FLITE | Hyper Realistic CG Sci-Fi Short Using Unreal Engine

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hello hello I need your help what time is it I'm told that you can see people's memories is that right yes that's what I do good well you've got to help me I I I I I saw something horrible but it's it's it's not clear what happened so you you've got to help me I I watched her die okay when did this happen uh uh it was um it was a few hours ago and I and I was trying to help I thought I was being a hero but I made it worse I just I always make things worse it's just I saw something different saw what it's it's just not what it seemed and I feel there was something there sir if I get you into a memory flow and tune up your theater waves we might I should do this I only just [ __ ] it up again well so it is a prototype and it's not always PL pleas so if you're worried no no no no no it's not that all right no I I'll come around I'll come around no no no please let me come around now no it can't wait she might still be alive I just I I I I shouldn't have I feel that there was something there something something okay okay sir just come around [Music] the and we in sir I know I know it's fine Moment by moment start some somewhere calm where were you before you first saw her I've been up there for a long day I hate the windows I love out [Music] there [Music] it's too fragmented sir away from the [Music] emotion [Music] I'm sorry no you're doing well so what did you do next I did was she asked I borrowed the laser cut thing and I went back thought I was smashing it what was I [Music] thinking what do you want uh I've got a delivery for um I think so mate I haven't ordered anything uh it's for Stevie from spikes boards Inc says urgent chist for there's nothing in here you can afford to replace don't [Music] touch hi [Music] sorry delivery boy over over here you okay do it again this time so it doesn't suck I need a break really how how about you wait till you've done it right for once you know I'll get it right I'll get it perfect but right now Johnny I'm tired tired how you don't know the meaning of work I got delivery boy here what happened to you Johnny what happened to me to me uh um um um delivery do you needed signing whoa whoa whoa whoa I'm the one who signs with things uh yeah yeah sure um I'll just bring up your form here here it is it's a thumb print in the red box baright window cleaners uh yeah and I I work nights that I takeway do you know good for you young man well she had your work ethic she got potential she just needs that little push know what I mean but we'd all have jobs like yours no offense it's a blue box go away I just what the you ready St sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] detective inspector it's Johnny Stevie's gone I need you to bring her back I'm sending you the Drone feed now just bring her in what do you think I'm paying you for I'm on my [Music] way Johnny [ __ ] attention Road border this is the police return to ground immediately or F sanction good love with [Music] [Music] that take your for thatle got [Music] [Applause] [Music] you still there delivery B my ass I'm going to find you I'm going to track you down and I'm going to [ __ ] [Music] kill Rogue bord down fatal drop into a flood pump unit c returning to transport base God Stevie I'm sorry no sir no no there's there's something there can you can you go back can you can you go back play it again I can but I'm not sure there's much well well she's she's definitely trying to what's she doing I I I can't see properly no I I don't know but maybe or maybe you were right it's possible she made it to the walkway she made it I got to go okay I'll disconnect you now give it a few minutes and the effects on your visual what's going on hello hello who's there there you go you can deliver something just go and pick her [Music] up [ __ ] sh [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Short of the Week
Views: 386,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Short Film, Short of the Week, short films, animated short film, animated short films, unreal engine, virtual production, hollyshorts film festival, award-winning short films, sci fi movies, sci fi short film
Id: -2uIa-XMJC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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