Making Weird Playtimes Very Very Sad... | Baldi's Basics

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all these basics mods are weird playtime is weird and we're gonna cut some jump ropes come join me in this weird adventure [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome to baldies basics my little pony edition we're going on another journey today through the weirdest baldies basics mods to find interactions with playtime by cutting her jump rope we're gonna make her cry maybe we're gonna make her laugh maybe we're gonna make her mad I don't know these mods are weird and that is part of the fun so we're starting out with baldies bastes My Little Pony edition because why not bye Wally gamer let's go hunt down playtime shall we pony playtime this is so weird welcome to Pony school hello Baldy pony you're kind of cute I'm not gonna lie haha I kind of loved the design of that little My Little Pony baldy baldy pony I don't know what you want to call him let's get our first notebook if this mod is actually very well made as far as I can tell they pony think bad it's great I know nothing about My Little Pony I'm not a brony sorry nothing against bronies out there but I'm not what what is happening to that coin okay we're about to make an adorable little pony very mad that's a I guess that's a mean pony alright let's go find playtime oh dear oh dear I see I see playtime pony she's very cute we need scissors though no no no bad playtime pony this is really weird cuz the baldy pony doesn't like do the the ruler thing where he like jumps forward Oh get away from me I need scissors first please no no no no no no no no no okay we can play now we can play playtime Pony where are you playtime pony there you are okay let's do this first of all no first prize I didn't get to see the tears of my foe I wanted to see playtime cry sorry I don't know why I have this obsession with making poor playtime cry what can I say I'm a bad man all right you're you're adorable but I got it I got to do this again first prize messed it up for us scissors thank you okay here let's go oh yes yeah does goodbye playtime Pony you've been defeated all right there you have it we made an adorable little pony playtime cry I'm a terrible person let's move on to the next mod warning this mod contains loud noises and jump scares you have been warned oh okay I think this one is called baldies basics scary dark edition bye banana fan lol it is dark is it scary I don't know let's find out well I hate this it is dark it is scary and these trees seem to to have gotten in a fight I don't know what's happening you can't escape great this I love it so cool let's go find dark scary playtime headquarter is not shiny that is not a shiny quarter all the why do you sound like that it's very upsetting got red checkmark I just noticed that oh here we go okay dark scary Baldy is chasing me but you know what we need to do we need scissors and playtime dark scary playtime oh I hear her she sounds very weird all these scissors no first prize your eyes red I don't like it your red eyes are just jutting out of your face it's very very disturbing well I hate you I'm leaving I think I see her I think she's is that her yeah yeah whoa oh okay I I accidently right-clicked but it made her eyes red she had no face by using the scissors I gave her eyes was a weird weird interaction also the fact that she just makes our screen completely black it's terrifying I don't like dark scary play time I don't like dark scary baldies basics I don't like this mono like you came over warning I'm welcome to ball this baseball game this [Applause] I did enjoy that song there by the Baldy mater for five - let's go play baseball with playtime collect seven baseballs and exit the stadium we heard Mott all right let's do this [Music] this is weird let's get our first baseball this music is great it's so baseball all right let's uh let's hunt down play time let's see what happens when we cut her her jump rope I mean I assume that's what we're gonna do but you never know with these mods Baldy as a bat that is very upsetting no no no don't take me to the ball game no don't buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks I don't want them no okay I did mess up but seem playtime in that baseball outfit is pretty adorable that sound of Baldy hitting the bat against his palm it sounds like he's hitting a ball what is his hand made of does he have a wooden hand all right step one grab wooden scissors they are literally called wooden scissors very weird step two find baseball playtime playtime take me out to the ball game take me out to the crowd buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks I don't care if I ever come back is that how it goes oh there she is okay let's do this whoo I broke her bad did I use the scissors to break her bat those are some intense scissors we've done it we've made her cry in in baldies baseball edition let's move on to the next Mike welcome to baldies crafts in education and learning based on a little game that probably a lot of you have never heard of it's called minecraft it's a little indie game