Producer Harasses Aspiring Actress, He Lives To Regret His Decision | Dhar Mann

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[Music] mr. Weston I'm Scarlett it's truly an honor to meet you sir I'm such a huge fan of your films Scarlett when I first saw your photos I thought to myself I am gonna make that girl a star really it's always been what I do to be a movie star mr. Weston oh please it's Harry no formalities here sis you of me now let me take that coat from you thank you allow me um please have a seat make yourself at home you know six months ago nobody even knew who she was but after aiding me she uncovered a magazine that's how fast I can make things happen really wow that is so exciting you know I've been trying to figure out who I'm gonna cast it's a new lead female my next movie quite honestly he kind of got the look I'm going for do you mind reading a few lines for me sure I'd love to wait for you sir it helps to take the edge off I don't really like to drink while I'm working thank you Wow you're gonna chew me down that is not a good way to get a part in one of my movies I'm sorry you're right okay here I go see you see you should never judge a book by it's cover because um let's actually start with the last scene start with the line Richard I will never forget you okay sure Richard I'll never forget you thank you for teaching you what it feels like to love again and then I guess well don't just say it act it out well I would need another actor for that it's okay oh you can use me [Music] okay go ahead I'm sorry I just don't feel comfortable well you know I thought you wanted to be a star I do I've studied acting practically my entire life I know that I'll be really good in this role in this business it's not about what you know it's about who you know okay I happen to be one of the most powerful people in Hollywood do you understand me okay I have to take this call look why don't you just come back tomorrow night and read with all the other actors okay do a table read this time do what you're told hey Karen of course I remember when I saw your photos I thought for myself I aim to make this girl a star hey oh hey girl so tell me how did it go with Harry Weston good I guess hey what's up is everything okay no he got really touchy and made me feel really uncomfortable but oh no maybe I'm overreacting I mean every Hollywood actress has to deal with this right what no that's not okay he has no right to treat you that way I don't know what else to do he decides who gets cast in as no movie listen to me you are one of the best actresses that I know you don't have to put up with that happen in this business it's not what you know it's who you know he could be my only chance of becoming a star you don't need him to become a star what is that line used to say from your favorite producer dharman the only person that decides how successful you'll be is you [Music] thanks for me at least the other actors will be at the table raid tomorrow so it can't be that bad [Music] hi Mary Scarlett you're just in time money wait where is everyone oh don't worry about the other actors they're not important what is important is this contract it's to play the lead actress in my new film yeah this is a night of the role almost in order to get this contract he's got to do exactly what I say you understand oh sorry no I just don't feel comfortable I I thought you wanted me for my acting ability it's not anything else scarlet I thought I told you in this business it is not about what you know it is about who you know okay you need me to become a star so what's it gonna be the only person that decides how successful you'll be is you you're wrong Harry you may think I need you to become a star I can be successful on my own with or without you [Music] you just made a huge mistake your acting career is over you will never make it in this town without miss Scarlett oh yeah watch me [Music] Hey I'm sorry I don't mean to be nosy but is everything okay yeah you just have this more will let your spirits with this movie producer to take advantage of wait are you Tommy oh I'm one of your biggest fans I want all of your movie oh my gosh thank you so much but I can't believe that that just happened to you I'm so sorry Thanks just stopped meeting this producer it was gonna be my big break but maybe I'm just not meant to be it's successful at hey there's only one person that gets to decide if you become successful or not do you know who that person is exactly and ironically enough I'm actually looking for an actress to star in my next film so if you're interested here's my card shoot me an email sometime really my god I would love to thank you so much you're welcome I hope you feel better [Music] Oh Angie your scarlet Jones I cannot believe it's really you I'm like your biggest fan ever oh thank you do you mind if I get your autograph sure no problem awesome yes well well if it isn't Scarlett Jones I must say I'm impressed you're the talk of the town hi Harry I got it you could you make it out to Michelle please okay thank you so much my friends are totally gonna freak thank you look at that you've been on the front cover of a magazine so how'd you do it which big shot did you have to sleep with you know what Harry you may think women need some big shot like you to become successful but you're wrong because all I needed was myself one day you'll realize your mistakes by that time it'll be too late oh really oh are you serious Eric Weston yeah can I help you FBI you're under arrest for harassment what Do You Know Who I am I know exactly you can't do this let's go [Music] hadar man Pham I hope you love that message please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too I appreciate you and I'll see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 13,361,514
Rating: 4.9102039 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, life tips, motivational, inspirational, life lessons, self improvement, success, how to be successful, being successful, aspiring actress, become an actress, what its like to be an actress
Id: Ctw7UiFUDEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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