MandaloreGaming - Trying the Gloomwood Demo - VOD

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] yes [Music] the time has come oh yeah okay this guy wait no that's not right that is not correct there we go oh thank you uh Helsing 3:20 worst groundhog for spiritual sausage chip man guy and gecko Jones for thugs I'm sorry I was a away from the PC for a bit there are birds nesting outside my front door and it was a little more trouble getting in today and I have played a ultra view I played ultra kill uh a few months ago so how are the audio levels everything too loud soft well why does that make the screen flicker I'm sure it's fine it's fine okay [Music] so I played um this demo I played a bit of a few two or so weeks ago but they made a new version of it and if you didn't see this before they I guess they're supposed to show it the the PC gaming show or something like that today and somehow they just did not play the trailer for it and that [ __ ] sucks so I will not load up that one and I'll do a new one Thank You motor and producing the subs they showed after moves [ __ ] quality the controls our bug don't work if you want to rebind them let me see what honestly these are fine and how probably these controls before I have not played Blood Moon I played about 20 20 or so 20 no but a half-hour so if like full moon I've never played Blood Moon but I'll try that but only save photographs okay it just Slayers the left eye but just I'm visible over [Music] Malthus came all by yourself you I do wanna see how she rests I played the dark mod of a while back like that a lot thank you a dog here 92 yeah we are we are just getting started I don't have no clue how long the demo is so this might be a quick night I'm counting in person for now take this file and find a way into the manor on the Main Street I await your arrival demon Thank You ensign hunter and Jade dingo this is actually really ironic now because uh the sub son bite that's going off a lot which will probably die down eventually if you didn't know that's well via he's please stop meeting I train it gives you terrible emotes thank you I play the video game yeah I did look up what the hype train was after last time I miss dreams and people was calling a scam were basically right so I thought like oh if it gives you uh please please okay I'm sure thank you boundary X super Satan five explosive botanist and people's people's I feel better now people asking what the the were to get this this is free on Steam right now there's a demo out right now it's it's good this is happening in the tutorial part of the stream this very thief oh yeah yeah that's a cool if you uh you lean you can hear like three doors better Oh Elfi playing Blood Moon actually changes the the skybox that's kind of neat like that thank you a slaughter slaughterer I don't know how to this gamertag is a lot for me to handle thank you for the sub and a knack for giving those out we have our sword cane a sleepy man actually Leslie I didn't really kick around town he went right into the sewer actually you can hit one the whole Surrey yeah I'm using age vitamin I can get that for number key so I'd just be scroll wheeling thank you it's actually been um a hot minute since I played original actually I take that back I was playing it a few months ago because I was playing a different game they kept trying to click and everything in Iraq [Music] oh thank you can you do your iconic trim [Music] was in yes so that's our have our backup health right there I have not found the use for gold yet but I'm sure it's coming [Music] if it's super scary yeah I gotta say b3 gets a lot of hate and rightfully but the asylum level is really something else Oh a thank you a sanic details and sketches there's something secret the demo involving those movies actually hang I gotta make the expand the chat window a little bit the [ __ ] the hype train banner like there we go oh [ __ ] there was a this is why you usually don't want to like stream a narrative based game you're playing for the first time so if you were if you haven't played thief this is uh this is very much like to be but I don't want to write it off as just being like oh it's this is just gonna be feet again I think you're doing so nice stream overlaying what I do what did I do how is that overlay where did that come from [Music] what what are these that was so don't know how that happened but uh anyways back to the video game yeah I think I might be hitting curse it's not witch-hunt feel so bad for dev about the reveal yeah that was kind of I was thinking so I was like I might I was thinking of streaming something just given a while female just some Brigid or and I saw that happen woman I went off again it's probably better more people know about this anyway for now figured all be doing just fine [Music] oh there we go but should be better what people ask about the reveal at um PC gamers straight-up forgotten to show the trailer when they were supposed to so they had to show it at the end after the credits and people thought oh I guess there's like a rumor people thought oh be blood-borne or something it wasn't it didn't go off well that's the main way this is terrible I don't know how he didn't see me but I'm not gonna question tenly system he can sue over I don't I don't know I don't think they would the new blood boys are pretty good guys but I would be I'd be [ __ ] pissed if that happened to me she's good to go this game has like the pathologic reloading takes a long time there is a shotgun bite and did not use the shotgun I shouldn't turn a ghost this game but it's too late for that now it's stacks of boxes train get over that eventually I still eat a try and go back I need to go back to UM dishonored and try to replay that game so I liked it but I am the first time I played it through I got blink and that was a really really poor decision on my part is that makes the game far too easy well what oh oh that's the man I hang on I don't I don't think they deal with spot that you feel if receiver - yeah I I played a bit of it receiver is an interesting way to do gun way thank you for million crimson for the twitch Prime subscription when that like the flash no one else today I really thanks for the total water hammer - Oh buddy liked it onion video game opinions on death loop looks pretty cool I know Dishonored - had like a kind of time-travel sequence but I have not played that game [Music] thank you run jab in cricket ticket now for my next trip no one will find the body oh no no [ __ ] sake [ __ ] sake I'm I'm good at video games they don't suspect a thing actually oh [ __ ] that did not work okay this is [ __ ] so quick well we're uh we're off to a fine start this night it's on a it's on the hardest difficulty right now which is why they shot me near instantly that does not excuse me throwing the body directly into the [Music] thank you boiled this for the subscription you know what difficulty the game is balanced for I have no clue this is um like Victorian thief I mean thief is like Victorian thief well now I take that bag I guess it's steampunk but I guess it's not really Victoria yeah the Sky box turns spooky the more then dangerous the game like a glove hey wait a minute there's a dark alley right here I can't throw very disappointing I know this like carrying boxes is very immersive some thing most think of Deus Ex the video inspired me to make it start of six things point of deafness mechanicus are me my girl from the side of you guide you to start a fight for him points to serve army battle I'm so sorry I hope you guys take another mortgage for gain award thank you Thrax PG and flying's yeah I did I did not endorse buying any tabletop products in those videos you know I never had like a full a full army like my first played Warhammer like I'd bother Carla like friends figures I couldn't afford an army i still can't afford an army okay oh wait ooh ooh oh I'm having a huge brain moment wait okay I'm taking the bottle oh the walk at the wall yes why that door open no no there's two of them okay don't blast don't blast [Music] it's okay SEC this reminds you a little anecdote actually did um I guess people in chat thank you the people in chat oversee like the the reviews of Rainbow six siege but they don't call it like the new thinking breed of fps or something like that they talk about like how how big your brain was he played see yeah okay people know I'm talking about so what happened was when we would play siege we would have like people my squad you know when you're like the last guy standing and I once telling you to be like to do clutch plays instead everyone screams that you did faint faint Carter think harder he's covering this quarter you gotta think now you're thinking and that is all these memories are flooding back right now Oh rice Thank You PO Pesce for the sub gifts but those are gonna play an order aren't they okay the first guy is easy but there's at least another one power I can't like have it out and be following it I don't think leaning makes you more visible I think it's just like video games it's a free peek oh this is tight of a short subscription message the thing is they're usually barely they're usually fairly rare it's just there's something about tonight but thank you uh it's a lien yeah two six nine six the sub and you go pray for the five bucks Joseph Anderson is hosting you bro oh yeah that make sense they're fairly spread out so he comes back to peek the wall but if I throw something that can possibly trigger a guy inside the guardhouse and I don't wanna start blasting yet or save scum no I don't want to save scum for like kind of like