Mandaloregaming - Alien Isolation Nightmares - VOD

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uh so the time has come this could be a terrible terrible idea that i've uh i've i've ripped most of the in-game sounds out as you can see why are you doing this now save them all right so this is the uh hang on let me adjust this oh i'm gonna get a drink i'll be right back okay i uh i never actually played the dlc i got it but i never went through with it so the first big choice oh do we play parker for the bonus situation dallas oh i guess you can't play lambert huh so we have we have snake blisskin parker or ripley bret yeah there's no brett either is there no oh we we have to vote who is it pliskin the bonus situation or ripley there's there's a lot for parker there's a lot for parker we have to talk about the bonus situation me i'll do it parker you lead it into the primary air shaft we trap it on the lower deck then ash opens the airlock lock down the maintenance hatches where ripley lambert and me are tracking it on the way okay let's do it people it's actually getting footage for this for a uh just a little bit cause um there should be another video on friday if i'm lucky let's see if i can remember how to do everything i already know this was a [ __ ] bad idea wow well there's um i basically made the uh the amounts under five bucks the round numbers each one is a different noise [ __ ] god hasn't started yet so i need to grab a motion tracker parker you might want to look around before you go on the specimen seems extremely adaptable oh there is stuff to grab wait i had collect okay there is stuff to grab now this is just the uh the dlc if i played the main game i realized it would take which is good when you're playing it alone but for a stream would take about two hour and a half two hours actually get to the xenomorph it's actually been a while since i played through the uh the entire main game it was a sway one before no what that didn't seem right [Music] start it doesn't it doesn't start until i go down the uh hatch i think [ __ ] i thought i'd be desensitized by now i haven't gone in the [ __ ] hole the security system has shut a number of doors so you need to gather equipment on route mother isn't really helping the situation i i bet she's not good luck i'm closing the hatch behind you i haven't told this story but um i think i did tell this somewhere about how in the first time i saw alien as a kid it was on a shitty vhs copy of course but it was also the same night that um a raccoon broke into our attic and my room happened to have the attic access door so the very first night i saw alien i was hearing scratching at the door all night i'm not sure i fully recovered from that how's it right there already oh my god what no no no no didn't see me wow that's [ __ ] awful oh [ __ ] it's right oh my god no i'm gonna hey where's the hatch okay that is kind of helpful couldn't follow oh my god oh that's a [ __ ] sound i guess i could set up through a variant sound too in the next time i [ __ ] go through it [ __ ] what's with the skull whatever nothing [ __ ] it i genuinely do not know is that music very loud for anyone else or just me [Music] wait is that [ __ ] okay this is hell for me oh my god let me back out no oh my god i don't want to use wait i don't need that distracted [ __ ] this was a really [ __ ] bad idea like i already got kind of tense playing this foreign thing is the hissing is like i can't separate it from the actual sound it makes that's my flamethrower out oh my god okay that was a waste of a flare still so long no no no no down down down down please go away please make a left anytime you want to take my place be my guest wow kind of amazed i made it through that the where from here oh i forgot that it paused when you look at the map [Music] it pauses when i look at the map it pauses we're telling myself that at this point so no it doesn't know well it knows oh it put me here it puts you at the beginning oh no oh no um let's see kind of want to turn this on yep okay we'll try that oh it has no idea i really hate the vents hang on i'm gonna [ __ ] okay i'm gonna turn the music volume down just a bit i can't [ __ ] hear it oh [ __ ] god i didn't think it jumped in so fast holy [ __ ] oh my god uh i didn't i didn't expect that no we see a big um critter jumping at you it really changes your perspective on things holy [ __ ] what was that i don't know what's a [ __ ] notification crowd i need to rebind that oh no this isn't working this is not working this is not [ __ ] working i think it knows it doesn't oh [ __ ] i genuinely have no clue where it is because i think if it's actually still it doesn't show up on the motion tracker thanks parker like when i kept hearing the uh the bangs in that hallway i said i think it was was it a dollar or two something makes a bang i thought that's what was happening i don't know if it comes in this room it has to i hear it opening oh okay no i hate the vent did it just come in the room no that was a [ __ ] whatever oh it's up it's a dead end oh god no i can make it what oh god damn it it's set in ambush i saw it on the tracker that could be up there i thought i'd be around the corner if i just walk casually i mean i think uh just kind of taking a stroll would be the best bet wow i got there quick you just remember that oh that's parker walking about that's uh dallas walking away okay right no