Noysi Overview - Slack alternative for team collaboration

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um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] hi everyone my name is nilesh mature i'm one of the co-founders of sas stripe and today we have with us manager of operations from noisy alvaro hi alvaro how are you doing hello anyways i'm great excellent thanks for joining so there's quite a lot of interest on noisy noisy is currently running a lifetime deal on appsumo and we are here to get an overview from alvaro and see what are some of the different use cases of noisy we'll see how some of the customers are using it and what the platform offers some of the q and a you have as well so over first of all thanks for joining i mean chatting with you you're based in illinois you're from spain uh always to see good companies from coming from different parts of the world uh so tell me about noisy uh what what does the name is it like noise like what what does the name signif uh signify how did you come about the name and what problems are you solving from a platform perspective okay so about the name um we were looking for a name that you know was uh appealing and well the the founder hector castillo thought that noisy with the ymdi change uh was uh something that appeals people uh the company was founded in 2015 i joined three years later and um well we we were trying to to unify all the tools for collaboration in between and outside the the companies and we think we might have the best product in the market okay great so like enterprise collaboration is something which i'm really passionate about uh giving some background we are a cisco partner we do a lot of work around enterprise collaboration integrating with different partners right so when you say enterprise collaborate like i mean when you say collaboration uh what kind of communication what kind of how what's your medium of like you know from a noisy perspective how could people actually use it in like one-to-one chat communities how how do you uh see your platform being used most so uh noisy basically will help you to to perform any any different project from a business which you have to communicate with your employees with your clients with your [Music] customers and also to any other kind of project like [Music] for example a group of students or a teacher that wants to have their students and send them information and so you can you can communicate one-on-one in channels with everybody have video calls so basically it's a really versatile uh platform that uh that allows you to do any kind of collaboration okay okay so austin's saying hi hey allston how are you doing uh good to see you here we're still a little bit early maybe late for some folks but we'll we'll have a few folks joining in so in terms of noisy uh who is your target market like what kind of customer base do you have you seem to have been around since 2015 quite a long time you have passed a stage where you know startups are in like a survival mode so i'm assuming you have an established customer base already you've been around for six years which is great news for people looking into a platform like yours right so what kind of customers do you currently have alvaro what size okay so we separate two different services we offer the the sas and uh customized projects yeah so we've done a few big customized projects for example we handled the communication of the justice department of um of saudi arabia they asked us for for a customized project when they were where they would have all the all the control of their servers and the data and we provided the uh the service with a few modifications from what you know uh the the usual sas and so we are looking for big companies that want that wants a specific projects customized for their needs and that's one part of our business the other one that we are just starting is this sas and we just started in apsuma with this time of lifetime offer and in that we are just looking for any a small medium company that wants to unify their collaboration tools so that would be our target market okay okay now um there's quite a few collaboration tools right like you know there is uh there's matter most there is slack uh i mean there are so many other like collaboration happens in a lot of ways right so how does noisy help like how where do you differentiate in where does it actually help with people using some of these existing tools yeah so um we have a few differences the first one i would say is that noisy has never fall before so um you can see it like the other day with facebook yes like uh usually goes down once per month yes so with no c you have real like ability you know that it's always gonna be working okay uh furthermore um noisy unifies all the tools and has many more features than any other competing company competition so maybe slack will have one thing that we don't or maybe i don't know google teams but we are the single one with more features so we you have um with us you have unlimited storage unlimited users in video calls we are the cheapest by far in the market so uh what we do is give you a easier solution with more features and cheaper and that's what uh make us the the top of the collaborations of work okay okay now um is it possible oro you can uh share your screen and we give a quick overview uh just a a feel of the platform and then we go from there in terms of questions and integrations and you know all the features yeah sure yeah thanks okay sharing my screen yes you can go ahead yes okay so this is what noisy looks like okay okay so uh for starters you have here three three modes of communicating open channels where all all the users of the team have access and can't see everything so this channel supports uh email images uh supports gifs wherever you can think of a usual chat then you have one-on-one chats where you can just chat with with another another person of your team and private groups these private groups are only visible to the people who are in the private group so and you might have for example that for let's say this is a team for the marketing department of a company so you will have here all the employees here all the big channels for example marketing strategy for this month sales um i don't know any channel you might think of that might be better to have in a separate channel um but in a private group you could have for example a group of the i don't know of the uh bosses of the company so that they can talk without all the uh all the employees knowing all right or anything like that so this is the main way to communicate and each chat has uh the option of making a video call and each room so for example i i'm talking with this person and if i