Karamo Empowers Woman In Toxic Relationship | KARAMO

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my guest brianna says she met her boyfriend taylor when she was only 18 years old and she fell in love almost instantly but within only a few months she caught him in bed with another woman all right everyone please help me welcome brianna to the show all right so brianna um hearing that story breaks my heart immediately yeah just hearing that you were so young and that you've caught someone cheating i know that you had just graduated from high school when you met taylor yes tell me about your relationship i had just graduated high school i was a crew leader working towards my manager position yes goals um yes i have my own car my own apartment come on independence i'm living i went to a party with a friend and that's how i met taylor i instantly fell in love with him we instantly clicked like we never we never stopped talking and you two have a child together right we have two children together okay then yes we have two children where did it go wrong it started in april of 2019 when he first cheated on me that's when it first started to go downhill he was going out to drink with friends is what he told me and he ended up not answering any of my calls any of my texts um a friend of his got a hold of me and told me to meet him and i followed his friend to where taylor was at an apartment i knocked on the door some guy answered and he was like were you one of the girls here last night and i was like no is taylor here and they're like yeah yeah he's here and i go inside and he's in bed with another girl i felt panicked um i felt like i was gonna lose it it it broke my heart so i walked out got in my car and not even two minutes later he was fully dressed and in my car with me and did you have kids at that point no we did not have kids at that time no um we didn't have our first child until 2021. so if you catch him in bed with another woman you don't have kids there's nothing attaching you to him why stay i i was young i was 18. he made me he made me feel special he told me what i wanted to hear as an 18 year old young girl he told me he loved me he'd never do it again so over the years you found many different messages from different women yes multiple how many times has he cheated on you at this point i could write two pages in a notebook yes i could write two pages in a notebook of girls he has cheated on me with facebook dating tinder snapchat anything i mean we're looking at these photos right now what does it make you feel like knowing that breaks me it hurts me because he doesn't talk to me like that texting in person he doesn't make me feel that way like he does these random girls he's talking to he i don't get it he doesn't know them they're strangers why work it out we we have two children our parents were both not together growing up and that's something we both want for our kids i can't do it on my own with him anymore like i want him to change if he wants to change i want him to change if he doesn't then that's on him have you cheated on him since you've been together yes i have and i specifically told him you know if you cheat on me one more time i'm gonna make you feel how you made me feel and that's what i did and i wasn't happy with myself at all i it made me feel terrible disgusted gross you don't do that to somebody you love i told him that i cheated on him he didn't get to find out on his own i just want him i want him to change i want him to change for our kids we have a daughter like what if somebody was doing that to her that's not fair yeah nobody deserves that you know it it does it really does break my heart i've been young and i've been in that position where i'm like oh you know what i want to show you how i feel i want i want to do to you what you're doing to me but what i do appreciate about you is that you realize that that type of behavior is not healthy and something you kept saying that you said over and over again that resonated with me is how do you do this to someone that you love i'm assuming you believe he loves you yes do you assume that he loves your children yes how's he as a father i want him to step up and be a better father for sure um what does that mean he he likes to sit down and play video games all day um he can't hold a job he has a lot of work to do to become a better father and all the work's on me when it comes to the kids okay i want to go and bring him out now kayla come on out how are you going to make me look like the bad guy because you are you've done the same mistakes to me you have made the multiple stakes i try to be everything i can for you guys saying i have no job but i quit two jobs because you haven't asked me for cheating excuse me [Applause] i i understand that you could be frustrated because your side of the story hadn't been shared yet but we saw the evidence i'm all about evidence proof and when i'm helping people so for you to come out and say quickly why you make me look bad you made yourself look bad with this which leads me to why have you been repeatedly cheating on brianna the mother of your children well when you when you have somebody that pushed you into a relationship when you wasn't ready for one when you just got out of a relationship for two years then what how would you feel you know you wasn't ready to settle down and you told her that and she still burst your way in she knew that you're a grown man you make your own choices that's why you cheated on me because you made that full when somebody sits there and looks at you and i need to understand you said not ready for a relationship i wasn't you have children i was in a long-term relationship before and it didn't go so well either and then like right when i met her boom i was sucked into the relationship so were you sucked in or did you make a choice i was sucked in because i told her i wasn't ready for a relationship so then why didn't you express that i expressed it to her multiple times i wouldn't i would have been with somebody else if that was the case i wouldn't have kept kept trying with you okay but you i didn't i didn't force you to be with me you made that choice on your own you gotta back up because you're saying i'm not ready for a relationship which is clear by the fact that you're cheating but then you're putting it on her that you stayed around you had an option after you cheated and got caught to leave why didn't you leave after you got caught cheating because i realized you know after all the times that i was cheating we got two beautiful kids you know i i try to be everything i can for these guys i got a quick question what does love mean to you love means one an infinity you're gonna love that one person for the rest of your life you don't go for the anybody else but that one person that's the person you should if you love that single that person you're gonna be with that person so love for you is about being faithful yes okay so when is the last time you cheated on her last time i cheated on her was back in january do you still want to be with brianna yes i love this girl to death okay i do do you think your actions are killing her and this relationship yes it is and i see