Making Our World Famous Brunswick Stew-Appomattox Stew Crew

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hello everyone today we're coming to you from madison heights virginia we're going to be doing a brunswick stew today we're going to be cooking a half a pot i thought we'd do a little video to show you how we do it hope you all enjoyed this video [Music] a lot of people have asked about our equipment what we use this right here is the stewpot we've got it built on a stand with wheels so when we get finished we can roll it right back up on the trailer this is inside the pot that's what it looks like empty we use a propane burner this is what the burner looks like got three burners underneath cooked with propane so we can control the heat turn it up if we need to turn it down and we'll show you a little bit more after it's all set up today we're making just a half a pot normally this pot will be filled all the way up to the rim i'm going to kind of walk you through it today and show you how we do it normally we would put in about two buckets and three quarters worth of water but today we're only going to put in about a bucket and three that's quarters first step we start with putting the water in and then we'll bring it to a boil we just uh lit the burners just a couple minutes after seven o'clock in the morning and we'll show you what the final product looks like when we get finished i'm gonna show you what the burners look like burning hey this is the paddle we use this is made out of stainless steel got the hose board in it so the stew can flow through it easily if you notice around the bottom we got a piece of metal that goes around the pot and covers the burners up that way when the wind gets to blowing we're not fighting the wind trying to blow out the burnos okay we use boneless chicken breasts cut that into cubes and also we use beef chunks this is in the bags ready to go we're getting ready to put it in the water starting to put the meat in now there goes some boneless chicken breasts here comes the beef chunks [Music] here's the last bag of beef going in [Music] now we'll get the paddle and stir it up some get it all mixed in there good what i'm doing there is getting it all mixed in good we'll let this cook for probably about 45 minutes before we add anything else to it we will add a little texas pete and some black pepper right now the meat is coming along right now it's cooking you can definitely see the steam coming at the pot so you know it's good and hot like i said earlier we're doing a half a pot today normally we would have 100 pounds of potatoes cut up but today we're only doing 50 pounds this is 50 pounds chopped up and then we'll be going in in the pot here shortly it's time to put the potatoes in the pot [Music] that's 50 pounds just dumped in now it's time to stir them up mix them in you can see the potatoes in there now they're cooking when we dump them in that cools the water down just a little bit so it'll take just a few more minutes for it to warm back up but everything is coming along nicely [Music] the next thing to go in will be the uh celery and the onions we got the onions and cereal all chopped up we put them in buckets and when it's time to dump them we just dump the whole bucket and then we'll mix it all in we'll show you when we put it in now it's time to add the onions and the celery [Music] and then once we get both of those added we'll stir it up and get it all mixed in good [Music] and let that start cooking [Music] okay okay [Music] now i'm mixing everything in good get it all mixed together and we'll let this cook [Music] and then we'll start adding all the canned goods [Music] as you can see we have our own table built with a can opener on it that we use this as we travel around doing stews the next thing we put in will be the canned vegetables like i said earlier normally we would put a case of everything in but we're doing only a half a pot today so we'll be putting three cans of each the first thing we'll be putting in will be the small green lima beans and then the medium sliced carrots we'll be putting three cans of each in it's time to start dumping the vegetables in first thing going in will be the lima beans [Music] [Music] i know it's hard to see with all that steam coming up but just kind of showing it step by step of how we do it and here comes the third can of beans going in the next thing going in would be the uh medium carrots it'll be three cans of those going in and there is an important part you got to keep it stirring at all times because if you don't it will stick and scorch it and then it'll be money down the drain it won't be fitting to eat so from now on out until the end you have to constantly keep stirring the next thing we'll add in will be the whole kernel yellow corn it'd be three cans of that and then it's time to put the corn in [Music] oh there's can number two of coin in now let's get all this mixed in good we also use sugar but you put the amount that you want we kind of seasoned it to our own taste and that's this is the last part of the canned goods we'll be using three cans of crushed tomatoes and then three cans of diced tomatoes when we add the crushed tomatoes in that will start turning it giving me that stew looking look now we're going to start adding in the crushed tomatoes we'll have to dip in there and get some hot stuff in there because there's always tomatoes is stuck to the can and that way you get everything out of it you don't waste anything there goes the second cannon oh and that's all of the crushed tomatoes only thing left now to add will be the diced tomatoes all right now it's time to put in the diced tomatoes oh and the last ingredient going in that's the last can of the diced tomatoes now we'll just sit here and keep on stirring and let it cook on down and it'll be ready in a little while now we're going to add a little bit of salt to taste it [Music] well we just turned the heat off to the stewpot this is what the stew looks like he's finished cooking now now comes the time to start dipping it out and put it into the quart cups all right this is what we used to dip with we got a a pyrex measuring cup and then we fill up these court cups just like that here we go we've got 40 sitting on the table right here that needs to be capped put the top zone on and already we've got 25 sitting over here on the side that's already been quartered up and capped and we like to haul them in these two little crates that two liter drinks come in that they fit now perfect you can get eight to a crate pick them up pick them up by the handles and they're easy to transport [Music] i just showed you the ones we've already got quarter this will give you an idea how much the pot has come down we still got some more to be quartered up and now we finish dipping all the stew out now it's time to clean the pipe what we do we put water in there and some dish detergent and then we'll heat it up and take some brushes and start scrubbing and this is how we clean up the pot and the paddle take it hot soapy water just take a brush and start scrubbing it and we'll go all the way around it until it gets good and clean and then we'll take the water and throw it out and then we gotta oil it up so it won't rust and i'll show you all that when we get time to do it all right we got the pot all cleaned up now it's time to put a little oil in it so it don't rust up [Music] and now we'll take it and wipe it around get all of it covered good all right everything is loaded back up on the trailer we have finished up for the day and next week we'll be at it again next week we'll be making a full pot be doing that mathematics our hometown well folks we hope you all enjoyed this video today the stoop turned out delicious as always we hope y'all enjoyed the video on how we make the stew we tried to show you what we do kind of step by step and um like i said normally we'd do a full pot that pop would normally be full all the way up to the top but today we just did a half a pot we did it for a friend of ours he wanted some stew to put in his freezer and then he's gonna give some people some stew next week we'll be making one right here in our hometown vapormax virginia we'll be doing a full pot next week so well friends we appreciate y'all watching if y'all haven't subscribed to our channel already please do so hit that like button hit that subscribe and ring that notification bell that way you can keep up with all the latest and greatest adventures from the virginia fun seekers until next time thank you all for watching and god bless
Channel: vafunseekers
Views: 10,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VPE5ug6C9_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 14 2022
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