wanted to call him i would just go to video call and it opens uh a high quality vehicle with all the standard features you you can put well just yet so um you can search your screen you have a chat and you can raise your hand watch the participants um many options from recording to a live stream with youtube or or change your about background uh see the stats um anything you you can think of and these uh video calls have unlimited time and users um so this is the main way to communicate with nausea we offer uh besides this a few products that makes your communications far more effective for us for example with you we've got unlimited storage with a folder for each channel each one to one message and it's private group so for example if uh if this user has sent me a message a file for example we just will have to go to his uh his folder and we will see here all the files um [Music] you can also go to the user and go to files and it will direct you directly to that uh we have a task manager where you can create uh create tasks put the date i'm not the admin of this chat but if you are the admin you can assign tasks to other people and put you know like a time period for the task to be completed um also with we've got a calendar that it's uh that can be integrated with outlook and with um and with google where you can see the the stuff you've got to do uh and if you uh for example schedule a uh meeting with a noisy video call you'll have it in your calendar um you can personalize personalize uh customize the the platform um everything from the color to the 2d language and the security options uh also the the theme [Music] you can have multiple teams yes and for example have a team for marketing purposes another for human resources if you've got a smaller company maybe a startup you might want to use one team uh but as you can see for example this theme has another um other set of colors um you can customize other things um besides this that this is the main sas we've got a free video course you can access at these are the same video calls you can access from the noisy software but you can just start a meeting wherever you want without having to sign up or pay and maybe schedule a meeting connect connect with your with your google calendar [Music] and that this is basically what we've got uh activities on when you can see uh the connections the data you've used uh the the messages you've sent everything you've done so this could be mostly uh what our software does for the communication in between the company but we also got a guest so what's the what's a guest i guess this uh it's a way of having uh clients for example in your team but they don't have access to everything any member has access to all the other open channels and to the one-on-one messages and the files but if you invite a guest they'll only have access to a private group so for example you could have a private group with each customer and you can communicate from there uh schedule video calls transfer files but they won't be able to access the rest of the theme so that's one of the best features because it allows noisy not only to be used as an internet platform but also an external with the with the customers so let me ask you a few things and um if uh i mean of course you know if if there is something which you uh are yet to work on or decide on you can always uh don't have to answer it you can just say so right so my question is when you're using with external platforms right and we do a lot of like enterprise type of deployments in my work so cross-platform messaging would be my first take because a lot of customers want cross-platform messaging right so uh typically our customers want to send messages from slack to like microsoft teams or webex to slack or webex to microsoft teams do you have any plans to support cross-platform messaging with services like m.i.o like are you familiar with m.i.o and do you have plans to support cross-platform messaging yeah so um we are right now adding integrations we are about to add trevo and and as you can see here we've got a lot of introduced integrations so this might be something that will work in the future future but for now uh we have an we haven't designed anything to cross platform chat but you might have the option soon okay okay so i would highly recommend if you look into like m.i.o it's a service which a lot of our customers use and uh it really allows you to do i mean uh you know cross-platform messaging now not every single feature is going to be supported of course there are certain challenges with cross-platform messaging however uh you know it does support it so maybe something which you could look into but the list of integrations you have already seems very impressive can you talk a little bit about some of those integrations and uh incoming web hooks do you support bots as well like are there any uh plans to support bots yeah we've got our our own noisy bot okay um and you can easily well i'm gonna show you an example you can make your own uh customized spots for your themes um so we've got a guide in sandex where you can see everything all the documentation to make your own boats and um and having them do whatever you want about the integrations okay i'll show you this does it integrate with platforms like zoom meetings or uh you know meeting platforms does it or do do you you have your own version only so uh right now yes the the only way to communicate with other platforms is by using the noisy copy yes uh but as i was saying we are about to [Music] change completely completely or integrations right now we we have for example we have that we use it this is a good example because this is the noisy team where we develop the product and as soon as software we we've got to use github all the time so for example if we go to these [Music] like here for example in this channel so this kind of notifications could come from github for example each time a piece of code is committed you will have a notification telling you branch master branch committed for example or anything you want in that regard so uh right now we've got only these integrations but we are about to get over 3 000 more integrations we are just finishing a finishing uh in a few weeks you've got a access to that and yeah with that you'll probably be able to have some something with those collabor collaboration platforms you will talk about okay now in terms of noisy like you know using you have a lot of integrations a lot of uh interesting features may i ask alvaro have you developed and designed this platform from ground up or is it a fourth project from some of the more like you know open source platforms like how did noisy start was it a forked project or did you develop it from