this so if I clear that building we [Music] no no no no he didn't see he didn't see oh no nice are blasted but did kill him okay mission accomplished take him it's okay we're just four people tuning in this is the hardest difficulty this isn't like there's a more forgiving way to play this game I don't want people thinking this is like gonna be a complete nightmare to play how else is just kind of a head of an idiot I mean I could just go another way for now maybe actually no because these are locked off and fly gun to the gatehouse that's right what I might have to try just lure him down but not you or the man inside the guardhouse which is probably to throw the bottles a little farther away to lure him out so busy oh no this is just like playing seach now chanting think think harder you're thinking so hard you shift the petshop of people nightmare out you know this shift if you shift slow I mean I guess like I see you're saying now like to kind of walk up on them but I think I know it's louder I know you have a visibility meter but I'm not entirely sure how sanitation works shift + think I'll try shift walking I guess I'm just nervous about making too much sound I throw a whole barrel that didn't make much nobody doesn't care okay I'm just gonna wait for him to go there try to walk up as quick as I can and then give him the stab thank you for the 10 bucks and it's tie Nuno for the sub I don't know how I missed that but I'll try shift walking this time control shift you know he doesn't know he doesn't know no no no no I didn't see that we really throw where the way from where no sounds like that like that sound from a [ __ ] movie to that they sample for that Lisa song work harder I'm not crazy I'm late Lisa just like a work harder it's a it's a great song oh thank you uh go niebo Bebo 33 for the sub Nybo I have to be in a self brain mode don't be at the window man asleep hold your pencil [Music] chop the web armory I didn't get this last time [Music] Thank You Anaka one four eight seven eight he's going to sleep oh holy [ __ ] you just gotta hit him to the Shadow Realm well we're not worrying about him anymore I have one shot I've got to say I really like not having you why and just how you check the weapon that's good stuff thank you Sinnott are with prime but late no those are follows [ __ ] thank you Bona farter 1972 I don't know where these names are coming from I think it's a conspiracy ever since our Vsauce anima I just I can't get up in the morning shuck him off no I want to throw him off this ledge but something might walk out of there eventually captain the may the men managed to confiscate one of the seals are quite an update the dark magics walking ladies Sylvia stores we've reason to believe the foreigners playing to take refuge within the countess's high walls the seals been placed in the jailhouse evidence locker as forgiver seal it continues to evade us local resident who once worked as a manor servant claimed was lost during the last flood may have fallen to the tunnels beneath this district as such we have several men searching around the cistern entrance by the docks our eyes remain open night watcher Ramsey so I could either go into the sewers why yield that out though I can go into the sewers or I could try to go into the jailhouse evidence Locker actually well I have to do both of them but one will have to be first sewers or jail house I mean a democratic vote no no [ __ ] okay I'm singing I love singing offers sewers I hang on splash splash it's great god I love [ __ ] like that in videogames god bless them I think I'm gonna have to do like I don't know like new blood November do something other games I've done they published really cool stuff return to the phonograph to save okay it's opening up now I'll save now that I've done something substantial thank you to the master flex for the sup jailhouse that way sewers this way oh no hi miss the armory the first time I played it Alps I don't think that was a new thing thank you he take flow pods [Music] I actually don't know if this is like possible to go to the game yet depending how short it is I might try to do this about killing people thank you super chlamydia for the subscription I'd have met hag I have I heard it's kind of like a plague enemies can open doors or control oh no I should have read it holy [ __ ] no I'm not blasting that was a little off I am NOT throwing them down there right actually use my help file earlier that's Hey I am smartest man alive thank you for not gonna sub and thank you Queen of England only fans he played Mackin area oh is that the UM is that the one of the humans are all gone like the robots are left on earth I have played that war I haven't even yet sewer I have played out thank you mum yeah this is a this is a free game well demos free on Steam right now listen your mistake [Music] gonna take ah now nothing's easy in this life 1877 they named my city the sneakiest place to live in I might need to take those the garbage chute is looking better and better Oh don't you want all the way back there un'ytu so he goes back down the stairs I can catch him I'm thinking as hard as I can [Music] I thought about it other words you're done here already a missile rotated out surely some it's about the guy who not at the stairs [Music] no now you know I'm so sneaky my bad I thought I could catch them before you turn the backstab is a is free but if you charge and they're looking at you they're on to you [ __ ] they can just go right down I live it whenever I like unsheathed this love Akane sword because it's the 1800s just imagine if this man an overcoat like a fedora he's like I'm cheating it's Gaetano in the alley [Music] actually what is this wait I need to I need to get to the door control well maybe I do immersive Sims are such a great Jean rrah but for whatever reason they just never seen them there are terrible genre oh that is a satisfying shotgun sound yeah I killed him it was coming first oh he'll win don't win this fight yeah that's what I get you see you say immersive Sims are great next thing you know you're in a ditch just like every studio that tries to make an immersive sim I don't know why it's like such a curse for them to not do so hot yep I heard the new praise really good I someone played it like I know I don't think that did like super well the reason I didn't like it the why didn't I you pray Amelie was because I was still irritated about pray too but it's like that wasn't the pray to thing wasn't their fault so I got it eventually I sound played it Oh either Americas Oh psychological warfare [Music] all they hate it they hate it [Music] [Music] what the body well really and the reason I'm not trying to use guns as much as possible is because if you shoot off a gun everyone hears that place if there's only one guy left in an area sure but holy [ __ ] oh I've missed some subs holy [ __ ] thank you Andy way short see goron out the Fred or Fredersen D person and Lister's the subs and I think num tackling this I'm not thinking I was doing it better than I thought I wouldn't that fight [Music] okay done send off the speed block I might not do psychological warfare this time I think they hear me fly throwing the body down that's 11 thank you uh Sara Ellis okay yeah they hurt [Music] well I throw [ __ ] at him [Music] and yeah I haven't played the original 2006 pray hymns a lot of fun I wish they still sold it but um I think they pulled it from like everywhere last I checked yet my instinct was to UM what's the grab stuff and just start shucking it like I was playing Dark Messiah I don't think the game in fact they might never be there yet the real prey to was out there it bill I hope it comes we'll see is my all accounts pray to was mainly just eat some polishing up when I understand thank you whiskers for their services mommy I like Bologna and I'm not sure why I can't buy pray anymore out guest oh my I don't think he had an axe last time I think he had a shotgun but I've always stuck I don't think there's bullet Mary mr. blue is the first name it's Oscar see whenever you hear the name Oscar I think of uh I think of the Oscar from Hey Arnold Oscar was a Kokoschka mr. Kokoschka for what I think that Oscars last name is um like in Hey Arnold it was actually like piece of [ __ ] and Russian but I could be mistaken on that hey Susie make me a sandwich is that awesome but it's been a while since I sigh thing Hey Arnold I think the way I talk about Arnold I think unless Hey Arnold thing I saw was the Hey Arnold movie and the Hey Arnold movie was just like [Music] The Herald movie is like the Tigger movie without any balls basically but I'm not gonna get into that this is a gloom wood stream and he's coming for me I need to go into the shadows another Tigger movie that movie has suppose I'm gonna put him in the alleyway it's the Tigger movie have balls okay I don't want to spoil the Hey Arnold movie or the Tigger movie basically they're both movies about finding your family and one is much more of a [ __ ] top out it doesn't matter though because they're their movies for well I guess the heroine movie was made to try and appeal to people who watch they are back the day I have to focus I'm not focusing oh I was so focused I'm not so hard bigger movie review you destroy lights I try to turn off a a desk lamp but it didn't happen if it's not and I heard just alerted somebody so no you can't at least not with this weapon and walk in the door oh you can hear I'm opening it up that's great if you like lean over too though it was nobody know it's a little awkward no one heard that right the og thief is really great holds up remarkably