Hot Diggity Dog- Carrot Dogs!

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[Music] hi I'm Jane Austen ma'am and today we are cooking a carrot dogs get dogs from a heart prevent and reverse heart disease cookbook hot oh my gosh I falling apart I'm page 67 if you want to follow along these are a blast they're a riot and there's carrot eating karent dog eating contest alongside hot dog eating contest I've heard of in like Austin Texas and imagining lunch um and we love making these and it's a great option as we're getting into like the cooking out season the barbecue season the summer season so this is a wonderful option 67 we occasionally used to have there were smart dogs that we used to occasionally eat they were great but suddenly they decided to make them gorilla Bowl and in order to make them grill able they added oil so parent dogs took their place yeah so you need to find a carrot that is a similar size to a hot to a hot dog and so two limits too little and this is too fast this is little too big but this is good these are good and soft too short cut the end off I didn't want to just figure out how about about the size you want and then put it in boiling water for about 10 minutes until it is hot dogs soft and I tell if it's soft enough by just putting a little knife in it and seeing if it goes right through so well I've got some boiling water over here I'm gonna throw in for how much you how much time you think it roughly is I takes about 10 minutes okay so we'll take 10 minutes and be right back I think it's about 10 minutes so let's go give it us stand and see if it the knife will go in as if it were a hot dog oh that the skin's a little bit coming off like it perfect okay I'm gonna drink I'm gonna drink and we have a a panini machine now you don't have to use this but wait until you see why it's sort of really kind of fun because it gives the hotdog that sort of little in the bread then what we're a little lines that you get when you're paired then we have to pour them out Oh hot I've rinsed them off a little bit cold a little cooler right now Jane is gonna do one her way and I'm gonna do one my way shocking shocking so I'm gonna cut mine in half like this and then when they're cut in half I'm gonna get some liquid smoke now that's just literally water and smoke and I am going to put liquid smoke on these I wonder how they got that flavor of smoke into the water liquid smoke those I'm gonna liquid smoke your cutting board to a little - I was I was noticing that and then the carrots go into the panini machine see I think this is unnecessary steps because this is ready to go if you ask me just put this in the bun put on the ketchup you're good to go and then I'm going to put two pieces of Ezekiel bread in here I know I choose women I choose Ezekiel bread because the ezekiel 4.9 low sodium has no salt and it's the best bread out there unless you want something perfect and you could use hot dog buns but sometimes it's hard to find that we have to eat only has to get zekiel buns I just put my bun in the toaster cuz I got envious of hearth being warmed up so Ann does this whole grilling situation with the panini and liquid smoke which adds amazing flavor to the carrot dog or the yeah but carrot itself and I just don't mind this is like a hot dog flexible textured carrot and really when you eat hot dogs you're pacing you're getting just ketchup and mustard and whatever we also put on you want a vehicle for ketchup and mustard and a nice toasty bun so that's what I'm going for because I I mean I can't remember the last time I had a hot dog hot dog but I don't think I ever cut it in half and grilled it in a plane eat with liquids aren't everything but now the reason that I do this is because our grant a we have we have a grandson Gus who absolutely loved those old hot dogs we used to have and he always cut them in half and put them in the panini machine and I learned from him to transfer that to the carrots Oh cause I was fun all right take my a czech toast it might be ready not quite ready we have to have another few minutes to wait all right oh my bun is done and these are pretty close yeah we'll look just both of us make them done we'll call it does look great no but see yes ice and then I take the bread now what I like about the panini is it makes the outside nice and crispy but the inside stays soft and then I'm gonna take these little hot dogs and I'm gonna put them here and here and then I am going to cover them with mustard and ketchup the ketchups over there do you like soup on your hot dog yep the only time I like ketchup this on hot dogs and hair it dogs oh yeah yeah carrot stalks I like I like them like stone ground mustard oh I can open it well I like this because it's so pretty and then I'm gonna put a little sauerkraut you go a little sauerkraut because it's really nice too good to eat it plain old ketchup on your shirt one more thing I'm putting on sir one more thing this is some leftover kale that I had cooked so I'm gonna put some of that in that's beautiful isn't that beautiful and look at that you know what this doesn't even a carrot dog this is a carrot sandwich mommy yeah and there's because I'm run out I ran out of that oh my god fun rubella a little arugula there so now I'm just gonna take mine a show wait huh look at my delicious carrot dog ketchup mustard and a wee bit of arugula I need a slight just for color okay dick my hands are covered with everything you've got there I this one looks at me yeah I just need it a little more you wait with your eyes mustard and then okay gorgeous these are so cheers Cheers okay I'm gonna get the catch at the end first see now now when it's closed up it does look like that let's go hmm I know how effective what this is like a hot dog named grain wait you got to try this well we're not trying on mmm I've long wrong oh shoot isn't that taste it tastes just like you feel like you're eating a hot dog tastes like character that doesn't even look like carrots are in there this is so much like a hot dog it's it's beautiful it's amazing all right well as it gets to be summer and Memorial Day and Labor Day world a fourth of July all kinds of stuff happening black parties actually barbecues Ryan you want a little hosting hosting people at your house and summer might like it serve up some character take the Catherine even boot set them up like this I'll like dressed up on a platter people might walk up ago what's this and they'll pick up a carrot dog and they might just try it maybe even cut them on the diagonal so they look like they're Oh Chevy Chevy I mean all right hey what do you put on your carrot dogs let us know by [Music]
Channel: Plant-Based with Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn
Views: 60,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vegan Plant based, Vegan Cooking, Vegan life style, Jane esselstyn, Plant Based Eating, Plant, Based, Cooking, Ann, Esselstyn
Id: YOykHnkvbv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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