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welcome back to slime Ranger 2 some more insane things with gadgets are on their way today I reckon we should try and make an infinite Loop just like you guys suggested hey hey little roostro get here champ at the moment we have a windstorm level three happening out in this area we need to try and find some tornadoes so we can get some of the crystal Shard things Dusty crystals Dusty gems I don't know here's one right now okay come on come on give it to me let's get them shards come on where where are they they're supposed to just fall out of here come on start hey wait give me the treasure oh what is that it's dervish slime okay we didn't get any of the crystals we just got a dervish slime that's fine this guy can hang out here I'm going to pick up some of these things the other thing I'm looking for is resources so we need loads of jelly Stone we also need the Deep brine come on guys we need a cyclone out here in my right it's the only time anyone would ever wish for a cyclone there's one right there oh cotton plots come on come on give me some stuff give me some good stuff there's just plots whipping around in there at the moment oh oh there they are yeah drift Crystal okay I I guess I was right what did I say dusty gems eh close enough SL slime fall slime slime fall what is that dude there's slimes falling out of the sky and actual slime like there is slimes and slime see this look at that there's just this weird pink crap coming out of the sky and it's splattering on the ground okay you don't want to get that in your eye that cannot be good for the environment with the slimes ground up in the sky and then drop down oh I just noticed that the the clouds are pink as well that is awesome I've never seen that before so I've also added some more fans to some of my little crops here to try and push some of these things into the middle it I don't think it's working though come on blow the cabbages it's not blowing them okay I might take this fan and I think I'll take this one as well I'll just leave it with the one fan the one fan seems to be blowing them into the accelerators and then into the Corrals no worries the other thing I want to do is take some of these bounce pads put some of these away because I'm definitely going to be using these today hey there we go nice we finally found some deep brine we got to get as much of this as possible was that only two to deep brine from this little spout thing we got to get some more than that come on that two is nothing we need to make loads of those accelerators oh if we got anything cool in the cave we got some more jelly Stone you always got to go caving in case there's a strange diamond in here somewhere all right get some jelly Stone oh here we go got a little pot it was a phosphor slime in there hey champ it's like a Genie in the lamp my three wishes I wish for 1,000 strange diamonds please my wish number two I wish for 10 more wishes maybe there's something over this way where there's angry slimes come on let's get some deep brain oh maybe down here in this little cave system we do have a pot though anything in the pot no just a chicken who looks like he's traumatized from being trapped in there forever hey there it is gets some more deep brain oh we just got another another two normally you can get like three out of those things so I'm a little bit bummed that I've gotten two both times and now we just got cranky slimes hey hey eat a cabbage it's a lettuce I know but eat a cabbage anyway there you go come on get that Water Lettuce yum oh is Water Lettuce your favorite it must be the favorite of the cotton slimes cuz he just busted out two cotton plots oh the weather just turned to stormy that's good if we get a level three storm with lightning we could probably get some of the uh the lightning gems I don't know what they're called I can never remember the name of all the resources oh big jump got some more deep Rine yeah deep brighten time hey we got three that time okay I told you guys you could get three I wasn't lying oh oh secret one back here cool I got another three yes hey we got a pod that I opened here I can't remember opening that one you'll notice I stuck one of the Aurora trees right here behind this teleporter that's to remind me that this teleporter goes to the area where the Aurora trees are because you can't label your teleporters that's the best I could do and I feel pretty smart about it oh my God every time I come here there's a billion chickens this is bad this little yoky guy right here he only produces eggs if you can get like more chickens you know what I mean like if you're at maximum chicken capacity to the point where your hands aren't making more hands then you also won't get eggs W so many flut plots I'm going to sell these ones and get lots of money no I'm not flut plot are only 16 new box that's almost nothing I must have sold a bunch already so if you come down this way you will see I have created a bit of an accelerator Auto feeder it's like the ones that I have in my other part of the ranch but a lot better because it shoots them further and they're kind of also Landing here but I do have lots of plots going on so it must be working oh my God we're at maximum plot capacity so check this out goes like that it gets sucked through and then it hits this thing and then it gets shot into the Corral ready watch in it goes and into the Corral straight into a slime's mouth oh that is good look at that and it only took two accelerators we've got the fan automatically blow them there you do get some wastage but for the most part it actually does work and it does feed the slimes hey we have an egg yeah a we just got regular chicks I think we need to get rid of some of these oh a thunder chicken I'm going to put these chicks straight into this Corral and then when they grow up they will get eaten immediately it's horrible to think about but it feeds my slimes and that's the most important thing in this game let's have a look around and see if we can find strange Diamond thank you very much get in there they're so hard to find but when you find them it feels good here is a perfect spot to see if we can make an infinite Loop so I'm going to go like like this and then we need to make sure that it's pointing to the next one one so to try maybe here oh this is kind of tricky I can't place them too close to the wall it goes red hey slime get out of the way I'm trying to place something there just shove him off the edge there we go they keep jumping where