well that's on the maps are a maze didn't the ticker movie have the honey monster I don't remember it's a long time since I saw the Tigger movie the price should have copied Dark Messiah when it came to combat thing is there was there's a lot whens dark messiah smash it's not really the focus of this game i might say for secretary though if I clear those two oh thank you render unto me and whiskers an influence description I think night I have to do it the good dream in a thief actually um I did a video on metal fatigue recently which was the other night Dave like the release game I talked to their CEO a little bit and Twitter it's really nice guy so I hope his uh this is some shock remaked as well they played a little bit of a demo for that but I don't know if I'll ever do that on the stream so I have not finished that demo either he's been a busy boy oh yeah they are remastering a shadow man and yeah I'm I think the least the scheme that this a little beer I sees me now holy [ __ ] no take him [Music] I can't use the gun yet the gun is against my lawn because I've gotten so few bullets look at this I have one shotgun shell and four rounds I have to save this for something that matters I I have not played orange this tunnel before I had like Messer on the jailhouse I haven't gone the sewers before I'm not gonna worry about hiding bodies he's going down now oh hey they're mixing up that didn't see he didn't see he didn't see anything whoa okay they're both on either side we'll be fine that my way I'm gonna all that crunching sound [Music] no later biggest brains greatest plays there so because they've heard that we're save it there only a time use the gun this way there's gonna be 5,000 guards in a row okay I use the gun everyone's gonna come up here the shotgun I believe in the revolver you haven't seen it those haven't seen it it's not it's not all that cracked up we tried going down here wait my full moons out no headshots don't tilt revolver normal to Billy I thought that was just like a look at that used one independence [Music] I might open that no no no how this happen [Music] I'll be a careful man yeah for those tuning in once again I'm gonna say Blood Moon is this is like extra stomp my dick mode the normal game isn't nearly like so still punishing yep oh look at that they're sweating it's like real swimming one offers a breath meter no I feel like one of those um like steel attractions at the SeaWorld like I'd pop out of the water at 30 miles per hour like smash a ball into the air except Suns window whack-a-mole you might do that now it's I'm asleep now it's there we go five strands number of bubble oh [ __ ] the developers and or developers in the chat right now I will show the breathy I've left oh well that's need definitely keep that that's cool and I played the the ultra kill demo a few months ago I haven't played it since the I know I talked them all but I know he's not like updating the models or something like that the devs in the chat told him to go away yeah the reason the stream is happening because I was going to stream like Brigid or something like that but then the PC gaming show completely botched showing the trailer for this so people can learn about Bloomwood instead Brigid I'll be fine [Music] actually at new some bubbles are how far away can I get it there's like an underwater hard to see under stream a second underwater ramp so the footings whole beard you can backtrack to save an anytime yeah I'm just being difficult if I get these two guys I'm allowed to say [Music] [Music] thank you almost dying speech maker okay for a second I thought they'll be able to like hear my breath my popped out I'm also breath no no no no all right we gotta try it from the approach your strategy [Music] you attacking the water I don't think so so I tried to I'm on holster it and guns I don't think you're using guns of this era with water I am all mooning I don't think my handy-dandy I want to use guns I'm gonna wait for him to go back I should be able to be real sneaky oh no no no it's happening again [ __ ] it it's the same trap as before I fell for it again it'll be fine that was the second time I've I've been bamboozled on that staircase it'll be fine if I didn't want to punish myself for me there's a guy who comes out from there sometimes so I'm gonna actually as well oh thank you a deadly Ranger for the sub he went downstairs yeah this is some good range I want to kind of go towards the door but I know my man's make out the staircase again soon yep there he is no-no-no I'm spooky well that's gonna attract some forgive me master ball out just this once I can't believe I'm wasting other evening of my life to observe Mandy's stream and devolve into a lower state of being I think that should be like the channel banner somehow I look into changing that later to that because um they change like the twitch page layout a month or so ago I'm really behind on twitch stuff in general so I haven't really just it is interesting that I think they're changed up a little bit because last time there was like the the shotgun guy would go towards the and here to read the manifest and and sometimes different things like that happen oh no I was so confident it's like I got him she'll be another one I open the door of course there will be of course there will be why won't there be it's real half-life hours now there are two of them why Star Wars prequels lines cling bag and I glanced a chat for a second just see there's been a rebellion sire yeah I'm really digging the sound design I'm really I'm enjoying myself I might be having a terrible time getting past the stairway gargoyles but this is a fun video game demo [Music] please don't cross the bridge he's crossing the bridge that is an that is shocking I was not caught out there [Music] [Music] [Music] what's blocking me it's the wall it's not another man whoa oh thank you uh Ajax Elysian the scary countless ups I'll probably a little behind on those it's like my brain is getting focused some video game just now it should be II throw boxes at them I am I tried that last time but I have to kind of accept that not every game is dark messiah I I did I did try fighting boxes when he had the parts like Caribbean fight in this room actually I should try to go down there again wait no no I should you should go down the ladder north are reviewing Telltale's salmon max of Navy fun games just read the manifest I did oh that scared the [ __ ] out of me I remember putting you down here save Ethan even the developers are begging you to save what a quote to read actually hang up is it uh it doesn't know this is like spiked heads through my baby sleeping sharks wow that was a horribly embarrassing on all counts okay you know what maybe I shouldn't save or or maybe I'll get the full honor and defeat butts two men that's safing there's only one guy down there there's just the one guy oh I have to now I have to know I won't sing please no it'll be fine it'll be when have I ever failed of sneaking that didn't count that wasn't that wasn't the real plan that was the that was the distract him up the stairs plan much hopefully have it's not gonna be a lot it's not gonna be a lot o XE I'm I'm doing really well actually last the guy into the next century but then I don't have shotgun rounds for more shells whatever's down there you don't need to say what is this new blood [ __ ] know about the game anyhow that's a good point remember if you wanna learn about video games turn off the GDC and watch some angry Joe I'll [ __ ] you spun around really fast that guy's intimidating he's like the final boss of the sewer entrance I'm gonna use the ladder saving is that way but honors this way I shouldn't get some bottles from down here throw them to distract it and I'd begin the final plan of you know the plan hope oh here's a shotgun - whoo you didn't know you didn't know that was a large trowel that was such a large trout okay I don't recommend mantling out of the water okay new plan we really ran with shotgun [Music] that was my one shell and it had to be for you did everyone start running towards me to kill me nope he was the final boss though that was the final boss of the game the demos over and now I can say now that I've cleared everybody actually if a if new blood man is still in the chat who's who's having to run the account tonight is it Dylan Dave David David okay this was a good video maybe this azzam oh yeah yes this isn't David sure Manske I think all this speculations in the last name hey he got it he corrected so now I can actually go in the sewers I or the Constabulary unstow what's called constable I slaughter that pumps whatever I'll increase the city stores of it he closed them boarded off several servants and officers are part of beastly infestations plaguing the tunnels any persons found we breaking quarantine will face legal ramifications and okay this is why I wanted to save the shotgun shells but probably okay I don't know what could be down here what the is that the body I threw in the toilet earlier is that yo oh I [ __ ] love video games [ __ ] that's so cool that's great it's great oh hey hang on a second hang on a second I that was incredibly exciting I'm gonna I'm gonna link that the demo in the chat again I I think I should have the I mean I didn't find this game for a while I did not know about about sewer man please if you're interested this game please wishlist it tell your friends about it PC gamer did in that's why their articles don't get a lot of quakes I didn't say that they're fine I'm just gonna I just want to go into the sewer his way belong and I missed that Lansing completely [ __ ] around this is really I don't need to live then we'll be fine oh I'm like actually this feels like a turn oh that's so scary maybe go around wait that sounds like a best say phonograph from there I think it is but I think that was shot as you go around [Applause] I'm really thinking of like the hemorrhoid honson feet now Oh No I don't want to lantern out the end oh that's a [ __ ] terrible sign I'm guessing these are discarded shells they are oh they have like a little burn marks on the animals do you have any extra goodies for me one shot holy [ __ ] that's honored oh [ __ ] that sounds like the that reminds me of like the crawlers from a descent knows what does like those Gollum things like done the caves hey money [ __ ] thank you wow they're 98 for this up you have to understand I'm having terrible flashbacks the thief already but we're in the sewers I heard the you're the hot sound you you have to forgive me hello it's fine let's peek around oh that I thought that was rapid footsteps or someone else's no let's not do this let's not do this now that organ okay there he goes I was gonna run back to get a bottle but he this isn't time this is not the time Thank You jello man for the sub instructions Franklin left in this dreaded station these lovers control the pressure gags and oddly enough this has like there was something across I saw the motion I was I was two seconds from saying that hey this kinda reminds me of like the the comfortable sewers that I come from of oblivion sewers you know what that's really [ __ ] gone now [Music] what is [ __ ] what's that look I'm not gonna shoot it unless it thank you thank you dealt with 57 - what is that no no no no no oh no I hate it I'm [ __ ] leaving oh my god when I just open up no no I don't know what they are I don't know what they are I'm gonna I'm gonna vacate the premises [Applause] this isn't the time I'm being sneaky they kind of look like um like the profile kinda look like a plague doctor but they're clearly not under port yeah I'm gonna try and get back to the no [ __ ] that well I know not not I'm just the man here take him it's like someone said where the Velociraptor scene in Jurassic Park in the kitchen with those in a sewer and everyone are just like vomiting at you I think this is beginning if it is I need yeah I need to go back make a right go to the storage area unlocked and they see in darkness I guess not I get I mean if it runs up on they might have to shoot it I don't want to risk sneak attacking it actually Matt oh no I can't see a thing Oh do I try it do I try it all I have to let it stop it well we've learned a valuable valuable lesson today the Raptors Raptors are very immune to sword [Music] so I guess I'll just have a shotgun out now [Applause] I can't tell if it had like a um I don't know if you saw chat it looked like the back of their necks I couldn't tell flows armored or just like a big bony plate on it so I mean like a clink sound like who is al like it bounced off something oh no I shouldn't thank you for the subs techno dribble and EPS ragnerok and the great gaps I really don't wanna be thing with a great gap see right now oh don't come out go back to your home wait no no don't swing that attract together one I guess not time to research our enemy Hey well I do have a hand I have a left he is like a plague house [ __ ] it's like a big like bone it's not good I'll tell you that nothing about this is good I always forget the name of that um there's like this YouTube copypasta guy I started thinking about him when I saw that I can't do his voice though he's like musters creature was sighted [ __ ] insane your possibility link building the situation no one knew what happened was like I'm gonna keep walking no it's not chill it's not the sky one seal wait lever oh that might be for the okay ooh [Music] no it's not no Gervais I can't read the name of him he's um he's out I saw you on his videos once no it's not critical I I wouldn't know his name of someone told it to me holy [ __ ] I think that I didn't say the shotgun shell it's fine I got it actually I'm gonna take this bottle with me that was a really [ __ ] inconvenience Thank You Duncan for the subscription is the lever the lamb I know that this is the Tommy knows seals I think the lever goes well via storage areas I'm sure if I was just reading the in-game material not looking at stream chat like a [ __ ] maybe I know better what's happening I should come back here to savory [Music] there we go commission [Applause] look at that please I'm gonna hope we don't have large bugs oh it's like pitch black in here I I do not want to jump in oh thank you up which remote separate - OH - your father father battled this up I didn't notice I'm just gonna oh there's so many in here this is thank you for the been through this is like am my train of thought is you throw cheese maybe know what's screeching what's screeching I'm in the moon that's not good it's like all around me you know I'll [ __ ] this let's not do this oh they know oh [ __ ] oh that's so great I'm having such a good time I'm wondering if the UM if it's kind of like a system shock to kind of thing works like the whole game is just like one interconnected thing like like beef being the spread out missions but pretty neato levels will be interconnected yeah well that's oh yeah and thank you a direct fraud the sub [Music] that was a smoother transition negative so stabbing them good idea I also can't see [Applause] no no no no go down there oh this is like a nightmare [ __ ] it I got the seal they do move in herds the cheese damn I have to finish this demo tonight now I'm like so I started up I was like yeah I'll play play bit of it have some fun but now it's got made did I not of course I didn't I should just put the lever on save so I don't spaghetti that again [Applause] [Music] disclaimer for people tending in this is the the gloom wood demo it's free on Steam this is the highest difficulty so the the instant death nightmare being faced isn't what you have to deal with voice reaching Simon lunes lunes shoving oh [ __ ] no no no no damn thank you for the supply 399 [Music] [Applause] ah I might I might be doing better fights playing on my own but more people get to learn about the joys of Bloomwood this is a Blood Moon difficulty they actually change the skybox just neat you can tell the excited went into the onto the bridge like an idiot looked up I forgot I'm in a sewer now I'll still kill them cooking up and pretty soon oh-oh-oh Dylan's Machat thank God Dylan look this is a nightmare what could be done oh no the squash I think he's right there still oh there's a I don't even know there's a hallway they're just so darn don't move me nor would I want to scream he to use the gun earlier and I said they're probably something horrible I should save the rounds for this is the kind of thing I was thinking of Hey seals rainy no no I spider-man what is this sure looks important please don't turn on the light side elevator oh no don't ring no ring yeah I'm eating cheese that's appropriate [Music] holy [ __ ] gramma who I thought for sure like the elevator is gonna start like buzzing and then just like fall through the floor something is the final [ __ ] you I was so convinced that elevator would not carry him oh Christ okay I do not want to cut out here this is not I wanted to end wait I can do that thank you card oh my gosh no mysterious sewer creatures [Applause] mistress of God I'm not looking for doing that again so close oh it's a better you get the back there again I think I know the way around I don't know if these things are called but I really like the design of them like a creepy old ass oh maybe it's like pro beggar like looking them I guess it's like there's some pirate but there's like a virus or something going around your like your bones are sending out whatever reason like it your flesh was like extending out into the plague master you're wearing and then like it burst there was something like that I'm sure the Lord will come later anyway this [ __ ] me up again No all evoke the feeling of rage finally the big plays I saw and played a they saw gonna be some GTFO Ivan play gtfo and I was like interested in it I didn't actually know was out all right where is this man might be ok I'm not letting it happen again come on whoa oooh he's again way there was probably a gold piece down that sewer that I missed off to go back to find that may I'll try to do the ghosts playthrough that's that's tempting you know it might not be possible am I in the jailhouse oh no I need to get to the street yeah there's the buzz didn't see it the skybox changes the difficulty which that's the cool detail I did not expect that this reminds me of a um how was that game called I think was called ever was it ever space there were these dumb devs they paid like the support night streamer they pin like $20,000 they paid him some ridiculous amount to stream their game for an hour he said something like like [ __ ] this game I'll even like these kinds of games and he was absolutely just like yeah was ever space and he was absolutely just trashing it for like an hour and I felt so bad for those people saying all you like space games but they're paying me wow this game is spot you think it's skipping all the tutorials I'm so I'm so afraid of being that person but I think it's too late no don't drop wait wait yes do drop oh it's good work no won't won't won't won't no well new plan your strategy so down that way it was just the wind bust up in the wind I kind of like that they're all um that they're all silent because when you think of sound like Skyrim and they put itself