one fit in with the war yeah i don't wanna see if i get a big hit in oh this system [Music] big sleeping i'll drink the chocolate milk soup look at that i can't use the chocolate milk oh well sounds like he's breathing actually do want to go back there for a second hey lady uh what happened in here okay yeah so um i want to say indisputably that she was dogs where could this crazy hole lead to [Music] always go in the holes [Music] under brazil what another dream but it seems so real or could it be was that really inside that woman's dream that's just stupid what am i thinking this is a man about to achieve chimp it's quiet thank you whale service a lot of items here let's peek out the window again hmm a little less busy she never did look across the hallway oh no that just takes you back so many neighbors [Music] if you want to pull for if it's brazil or detroit i don't think it's either the power of my tv and vcr just cut off ever since i started having those nightmares the furniture has been here since i moved in huh that's weird somebody moved it yeah i'll straighten it [Music] oh no oh that's different a pistol on the floor god oh where did i put that damp room oh no there it is uh what's with that yeah thank you wireless you saved us all there was a hole here it's gone now oh that's still here [Music] where did you go hurry save me if you need a token there's one here but i thought she was dogs what's that hissing what's this mom why don't you wake up heard the first letter in your scrapbook oh she's sweeping the hallway [Applause] yeah i do want to look through the hole again before i crawl into the [ __ ] nightmare tunnel yeah mr rabbit's still there i'm curious there's a there's an easter egg where if you stare at the rabbit for 10 minutes it'll turn around and run at you i'm going back in the hole actually let me check this it's a clothes dryer don't need that tank filled with oil it's a surprise tool that'll help us later i'll just stick with pipe when i go down there back in the hole oh some kind of mannequin it's got a coin in its hand yeah i'll take it you got the lynch street line coin i'd like to leave the girl's bathroom oh never mind it looks like there's no one in there i'll go towards the dimension of darkness avoiding dogs surely they'll walk by don't do it okay it's back uh there dogs are sleeping oh not much [Music] should be able to get to the street but it's a dead end extra bullets [Music] i didn't want shock email please [Music] select [Music] king streetline entrance oh they're dogs so around in here now this is an adventure oh and loading screen my way out no it's the jaguar is dead it's a pay phone but it's broken yeah i'd like the no i want chocolate milk can't use this here it's not fair text is blurry and totally useless the dog wars at least it's on a per dog the pradogs is famously seen in the predator go back out this way actually i'll go back to the uh station i just want to check something over here no well as you know the products are different than the uh yeah because the movie predators had dogs they were pretty neat but the dogs and the predator it's just a dog with a big predator face on it [Music] oh that's not the right lynch street exit entrance is here here we go i need a coin to get through yeah come on in oh what well thank you i don't know what's happening though i yeah that was one health [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sake oh man won't man won't fight dogs this time maybe that's the answer but then i don't get extra pistol bullets oh wait i hadn't picked up the coin god damn it that's right the save is before the coin it's fine it's just a quick stop oh yes i ah do for this [ __ ] magical spot it's flying entrance i i know please [Music] please please take my money wait no oh [Laughter] okay let me uh deal with this before i need to get on this angle yes there we go um it's uh spongy because it's on hard there he's sleeping one straight line entrance there we go [Music] [Applause] time to run [Music] bullets no i mustn't shoot at ghosts yet [Music] there we go or shut try the other side what if she's just dogs again oh yeah she's gonna have a bad time oh god right there's a button here oh we made it you go to the front just you know let's pull our way out i gonna come aboard oh well ghosts escape that's right caps please [ __ ] screams ugh don't give me the stick this might know where it's gonna put me i know where it's gonna put me i knew this would happen hard mode bad idea probably please there we go a few inches to the right i'm on it um time to go up [Music] come on lady let's just go home yeah it's the exit why why would i need a token exit it one way payment oh no can i whack the dog through here i can that's silly oh [ __ ] i'd have to take it from back there unless now surely surely there's an easy way it doesn't involve going back into the hell subway entrance there that'd be weird need a token to exit it too should just be like a okay [Music] [Applause] that's fine with me wait why is she back there right was that her am i going insane wait no why are you still there come on up the water's fine this game really