ground up based on a customer yeah yeah and all of the technology from noisy is created by our team yes we have started from scratch okay and except for the video calls that are our base um are based on jitsi and open source code yeah everything else we've done it because we wanted to optimize two two main things first scalability we needed to know that in case we scaled from the 75 000 users we've got now to 1 million we we won't have any problems and we've done it in a way that um if we've got more users we'll only need to add ram to our servers that's it the the software is prepared to escalate to as many users as we want and the other thing is a privacy so um all these american companies usually have a track record of of uh you know not having the best uh privacy policies so we want to for our users to know that uh their data is secure we com we comply with the european regulations that are data regulation and um we've got the best uh security systems so that's why we did it from scratch um so when you see the business when you say the best security systems can you talk a little bit about back-end what kind of compliance from a messaging perspective file encryption message encryption can you talk a little bit about that right and we have a few messages and uh but we will cover everyone guys and a few true comments and questions but can you talk go into a detail about the security portion of noisy please yeah sure first of all i want to say that every every piece of information of noise is in in cendusk so you are free to read whatever you want so if in case i miss something or or you want to add something specific so um what's your technology noises uh is based on vertex and angular and or ap so we've got our restful happy and [Music] and our database is based on mongodb db okay um okay we use um we use a standard industry rfc um token force for security and i'm gonna get into the specifics uh i'm not uh i'm not in the uh in the technical part but um we include the data all the data and okay uh yeah yeah so uh noise encrypts all the data and um instead of storaging the information in your devices as other platforms do we maintain it in the cloud so if you for example if someone steals your phone and you know and you are locked out of noisy you you won't have exposure to any uh to any kind of you know a privacy bridge and um about the the security we use and we use um [Music] aes256 encoded a string and we use it with private and public keys so i think that's as far as i can tell you because i'm not a programmer but uh that's that would be it and where are the files stored the files which are shared uploaded where are they being stored uh do you have integrations with platforms like box or yeah right now we use google storage okay okay yeah so we we are um we are exploring other options in europe that we we like a lot but uh right now we are using that okay okay i wanna give me a few minutes here i'm just gonna acknowledge some of the people who are live so we have alston hey alston how are you doing then we have uh adrian hi adrian um venkatesh as well is here hey venkatesh vince is saying please remove the video meeting button from the left yeah this is what is misleading racing since we launched in absolutely so many people ask so so when you start a video call for example i'm gonna show you i think we are gonna have to get rid of this logo because so many people ask us to to get rid of it so right now we we only get rid of that logo when we do a customized project but many users have asked for that so i believe we'll we'll get rid of the logo okay okay uh so venkatesh i hope you have your answer right there uh in uh you know hopefully uh that solves your problem please remove the mean okay okay otherwise he's also giving a comment otherwise noise is a fabulous product and my team thoroughly enjoys it so thanks thanks a lot finkadish um alberto is saying hey hey hi guys hi alberto allow us to integrate more than one calendar that's also when catrice's feedback uh do you have plans to currently you're only allowing one calendar to be integrated with noise i think we we are allowing to google and outlook but uh as i said very soon you'll have access to any calendar you want okay we're about to launch uh all the integrations you can think of okay we're just saying need custom rtmp streaming are there any plans to allow you to do rdmp streaming or rdmp in and out of noisy so um that's something that they ask us and i believe that if it's something that the customers want we'll put it in the road map they also ask for us to give uh to produce facebook streaming right now we we have we've only got a beautiful streaming but i think if it has support we'll add it soon enough maybe in a few months okay okay great and then he's saying please translate all pages to english so i guess because you're based in spain and that was yeah about that i'm happy to announce that um yesterday we translate every every um article of noisy to into english so in some desk you've got everything in english now okay that's all the question okay great okay so let me take a few more comments here well that noisy watermark on the video call is not necessary i believe yeah so i think uh adrian uh yes that was something which is answered by alvaro please ask if we can do live stream to facebook um yeah so i think we asked i'll talk about that yes yes it's jitsy so nothing much can be done about the big logo jira integration is fabulous okay hey jason how are you doing um hey pamela and then albertos can you explain the call recording piece one on one and meetings uh oh yeah yes this is something that confuses people so when you are doing um a free call you can't record meetings but you only can record if you start the meeting from a noisy theme so let's put an example for example i i called the this user and how it would work is when you're doing the meeting you go to the sidebar and start recording okay it needs a few seconds and now we are recording so when we finish the record stop recording so recording a stop we receive the file in the channel or one-on-one message of private group where the call was initiated so this is the mp4 that of the call we just got so that this is the reason why you can record from uh from the mid-noisy free video calls because the files uh upload to the the picture directly and then you will have here the video okay so this uh does this answer the question uh hope uh alberto i hope that answered your question um yes yes hey there uh jose carson noisy looks really nice is this an own develop software based on an open source like jitsi or another so i think i think we uh asked that question and what alo mentioned was like it was developed from ground up only there