in that where it's like hey are you got like we like pegs on the head of an arrow must've been the wind it's like yeah you don't get you just said having a little call out of wall that's all you need such a thing even positive man that has some reach [Music] it's refreshing not seeing not seeing AI going for tired after being it there's been some there's been some jenkki news for sure but this is a a demo not representative of a full little trademark speak of the devil we talk about that we're gonna talk about that later this is this is a demo this is uh god bless it though see that's what have to be sneaky if you don't sneak terrible terrible things can happen to you shouldn't if it's salted the game that bought started I suppose it was a little janky earlier that didn't mean the game had to go oh [ __ ] yeah now he's being smart scooby-dooby-doo ah they don't know well that they've caught me just what no don't have you joined me I guess not that was a that was an encounter I don't think I'd call this game of beta I mean I'm pretty sure it's an alpha this is some this is quite early on it's technically a pre-alpha demo okay yeah all right I mean still for being this early we're doing well I'm gonna try going the other way black [ __ ] that's where I came from yeah power station so that's really [Music] it's time to think were you big on the thief games together yeah I really like them I really like thief one into like three I know gets a bad rap but the asylum level like there's there's some cool stuff in thief three beef for the reboot on the other hand that's the game for well there's like a technical term for it but it's like if you ever ate Elmer's glue like pudding jailhouse okay that might be me too just walked out where I needed to go well they hear that immediately it was me and that shocking sound so good revolver not the same amount of power a lot of shots left oh no I don't those okay I am gonna eat some evidence Sal I don't want to open both the cells and wait yes I do there's treasure in there I had this terrible feeling that would be like a um like there be some mutant or something and Willie's prison cells and why just like blindly through every switch like a game and tell me to like we'll just like come out and try to kill me I'm gonna wait a second what it oh I don't go well the constables can't keep doing this this is a third broken rifle this week it's bad enough they have to guard our own district they claim they lack the manpower but we've seen how the upper city estates are protected no expense was spared for your equipment and fancy automated security devices oh that's um there's gonna be some cool stuff in the upper city now the only firepower we have access to are these shoddy left arm use it nisshin's they gave us the rifles break-in Jeff you just look at them too hard are we supposed to stop the beasts now we want to just shake your become like the CID works so it works has the same kind of like ring as mice like Blighttown Blighttown this suit works like it's gonna be if it is a level I feel like it's gonna be one of those levels we don't count his son works / 9 could be 10 there could be more if there is one I missed it would probably be down in the furball Raptor oh okay oh I can save then open up the big door oh where am I hey this is the tutorial area they mantled up together there we go it's gonna be in here one who I'm liking this all the carpet all it's real thief hours now inside last I he's back oh no no no oh no that's it damn what uh-oh I'm not good I'll probably hang on let's see yeah that was great I might try to tell a ghost it I might just try it probably won't end well but I'll try you see what people have done I'm gonna regret this bloodborne cards oh yeah what was that overlay that oh that was the only that popped up I don't know what that was about oh Jesus Christ it's this assists the game [ __ ] sake how is everyone so fast at doing these yeah it's I was so dark go up I'm still going yeah this is the discord sorry I rent it out I miss something the dark image oh it's weird I can see the exact moments okay oh Christ skinwalker hunt is a horror from the creator of witch-hunt is that real thinking game called skinwalker hunt wow I like the pilgrim hat useful template Jesus Christ ever since those models got ripped from the game things have just really gone off the deep end scissors were great oh I I think I think I did see that one all right I'm gonna try to UM ah [ __ ] it I'll try to ghost it I do not think the game was made well at least right now to be done as a very spooky man but I'll make an attempt oh thank you stray lost idiot for the sub I think that was 20 minutes ago I'm so sorry okay here's the difficulties I will also link the demo again look at desert going to bed good night new David that don't either one I'm so sorry let's see if I can go to the video games [Music] goodnight new putt thank you for watching me embarrass myself good night Dylan I'm so sorry PC Gamer did what they did or didn't they didn't do holy [ __ ] thank you what they didn't do they were um they were supposed to show the trailer during the middle of PC gaming show and they just sort of forgot and so they showed it much later after the credits rolled and he got IANS was gone so [ __ ] that more people get to see gloom wood it's it's right it's the right thing to do I'm gonna be so spooky list of gaming places blood-borne and now will I be able to find all the gold in this playthrough I'm guessing there are 10 pieces because I got 9 last time did you they didn't link it correctly no no dev said 15 or 15 well now I have to be honourable and not fight they put a typo in the URL holy [ __ ] peace here's spamming in twitch chat people should save the kretzmann robot characters saying it's over why you still here Jesus Christ [Music] disaster someone bought that domain to fix it and it wasn't Dave oshri like someone someone else bought the domain oh that's great you can turn off the trial messages can i oh look at that you're a thank you guard vision cones I that is a thing just like there are balls [Music] this is actually gonna be hard did I say hard [ __ ] after after a good start a vision cones on lower difficulties okay watching it's fine no crosshair for max immersion you're right it's not like ripping anything anyways they show the trailer trailer had Michelin shoes maybe someone like a PC game around like a score to settle that is a frightening amount of issues [Laughter] I don't need a gun [Laughter] go strong go stronger on okay this might be doable the thing is I don't know if I could go back in to save yeah people are saying how do we go back to save I think the answer is I don't this will be my finest hour oh yeah there's that coin back I'll go back for it [Music] [Music] over there that's right there we should be a little darker oh no that's it like this is gonna be [ __ ] difficult but I think it's possible [Music] I'm thinking I like walked up to this ice playing some - like alien isolation or something it looks like you should all just like duck near the table automatically Keith's fine come get me would you recommend thief to Sony didn't play much immersive Sims ah it's a good game I don't know if we're like your first immersive same ever it is more of like a stealth game like you get Deus Ex would be good new prey give it like human revolution even though it's not nearly as good as the original no crosshair is different I System Shock 2 is a good one System Shock 1 is also a good one it actually has a like difficulty customizers below difficulty customizers 4 like oh like story did like story complexity and puzzle complexity so you can tune like all sorts of things yeah this means the merciful seem to sell that well well I played it like the system shock remake demos pretty [ __ ] good though it has like a few issues actually wait what dummy I can't go back to save [Music] [Music] Tencent just bought system shock really I was not aware of that because I heard about like System Shock 3 being a thing but I was like a non and off kind of deal [Music] oh shoot red split in two games non-fee original teamers on the project they have oh wait the key is at the window that's right unless they unlock it for me oh there it is just take my life Oh night I've had rights they got $0.10 funding okay that makes more sense [Music] they ever going to review the dark project maybe it's a pretty cool mod I can align this game looks cool has Lowry room [Music] I mean not yet [Music] there he goes let's try it I want you to hurry please don't turn probably I'll catch me if I no but I'm so quiet I'm being such a good boy oh okay I can't go in that corner gluon runs in unities so we could ruin it that would be cruel did you been to the demo oh wow reboot system shock free ISM eSports [Music] is that is skinwalker hunt a real game they're making cuz I'm kind of I'm kind of down with that if they are [Music] it is a real game okay I've always had like ever since I learned what skinwalkers were they scared the [ __ ] outta me so I would go like in a lot of hiking and camping trips back in the day and like you you have like those weird forests encounters and so learning that was not helpful I might have like grab the key and run to the other corner like in the darkness I might be my best bet even though it's out of line of sight Heather called Westgate's no I am mooning so hard I don't want that like more movies mean some go back see no search tonight devons of franchise and property worth 10 cents as they've acquired rights the third day okay this might work Thank You Devin South wave right yet I mean it's not right