makes me feel like i'm going crazy okay [Music] [Applause] come on up [Music] right okay right behind me now oh my god let me interact with it there we go please you accepted it last time i've this worked last time there we go thank you silver no no no no it can't be come with me take one of my coins please please take a coin i i know i need a coin i'm trying to give you the coin [Music] [Applause] okay i here take a take some bus fare oh no i'm gonna have to go around is there a way around we want some chocolate milk i can't tell if it's like she needs to be right behind me or if i just need to go a different direction i'm gonna try going back down for now let's try the train that looks like a front door vaguely no i'm sorry lady [Music] oh [Music] just go through their side [Music] oh [ __ ] left there's a box here it has 1 000 symbol written on it white camera's so bad because silent hill it's always kind of been this way oh god damn it that's where it came from wait no it's not article no oh that's weird the hook's pulling the floor up [Music] homecoming had a better camera and look how that yeah exactly these games it's the camera in combat weren't really the big draw i must not have gotten far inside this one [Music] bullet oh oh not another hole what i guess she didn't make it [Music] should i go down wow enter the hole or crawl down the ladder [Music] uh hole or ladder i'll go in the hole i'm back in my room oh it's still normal out there oh that's a lot less foot traffic up there what's he doing oh he's watching like the big game they laid the windows pretty weird i'm sorry hair respects i don't want to see what you've done i don't want to see what you've done like that man sitting across over there some kids [ __ ] around [Music] don't really feel like cooking now i don't feel like washing my hands right now what about the hole [Music] hmm yes it's just nothing [Music] or [ __ ] is it no i guess it's fine there's a message carved in here looks like there's an ice pick or something the faint hope i had is slowly changing to despair i've somehow managed a tunnel this far but no matter what i do i can't get any further the hallway the windows the walls it feels like this room is stuck in another dimension eileen never noticed you don't want to look at lowry why don't i want to look at lowry yeah i bet the water stopped running let me let me check all right this game doesn't alt tab very well i did save actually i did save just a second ago let me see what's happened oh god i have to go back a while i have to go back quite a while oh god what's happened those wikipedia articles what the [ __ ] happened in here i'm not afraid of raccoons oh you're reading the how wikipedia has [ __ ] everything there's an article for all of it this website says i'm 50. wow that's a little bit off the costumes what the [ __ ] not what are these websites you are an alcoholic oh god wow [ __ ] [Music] the room of course i forgot about him with the xbox thief we'll show feet if you oh god i'm i don't want to open that yet oh my god [Music] that's a very white man everyone's so quick i don't think we had many of him walking towards the camera of course he's in the milk close to a cheating chin oh no god damn it i can't believe this [Laughter] this has been happening stop it yeah there's the there's the dogs and uh and predators they're like just weird creatures and there's there's a it's a [ __ ] dog with stupid predator dreads in the side of it oh god i [ __ ] hate the dogs oh except for dog what the [ __ ] i really really hate the predogs [Laughter] what the [ __ ] is this so wow is this actually what it's like in the pre-roll oh oh wow it's been canonized already [Laughter] thank you warhammer addict and the guard umbreon i don't know how i missed that that was a while back look at the wiki hang on let me find the link to the wiki what the [ __ ] have you done the reliquary of sin why is this happening i i [Music] how how are people just allowed to make these [ __ ] pages he turned himself into a pickle onion aficionado dog hater gamer brony gamer thinker [Music] i know is this an hero forge oh my god thank you forrest wig what a what what a creation what a creation being made oh my god what else what else did i have nothing whenever i close my eyes i see dogs and the skyrim werewolf [Music] oh what what main character page oh god wow hang on that's really impressive it's being filled out so quickly oh my god [Music] fears why the [ __ ] is there citations the fish people from blue submarine number six seeing the words check lowry all right i think that's uh enough halloween for today there'll be something new next week i don't know what may i'll be silent help four fragments disputed i i'm just gonna roll it thank you for coming out tonight may i'll do phasmaphobia next week actually that game is pretty fun oh god you
Channel: Doucare
Views: 797
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: mandaloregaming, layers of fear
Id: 99KlZbQ6-YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 33sec (11913 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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