Man Claims To Have Evidence His Girlfriend Cheats | KARAMO

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Ricky says he loves his girlfriend Rhonda and he's even ready to marry her which is very sweet but he doesn't know if he can build a life with a woman he believes is lying to him and having an affair Ricky says he has indisputable proof that Rhonda has been cheating on him for almost a year everyone please help me welcome Ricky to my show okay Ricky I'm glad you're here but I want to hear how what's going on between you and Rhonda I mean I love this girl she's a beautiful woman we've been together for a year and a half you said you've been together a year and a half yet you think for a year she's been cheating on you what is giving you that suspicion because I have video tapes we have cameras in each other house so you have videotapes did he bring it in here for me to see yes I did okay can I watch them yes okay that's her texting on the phone she throws down the phone if you could zoom in you see a guy picture on the phone okay that's the God picture on the phone okay and I mean and that's the recent picture that's not even um a month ago okay do we have any other videos that he brought yes that's how somebody calling hello hello yeah I'm just getting ready to throw some water on me and run over there oh run over where she was supposed to been talking to her girlfriend her girlfriend lived right upstairs why do you gotta run over somewhere and then okay okay let me see it again okay do you have any other videos yes it's another one okay in the bed that's how it's saying oh I got company I usually ride solo now her sister's in there with her why as you saying you talking to your sister if you got company and you're riding solo okay so these three videos um I can't really tell from them but what's interesting to me is why are there cameras in the bedroom because when we first got together I moved into her apartment okay so she said for the safety reasons she wanted to put a camera in the in my house so for safety reasons you need to put a camera in your house yeah that's what she told me okay so and then how she get a camera in her house because I said you want one in my house I want one in your house right y'all hold on no no I got it y'all popping for tips for that like that y'all really think that's healthy I want to welcome Rhonda to the show now so we can get her side of the story Rhonda come on out hello Rhonda how are you nice to meet you yes those are all damn lies you know damn where that video say I'm Gonna Get Up watch and go to easy pick they ain't saying nothing about getting no I'm strictly I don't get I'm a person yes you did I wanna hear that okay take a seat please let's get real let's look no let's look we can look at that video all day that's one of my family members Vicky and they said the same thing they don't hear it before you came out here Ricky said to me that he feels that you turn up the TV in your house so that way he can't hear what you're saying is that something you do no okay you just said that he showed your entire family this video yes what did your family say when they saw that video he crazy okay David you want me some of them say I might as well leave him because he ain't doing nothing but causing me stress no do you feel stressed most of the time yes you feel stressed because he already know with my lifestyle I told him when I met him I'm a very busy woman I'm an independent woman I Don't Need No Man to validate me I ain't got no reason to go out there and it's a damn shame I'm in love with your dumb ass and I don't even know why because I keep getting to choose a accuser get cheated oh I called my old boyfriend that's a so Rhonda I went out from you what was really going on the video then I was talking to one of my sisters we was getting ready to go to New York I was late getting up because we were supposed to leave at 10 o'clock it was eight o'clock in the morning when I jumped up hey he's talking about the oh the camera it didn't look my phone announced his names the camera didn't pick that up because the camera is motion if I didn't move the camera wasn't going ping the phone is already ringing so why you was in there in the bed with your sister she stayed the night and then you say oh that was a damn TV so why do you think he thinks you're cheating outside the videos I seem to think he's the one that's doing the cheat and he's very insecure he don't call his other ex-girlfriend to tell her the situation with us and then he going to tell oh she's in under the impression that she's getting back with him no and then I went through his phone it was the first number that popped up so I called it and he going to tell I said well you make this decision now then he's going to tell her oh uh I I I want to be with her no you don't monitor his camera I check him every once in a while okay and coincidentally something said check them because I keep hearing a click in my own camera when I'm sitting here talking on the phone he's sitting there monitoring me listen to everything I'm saying like I'm trying to hide something you are a beautiful woman you are a handsome man and you're in the prime of your life where you should be enjoying time not have somebody checking up on you why are y'all adding all this unnecessary drama to your life I I ain't adding I'm about to get rid of it oh especially if it don't put if it don't straighten up the day it's done that's why I came on and said I want this to work out