yet need to wait for both them to be gone all the third dude walked up there's another way to climb up there oh I just realized maybe if I stacked like barrels I could get there easily no everyone lives I don't plan to shoot anybody's but the sound of a shot tonight [Music] okay when he peeks out next time I have to shimmy past them when the man isn't looking to the window yeah this is basically um more well it's definitely more think are gonna be horror focus I'm here to be okay that's time oh [ __ ] that's right pass me something to throw all their breathing is really disorienting like throwing the barrel down there I'll wait for them to go back downstairs I'm gonna try and grab the things from over his shoulder the review Terraria probably not thing a lot of people know about that that games properly covered oh my god that's so whoa whoa oh no this isn't happening it's Ricky oh I was so close I was so close I have the strategy though it can work [Music] it can work I think I'm having to accept the light at least right now sound and visibility are kind of the same thing so I think I can get away if making noise as long as the my as long as I'm like in shadow but I'm not a hundred percent on that yeah [Music] [Music] at the Hangout again you have major issues breaking the boards the docks yeah that's gonna suck you play the old commandos game yeah I was actually going to do video in command as a while back but I heard that the the remaster was coming up so I had put it off and then it turned out the remaster did a bunch of weird stuff in it it's now I don't know what to do we gotta figure it out I mean I don't I think ghost thing is viable right now but it clearly wasn't meant to be done that way yeah move I mean I had it too it was just that one doofus had walked back up ice to actually kick around before jumping I was just so excited to be out some old man with his trusty hain okay timing on this is all over just like I've snuck over to like the left there and tried to get around no I don't want to do that yeah I've had a lot people in chat spell the saying they and like picked up the total war game Cerritos on sales that was that I'm doing some good timing don't peek at that [ __ ] you won't know you won't know he won't know you won't know wait he actually didn't know that's not a good sound yeah I guess if you're or he was like a pixel away from me because I thought he was like about to bump into me for sure those thing is going to be it might be more of a journey o thoughts on Total War Troy that's I mean okay I don't know who that game is for and it's a terrible time to do a Troy game because like if you went full Age of Mythology that would be fun but you'd have warp it hammer people complaining that they weren't putting more like monster resources towards Warhammer so like it wouldn't have been that appealing to Warhammer people right now but when you have Troy it's not like a fully historical game either because you have like Hector casting indication from the heck on cable so like like history players would want something like the Peloponnesian wars or like something just like historical without heroes and all that it's like they tried to get both audiences and it just seems like it appeals to nobody the even besides I know like they had issues the earlier looks at it but I just don't know that they're like whoo Troy supposed to be four but nobody like it's not fancy enough for fantasy people and it has too much fantasy for historical people I I don't know what them like the plan was No I saw them played the the more time game like Thrones or Britannia had issues but at least it's like they knew who they're trying to make it for like you wanted it like a historical setting like here's there's Thrones like Troy no well the way the no crosshair thing makes this play more miserable struggling the thoughts on three kingdoms I don't own three kingdoms yeah that one that one is smart because they put in like romance phone historical mode it's like if you don't want certain elements they're just not there so that's uh so at least that mine had like options for it Troy itself is like kind of a fantastical setting so all you do president god damn it they believe that crunching no oops are they going yeah I've realized that um not only is there a horrible crunch sound but you straight-up move slower we have enough damage on you well may I should make that like a twitch overlay eventually like the leg repairing for my divine cybermancy like the the grinding sound effect well I guess it's not like repairing its maintenance but I would always thought leg repairing because that's what did [Music] no no and I'm kicking back in get out okay this is actually good timing though like I'm kind of getting it down as long as things don't immediately switch up again please I hope one day we can I - there was this um the I developers have said that the game they would want to make in the universe next would be like they said it would be like slot 4 but you'd play as a federal like space agent you'd be like breaking into slot like scummy alien apartment buildings you know what I bet that'd be great I would love a SWAT 4 made by those people like I am completely on board do you feel like online exclusive game after the servers are gone no longer playable are hard to do release more yeah I mean let's have like an emulator basically done there's actually this um this free-to-play game I really really liked a few years ago that is now completely dead it was a Korean game and it had a very Korean payment model which is why it died but it was called um battle swarm fields of honor or field of Honor and it was like my lism FPS versus RTS games but instead of like we have like the arts yes commander for each side like a natural selection does it was like one side were like three RTS players the other side like five or six more green players and it was no no no no [ __ ] he knows that was so close anyways so there were two or three RTS players and like five to six human players is like Marines and it was essentially like a Starship Troopers game like you would have like the RTS players which could send swarms of like bugs and they could unlock like different kinds of bugs and have like its powers buff them up and then as the humans you would like just have to try and move him down it was a lot of fun but you unlock stuff by either paying real money or like in your credits you didn't unlock stuff forever you would rent them so if you've got like a new gun as a Marine you'd have it for three days or if if you got like a new bug unit for the aliens he'd have it for like five days and I think that's what killed it because no one wanted to like keep paying to rent out items Oh yeah rent like rent model is [ __ ] worse I like the blacklight retribution but when I played at the exploding tomahawks were hilariously overpowered so I didn't stick around that too long that game was so I thought for sure that the backlight had a way you can like permanently unlock something yet Jack Circle he knows the hardsuits in backlight but I've played a good amount of mech games but those hard suits are something else all right I didn't grab the key this is really you you could unlock so firmly in backlight okay these guys gonna and this is just not my day this really isn't my day actually they'll be really good timing if walks away yet Ren models like such a strange but you don't see it that often what other dud games can we summon there's a war feast day I didn't know that I thought where face was still going unless that's like just no players left war faces on switch actually to be fair there's a lot of games they'll just like Iran switch somehow and I have no clue what happened it now is my now is my big chance so spooky up here come on walk away so I can jump off [Music] not sinhala night southern plate it looks pretty good oh no I can't believe it I spent so long peeking it I was so careful [ __ ] the gold coin I'm not going for that until I get this it's distracting me from my destiny if I could drop is a bait thing cuz I don't know about some house sneaking back through it this isn't the guy in the stairs like well it's doable but it's gonna be [ __ ] difficult written dropping Simon [Music] sound doesn't matter actually my venom was like break-in to the door right there if I was faster let's hope I do a much review yeah then chili that [ __ ] work I mean I won't have a shotgun but I guess save don't yes I don't okay darkness no darkness at that I want that I know the strategy is speed now this is a this is a coastal game I can relate I don't think sound matters that much [Music] I'm gonna try and go to the door in one round do you see the announcement for elite content oh yeah I'm curious like what that'll be because if it's like Rovers it might be they give you like two or three things to do but it could be really substantial I just don't know [Music] yeah I'm curious to see how like the Lum yes I think right now visibility even sound are like tied together but give it time and to knows [Music] this extensions act like yeah this is this is theif with guns if you type in thief with guns calm this game will come out I'm not I'm not kidding beef with guns calm [ __ ] it I gotta go no doubt the promised land why are they all coming out [ __ ] that scary I can make it to a save point if I make it to a save point will be progressing what are the coins for apparently there's some kind of secret if you get all of them I found mine I think they said there's every two sure though did you play nuclear dawn oh yeah I played a I think I played it during like a steam winter sale long