Booking system for accepting online appointments and payments Trafft

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Are you looking for a modern appointment booking system that's easy to set up, and it looks good. Well, Trafft might be a solution for you. So I'm going to show you how it actually looks and how to set it up on this video. So let's go jump over to my dashboard right now. All right. This is my task dashboard, and I'm going to show you how easy it is to get around. So, for example, we're going to view our new customers and we can use a filter to view by week, month, last month, last three months and the last six months. We're also able to view our revenue. And again, we have the filters, the Occupancy, the appointments book, the daily Occupancy based on colors. So we have a quick glance. We have the last book appointments, the performance by employees. So we know how our employees are performing when they book with them, the services, what's booked more often than the other ones. And you're able to analyze that. Now, how is the booking system going to look and how are we going to view it? Well, by default, when you create an account on tap, we're going to have a special link, which is ourbrand tap at. Com. Right. But we're also able to connect our custom domain. So that means that instead of using Trafft as a domain, we have our own. So, for example, you can create like I did. So I created a domain. Let me show you, which is booking at so instead of using their domain, I have my branded domain. Now, some of these settings you will have and some of them you won't depending on the plan that you choose the other way that we can look at this. Well, let's go to the site first. Okay. I opened my custom domain and we're able to look at this modern looking booking system. We can customize a couple of things in this we're able to book from here. So, for example, if I want to book a 1 hour group meeting, which is $20, loads the image. We have the description for it, the duration, the occupancy, the extras available. If you want to add extra time hosted by which is me and we have the option to pay on PayPal or on site because I enabled that we also have available to set up Stripe and Racer pay. I'll show you in a bit. We can select the extra minutes that we want book. Now, if we're good to go like that, I can continue as an account or I can continue as guest. I really like this because sometimes we don't want to go through the hassle of signing up. We just want to continue as guest and we have that option. So again, it's letting us know what we've selected. We can continue. And is it going to be who's coming? Just me or choosing number of people in this case, just me. I'll continue. I'll select the date from the dates that I have available. So, for example, you can view that. I don't have Saturday and Sunday so they Cancel Select it and I can set what I want to have available and not. So, for example, I'll Select the third and here's a date on the top. We can select the time, for example, at twelve and we can go ahead and continue fill out the information and pay with PayPal. And we're good to go. We're also able to add coupons to give some discounts. Now that is a direct link to it that's hosted by them. I don't have to do anything, and it's just super easy to set up. Now, if I wanted to embed it on my site that's also available. You can have a PHP site or a WordPress site and just install by embedding it or even Shopify Wix. And if you have the option to add the HTML code, well, this is my site from WordPress and it's available here. Check that out. That's also my setup. Let's go forward where we go. Here's a site I selected. Continue and this is embedded on my side. So if you don't have a plan where you have a custom domain, well, this is a good option. You just embedded on the site and it's going to have your own domain because you're embedding it inside of your site. That is the view for it. Now, how do we set this up? This is one of the most important things about a booking appointment system is set up. Why? Because we're going to know how powerful it actually is and if it has the settings that we need. So for example, I would recommend to get started with the settings, which is the little Gear icon there. We have the general settings, which is, for example, default time slot. If you know that your default time slot is always 30 minutes and some other ones might change. But you're always setting up 30 minutes. Well, it's good to set it up at the beginning. So you save time. So if it's 1 hour or more, you have that as a default, use the service duration as a booking time slot. You can enable that the default appointment status is approved or pending. So if someone books at a certain time and they're going to book on it, it's going to be automatically approved. But if it's pending, we have to approve it, which is a good idea or not. It's just going to depend on how you want to set it up. The minimum time required before booking. So for example, they can't book before this amount of days, weeks, hours or whatever. What is it used for? So let's just say I want to book right now. The minimum time frame required is going to be set up by this. So, for example, if I set up 3 hours, I can't book something for 1 hour. I have to wait unless I want to book something before three that will be available. Or let's just say you don't want anyone to book with one day in advance, so it has to be after 24 hours from the time of booking. This gives us time to prepare and know that it's booked. All right. And the minimum time required before canceling again, time frame, we have that available so they can't cancel, I don't know, 30 minutes