it's not whoa this game's like six years old now isn't it 2014 this is still pretty [ __ ] good looking game is it above me i i heard it i [ __ ] heard it anytime you want to take my place libra be my where the guest is it i think that's like the sound to make so it's in like a vent it's like weighing an ambush for me yep oh god fence or door i should probably be trying to find more stuff i'm not going in the vent [ __ ] that of course i i don't want to sprint for it i know it's just going to [ __ ] catch me if i run oh thank god oh that's the flamethrower tank sloshing around orphan hears that oh here's it no matter what when it's equipped vent up there no oh no okay sorry i haven't been talking much i i thought it'd be a little less uh stimulated just the water no it's not servant access up there oh my god and move on now okay no flamethrower fuel left oh that's some [ __ ] bad news bears i hear it it's [ __ ] calling me in there don't want it oh do you have to go on the fence no that's probably just that's a shortcut no okay is it just to climb down to another room another deck we're in position i'm just trying to get a reading here oh no i think i got it yes oh no all right i got a reading on you now tell me where god damn it right around there you're gonna have to be careful the main game never had like a event maze or if it did i [ __ ] repressed it oh it starts me off at the vent maze maybe i should what oh that was odd yeah this should be dallas doing this because it gets them with the the happy birthday thing is it gonna work i mean it might not be event maze i just saw two paths and assumed it would be event maze if you assume every route is a maze you'll always be pleasantly surprised if it's not hold on a second i think i got yes it's in there with you where is it found it oh she she said go right but the thing is i don't think that's gonna be like dynamic audio or anything so i'm just going in blind we're in position i'm just trying to get a reading here hold on a second i i think i got yes it's in there with you all right i got a reading on you now i'm gonna go whack this time right around there you're gonna have to be careful oh it's still here i think it might be seeing the flamethrower light and coming to me really fast uh let me try to do this without lighting up the flamethrower no i take that back i have to at least reload it there [Music] this is awful i think i got it yeah there's more fuel right there i never found all right i got a reading on you now tell me where god damn it right around there you're gonna have to be careful it's so loud it's so loud yeah [ __ ] that the only way is i have to wait in that corner see which way that it comes from and then just uh duck into the other one because it's come from uh from both sides so it's not like oh it always goes down this one way we're in position i'm just trying to get a reading here hold on a second i i think i got yes it's in there with you all right i got a reading on you now tell me where god damn it right around there you're gonna have to be careful which way which way to go oh no no [ __ ] i don't know which way it went right right that's it that's really close where the [ __ ] is it oh my it's i hear it it's right by me oh my god i would have gone but i heard it hissing for me oh god that was a [ __ ] bait hiss i just looked um i could have moved i didn't know i could move there because i saw it on the tracker and i was like oh it must be so far away that it's on like a different level or uh behind a wall but then i heard that hiss that was so close i think i got yes it's in there with you all right escape route right there go away please right okay okay these are like you got it you're nearly there left right right it's near oh [ __ ] it's so close got farther oh didn't shout why is she so desperate because it's lambert the entire movie she's just screaming and crying god we have to talk about the bonus situation we're in position i'm just trying to get a reading here hold on a second i i think obviously yeah it's in there with you all right i got a reading on you now why isn't this equipping please come out right around there you're gonna have to be careful out of motion tracker either uh hello oh my god well something bugged out there i couldn't uh equip anything i look at chat for a second the first thing i see there's something erotic about the way it stomps around this might be the last i think i stream this one should play uh star wars episode one racer just let all the the pit droid people get out of their system there it goes there's something with um the inventory that's a little weird i hope they properly play tested parker if this works like perfectly with ripley i might be a little irritated well i now know where it comes from the drop off is to the left oh no i don't know if i should drink every time i die probably not i actually don't know if um believe it or not i don't actually drink that often it's usually when something awful is happening like an adventure game i actually don't know if alcohol would increase or dull my fear but i'm guessing it'll be the latter i think i just start thinking it's funny we're in position i'm just trying to get a reading here yeah i cannot pull anything out hold on a second i i think i got it yes there it goes it's in there with you all right i got a so it comes from there right oh that just pissed it off right oh no no no yeah