it every day why do you want to be with her knowing that you're killing her because she's like she's my soul mate you know she wants to get engaged but right now i feel like it's not the time because we have broken pieces in our relationship that we need help fixing okay what's making you cry right now does everything i want him to change i want him to stop cheating i want him to be a better father to our children i want him to be there i i can't do it on my own anymore i don't know what to do he's never listened to me you know what i do i do no because if you listen to me you never would have cheated in the first place okay yes you're right about that but if i didn't listen to you why did i get rid of social media because i knew that was the number one obviously you didn't get rid of it if it keeps coming in our relationship your relationship no you get rid of it but then you constantly get on it how do i constantly get on it because the only one i get on is yours so brianna you came here because you wanted me to unlock taylor's phone right yes but before i do these results taylor i just want to give you an opportunity to come and talk and confess about anything else that's going on and i i'm saying this to you as man to man father to father we've already seen texts we've already seen heard you cheated in january there's nothing that could be added to this that could make it any worse so i want to ask you before i open up these phone results is there anything that you would like to confess to brianna um no besides the email and the stuff that she knows that i have no there's not i mean no you have not cheated since january correct i have not do you believe that i i don't know he's always lied to me about it he's never told me the truth so i don't know well listen we did unlock your phone and hear the results brianna you want to know what was in taylor's phone when it came to cheating our phone investigator discovered that taylor has tampered with the phone so that we could not get any results [Music] no way yes way no way yeah so is that what you'd be doing on your little pc computer at home no there's no way i mean the person who does our phone unlocking is very very skilled so we can see when it's been tampered with which makes complete sense we've already seen the behavior here yes and there's an issue here you're a young couple and the thing is that i really want to start with you i want to know why do you feel like you have to keep going back to this man um well now it's for the sake of my children i i want them to grow up with parents who are together i didn't get to experience that and but this is the thing for you sometimes when we have we're in unhealthy relationships as children we think we're doing better but i have to ask you this would you rather your children be in a household with two unhealthy parents or a household with one healthy parent with one healthy parent definitely because you keep going back to this man because i i heard you tell my producers that he says the right things he always says what you need to hear and you start to believe him and believe that he'll do better correct i always believe he'll do better i see so much potential in him he has potential but he doesn't show it listen he's already showed you who he is and the thing is is that you don't want to believe it and part of the reason that you don't want to believe it is because you're young and i don't believe that you've even developed your self-esteem and your own worth do you understand your own worth no i lost it a long time ago when our relationship started to go downhill i do know how to start to begin to recognize and grow new worth no that's where i can help you with the first step of you recognizing your own worth is saying to yourself what is it that i deserve it starts out with you loving yourself you said you don't want your own children to ever have to deal with something like this right this is the first step for you don't put them in a situation where now one day they have to feel this way because they watch mom do this allow yourself to be the model for them by saying to them i can do better because let me tell you something the only reason this man is staying with you and i got to get to you is because you have a comfort with her you know she's going to take you back you know she's going to put up with your bs and you know that she's not going to be there to confront you that's the truth right no that is the truth we're not going to play these games that is exactly it you know that she's going to put up with it and it's scary to you because out of your own words you were not ready for this life you were not ready to be a father you are not ready to be in a committed relationship and though you're trying to blame her you made a choice for some reason i don't know why but you made that choice and now you're torturing her because you're scared to step up and be the man and that's really what it is birmingham i want to repeat after me starting today starting today i'm going to start to practice i'm going to start to practice knowing my worth knowing my word and i understand today and i understand that you cheating on me that you cheating on me is not what i deserve that's not what i deserve and i am worth more than that and i am worth more than that my children are worth more than that children are worth more than that listen you can do it i'm sorry for everything i've done okay i love you to death i want to be your husband like you've always wanted me to be i do okay i want to be the father you want me to be i want to be everything you want me to be okay but that starts with you i mean you have to change you can't just say you're going to change and then not change like just make it a replay over and over and over okay i can do that i've done everything for you i've you asked me to do anything i do it for you immediately do i not yeah at times that's the thing is at times but those times you ask me that tells you what he's done it for me there's no excuse for anything you've done this yes you're right but i'm human humans make mistakes you make mistakes you make mistakes i mean they couldn't get it what's their worth what's your worth what's your worth this is the moment when i'm not around when you get back home recognize your worth what's your worth i'm worth more than what you're guessing these excuses your only response is i'm worth more don't engage okay no more engagement you keep engaging you keep going through the cycles he started telling me the same bs he's told you before what is your response from now on i'm worth more than that thank you and you're worth more than that for yourself and also for those kids don't engage in this anymore what is your response i'm worth more than that i believe in you hold on where you going i'll tell you where you're going right here to subscribe and right here to watch more period you
Channel: Karamo Show
Views: 123,154
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karamo, Karamo show, conflict, drama, full episodes, daytime tv, television, karamo brown, queer eye
Id: 1tWs4LqyxD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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