I'm trying to stick stuff o where is that one going to go to might go to about sort of here maybe okay let's get a slime and actually test this thing just to see where the slimes go and make sure they don't get stuck anywhere oh oh oh oh oh that's so so good okay where is the Splat we should be able to see the Splat was right there okay so I need to I need to get it to go back up somehow like maybe there's a good spot and then it points it there let's check it out where's it go oh he launches him like way over this way he hit there ow that would have hurt guys go away I forgot that Tabby slimes they really like to just hang around you they're like animals they're pets it's the Tabby in them they just really don't leave you alone okay launch the Slime over there he get sucked through oh guys guys stop blocking my accelerators don't make me turn you all into tar I'll do it I will really do it get I'm just launching them over that way I don't know what's over there hopefully it's something really fun okay now they're out of my way all right all right Bang oh so close okay we got to pick this one up and put it about here I think where did all these T come from hey go away oh yeah that's definitely the ocean that'll get rid of him okay let's stick a spring pad oh that's not going to work I can't place a spring pad on any of this maybe like there come here little pink slime let's go chip okay so I'm going to launch this pink slime into there he's going to fly around oh oh oh oh yes yes oh he missed the spring pad and he hit this ramp I think we need to tweak this thing a little bit so that it points it more in this direction cuz I can't place anything there on those ramps Hey Little Rock slime dude you can't fit through the accelerators when you're chubby like that he ate the plot and became the lgo that is bad ooh rant or better get some of that stuff getting resources in this game is so much harder than slime Rancher one slime Rancher one you could just set up a stack load of pumps and apas or what whatever they called you can just farm for days now though all right come on hit that spring pad here it comes yes and he's back in again oh this is good my game just froze with how awesome this is hey you missed a spring pad why don't make me put another spring pad there I will as a matter of fact I will can we place it down wait why we're going to place a spring pad there oh this thing is so dodgy it's just dodge all right I'll Place one there maybe that'll work come on there you go fire two come on oh that is good yes and he's in and he's in again all right around they go come on it's like a race all right oh no no what why is it not the same every loop it's just not the same wait have an idea I think we need an acceler Ator right here on the edge to suck them in as soon as they get here on the edge all right come on come on come on dude you missed it it doesn't always work but when it works it's good oh no no okay I have another plan have another plan what happens when you sort of set up four of them nothing just launch oh oh that works yes okay you just have to put them really close and then you can get this weird Circle happening oh yes let's get another slime we've got to add to it oh my God it's like a washing machine of slimes you guys want to get in on some of this oh it's so good how many slimes do we have there I wish I had slowmo oh that's a lot that is a lot of slimes how we having fun can I get him out of there oh yeah you can kind of get him out I kind of just want to leave this set up and then come back every once in a while and see if any slimes have gotten trapped in it oh oh yeah I think I caught one no is that one or two I can't tell hey get in there so I have crafted another Cannon I figured I could probably use a cannon to maybe launch the Slime up into that next accelerator go get out of the away I don't know how far these things shoot though oh my God these Tabby slimes they're driving me bonkers could you could you not could you not oh oh no it doesn't quite go high enough oh that does okay hang on you're too big you're the right size here we go come what he didn't go in nope okay let's see how close I Got This Time come on oh almost almost hit the cannon okay let's test a hen come on hen all right hen's going around come on yep oh I just missed again that is perfect If Only They would land in there come on come on oh that is good the cannon works perfectly it's so much better than the bounce pad yep I think we've done it you can see some of the losos they're trying to intercept the Slime and stop his Loop but the loop is forever it is infinite loop with a cannon oh my God what happened where'd he go oh no I just missed him yes yeah come on tar eat some of these slimes I swear they're getting a little bit annoying all right let's just put some more of these guys in here there we go oh I've got a hand in there I just realized okay that's cool I think I've got a couple of hens actually yeah go hen the hens hit this and then they got a tumble look at this watch this he hits the ground and just bounces I probably don't need this one I think I can put that one away yeah that's cool because they still get sucked in here yep that's good slime gets sucked in hey I just realized that the cannon is also shooting the plot that's weird okay let's put in a few other slimes ah dude got in the way there we go oh missed you can only shoot one every so often it seems yeah the Cannon's got a loading Time 1 2 3 four he there we go we've got a variety of slimes getting thrown around go get out of the get out of the thing it's my slime accelerator oh dude he's about to turn into a tar don't do it don't do it I have to shoot you I have to shoot you it's like one of those zombie movies where someone's about to turn into a zombie and the guy's pointing the gun at him cuz he knows what's going to happen look at this guy Stuck in the Middle get out of there all right let's put a couple of these guys in no there we go just lots of slimes whoa they're getting stretched so much if there's any crazy Stu if you guys want to see me try with these things let me know in the comments I'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 50,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, Slime Rancher 2, Slime Rancher 2 ringtail slime, Slime Rancher 2 gordo, Slime Rancher 2 gameplay, Slime Rancher 2 update, Slime Rancher Yolky Slime, Yolky Slime, Secret Slime
Id: hW-VRWs6JBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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