yeah this is the right way right yeah okay what's near holy [ __ ] [ __ ] that i really don't want to go back in the vents uh ash i'm connecting you into the tailbone system it's here this better work i'd find somewhere to hide the outer airlock will take a while to open evade the alien science officer of the nostromo i shouldn't want to play uh uh [Music] chamber and be ready to close it in oh my god i didn't hold my breath in time i should have done that preemptively i'm actually amazed it didn't send me back to the vents can't pull my motion tracker out right now so i'll uh just kind of guess my way there there it goes it's here this is it still going to be right here close but no man there's nothing let's try that again no it doesn't know and be ready to close it in foreign i do like then so many stealth games you exit like a a tall walker the character will just slam it with a force of a thousand suns surely no one would hear that why is that showing it's so close that's why it's moving in the right direction is that a bait hiss no barreled off me pretty light no oh no no no no no [Music] damn it and yeah sometimes when you uh when you just tap it with a flamethrower it'll be barreling to get away from you and it'll just knock you over but it's not actually out to murder you that time i mean i guess it's always out to murder you okay was it down here or to the left the other way uh right yeah okay it's pretty simple just seem to make it go in there actually if i open this that's still a good idea i actually didn't know there were uh alien isolation mods flamethrower please flamethrower please please i don't like no no no there we go pull it out wow this is really impressively buggy come on i can't pull a motion tracker either please flamethrower please wow he's smart oh my god yo it's something's pretty i don't know if this is just a parker thing maybe every character is like this because i saw a friend of mine play like part of the ripley thing and it wasn't this like buggy me it's just old and dying i guess i can run around it's not out yet ash i'll connect you into the airlock system it's here this better work the addition of three aliens is such a blessed mod that can't be right there's no way multiple i guess i actually just don't need to lure it and i can just hide somewhere i guess they could wait out the storm in the locker oh that was in the other room right that's still empty i think it's on your side of the store wait for it to enter the outer airlock chamber and be ready to place it in you got it oh it's too small to pull my tracker he's moving in the right direction i don't think it is now i shouldn't have could drive it in this is their way to throw a player that was it well this isn't exactly what i wanted right button he was very close he was pretty close [ __ ] sake i have made that wrong turn i want to say at least four times now you don't technically have to lure it but i feel like it could take a while yeah my weapons aren't working again that's fine oh it was peaking no it doesn't know it doesn't know it doesn't know my motion tracker's not working either i use a flare nope can't equip anything oh now i can kind of fail no i can't chamber no items just don't come out of that door and everything will be fine it's moving in the right direction wait it was in there oh god damn it where is it oh god i think it saw me saw me through the window or something [ __ ] where is it i don't have a motion tracker i [ __ ] hear it it's rumbling oh yes yes going there wait can i not click on buttons oh please please let me oh okay i need to go it doesn't know i guess i have to push the door button i thought i had would use the computer to to do it it must be gone right oh now i have items again oh my god it's in there no i wonder okay yeah the whole inventory is just bugging out i tried to wrench so i could just bang on the wall oh oh hide oh that's it had to have seen that right did it it had to oh no just go in the room you [ __ ] [Music] where are you [Music] look at the pretty red light something strange happening here okay shut the door in his tail eat [ __ ] thank you ash it was worth a try we're going to have to think of something new bring back lifeform priority one all other priorities rescinded you can't you still don't understand what you're dealing with perfect organism its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility i admire its purity a survivor unclouded by conscience remorse or delusions of morality [Music] last word press r to activate i can't lie to you about your chances but you have my sympathies wow i thought that'd follow me to the menu that's what let me look at this um so it's mentioning a mod i didn't know this game had mods unpredictable alien motion tracker remover wow unpredictable alien that looks [ __ ] awful huh oh so it removes like so it won't be within like a bubble of view so it can like actually wander off that's not bad that was uh crew expendable last survivor how short last survivor is because i bought the main game a few years back i think i bought it at launch [Music] we're gonna blow up the ship we'll take our chances in the shuttle oh it's sigourney good we're gonna need coolant for the air supports oh it's you parker i'm sorry powered up the shuttle have you got those coolant tanks ready my my girlfriend opened the door and looked at me like i was [ __ ] crazy i'm sorry wait this looks a lot