okay so what do you think you need to do to have this work out because she just told you right now that she's ready to leave so I'm gonna have to do what I got to do to make this what does he need to do to make this work stop accusing me of these bold-faced lies that he keep coming up with do you think you can do that yeah I'll work on it do you think you could take the cameras out of the bedroom no Okay no Okay because the part of the thing that I realized is that not only is this unnecessary drama in both your lives there's a control element that's happening here by having a camera in her bedroom is your way of controlling and dictating her actions and seeing what she's doing listen you should never have a camera in your partner's bedroom that is an invasion of privacy and it's doing nothing but showing that you are too insecure to believe that your woman is okay with being trustworthy I already asked you why they were put in there my question to you was can you take it out and you said no so that's why I said there's a part of control here all right because what you're doing here is you're just trying to control her actions whatever it was put in for we've seen that the cameras in are making your relationship worse so you got to take those cameras out from the day I met you to today I have not cheated on you or thought about cheating on you so accusations have to stop what else has to stop the drinking there we go the only reason that you got all this time to be doing something I figured there was something going on with alcohol or some other moments do you drink too much I have control over it because I know my limits Vicky two days ago shall we bring it up two days ago two three days ago come on now stop you you said you want to try to fix it you want to get yourself some help stop lying yeah [Applause] there's no guys giving away you got help in two days when you're drinking too much it's causing you to feel paranoid it's causing you to make irrational decisions and you're at a point in your life where one of those rational decisions is connected that drinking is connected directly to this camera which is making you feel paranoid making you feel like something else going on I watch those videos if I watched and saw my partner wake up and say oh I'm getting ready going somewhere I got to wash myself off not one point I'm just gonna think that they're cheating you think they're cheating because you've just drank and there's paranoia would you agree with that no would you because would you agree with me yes thank you so because I've been doing sometimes I do sometimes sometimes there we go we're getting closer to it not all the time yeah I'm not going to accuse you of being an alcoholic because I don't know your life what I am going to say is that right I used to be alcoholic yes I admit I appreciate that I went to rehab and uh we I finished the program him and I came back out those things are causing anxiety and and a lot of issues in your life and as two you want to say something did drinking that's if if he don't admit 100 there's no such thing as was an alcoholic okay once you once you're alcoholic I don't care how clean you are once you drug it I don't click okay I clean you up you're a drug addict I understand that and there's no change in that but that drinking bite me on my shoulder choke me when your ass got the hell up you know you know you got a problem I knocked your ass out and I would do it again all right so that drinking got to stop what we're hearing now is the real truth of this relationship there's alcoholism there's drinking that's playing into your relationship it's causing mistrust it's causing paranoia and this is being stemmed from you and so what I have to say to you is that you already know I can see you're a strong woman you're with this man because you see something in that you love and I believe there you're a very lovable man but for you you already know it until he gets control of this that your relationship is always going to be toxic and you are too fine you are too fly to be in this toxic situation so Step One is the cameras have to go if you can't commit to getting rid of the cameras then you gotta go and that's going to be the truth thank you exactly once the cameras go once the cameras go you got to start working on your addiction with alcohol because that addiction with alcohol is going to plague this relationship forever now I'm going to ask you this would you like help with your addiction with alcohol because I can help you there I'll take the help thank you I will give you that power listen everyone listen everyone as we know when you're in a relationship it can be hard it can be difficult but you have to remember that sometimes the thing that you think is the obvious reason is not really you got to dig deeper you got to figure out what's going on and you have to be willing to make the change we saw that today and I'm proud of you and I think y'all going to work out in the end everyone thank you for being with us come back next time friends so we can keep talking and growing remember I love you on where you going I'll tell you where you're going right here to subscribe and right here to watch more curious
Channel: Karamo Show
Views: 77,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karamo, Karamo show, conflict, drama, full episodes, daytime tv, television, karamo brown, queer eye
Id: 6elvjC5dfTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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