were certain components which came from another platform which was jitsi is that correct am i correct yeah and what what were those specific uh components alvaro do you know so we can uh only only be uh the vivio cal uh video call software uh not even the framework of the video calls okay the yeah okay guys off of uh world cup they broadcast got it yeah and it is pretty common i mean you know also so like in an enterprise space let me let me i mean you know if you look at platforms like matter most and things like you know there is a lot of forks there are open source platforms matter most again you know you can do a lot with forks so it is pretty common depends on the direction and path you take so uh don't judge it based on that uh it does not make sometimes a lot of sense to just reinvent the wheel rather than how you make can make the make it better right so yeah hey jenny how are you doing uh then we have zhao hey nice to be here again i really love the meeting recording who's saying that um maybe i'm missing some comments here sorry i'm missing some names here guys but my apologies i really love the meeting recording it gets stored neatly in the channel with timestamp just allow me to add tags okay so that's venkatesh i think yes yeah so thanks to the vivian or i don't follow the question oh so the recording media like i really love the meeting recording it gets stored neatly in the channel with timestamp just so when the meeting gets recorded right can you add a tag to that recording so that for the user too no but um so the the video gets into the file a storage system for example you can do the file of this channel um and and you got the exact day date of the uh of the record and but will work in being able to put the your own name that's a feature we we will add because that's i haven't thought of that but it's important okay um so so so you can add a tag to that particular file right like it's just like adding a tag so that you can locate the file yeah we put the favorite messages system but you can put a little start here in each message and just going favorites you'll see your favorite files so you you'll have access at any moment yes yeah so can you take that as a feedback to your team and see if they can add tax i think that should be a feature which is a far more easier to add probably yeah um we will do it soon because i think it's a a great idea yeah yeah i mean you can add tags and you know it's just easy to locate files because there is so much information and files shared shared with multiple users in an organization and throughout the history right so if you want to just go and see hey you know a lot of people want to be organized and tag their information right so maybe it will help so there is a comment here moderated meetings is still in spanish marketing meetings in sundesk okay i'll already be good yeah yeah i'm i just put my cell phone okay i'll check it and i'll put it in english if i miss it sorry for that okay okay okay no problem um alberto saying are we able to do call recordings for one-on-one and for meetings yeah right so you can record uh you know like uh a 20 people meeting without that problem okay okay pamela like she's saying did you build a software from ground up or is it built on top of some other software your ui reminds me of screen aura can you can you comment uh you're not using screen in any way right no no everything noisy is um designed by noisy except for a part of the video calls that is based on tc apologies if this is already asked any plans to include ability to record meetings created via the meeting links in the deal so um we are not providing providing records uh recording calls in mid.noisy because middle noise is uh the free version so uh so for now recording is just a feature for users that pay the platform okay okay so that's a completely separate feature that users have to pay for it like on a monthly basis for recordings uh no i mid.noisy it's free but you've got um so what you have to face the the normal software that includes video calls and recordings but if you want to go to and do a video call at any point it's completely free but you are not able to record the calls so nobody is able to record the calls here no in nobody is stable okay okay free customer you do not have any paying customers for that platform is what i mean like it's just free oh yeah it's just free okay got it i got it okay okay thank you in the meeting it's not possible to change moderator can you make somebody a host or somebody like can you change it if somebody's dropping off in a meeting or something yeah so when you start a meeting in [Music] in a channel for example the moderator will be the first person to get in and that moderator can make other moderators okay okay so it's similar so if that moderator for some reason drops off the face of the earth the other moderators can still continue exactly okay okay i hope that answers your question can you only have internal meetings or can you send links to people outside and record these calls you can so um you can either by using mid noisy so i'm gonna explain because there are two ways you can uh schedule a meeting with uh any any url that you want for example uh [Music] meeting one so this is the url and you can send it to anyone you want yes so the moderator will be the first person to join for example uh if we if i schedule a meeting in a few hours and the customer gets or the partner or whoever gets first he'll be the moderator but you can also book a meeting url if you press here in which you'll be you'll get two links one to join as a moderator and one to join as a guest so this is a way to make sure that even if a guest joins first you'll be the moderator also you're gonna schedule the meeting um you know and send an invitation as uh the same way you do with a google event so i think this answers the question so i can add like a meet me kind of link into my email signature and somebody joins i can get like a notification and they can meet me is is that what you're saying exactly yeah okay okay okay um any plans for white label features like custom logo cname etc okay so we are already providing those services but we do it for projects of over a hundred thousand dollars per year so we are focusing only in big companies for now but we'll see if maybe we can make a middle ground in between the sauce and the customized project for big companies we are reviewing it because some many people ask us that yes a middle ground of a hundred thousand dollars still would be fifty thousand dollars right so wow i'm not sure i meant like maybe uh you know like a premium plan about the pay plan that we've got now maybe it's more expensive but yeah yes yes you could give a lot of people