ago holy [ __ ] oh this is progressing this might be the first the first ghost run of the gluon demo well another question now the question is I go to the jailhouse first or the sewers so we're got to take it to a vote again sewers or jail the sewers is a [ __ ] nightmare J a lot you frigid lots for jail okay I'll try jail yeah hope this visibility is pretty pretty generous save the Super's philosophy Alice really whatever Section eight prejudice is a game like Lost Planet 2 where I'm always gonna be mad that shackled against windows live wasps Planet 2 is so fun but you have to play games Windows Live gotta [ __ ] love lost lands do okay how the [ __ ] am I gonna do this I know I'm gonna do this [Music] well there's a dll to remove it but it's like for playing multiplayer that's like a heart it's like it's hard to just casually play the game with people when there's such a [ __ ] system attached to it oh my god this is a nightmare Oh so you want to stream with do certain circumstances yeah not really it's more just like I don't stream that often because I want to be actually working on like YouTube stuff streaming is is a dangerous dangerous path many have many people in YouTube haven't lost hey I could just you know play this video game [Laughter] this is [ __ ] sense am I gonna make it out of jail and what on the first run it's such a thing even possible No thank you cabal the Decapitator for the subscription oh my god I just have to make it to the safe station I hear the music Thank You Perry Platts the subscription but you played room inside one - yeah vermintide - is really cool but I did play it something weird like a movement around the time of a their basement expansion but it was Oh this is so [ __ ] nerve-wracking YouTube streamers say they make more money off super chats than off of ad revenue for a video yeah that's I believe that fully I completely believe that oh holy [ __ ] we are over halfway through the ghost run I just have to get through the jail this is actually happening the alley any mods like to player V yeah there's so much of mod someone to do stuff with there's actually a um just like one or two sims a lot of sins of a solar Empire ones that want to do I don't know if I should do videos on the base game first it's like with Dawn of War I was like okay I could do ultimate apocalypse there's no thunder seikar it's like for thunder psychos video how do I say that I know it's like not to be discouraged whether people would do stuff for making your own cause like man his Donna war stuff was just like so on point like I don't know I can add to that is there anything I need to open do I need to open the door control I have no idea that's a problem that's a big problem fountain he moves yeah he's gonna partition where is a bottle wait well just as good we ever do a collaboration the Alpha Legion like alpha loses sight on your psyche and like yeah I mean that'd be fun but I don't know what I could contribute any funny stuff though oh my god this is the door control this is fine thank you oh well I know I have to work until now sure damn I had a feeling a half the press door control but at least I know for sure [Music] he's I should Rob a bottle with me well what if a attempt was made those are some of this hypetrain thing makes anyone else think of how you do fellow kids yeah what what how I thought it would work is that um like you would get channeled emotes and stuff from it it's like oh that's fine but no they're just like random ones us the souls games pretty good iron harvest review when I come though I am like an early beta or alpha or something of it it was basically just Company of Heroes to but so the tanks were the max but that was a long while back so they might really shake things up I'm afraid to catch him with star citizen film don't put that evil on me well I'm gonna be lit up like a Christmas tree by this thing found me Oh Nintendo games talk about body harvest I guess some think of n64 off the top of my head I'd have to think it over yes five games I actually I have not seen all the PS 5 games that were announced I didn't see the PC gaming show today either the the stray game with the cat look interesting as did a robot on the moon game heavy metal rhythm game [ __ ] I forgot to get my bottle late I could swim over why don't you this before [Music] the thing with sources and videos like I thought for sure someone else would be kind of like tracking it by now I get around this [Laughter] that's [Music] on over XCOM c'mere squad didn't play it Ascot fun game though weird it was like a legacy of me I mean the video like she obtained a lot of people thought I was like dissing Nosgoth that was more like know the naming scheme was just really [ __ ] between all the games hots movie what's we're scraping the barrel here ah victory [Music] I was gonna wander into the toilet water [Music] is a bottle holy [ __ ] progress it's so close so close to a safe point I can almost taste it I don't want to say say thing to sewer nice run by the landfill again I sign things are not going well man I do not want to go back to the city just let me save in the sewer as I'm in already where things are progressing well no no ah victory surely that won't reset it RIT's late oh no well I could kill him okay start again [Music] it's fine it's fine I was very close I should not have thrown the bottle it's okay I I know how to do this now it'll be so quick there are multiple save points late the thing is I have to be a ghost and that man saw me I can't just come back look at the pace now care about the gold the Gold's meaningless to me now I'll come back for the gold another day adding our feet living living up to the name there I've reset the time loop to do this easy-peasy sympathy sub I am not it's it's that gold nice speedrunning videos maybe you want to be the greatest thing but the film look at the [ __ ] pace I know it's gonna be a once well you say yes sound is option no one knows on the coins secretive look at they can definitely I didn't know if like the wall would walk off their vision since the gate apparently not thoughts on erotic Star Trek fiction did you um a fanfiction did you see that that crazy fan fiction that the fan film people made were give on the Voyager crew turn the Salamanders it's pretty it's pretty real looking but I think it's a fan film air played stronghold legend actually did not I still need to talk about stronghold a Sun NATO oh no I mooned myself no no you look the patrol pattern it's all wrong now [Music] see I could kill everybody but I've done that before thank you Rubio novio the worst part is if sunlight comes back they're going to think that I was still on this [ __ ] part and then I didn't make it to the through the jail and into the sewer I just shouldn't have thrown the bottle [Music] oops for Borderlands three not really with Randy Pitchford still doing his thing that's mean what can you do [Music] of the avec turi immediately after saving I think I've got like this I've been like I'd like to have woven conditioning now we're now just a 5 I'm streaming anything I just start thanking of Star Wars prequels specifically lamode Ian's are they're coming out ah victory the flawless jail passes a lot once a lifetime thing if I actually start getting caught in the jail a bunch I'm gonna be I'll be so upset oh my god really making my life difficult come on that's a new one I forgot about that one that's an attack of the clones the Jedi have amassed a huge army we must get the starships back into space like that at the pearly gates Lord why does it always come back to demote Ian's think the Chazz in Seattle end up like the zone from stalker or the mining colony from gothic didn't the Chazz get like isn't it like abandoned already I thought it got like somewhat dismantled recently I kept thinking of like metal gear snake you're entering the capitol hill autonomous zone or the Chazz watch out for a leader he's a soundcloud rapper I'm so close I'm so close whereas up yep there he is ready to catch me the second I drop down forgive the Chazz is so fun I've heard somebody conflicting things with the Chazz like the last thing I heard was that like oh it's kind of the street festival that got that kind of disbanded but I have no idea I've been pretty the Louvre no no no this isn't happening now I'm so close just let me go to the safe station [Music] there is a save station the sewers that is very true that's not incorrect okay if I could one pass the jail again then I'll be I did you see the Valen guy well the winning sticks the vitamin Chaz no I saw the I saw the farm I thought the farm was pretty funny it's just pouring like potting soil on cardboard okay back to the jail it'll be just as easy as last time the no crosshair really makes the spot nope do not there's story behind this game I might build a one run jail house again [Laughter] no no no no no let's be nice let's be nice I've gotta book it out oh one I'll make ship noises something chip noises oh okay no tell me more in the street [ __ ] I'm like punching [Music] ah so close boys back to where I was before I [ __ ] up its gotta open the door and not throw the bottle and I'll be old how did I do that I did like the Seward jump they went through up that ello garbage [Music] see now I wonder [ __ ] Pinkie Pie explosions this up Oh Oh little bit that's on bras they're eating don't come here [Music] [Music] no-no-no Thank You Hardy zany subscription this isn't the time like [ __ ] sweating I've gotta go I've got a no I've got a swan dive I'm gonna hang out in here go down I am not risking the elevator oh come on no no no no the Foxes come the boxes