like crew expendable no i i heard the door like opening behind me in real life and i thought that if i die in the game i'd die for real oh the these tanks look like the alien head is so mean so is this just like the same oh my god oh no not parker oh this is like the end of the movie so just escape into the shuttle parker lambert they must have actually got sigourney weaver in to do this uh actually hang on someone's screaming me to look at lowry what wow there's so much already hang on it's not funny no it is funny but i i told this story about how when i was a baddie when i uh yeah the raccoons yes yeah and super [ __ ] making of looks like a xenomorph mouth i mean oh come on oh my god i'm sorry you had to see this that was such an awful [ __ ] night i'm i'm amazed of the things people remember from like a past stream i would i think the raccoon was scarier than the mountain lion because i was i was young and i knew that i was going to die [ __ ] someone remembered i had a jurassic park poster there my carpet how do you all remember these details that's exactly what the attic axis looked like too it was this tiny tiny little door wow this is like this is like a goosebumps episode oh my god i must have told it on the podcast or something it all comes together is that the alien isolation monitor oh no oh no that's what it [ __ ] felt like when the motion tracker wouldn't open oh god there's already an overclock image the [ __ ] is this oh god that's i thought this was a house of tales game at first is it but that looks like th no no that has to be the door's alien isolate i genuinely can't tell anymore thank you gamers parker's key card required lambert lambert oh [ __ ] i don't have much flamethrower fuel at all oh god no no oh god the bonus situation oh that was a [ __ ] bait hiss god damn it okay i'm gonna just i definitely got his key card off there with the fuel no okay i think it was down to the right uh oh oh it knows wasn't came in here but oh no no no please leave [Music] okay the door is right there doesn't know it knew oh i need a key card what i thought i got that it's gotta be around here did he leave it somewhere i guess i assumed i swiped it off the body that's what i get no that's a bait hiss no it wasn't okay yeah parker's here ah [ __ ] his cart is somewhere else i look at chat and i see check lambert's anus we need to answer to an age-old question i don't know if that's a really [ __ ] deep reference the old script or if that's a uh just a [ __ ] post what what's red why that light up [Music] [Music] oh the old the old script was that um the trucking ship was basically uh wow i'm all the way back here have you got those coolant tanks ready the old war was basically that um everyone on the ship was basically having a an orgy basically well not an orgy but everyone liked everyone else because they're in space for so long but most of that was cut out i believe i think like some of that stayed when they wrote like the the novel for it [Music] i never actually like read it oh my god [Music] [Applause] hmm parker lambert i want to talk about it lambert lambert parker actually that's one thing i'm interested in for uh alien isolation too because they never said if it's like if there is a queen or if they're just going with the original egg morphing thing i kind of like the egg morphing thing as much as i do love aliens and all that it's like what makes sense for just to make more of itself it dies off fast because if you have a queen and it was like a bio weapon then that's gonna be a problem that sticks around after whoever you're invading is gone god no oh [ __ ] oh god maybe they'll do both they'll just say that sometimes there's a queen sometimes alien makes more oh wait that's [ __ ] lamb i thought that was parker last time am i losing my mind was i calling lambert parker the whole time i'm losing my mind was it just dark why'd i think that was parker oh no i'm a body too maybe maybe the bodies switched no they didn't i guess because don't they like she finds parker's body in the movie but um but lambert's missing i just assumed that happened i'm just losing my mind oh yeah it knows what it does don't get confident shall we every mirror oh my going to a dead end i am oh my god uh i guess i win please work thank you it's nearby [ __ ] ah finally oh oh no our engineering control is oh it's right here i've gotten so lucky twice in a row please i know i just want to equip it there we go i think so one shot was saying that's like the higher resolution makes things buggy that should do it i think it's hanging out in the vent up there i have to climb up again yep i do oh right that's a bad door i thought that might fix come on ripley [ __ ] where's the it's one of these computers surely right oh well that was my bad somewhere pulling out like the the rods and stuff i know if i had to unlock that hatch at least in the movie is saying to go back downstairs all right keep it together if you had a vr headset you play the vr port of this game i didn't know there was a vr port of this game i it wouldn't be the first one i play i know that i probably probably uh probably dangerous or something [Music] my super hot would be another good one i have a birthday candle amount of fuel left uh [Music] so close i'm not playing any of those [Music] please please snow is right that's so loud go look at the pretty light come on ripley oh no it's just a little then uh [ __ ] [ __ ] come on let me out let me help you i'm getting so turned around treasure in here no treasure oh no oh it has to be the vent whoa i hope this is the right way oh thank god a tiny bit more heat oh they don't have it drawn in sharpie like the movie uh yeah this is a max uh money-saving spaceship make sure that was [Music] wait oh hang on hang on i see the problem there we go it should be better okay this is it oh [ __ ] not now not now come on is that the [ __ ] no i'm going to assume that was a trick danger the emergency destruct system is now [Music] oh god that alarm [ __ ] oh it's near it's somewhere i hear it it's [ __ ] stalking me am i going in circles no i think i might have opened that event no i'm out of juice that's bad how far what was that [ __ ] was because i kept seeing movement and thinking was like on me and i was mistaken that's not [ __ ] helpful uh oh i have i can't be sprinting i thought that the alarm might cover my sound i'll just calmly walk to the exit oh my god whoa go back up oh it doesn't know now it does go home he's not going home oh that's it for [Music] that i was worried about the side vent i should have been worried about the top vent danger the emergency destruct system is now active yeah where's the bonus objective to get jonesy just walk away hmm this is going well god damn it's a big ship that's just the tow ship okay lucky lucky lucky please the emergency destruct system is now at three minutes whew don't have long final report of the commercial starship nostromo third officer reporting the other members of the crew kane lambert parker brett ash and jonesy i think they implied she left jonesy behind i should reach the frontier in about six weeks with a little luck the network will pick me up this is replay last survivor of the nostromo signing off [Applause] what a terrible space flight feature that'd be a good girl i love you oh my god in 20 years star citizen could have this kind of game play in your ship maybe i haven't checked up on it in a while so i know what he's been uh up to oh those are the challenge maps lingard each of the ten stages has new tasks to complete enemies contend with huh axel [Music] i'll try the package oh you can play it i don't remember who lingard is ricardo comes with a shotgun dallas comes with a shotgun but no hacking tools the bonus situation continues if it was the ricardo i probably would have played him a half hour [ __ ] i just [ __ ] started it wow really no delay on that i don't remember the bolt gun at all oh that yeah i didn't think it would kill it nothing can kill it i saw prompt oh synthetics makes me think the working joes will be around here oh no that'd be destination okay this is synthetic storage i don't remember ever using the bolt gun in the main game whoa what's happening in here oh right the cameras now it says disable that's a very loud gun [Music] yeah that's am i worried about is there any way to do it remotely oh well [Music] oh [Applause] that didn't bother him i don't think i have i actually didn't look at my inventory so now i have a hacking tool a okay now this is it like there might be a computer or something to shut them down i was hoping the shotgun might [Music] wow [Music] well that was a whiff that was uh that was really something oh wait now there was stuff in here [Music] and so it says synthetic storage i thought there might be working joes here maybe there's a computer or something back here this might as well look door damn i thought oh well i thought there might be a robot challenge map which there could be i don't think this is it though it is because i i didn't pick the right man save the civilian [Music] overrun can you survive a challenge oh the ricardo campaign okay secure endurance mode oh god i'll try linger as ricardo i'm sure i'm just massacring her name because i'm thinking of lambert lingard lingar lingar i don't know hack the door to the mri room what is that was that showdown oh it's bad [ __ ] oh god damn it have you tried [Music] dealing with isolation don't suffer alone wow what a theme for the year so the big boss sprint whatever you know as creepy as they are i probably would prefer a working joe kind of android because like they're realistic ones you never know that's that's pretty [ __ ] creepy ethanol what oh it's band-aid okay i'll just cattle prod it [Music] um that was nothing was that door over there aliens losing its touch oh he won the van just gonna keep walking that was a lot shorter reach than i thought i don't need all the stuff in here i'll be fine two stun baton rounds is plenty uh well maybe i had to arm it i didn't think i did maybe it just does nothing to it i don't think when i played the game i tried i think i shot it once with a shotgun when i realized that when i realized like that just tickled it i think i just gave up trying anything on it so damn synthetics out there we go uh that'll do it [ __ ] medical facility i walked out oh it's right over there [ __ ] does anyone here actually have a flamethrower security access tuner required sorry door's locked ah no i could just go out here man i have no idea what i'm doing [Music] it's basically a scavenger hunt ethanol wow okay i think there'll be medical supplies in here could be in that nope [Music] i mean without a flamethrower it's hopeless oh rp sauce enema was here god damn okay people are saying check larry i think i'll do that hang on just a