before the actual booking. And you know what? I'm already set up. I'm ready to go. I'm just waiting for you to come in. So you want to have this available? I don't know. It just depends what you want to do. You don't want to give them 12 hours. And that way you have time to say, hey, you know what? Okay, good thing I wasn't there and I wasn't ready to start the meeting. Okay. Minimum time required before scheduling rescheduling. Again, we have the time frame, the number of days available for booking in advance. So maybe I don't know, one month, two months, three months. However you want to set it up, you can't book after that. Okay. And the global settings. So depending on the country, you will have the settings. In this case, I'm in Mexico. So it's the day, month, year. But in the United States, it's the other way around. It's month, day and year, and it's just going to depend on how you want to set that up. The time format. This is how you can see it. For example, this is a twelve hour format, hour minutes and AM or PM. if you want to set that up and the time zone first day of the week default for phone, country code and go ahead and save. It really important that you set that up. I mean, time zone is crucial in this type of system. All right. Next, options that we have is the business. So in this case it's called media, which is my business address, website, phone and company bank account. If they want to do a bank transfer the office hours again, super important to set this up. In this case, we can add more time frames because maybe we want to have a break or, you know, you eat lunch at two to 03:00 p.m.. So you don't want anyone to book at that time frame. So what I would do is, for example, if it's going to be 02:00 p.m., I'll add another one and then I'll start off at four and we'll end that, I don't know, 08:00 p.m.. There we go. We add the timeframe and we have a break so they can't book in that timeframe. And again, we set these days on or off. So in this case, Saturday and Sunday is off. If I want to turn it on, just go ahead and do that and go ahead and save it. Sms notifications if you have that available while you set that up, they take credits. Email notifications. We can set this up. What type of notifications do we want to use? And do we want to enable them or disable them and customize it if we like. So these are variables that are grabbed from the actual persons that filled it out. So the service name is going to grab from the service name. The customer full name is going to grab from the variable of their name. So it looks customized and we can set these up for customers and to employees the payments, the currency that you're going to use, the price symbol, the price separator and the number of decimals features and integrations really important part here to set up. So if you want to have coupons available or you don't, you disable and configure coupons to add them to give them the discount. The custom domain. I already set it up. It's fairly easy if you just know how to add the DNS on whatever you want to use Cpanel, Cloudfare or Namecheap whatever you're using for the hosting provider DNS, you just set it up the A service custom fields. Do we want to have them available or not? Maybe it's something that it's not required for your business. You just disable it or keep it on the extras. The group booking, multiple locations, online payments, SMTP email, so it's sent from your email domain and not from tasks and special days. All right. We also have the integrations available. So two tabs inside of here we can add our Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics, Google Tasks Tag manager. I've already set up my Google calendar, so the booking when it's done, obviously it's added to my Google calendar. That way I know that a booking is coming nearby and Google Meet, MailChimp, Outlook Calendar, Sendfox, Zapier and Zoom Super important that they have Sapia because you can do a whole lot with that information. If you have Zapier, I'm going to go into the Google calendar just to show you the options that we have available. So once you are connected like I am already we have options available. So in this case I've enabled Google Meet, but if I want, I'm not going to use Google Meet. I Canva disable it and I have other options available. So in this case I'll remove Google Calendly busy slots and I have that enabled. Also a lot of options here user roles and if you can add a user here their name, last name, email and what they have to do right. Required user to choose new password and login or not the customization for the website. This is my embed code. That is what I used to embed on my WordPress site. I just grabbed his code and we're good to go. All the information is updated when I update here the booking form settings. If I want to keep these or change them, how they're going to work by steps you can do that redirect URL after successful booking. So let's just say that someone books and at the end you want to send them to a special promotion or to the homepage or whatever you want to do with it. Set email field as mandatory. You don't want them to skip it again. Set phone number as mandatory if you want to have that phone number because you want to have a way to contact them in case you have to cancel or let them know or confirm. Just depends what you want to use it for. Showtime. Some option to customers. Really good option, especially if you have people booking appointments from all over the world. The language and labels you have English and German available. We have the labels here customization the page title, the select the primary color. In this case it's blue. I can use a custom color there select