Man Finds Shoes & A Questionable Scent At Girlfriends Home (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. Hello, Your Honor. Hello. This is the case of<i> Dupree v. Flagg.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. AUDIENCE: Good day. Ms. Dupree, you're here because you say if you cannot resolve your paternity dispute your 13-year relationship with the defendant is on the brink of ending. You are here to prove that he is the father of your four-month-old twins, Sky and Skyler. And you're hoping to save your family. Is that correct? DUPREE: Yes. Mr. Flagg, you say, you were devastated when just four days ago, the plaintiff confirmed your suspicion. She cheated on you with an ex during the time of conception. You claim your family's future is at risk, and state you plan to leave her if the DNA results prove you are not the twins' biological father. Is that correct? Yes. So, Ms. Dupree... Is he or is he not the children's father? DUPREE: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: He is? Yes, he is the... JUDGE LAKE: You're positive? Yes. We have been together for 13 years, off and on from high school. And we had practically planned this whole thing. And he stayed with me for like eight months, out of my apartment. So we have been together, and all we did is basically... Play house the whole time. So, high-school sweethearts? DUPREE: Yes. And you all were living together at some point? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: And so when these children were conceived, did you live together? DUPREE: Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: You did? And you say you know he's your children's father? Because of what, the amount of time you spent together? Yes. Also I had two miscarriages through this... We, we planned it and... All of a sudden when I am pregnant, you wanna say that that you are not the father. Mr. Flagg, so you have been with this woman since high school? Yes, Your Honor. And so when you find out she is pregnant... FLAGG: When I first found out, Your Honor, I was happy. JUDGE LAKE: You were? (UNDER HIS BREATH) Damn. Take your time. This is what this is about, we are trying to get to the truth about the twins and their paternity. JUDGE LAKE: So when you found out... Did you initially have that feeling like, "I'm going to be a father"? Or did you feel like, "I might be a father." I have felt like, I might be the father... Did he express this feeling to you when you told him you were pregnant? Yes, Your Honor. But, uh... He, uh, he was telling me, I was pregnant. I didn't even know I was pregnant. You know what I'm saying? During around my birthday time, October 15, he was like, "You're pregnant. "You don't need to be partying, you don't need to be acting "like that because you're pregnant." And I didn't believe him. I just, you know what I am saying? I wouldn't believe him until I took the test and that's when I found out. DUPREE: He's the one who told me that he was having the morning sickness and... And sleeping and eating. He told me... (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) So you were having the pregnancy symptoms. Yes, Your Honor. 'Cause... Yes it is kinda strange, but... No, you hear about that. That the men feel the symptoms as well. So, so, you started feeling symptoms of pregnancy. Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And you said to her... "I think you might be pregnant." FLAGG: Yes. So why wouldn't you believe they were yours? FLAGG: Because I had doubts, Your Honor, I have found out the real truth like, like two days ago. So tell me what you heard two days ago? What did you hear exactly? Well, Your Honor, she had told me the truth about her ex-boyfriend. She did? FLAGG: Yes. What did she say? She had told me she was, uh... Sleeping with him. (AUDIENCE GASPS) JUDGE LAKE: She was? Yeah. And I was, I was... Yeah I was mad. I had to calm myself down. And just go outside and just... Just cool my head and... So just two days ago you found out that she had slept with her ex. Now let me ask you this, was it the during the window of time when your twins were conceived? Yes, ma'am. Is that true, Ms. Dupree? No, I told him that 'cause I was mad at him. We was arguing at the time about whether he was the father or not. So you just told him. 'Cause we was arguing or whatever and I was trying to get back at him because he cheated on me and I was trying to get back at him. He's the one who has been cheating, Your Honor. So out of revenge you just told him "I cheated on you with my ex." DUPREE: Yes. Your Honor. So, Mr. Flagg, when did your doubt begin? FLAGG: Well, Your Honor, I was on my way home to her, right? One day. I'm coming home, I'm happy. I step in the house... The whole house smelled like sex, Your Honor. (AUDIENCE GASPS) Oh. And so when I am going towards the bedroom, her hair messed up. I wanna hear this story. DUPREE: Look around the house, everything's straight, but, when I got me my, uh... To the bedroom, like on the side of the bed... There's some shoes. AUDIENCE: Oh... Some shoes? Yeah. So... I'm looking at the shoes, they don't look like my size. Your Honor, I'm looking at my size of shoes, so... I go inside like this. These are my shoes. They are an eight and a half. These are not my shoes. AUDIENCE: Oh. These are 11 or 13 size. (AUDIENCE GASPS) You saw some big shoes next to your