second i wish i had like some uh some oh wait i can where's uh where's waiting music perfect let me just hack something do do do do just a moment i'm uh i'm actually trying to find a file do do do it seems that uh there may be a very important file that went missing oh i'm sure it's uh i'm sure it'll be fine i mean surely oh wow oh wait no i think i found it like looking oh i could actually look at chat properly now holy [ __ ] there were so many bait hisses people must have known how frequent like seeing how frequent it was i did not notice yeah it's a terrible terrible night stream oh perfect okay let me show you i'll show you the uh the [ __ ] i've been doing let me at first make sure that the sole loaded surely it will whoa no okay there we go i know that works now i did not mean to do what i did nope wait no um there we go holy [ __ ] people were busy oh my god okay i remember r to activate this is all familiar why is that the fallout 3 everyone's so ready for [ __ ] overclocked i just don't know when um because i'll be working on the video next few days i don't know when avery's doing his search his uh his thingy god damn it this is gonna follow me forever replace all stream notification sounds with windows error noises i mean i could everyone remembers the car bed it's so awful oh my we live in a bonus situation so many layers [ __ ] sake is that aslan i i can tell that's aslan from that yeah oh my [ __ ] god why is there a funeral for him is that glug with a [ __ ] wow he actually fits really well on that [Laughter] that was a good a good quarter of the demises there's one raccoon among us oh my god that would have been a really interesting turn actually yeah this the the the raccoon thing happened when i was very young i saw alien on a on tape and there was a raccoon in my attic access and the the door to it was in my room so i heard it clawing in the door all night god that one's so subtle wow the gloomwood cane people are getting subtle i'm actually curious if this will it may say alien isolation [Music] so if anyone asks this is alien isolation this is a saline isolation time for a real game [Music] so [Music] [Music] whoever asks about the dogs there are no dogs in this game the predators also don't come to steal our autism should play coil marines on stream oh god all right let me tell you i don't know so i've done all the [ __ ] okay i did them all on time i did all the bonus objectives i had to have [ __ ] cheated when i first played this game let me show you the [ __ ] cheats enabled okay actually hey we're gonna do some uh some video work right now look at that because i've got basically all the i've already started um i guess spoilers i'm already editing the video let's put this on easy let's see what happens yeah when i was teasing avp people are like oh a shooter no no no this one prepare for a fight to the death you are hunting a supreme bloodsport trophy slay the beast and seize the skull of the vicious grote the grote [Music] now i'm going to turn on a sheet so we can spy on the enemies [Music] all right quite a few of them out there all right it's only a little bit actually let me um let me give myself cash money to get a [ __ ] load of snipers it's actually pretty neat look at that get all your little predator upgrades i'm also playing this with a controller so i'll be a little it might be slow to respond sometimes there we go actually i'll upgrade these guys too so all the boys are spooky i know like how in some rts games people like um [Music] the ai will like cheat in resources this game's a little different and i suspected was doing this but i didn't know until i unlocked the cheats [Music] he's gone okay so i'm gonna go attack the marine camp actually we'll get some money too [Music] and there is music but only sometimes [Music] [Applause] it's not happening yet if this actually doesn't happen when i'm staring at it oh there goes look at that look at that look at this [ __ ] look at this look how many it's spawning in look how many there are there's so many [Music] hey hey this looks easy right this looks easy and they're dropping in more this was a cheating [ __ ] game look at this and look the enemy predators don't fight them either they're all teamed up on you it's such a [ __ ] game they're working together they're score ripping my people in front of the marines i'm just i'm just very angry when i played this as a kid i i had to have cheated there's no way like i had to have unlocked cheat codes somehow why isn't he dying look how many are still coming oh my god they're [ __ ] formation because i remember playing this on um i think i had on ps yeah it was ps2 and i was like wow this is a hard rts game what i haven't looked at it was putting it on hard because that when i um when i play this for the video i put it on medium so let's see how that is on hard [Music] and predators don't have a artillery really they get like some shitty turret well actually take that back you get some of the most overpowered like missile units later on the game [Music] how bad is this going to cheat on hard this is going to be a first for me i guess i'll show the military predators later but um most of the game you have like the regular hunter predators but at some point they went oh you need a military predators but how do we balance that what if we made the enemies really really numerous also the pathfinding is uh not the most quality i don't know