fonts. These are the fonts that are available. We can preview it show made with Task Mark Craft if you want to change it, if you want to remove it, well, you just selected the website logo, the Fav icon from the little tabs on the browser account setting. And if you want to add custom code for CSS or JS, you have that available in case you want to add, for example, a chat widget or just something that you might want to use inside of that page inside of here. So it's already set and embedded once you set that up. My next recommendation is to jump to employees at the employee because this is where we're going to tie them to the plans and all of that. So, for example, add employee. Obviously, we have the required data, which is a simple data. There assign service. So for example, a certain employee might be assigned to some services and some not in case you have, for example, offering service for SEO, marketing, social media management or whatever. And not every employee has a capacity for those jobs. For example, one group 1 hour group meeting, so only that would be enabled for this particular person. Okay. And maybe this one charges more or less than what the other one charges. You set that up. There the working hours for this employee. So this employee might work, I don't know, seven days a week or he might work only Mondays or whatever. Okay, you enable and disable and add the time frames. Here the days off for this employee. We can add days off. So for example, I don't know, Christmas, Thanksgiving, New Year, Chinese, New Year, or whatever you want to disable you add that there the special days. So for example, again, we can add special days added here which employee has no upcoming specialist, a special day he would charge different. I think that's how that would work. I'd have to confirm that. And I'll tell you in the description. Next thing I would do is set up the services and this is where the services are. For example, the three services that you saw on the booking demo that I just showed you are from right here. We Canva add more services. We have unlimited on this plan, but again, it will depend on the plan that you're on. So the service we have the name, the category, the price. I clicked on the image, the image for that, the tax duration, all the information, the locations. If you have locations added, we can add those here on the left, the buffer time before the buffer time after just all that information, the extras for that one. Remember, we saw, for example, if they want to book 30 minutes extra and it charges so much. Well, they have the extra options. You can add extra things, whatever you want to add there and the Gallery for this service. Next thing I would set up is locations if you have locations enabled. And if you want to use that, if not disable it the finance. This is the finance information. We Canva view our invoices our settings for the invoices invoice customization. This is what's going on right now for the invoice, they will be adding more templates for this and additional notes, transactions. We're able to view them here the taxes. We can add our taxes rates right there, depending on the country that you are from, you would set your own tax the coupons if we want to create coupons or not. Again, if you're not going to use coupons, you can disable that. Okay, next thing we have is the appointment view right here. So we're able to do the appointments listed right there. We can approve, planning, cancel or reject it. And we can also edit them to edit the appointment manually in case someone sent you an email. Hey, you know what can we webhook. We can do it that way. We can export data, we can share appointments and we can create a new appointment manually. If we did the appointment somewhere else or we did it via phone or something like that. You added there manually. And we're also able to view our Calendly view depending on what we have going on. So for example, Monday, we have that customer example customer example again for 2 hours meetings, and we're able to view them here. And we're also able to add new appointments there. But there you go. And basically that is trust. You have a lot of options available. Easy to set up. Basically, everything has its own information of what it's going to do when you enable it or disable. It super easy to set up custom domain embedded or just use their own link. It's easy to set up. They have really good documentation for all the things you need. Whatever I look for, it was available there without having any problems. And if I need support, well, I asked them there, but there you go. That is craft. It looks modern it's good looking. It's hosted by them, so I don't have to take that doing it my own hosting or set up or anything. But if you want to just embed it on your site, also, that's possible. Well, there you go. If you guys want to check out a link that's going on, that link will be in the description, and that link will help me out because it's an affiliate link. So it gives you a small Commission, and it won't cost you a single set more than what it already costs. I thank you all for watching. My name is George. This is SaaS Master, and I'll see you guys later. Bye.
Channel: SaaS Master
Views: 3,554
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Keywords: saas master, SimplyBook, trafft, booking system, appointment system, Calendly, appointment scheduling, booking website, on-site bookings, trafft appsumo, trafft lifetime deal, trafft ltd, appsumo booking, appsumo appointment, appointment app, appointment system design, appsumo black friday
Id: eX6cZH32f2I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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