up-and-coming very secretive don't tell anybody about it let's start that is not a full Baldy he has been cut in half I'm so sorry let's go get Minecraft playtime we're crafting we're crafting math and we're making emeralds emerald blocks I think are just emeralds I don't know that's how you make emeralds is math okay we've made Minecraft Baldy mad which I kind of hate it looks kind of like a villager Oh Oh playtime you're adorable you're just little minecraft playtime what's going on I can't see you anymore okay can can you let me go now thank you okay I'm leaving I gotta go get scissors Oh first prize is so much bigger than everybody else what is up with that he's the mega bot hello arts and crafts hers scissors finally Oh first price don't mess this up don't mess this up no no no no no no all baldies right there help I need soda soda use the soda get him out of here oh my gosh oh there she is alright make her cry yes no tears no minecraft tears nothing you got nothing for me okay that one was a little disappointing take me away first prize you you earned it buddy there he is hey no a Golden Apple why what am I even looking at it's making my eyes hurt huh [Music] okay let's go look for play time I don't even know what this mod is called to be honest with you guys so I am just gonna play it and look for play time and try not to be disturbed by this very strange-looking anime Baldy hello principal do it very very mad oh pretty sure then I played a version of baldies basics with with this this version of playtime I it's been a long time didn't have I played this mod I do not remember that title screen if I played this actual mod honestly I'm a little confused right now I've seen that play time before I'm almost certain that I've played a mod with that play time in it where are you real-life play time it is time to get sad he is an avocado man this is very upsetting I'm leaving I here I don't know where she went I heard her first split second she's so elusive I hear you play time there you are okay I have scissors for you enjoy why she was even crying it just said why because you're annoying I'm sorry someone had to say it someone had to tell her and that someone was me alright let's leave this nightmare fuel and move on to a new one this is our final mod for the day it's called baldies basics crude I don't know the actual title but it has crew in it and as far as I can tell nothing has changed let's answer ball these questions and see if things change cuz if they don't come up be real disappointed so far it is just baldies basics this is where things typically change though when the characters actually get released what whoa what is going on that is some very strange art for Baldy I suspect that playtime is gonna look pretty strange too I think I saw her for just a moment I saw a little person in a little red dress I'm a little concerned what is playtime going to look like I got my scissors now I just need to find playtime which in the last mod was nearly impossible aside from the characters looking like I don't even know I mean it's kind of anime ish but it's not like what is happening to principal his eyes are bleeding you should see a doctor my friend aside from that like everybody is exactly the same also what is happening to me what just something just pushed me it's first prize invisible first prize is invisible isn't he oh gosh does it though does it make you sad you look like you have no soul what was happening to play time what is happening to any of these characters oh gosh so first prize is invisible and is pushing me through the hallways case you're wondering what's happening he doesn't talk doesn't make any kind of noise you just get pushed by an invisible being that is very very strange and then playtime she just where is she okay I just wanted to see her just just one more time yep there she is uh-huh how am I not getting caught my Baldy also what is wrong with his face basically well that was quite the journey wasn't it all these basics mods continue to scare and delight me there are so many strange mods out there it's kind of insane but there was some good ones in here there was also some very very strange ones in here but I think that's gonna do it for a very weird adventure in cutting jump ropes I hope that you guys enjoyed it if you want to try out any of these mods for yourselves there will be links in the description down below play them at your own risk but if you guys did enjoy this episode be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 6,864,815
Rating: 4.7599645 out of 5
Keywords: Baldi, baldis basics, family friendly, no cursing, no swearing, baldis basics in education and learning, kindly keyin, baldi is dead, weird games, education games, baldis basics ending, i killed baldi, baldi horror game, baldis basics update, baldis basics game, horror game, family friendly gaming, baldis basics lets play, real life baldi, baldi is fast, playtime clone, baldi hack, baldi dies, rip baldi, baldi killer, baldi dead, playtime cut jump rope, jump rope
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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