heart attack in this in this meeting here alvaro so just just careful with the price tags well right now in app summer you've got your a lifetime deal everything free forever just for 50 dollars so i think that will they would like that it is incredible value right i mean uh for sure and uh you know i mean there are there are pros and cons to this right for sure but uh i am assuming you're just getting these users so that they can get your feedback help you improve the platform and then you can go back into your proven mrr type of customer base right so you have already have a enterprise customer base which is great to see uh since that you know sort of ensures your longevity of your platform right nobody wants to migrate all the communication you don't migrate communication platforms very often which but let's say if somebody's paying for microsoft meetings today or slack today how do they migrate to noisy like do you have best practices around it like do you offer any type of migration services how does how do people migrate from slack or meetings or webex into noisy um creating a team is pretty simple so you you will have just to create the the theme yeah i think the the problem usually would be the storage but you can easily add not only files to the noisy storage but completely complete folders so for example i have this folder and i could just upload it directly so that makes uh the process really easy because you'll have to you'll just have to get your your files and for folders from any storage uh provider you you got and introduce it to my c and making the team is uh it's a really short process in maybe 10 minutes you got a team with all your users okay okay jenny has a comment here he's saying maybe this has been answered but what does you pay only one license for a single year but you receive unlimited license for life in your team yeah so that means that you'll pay once uh like the normal the usual way to pay for noise is you pay per user per month or maybe without an annual plan that but that that's how we build but with with this deal you'll pay just one license the 49 and you can have unlimited users in your team for free forever okay okay great jenny i hope that answers your question sorry for my broken messages i'm driving winkerdish don't drive and try to message and watch this thing you know uh don't don't message at all like just be careful all right uh you can you can stop and watch it or once you reach somewhere but don't message while driving can the recordings be saved locally or downloaded perhaps can you do that yeah they can be download and we are just finishing our own player so that you can um you can play in the in the chat but for now it's only you can only download the file okay okay now okay that's great cool thanks for answering you can download the file or you can just transfer it to one of your cloud storages right based on your integration i believe yeah exactly so you can you can download the file or you can uh press and uh well go to go to a player but outside of the of the chat like this um so what we want to add is a little player here so then that you can preview or watch the whole video in the chat but for now you you'll have to change types okay is there any limitation in terms of messages you know like for slack free version 10 000 messages right no no no limitations nor user limitations in the calls or chats of store or storage what's the maximum file size you can share there's no maximum file size there's no maximum file size no okay and uh how many files can you share like is there like a storage limit total no storage limit as long as the your storage is uh for communication purposes and you are not doing you know like a static uh storage of your own data for example if you you go the one terabyte of movies and you want to store it that would be up you have you an abuse but for collaboration purposes there are no limits yes yeah you got to be careful with that right like because people would could start abusing it right and then spoil it for everybody so you know something you need to watch for over okay um yes so encourage that's precisely why i asked you to remove meat.noisy that's the reason for all confusion okay so i think that's addressed i knew this engine is saying i knew this app cannot be full branded like mobile app ios or android so i don't mind if i should say hi we use noisy for collab but could you please reduce all the noisy brand it looks like everywhere yeah i think we've just addressed that we'll just getting rid of the logo from the noisy mid video calls yes on the logo in the in the team can be changed easily from preferences yes and um i mean yes and no right i mean there are certain things you can do for sure uh no do you have an app for um like different uh phone platforms uh you know ios android as well as for mac and windows you have apps correct exactly okay okay so andrew let's just to share like you know we use webex like we use the whole webex communication suite uh webex teams webex meetings uh cisco call manager for communications like we use like a whole f enterprise to it and the brand name is always there right i mean you know like if i click on my there is a webex icon there right so i'm not sure exactly um where that could hurt but uh i mean you know of course over stating that they're going to reduce the branding yes on meetings i understand but on the icon in in on the app i'm not sure if uh you need to uh you know remove that i think you understand that part yeah i i agree with you on that yes and we have never thought of reducing the branding but you know we've got uh uh out of a few hundred customers in the few days uh in absumo and [Music] many of them have asked for that so we want to improve the customer experience as much as possible and if getting rid of the of a little bit of the branding i will make user more comfortable we we just want to provide uh you know the the best service uh we can that's great that's great and um and so that's uh you know that's an interesting point adrian like i hear you but there would be places where uh they're gonna reduce the brand name and there would be places they cannot right i mean everybody would wanna have their logo somewhere uh and it gives them that exposure right so um sergio is saying hello gotta rewatch this stream again noisy looks very interesting uh yes azure looks very interesting for sure uh i have yet to use it i'm going to compare it a little bit to like i use webex mostly and slack for some things but i would love to you know look into noisy it looks very promising yes jd taranila is saying the deal is a lifetime plan for the price of one annual subscription yes that's correct okay okay i can't tell if it's a good