if hard means well their stats didn't go up [Music] all right let's see yeah it's it's starting oh my god [Music] jesus christ [Music] well that answers that yeah you can see my 16 unit limit is um a little outnumbered by this all those smart gunners they're all fine that's so many and they saw all those sentry guns and things from before no i can show the military predators now because i could only think that at some point they went oh you know if we have all these we have to be careful oh yeah i did play um i played the demo for the new one hunting grounds actually pretty fun but it was also very janky and it was on the uh it was an epic store only thing it's like i could wait on it wait till it comes on something else okay i'm going to send them out to die the new carrier is important has to stay oh my god it's happening already [Music] up [Music] [Music] wow they're still alive oh they're gonna go and hide soon [Music] okay military predators maybe some of the dumbest [ __ ] ever invented let's send them out to do the job this there's not much that can stop this and remember if you get hurt all predators can self heal this is just the stupidest [ __ ] brought to you by the same people behind metal fatigue [Music] we have trophies to collect oh my god my ears this really does seem like a mod which is why i'm doing a thing on it there are a lot of people who don't know this is a thing rightfully so because you know the fps games are all fun extinction's a weird [ __ ] game [Music] he slows the head oh i guess not which i could pull up the uh oh one more thing before it's done which is the ultimate um the ultimate burt machine oh mission six is up i don't know if the game is so hard because they were trying to combat rentals or because they realized it was short and they had to try and find a way to stretch it out reporting in standing by ready yes understood i'm gonna send them out into the big wide world for an adventure [Music] oh that beeping is the um there's a motion tracker it's always beeping ready yes yes see he's gotta find the bad boys when they get near they'll see it [Music] you found something anyway they're just out there to die this is the uh this is what we want to see yes understood yeah they're not gonna survive that rated t for teen by the way oh wait that wasn't supposed to happen god damn it i didn't notice i'm preaching it see i should have upgraded the sentry guns with the hunt buster oh that popping noise is our motion tracker if you if you don't want to die you get used to it yeah see mr synthetic has the big job of carrying it around standing by [Music] so that should be enough protection for them to go die while the landing zone is safe because how reinforcements work for marines are they coming slow [Music] you can tell you ripped a lot of sounds just like out of a vhs copy of the movies oh they have no upgrades to they're going to get own zone going up there yeah that acid blood just no one knew any better like okay they're all gonna die [Music] it's coming odst odsc odsc drop dropping in now these this is the uh stage one but with this the ravager has already [ __ ] him up but that is i think that's beyond fullerado like it talk to me usually sending one means you don't have to hear the terrible terrible symphony of them [Music] um that's the video game this is it [Music] oh my god my [ __ ] ears [Music] actually i'll show the um there is one piece of voice acting in the whole game that's like dynamic in the campaign where you hear somebody and it is the most we're just gonna call us one in the office [Music] oh here we go where's like a synthetic oh no the alien missions you actually have to um you have to like grow your hive with a fairly complicated little life cycle oh my god actually that line was new to me [Music] [Music] sometimes they'll go i see him and yeah the um actually i'll i'll look in the main menu for that people wondering about colonial marines for a space station 13 i think i mentioned this back when i did the video on it but yeah the alien life cycle is based off this [ __ ] game there's your carrier there's the ravager someone out there played av played extinction and then they said hey uh this will be the basis for our life cycle in space station 13. and there are pages and pages of lore and everything i think we we learned enough i will actually i'll show one thing ah should i [ __ ] uh i'll i'll tease it and that'll be it it was a good stream [Music] if i find it [Music] oh right lowry hope it's just people complaining about the [ __ ] noise that would make me feel better what is oh my god oh right i forgot about that guy he was just like in the phantom menace for four seconds marine for future reference i really don't need that please i don't need to think about that can't believe this stop it this is these are things oh my god who would have possibly thought that ring the legend of neflumbobug would be crossed over with avp extinction i'm glad the gorilla died and and brendan's wrestling thing yeah that's that's true well i guess that's it for now i will i'll show that it's time for me to rethink my life
Channel: Doucare
Views: 830
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: mandaloregaming, alien isolation
Id: Nul3MspRB4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 3sec (9243 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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