bed? Yes. And clearly, if you're a size eight, they aren't your shoes. I don't wear a size 11, 12... Your Honor, I wear a size eight, eight and a half... So you see these shoes... I had asked her, "Whose shoes are they?" And she's like, "It don't matter, don't... Just leave it alone." I am like, "What do you mean, leave it alone?" JUDGE LAKE: It doesn't matter? Yeah. Did you say it didn't matter, Ms. Dupree? When he saw these shoes and said, "Whose shoes..." Yes, Your Honor. So he did see the shoes? Yes, he did. JUDGE LAKE: There were big shoes. They were big shoes. And they were by the side of the bed? Yes. And they weren't his. They weren't his, Your Honor, they was my friend's boyfriend, because they both came over. (AUDIENCE GASPS) So, so, this boyfriend was by the bed? Yes. No, I have a one-bedroom apartment. The bathroom is inside my bedroom. They both took a shower at my house because they were just visiting and staying with me. So her boyfriend didn't have enough time to go home, drop her off and go home and get ready for work so she asked me, if he can get ready for work there, I said, "Sure." So, he came, took a shower, he put his working boots on and left his shoes there. Why not tell this story and say don't worry about it? FLAGG: Then, Your Honor... That's true. I should have told him but it was... (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) JUDGE LAKE: I mean, let's just be honest. (AUDIENCE CLAPPING) DUPREE: Yes. If it is that innocent, and it's no big deal, then it's "You know, so-and-so's boyfriend was over here, "and he changed before he went to work and these are his shoes." Why are they by the bed? I just ain't moving them and she didn't move them. AUDIENCE: What? What? Two days ago, Mr. Flagg, she told you she had slept with her ex? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: And so... Is he a bigger guy that would have bigger shoes like that? Well, I never met the man, Your Honor. FLAGG: So... Do you know what he looks like? FLAGG: No, I really don't. But, I did ask her can I smell her, uh... (AUDIENCE GASPS) (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) I am just going to say that I just understood the testimony and not have you repeat that. So, you... Asked to smell her body. Because you felt like the house smelled like sexual intercourse had taken place imminently. Yeah. Did she allow you to do that? FLAGG: No. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) JUDGE LAKE: Okay. So then that led you to believe, what? She was cheating, Your Honor. Ms. Dupree, what was going on? Did it smell like sex... Yes, it did, Your Honor. It did! (AUDIENCE GASPS) From my friend and her boyfriend! So then why was your hair messed up? 'Cause I came in and I went to sleep. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) Wait, but you said it's a one-bedroom apartment. Yeah, I went to sleep. FLAGG: But, Your Honor. They were in the shower. When they got in the shower? DUPREE: Yes. I went to sleep. You went to sleep in the same bed... No, they weren't in my bed. No, they weren't in my bed. Your Honor, she had told me she admitted, to tell me, that her boyfriend was there. Her ex-boyfriend was there. So, did you admit that your ex-boyfriend was there that day? Yes, I admitted because when we was broken up I did let him come visit. (AUDIENCE GASPS) And you did have sex with him? No, I did not have sex with him. I just told him that because I wanted to get back at him, because of the all times he cheated and came in... When around my birthday, when I broke up with him and asked him to work on our family, two days later he has sex with a girl and... Some girl and he had the smell all over his face, and he smelled like sex. So... So, I told him I had sex with my... There's too many smells in this case. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) I, uh, uh, uh... Jerome, there's just some testimony that I wish I didn't have to hear. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) Ooh! Okay. Your ex-boyfriend did come to the house? Yes. But, you say you didn't sleep with him. No... But something is not adding up. Don't you agree, Jerome? JEROME: I agree. Something is very smelly. (ALL LAUGH AND CLAP) There were large shoes by your bed, you admit the house smelled like there was sexual intercourse going on. But, you said your boyfriend was there. But, you say that wasn't true... Because you were just getting back at him for cheating on you? Yes. JUDGE LAKE: Oh, okay. Mr. Flagg, how soon after this incident did she say she was pregnant? It was like one month later. JUDGE LAKE: One month? Yes. So the next... A month later she says, "I'm pregnant"? DUPREE: Yeah. And you're remembering the shoe incident... Yes. Do you remember how far along you were when you told him you were pregnant, Ms. Dupree? Yes, almost two months. JUDGE LAKE: So, you were just two months? Yes. So you're thinking as you look back through the dates. Two months? That's about the time that this whole thing went down with the house and the smell and the shoes? Yes. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) So, now that the babies are here... Who is stepping up? Are you, Mr. Flagg? FLAGG: Yes, I will step up. 