thing or red flag now such all what do you mean like can you elaborate a little bit around what you exactly mean like what could be what is i mean you know a red flag or what could be a concern for you so that we can we can address it for sure right away right i'm only the navigator okay you could connect a remote storage you could connect a remote storage but it is not off the shelf okay so you could connect the remote storage but it is not off the shelf so is there an additional cost associated to like any storage or like i'm not sure what jd taranilla means like is jd on your team or he's one of our audience he's on youtube so jd can you please comment on that one i'm not sure um what about common forms or presentation can you share presentations in um noisy alvaro um yes you can search your screen yeah in any device so uh you could be able to show wherever you are whatever file you are you know or going to for example if you if i open a powerpoint here and i share my my stream i would be able to have the presentation on my on my video of my face at the same time okay okay okay this request here for cname please uh jd taranilla is saying it could be white label but it is not the default setup yeah so as i said that's only uh available for customized projects or now but we are we are reviewing uh if uh if it might be might make more sense to do a middle ground so a few customized services for for small companies okay okay for static files is it okay to have common forms and common presentations that the team might use how will you check for static data and will you get notified of there are any issues yeah so any any file that you you use uh collaboration purposes for example you send a presentation so that your team can check it out uh it's it's right it's okay we only want to avoid making it the personal um cloud storage of the users okay can you clarify about the meeting and recording you said there is meeting recording but then in meet dot noise meeting cannot be recorded i think i missed something that's pamela asking a question yeah so uh in noisy mid if you access a video call from noisy mid you won't be able to record the call you're only able to record it if you start the call from the noisy platform yes so you have to be in this platform to record if you go on meat.noisy you cannot record it pamela i hope you got it if you have any questions i mean feel free to comment later on in the in the thing and we can we can address it for sure oh so sajwal is saying no limits on anything so what schedule means is like you know his comment earlier was red flag you know so with no limits on anything would that should that be a cause of concern how are you able to effort that alvaro as a company uh to have no limits on some of these you know storage and is it gonna help you in terms of like you know onboarding so many users and them using the platform and storing in you know of course there is a cost for you right like and how big is your team aware like how big is noisy team we are actually a pretty a small team uh we are right now like uh 15 people okay um like 11 of those are just developers okay uh so noisy is a base and in in a low-cost structure we wanted to avoid any uh unnecessary cost so that we could provide the cheapest service and that that with that mindset we made the platform so that it consumed very little so unless um there are some abuses for example the storage uh system if people started to using it as a their own personal storage system and unless there's something like that we we are we can handle these expenses and of course after the optional deal we'll be back to our usual deal that we get paid every month so we can uh for any expenses okay okay i mean and uh is there a limit i think you you're only on boarding a few thousand customers right like beyond that once you sell out you're not going to do this again yeah exactly so we put uh 5000 coupons in our sumo and this is uh our way to introduce ourselves in the u.s primarily even though we are getting users from all around the world uh because we wanted uh we were looking for getting you know um feedback from many users um and maybe to start selling more sauce before this we were focusing only on customized projects okay okay oh so jd is saying i'm part of the noisy team okay i figured uh jd welcome thanks for being on youtube uh we are in the facebook community so we have a lot more people in our facebook community but thanks for joining on youtube and uh make commenting on there as well so question was more around him saying we shouldn't keep static data in the storage uh so albert roberto was referring to a question regarding your comment alvaro that we shouldn't be keeping static data in the storage but you know he wanted to see if he can keep some forms i think what you mean is like what makes most common sense so presentations and things like that you can you just don't want people to store like gigabytes of videos which they've recorded right i assume exactly so if you record a meeting that you know like the minutes you do in with noisy it's all right yes what we don't want you is to have your your personal data movies tv shows for example [Music] yes yes yes so common sense all about alberto hope that answers it right i mean if you have presentations or forms feel free to show or save it but i mean if you're gonna record movies and store it and then you just don't want that right whatever meeting initiate from within the application you can record meet noise is outside that consider it as a freebie okay the product roadmap may introduce soon the cname feature for smes for a very affordable monthly annual product option upgrade so for cname features for small medium enterprise like you know for very affordable monthly annual product option upgrade so cname is not going to be free uh however that's what jd tara neela is saying he's the he's on your team yeah exactly but that's right okay c names won't be free but we might do uh what i what i said earlier a middle ground between the big projects uh customized projects for big companies uh we might do a a version for welcome that's great okay okay the infrastructure architecture is extremely efficient we use a particular cloud storage supplier with very competitive prices okay that's good to know uh what kind of cloud storage in terms of compliance instincts things of that nature right alvaro um so when you store certain data there like i mean certain messages and things i believe the messages are encrypted right can the users manage their own encryption key so or uh you don't allow that like i mean so for in u.s especially there are laws around you know uh can governmental agencies access your data and stuff for things of this nature