oh he's suspicious I cannot believe how tense I'm getting at this [Music] no no come on Thank You Man it's like the final scene from airplane I'm just like just sweat pouring off me [Music] that did not submerge me that could have been so bad wait for me come back [Music] what a cool looking game oh no don't come down the stairs but some battle cruiser 3000 ad I don't know this is a self-imposed ghosts running challenge I do not think the game is you're supposed to fight if you are supposed to go sit like this it's pretty [ __ ] difficult it feels like it was not made of that affection I heard that sweetie for you shut up it's not that's a lie rich dataset passes by it's my big chance not son shammies most recent video I mean do you mean like over watch her the new new one said well I've seen bits the new new one it's pretty good I need to [ __ ] run okay here we go the area where I was absolutely obliterated last time look like through the bubble get out of the room do you think that would work do not pull the lantern that's why she was so loud [Music] puppy paws those fat guards this this could happen the first gloom would ghosts run well actually may want to have since that already I have to go to that no because I need the thing from the storage room token bad what yo they're fighting perfect I don't know that could happen this is great no I thought they'd be distracted and not notice me [Music] well at least they can fight each other yeah they killed him and then Sami was unfortunate [Applause] I mean that's cool that can happen likes I kill people ask somebody didn't notice that dogs don't count towards clean hands in Dishonored I didn't know that Oh someone's causing trouble crosshair crosshair why am i grabbing that there we go don't be around the corner suddenly he's around the corner suddenly back down may the garden wanted killed one wouldn't that just be the most helpful thing no he did not oh my god this is doable I just have to survive the really [ __ ] room and that's it and the ghost runs completed and it won't be this one right her viola champion [ __ ] screeching nothing it's nothing [ __ ] I this is doable [Music] [Applause] shadows bring the guard sound dogs to fight the bad boys maybe I didn't think of that I bet that it's possible because you can just saw like an elevator you can drag them all the way down there you don't be try that again [Music] but I'm less sledging Monson yeah Elif Legend is a great game I have not played on the newest expansion though I thank the last who they outsource clarified [Applause] why there's so many so I'll see a ghost run because it's the only way out they tell us all running smoothly yes see they just freak the [ __ ] out oh yeah they're gonna freak the [ __ ] out but if I'm already in there that's fine okay I was hoping that made it like freak out and I'm just leave it alone but no life's not that easy [Applause] [Music] what's up so a musician by now yeah I have a block function but that means they spotted me if I got in the elevator before they get me I way I was playing this game like a normal human being earlier I wasn't doing that much better but so peace so I'm not getting skeletonized I'm so close I haven't killed anybody yet I've also not killed anyone just because the bird things killed somebody that is not my fault that man hands in trouble all on his own okay time [Music] to compete down here we're slashing from the banner [Applause] they're all going down perfect not someday sex games are pretty cool first ones all my favorites when revolution was pretty okay pretty good great I saw one played mankind divided no no god damn it I don't know there's like my son yeah the premise for mankind divided I'm just sort of I guess thrown off by it because you know human revolution is like non-stop augmentations are gonna make everyone go ahead of us the super upper-class all get augmentations they'd be left behind but then like mankind divided they I saw the like the the add image like the OGG lives matter [ __ ] on it I was like wait are they like like trying to turn that around it's I don't know looks like the first day of sex is about a lot more than just like transhumanism but sealing mankind to bite it would just be more about transformative they held off on it yeah I figured man would be more transhumanism which isn't like a horrible theme or anything I just like wasn't out to buy it day one yeah it wasn't we it was weird a little look like they're going Oh like you know we'll become gods and the Icarus the augmentations that becomes like oh no it's it's reverse now and now we discriminate augmented people it's like yeah well at the end of a human revolution I guess voice whether sending a female a revolution but you know what augmented people what happens to them for a while let's say that just seems messy yeah I'm sure the gameplay is open no don't [ __ ] this up for me [ __ ] you something it's always you Athens stone Birds no one talks with the purple day sex skate oh are you talking about a invisible war it's the invisible war on its own isn't like it's not like bad but it's like when you're following up deus ex like the original event that's a very watered-down sequel i'm are seeing like a gaming magazine but like way back when like I didn't have a sub it's like a subscription them or anything nice like a picture like the Omar on it and I was like so hype the clouds gonna be great and I got to the I played the game in all the cities like always what a what a sad day that was all right listen dead end I should not do that [Music] the one thing I did really like about um about invisible war was that it combined all the endings at once I was like you know like that's a that's a clever way to do things I wondered if um if like human Revolution was gonna do the same thing in the sepal so you have like the ending choose machine what's like oh it's sent out all these messages at once and the thing blew up but I have no idea what actually okay here's here's the mayor Bruins okay there's gonna wait up here okay they did do that again okay yeah it's like no the endings of the Revolution relate one of three or four messages are sent out or the and or the thing explodes which you could just say they're all sent out the thing blows up come on mission accomplished what there's there's no way out other than the elevator leave it through the wall [ __ ] do I did won't feel right won't [ __ ] feel right just do it just [ __ ] do it I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it right I am NOT getting wallhacks actually I should actually just use this don't widen [Music] so I've got the pattern somewhat down this don't need to get well hacked again supposedly you like the main city level has a lot more like hidden pathways and switches and stuff I select boy looking that's a world of horror that game looks really fun I am a not not fun I guess but I'm interested in that I have a about a copy of it Oh No so much I've seen it I've been up that elevator before I just seemed to perch on the wall like like spider-man and I've done it when I pull lever I perch on the wall it's just that easy sewers go on fast walking with you just you're the old air just like hot it's like the sound of it's gonna go off no matter what thank you Beardsley 272 for those it was some earlier sing like get a flinch emo I don't even know if I have more you know just lots and if I did now know to flinch one will be perch perch don't know touch me ah it's so close I'm so close no well he'd go down there to look at it but I love stairs we're gonna sneak up on me was a shooting from a tower ah victory ghosted I will make it legal [Applause] what do you get for doing it absolutely nothing well it only took a an hour and a half ish well that went well so very fun game I'll go ahead and just link the demo again but I think that does it for tonight oh I cannot believe that it was ghost of all check Lowrey that's a good point that's a very good point let me see let me see what's happened in here Wow why is it scrolled so far up hang on I know it's still dark there we go all of this Oliver and company search it spotted why is it Darth Plagueis the wise leaked footworks holy [ __ ] hey I guess I could make this larger like this rate why not that's a good aspect ratio oh my god skinwalker nuts [Laughter] is this a skinwalker game advice Paddington back there wait I would hope if reading the overlay on it don't talk to this oh Jesus Christ I'm I'm the second I'm done locate these I'm gonna look at the at the the skinwalker thing the gluon reference this is a really good image like the of course there's a review on the bottom I might have to make this smaller again these are very dense egg crate trade of hits all right let me see about this [Music] let me see what the skinwalker thing I just want to look at the store page let's see if I find it you it's real it's all okay coming this year No replayability nonlinear gameplay no hand-holding well I'll be looking forward to that ah I think that does it for tonight but uh thank you all for coming out and seeing this whatever it was I'll leave you with the inspirational words of wisdom might do um my trade which I'm to get next time or maybe Brigid or the Brigid or video might be out by then but we'll see have a good and safe night [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Doucare
Views: 3,443
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: MandaloreGaming, gloomwood
Id: g1_hwo6do2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 31sec (14011 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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