'Cause... You will or you have been? I've been... Yes, I have. I have been stepping up. DUPREE: You're Honor, no, he have not. He has not did really nothing for my kids. The only thing he bought was the car seats. I did the whole baby shower. He only... He came, he came with one case of diapers, a blanket for each baby some socks for, um, each baby, the face rags, and maybe two, three outfits. And since we have been living together, he's just been buying diapers, and that's it. When I was pregnant, he told me to buy the big stuff and he was going to buy the little stuff. And he won't do nothing. And I can see that hurts you. And yes it do... And when I... He was like, "You need to get a job." So, I got a job and I asked him to watch them. And I come home, he just leave them wet. JUDGE LAKE:<i> So, you submitted video evidence to the court.</i> DUPREE: <i> Yes.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Here it is.</i> JUDGE LAKE:<i> You say he just ignores the babies.</i> <i> This is what it looks like when he is supposedly taking care of the babies?</i> DUPREE:<i> Yes, Your Honor.</i> JUDGE LAKE: <i> Mr. Flagg...</i> I mean, you got two twins. Are you somehow unconsciously, even if it's not on purpose, are you trying not to bond with these babies? Before I had kids, I was with this other woman. I am going through the same thing like with this woman. JUDGE LAKE: What do you mean? I had another, uh, paternity test with, with another kid. You had another paternity situation? FLAGG: Yeah. With another woman. FLAGG: Yes. When she said, "The baby ain't yours." I'm like, "I can't, I can't do this no more." And I can see that, it really hurt you. I love those babies. It's just that I always have doubts, just like, <i> is it mine?</i> <i> I am really sick and tired of going through it. I really am.</i> JUDGE LAKE: And I can see the tears in your eyes 'cause this really bothers you. This is what this is about. I really love these kids and I really want to marry Ms. Dupree. And you're just so worried that if they are not your children, it's the end of a 13-year relationship. And again it will be three children you thought in your lifetime were yours. And then ended up not being. DUPREE: No, it was four. JUDGE LAKE: Ms. Dupree... Do you worry that he will walk away from this? If the twins are not his biological children? We had two miscarriages before this. JUDGE LAKE: You did? Yes, and that hurt. That's hurting and... It's just like God just gave me this blessing of two, and I always wanted kids and that hurt. And when he denies my kids, that makes me feel like, he don't even care. And it just hurt. And I just... Wanna get it over with and for his family to know. JUDGE LAKE: It's all right, sweetheart. I know. Both of you have been through so much. Miscarriages, paternity situations that didn't turn out the way you want. It's very emotional... It's just like... My daddy wasn't there. So I don't want my kids to grow up without a father. 'Cause I didn't have one. I don't want them to go through that. I want my, you know, for him to raise his son to be a man. I could raise my daughter to become a woman. I don't want them to go through what I have been through. JUDGE LAKE: You have been through a lot. And I understand how important these results are to you both and to the children. So... There is so much riding on these results today. DUPREE: Yes, Your Honor. Are you ready for them? Yes, Your Honor. JUDGE LAKE: Because the twins are fraternal we of course tested each child. All right? These results were prepared by DNA Diagnostics and they read as follows. In the case of<i> Dupree v. Flagg,</i> when it comes to four-month-old twins, Sky Dupree Flagg, and Skyler Dupree Flagg, it has been determined by this court... JUDGE LAKE: Mr. Flagg, you... Are their father. (APPLAUSE) JUDGE LAKE: Congratulations, Mr. Flagg. You happy? FLAGG: Yes, I am very happy. And I probably want to do, uh, something else too. What would you like to do? Angie? I love you. Thank you. I mean... I'm so nervous... (MUMBLING) FLAGG: Okay, I love you. You're my anything and everything. I would do anything for you. I would run across the world for you. Oh, man. ALL: Aw... Will you marry me? Aw... (SOBBING) Yes. (AUDIENCE APPLAUDS) (LAUGHS) Well, I have to say after such a stinky start... (ALL LAUGH) This ended up... (APPLAUSE) We came out smelling like roses, I will say it that way. (AUDIENCE LAUGHS) And that's a good thing. And I don't mean to, to, to rain on the parade, I am a straight shooter and I want to counsel you both. That this is the beautiful part. Getting engaged and professing your love, Mr. Flagg. We've got to back that up with the actions. And today is such a fantastic day because not only do you now know you have two beautiful twins, you all have decided to start a life together as a family, and give them everything you never had. If you both decide that you are going to remain committed to it, you can't do anything but win. All right? BOTH: Yes, Your Honor. You are such a beautiful couple. I wish you the very best of luck. You know, we are family around here. So, I want to see some wedding pictures. All right? And take great care of those beautiful babies, all right? Yes, Your Honor. Court is adjourned. (APPLAUSE)
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,103,556
Rating: 4.7723804 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: gglHpyLH_kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 15 2019
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