right like so for webex meetings cisco allows me to manage my own encryption key so that i can manage the you know encryption for all my messages is there any plans to do that currently is noisy registered in in spain as a company do you are you going to have a u.s entity now that you are starting u.s operations can you talk a little bit about that yeah so for now we'll we we are based on a span um um and we we comply with the european and the u.s regulation for storage yes and we are currently not offering uh a way like a way for the users to administrate their their storage skills got it okay there is no real enforcement on data removal yes jerry i'm sure there is no real enforcement on data removal right now but you know of course you don't want people to abuse it as well right so do you have a public roadmap where users can suggest request features what are your plans for the next couple of years as a company so can you share alvaro if you have a roadmap in kanye or any other roadmap tools can users request features can they be afforded how has the progress been can we see that like is there a link for a public roadmap we don't have a public roadmap yes so um what we are doing right now is gathering as much feedback as possible for the users and we'll decide which of the features we want to do sooner and which ones we we want to leave for later so when we we got or our final roadmap we will make it public okay i think it's to your advantage to actually have a public roadmap and let users vote so you can find out which features you need to prioritize versus which features uh are you know less important right so so the users who are avoiding uh a particular feature set you know you you would tend to gain if you have a public roadmap do i think so maybe something to think about right yeah that's uh that's something that we don't see much in spain but assign something to learn this is done a lot in the us and i think we'll probably end up doing that okay okay cname at an additional one-time cost please no subscription is the request from venkatesh so i'm not sure if you can consider it um to have cname at a one-time cost instead of a subscription something to take back to your team alvaro and get back on maybe okay yes we can connect the customer remote storage including cloud edge okay that's good to know thanks a lot jd agree with venki cname at one time cost please okay thanks thanks and venkatesh hopefully we can we can uh get an answer on that maybe not right now alvaro but uh something which you can discuss with your team and get back in the community on because you are in our community so um you know i'm sure you're going to see a lot more engagement on this thread we are working with enterprises who demand to keep the data on their own stage okay that's a good one uh jd i am of the opinion that organizations should be allowed to keep data in their own storage i'm not sure from a platform perspective how expensive that is going to be to let that feature available to everybody but uh something to if you are working with organizations maybe uh you know you can make it available um the sas storage is hosted in europe and fully compliant to gdpr okay okay application is running on google cloud okay all right users can raise tickets in zendesk we are building a backlog based on those tickets and incorporate those features candidates in the roadmap okay okay so you have to raise a ticket in zendesk for everybody who's watching for requesting a feature and then um they're going to build a backlog based on those tickets and then incorporate those suggestions into uh the road map yes so jd that's great process i mean you know make would make it a lot more efficient if you still provide a public link and then let users work it is quite a popular thing so i'm sure it will help your campaign if you do that but something to think about okay i think we are at the end of our questions here and comments maybe a few will come in uh and um is there anything else you wanted to show us alvaro we covered quite a bit uh but you are welcome to talk about uh anything else with noisy offers some of the more key differentiators compared to slack meetings meet or webex meet you yes yes to in my my remarks i would say that noises are a complete product that offers uh everything you you might need right now to collaborate but we are also an evolving product we are adding all these features that the customers are asking so i think in a few months we got the best product in the market by far um i think the deal we are offering in appsumo it's a unique opportunity um when we uh when we finish our uh well this feedback our roadmap and all these extra features we'll get back to the usual price that even though it's cheaper than the other options it's not a lifetime deal so i would encourage the users of your community to take advantage of this bill okay okay great auro and um there is a comment here from venkatesh you're saying till the appsumo deal is live can you have live chat support at least during your work hours um so you we are we are answering any questions from absuma in at most in a few hours we don't take more than maybe three four hours at most okay okay great um i believe it is nice to highlight we are working on process automation so uh that's the comment from jd you're working on process automation can you i'll talk a little bit about processor what kind of features should you expect in in things of that nature yeah so um a few of our customized projects um this is not the sauce the other part but uh we we add uh layers of services that include for example manager of of uh vivio analytics we include i am ia oh yeah oh yeah yes and many other uh services that we provide based on what the customers ask us so we are an intelligent communication services provider and and we've got uh many more things besides just this sas so if any company is interested in you know having a any more any services they might think of we might we we are happy to discuss it okay okay but that won't be part of the deal uh okay so the ai aiops is not going to be video analytics is not going to be part of this still that's that's yeah this is just for the sas okay there is a high flexibility to integrate custom apis to automate some interactions between systems and specialized teams okay okay now going back to your offer right like i have a few questions around the actual offer itself so you're licensing one user um for 59 for lifetime right yeah one the whole team like one team yeah we completed users unlimited time and all the the the company pay features for 59 so i can have like 50 people in my team i can do still 59 dollars yeah it's 49 actually yeah 49 oh yeah i mean yeah i haven't actually looked at the price but for that one price you get the whole team it's not per user exactly no usual limitation we just want for you to give us your feedback and improve the product as much as possible oh that's an incredible offer okay now i was thinking more for you though that's that's pretty incredible okay uh so can you tell me how what consider the user is tied to your domain name or doesn't matter like can they have like any email address like how are you going to tie the user to an organization yeah so the the users can create a team with any mail they want so it doesn't matter if it's email or for or outlook or hotmail so if that's what you're asking you can you can join noisy with any email okay and um what happens if i have to remove that user from the organization like all my messages and everything yeah so everything will stay but the user having access okay the files will stay in uh there are any type of security like for the user to not being able to take that data somewhere else yeah so we can prevent if the if before you disable that user he downloads the data we can't prevent that but um from the moment you disable the user you won't have any access okay okay i'm just trying to see how so it's not based on domain they can register really any email and they can be part of your team but is there like a upper limit like so say for example facebook was down the other day and we chatted about this what if i want to use noisy for all my entire community what happens then we are we are completely prepared to escalate as many users as possible so you could i don't know if you you've got what uh fifteen thousand users yeah about twelve thousand twelve thousand twelve thousand yeah so uh you you could all join today and it won and we would be able to manage it uh without any problems interesting okay i am certainly this this definitely uh i gotta look at a lot more cases now you got me a lot more curious in okay so there is no upper limit as well on any no that's pretty interesting i can be part of multiple teams is that right yeah you can be part of as many teams you want okay jd is saying it is a gift it is indeed a gift i mean you're giving away pretty much everything um you know and you have this is a premium plan right like you don't have any plans to make this a free plan because in the past it has happened to organizations where you know they were they were selling something on appsumo and then they made it available for free to everybody right that's not the case this is something which is premium features you will sell it as a subscription to anybody else other than apps once this appsumo campaign is over okay okay noisy has zero visibility of the customers data okay that's good to know for sure don't give ideas new elation with review already on-boarded people from different domains and customers as well yes yeah yeah no no i'm not giving any ideas i'm just i'm just wondering uh you know run than any surprises right like but you heard alvaro so you are safe and i am safe so the fixed price for an entire team is limited to the initial 5000 enterprise licenses it would be forever okay yeah that refers to that that we are offering 5 000 um coupons so an option okay i mean the offer won't be as generous indefinitely i get it that's great now uh with that i think we are at the end of the comments and questions um and uh alvaro great job giving an overview as well as uh you know taking some of those questions and thanks jerry for helping out i i really appreciate your participation um oh there are some more comments coming in okay noisy looks great thanks a lot jd nilesh for the session offer seems to be good too good to be true uh sometimes it is alberto but you know i mean again uh noisy has been around for some time uh only you know over time we can just something uh certainly it is a very generous offer uh so something to think about uh but not get too paranoid either over it i mean you should check it based on its merit and features i would say and see whatever is being offered is working well right like that will be a good uh base to form your opinion on um so with that i think we are at the end of the comments now everybody who has participated uh until this moment right can be entered into doing a giveaway alvaro uh i think you mentioned we can do a giveaway for a noisy code am i right exactly okay all right so we're going to pick a winner out of all the comments and everybody who has participated until this moment so we'll do a draw before one noisy license which you can use it for your entire team uh and well i'll have to what i'll have to do is collect all the names i will go live tonight uh or tomorrow morning and do that draw so until jean so who's who's the last person to comment on this thread here we'll take everybody's name and enter them into a draw and then you will get a free lifetime noisy code sponsored by the noisy team that's very generous of you avaro jd and the noisy team i really really appreciate your participation and uh all the best to noisy team you know i mean it sounds like a a very promising platform and uh thanks for your participation in the community today so thanks a lot of good comments you're coming in uh you know to present our product and to do it in our platform as big as subscribe okay okay that's great oh is white label coming uh ritwik okay uh yes a white label coming for some features maybe but it won't be uh like for free there is going to be so we had a whole discussion around that real quick you can check that that would be the last comment i'm answering but thanks again alvaro thanks jd for your participation thanks everyone everyone who actually commented and participated in today's discussion right so please check out noisy and uh have a rest uh the day a wonderful day so thank you thanks a lot alvaro yeah thanks okay let's hope the community gets bigger okay thank you thanks a lot enjoy your day thanks a lot [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] oh [Applause]
Channel: SaasTribe
Views: 627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noysi, appsumo, appsumo products, appsumo review, collaboration software, company collaboration software, group chat for teams, lifetime deal, noisy app, noysi, noysi appsumo, noysi lifetime deal, noysi ltd, noysi team colab, noysi video, noysi zoom alternative, recording calls, screen sharing, secure and encrypted messaging, slack alternative, team chat, team collaboration, team collaboration app, team collaboration tools, team collaboration video, team communication
Id: ADF9LZRxhwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 24sec (4944 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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