I Escaped Being Locked in a TOILET Using POOP! - Escape Simulator

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this is pretty much my worst nightmare today's escape room is a toilet that's right we have to try an escape from a toilet oh my God is there anyone in these there's someone in that stall there's someone in there okay let's have a look around oh look at this beautiful guy in the mirror there hey we've got a duck okay I'm going to hang on to this duck you should keep everything you find just in case you need it all right can we can we turn the Taps on no we can't all right we've got some soap dispensers let's have a look at in these cupboards we have a bucket we have a leak there's a leak going on in here okay what are in these cupboards oh here we go here's the goods we've got a locked some kind of chest uh we have a book here 101 pranks what else have we got oh we've got another chest down there as well and some toilet paper I got a painting oh there we go okay we've got our first key where does this thing go all of these doors here are locked can we put it ah there we go all right we've got this door open and we have a toilet great if we need to poop we've got somewhere we can go let's get this thing all right I found myself a pipe oh there's poo in the toilet great that's just great I'm going to keep that yep oh you can flush the toilet all right okay so we've managed to find a a duck a pipe and some poo it's called Happy Poo all right well I'm glad it's happy oh if you look down under here you can see there's pipes underneath the sink so maybe that's where we have to put this pipe let's just go and Chu that on there nice what did that oh the mirror moved up all righty cool 302 that's got to be probably a code for one of these boxes down here uh that's got like a picture of a gargoyle on it that's kind of weird 302 all right that didn't work it must be for this one let's have a look here and try this 3 02 yeah we opened it up all right what do we got in here oh we got a hammer I don't really know what we do with a hammer maybe we have to smash a toilet okay come on break that toilet you can't break it do we flush the hammer down the toilet is that what we do let's just try that all right that didn't go anywhere okay I'm going to keep the hammer until I work out what I have to do with it maybe there was was there anything else in there no uh anything in this bucket no let's just keep the bucket okay I'm going to put my poop in the bucket that's a good place for it where'd that poop go come here poop you're going in the bucket here we go have you guys ever been trapped in a toilet before I think I actually have in real life cuz sometimes the the door handles they're just a little bit dodgy you know what I mean you you lock it and then you can't unlock it and then you just stood here with this thing and it's it's a bad experience hey hey hey the key oh was that okay it was underneath the vas the entire time no worries this looks like yellow key yellow door oh oh there it is there's the gargoyle okay we've got a plunger as well probably going to need that for something maybe we can like unclog the toilet with the plunger does that do anything no it doesn't all right keep the plunger work out what's going on with this gargoyle all righty buddy a going and champ the guy's covered in mold and crap hey do you Pat the gargoyle no okay what do we do with this guy what do we got got a duck here you go champ have a duck nope uh maybe you got to put a poop on him is that is that what you do no you don't put a poop on his head okay he doesn't seem to care is this is this what we do do we have to bleach this guy we flush the toilet for him that does nothing this is really tricky okay what else do we got here we got the duck got the plunger all right it would be it wouldn't make sense cuz the plunger was right next to him hold up a second maybe the hammer do we break this guy oh we do he broke what's this got a piece of paper paper says uh trash can and soap and toilet paper what does that mean what kind of riddle is this do I put oh maybe I put that stuff in the trash all righty there you go I get this toilet paper paper throw that in there I just got to throw everything in the trash filling up all right put that in there as well and this is the last one okay we put the all the things in the trash and now what oh hang on a second no no no no this lock had the picture of the Gargoyle on it that's got to mean something the gargoyle had this piece of paper here oh maybe this is the code maybe it's the amount it's how many there is Okay so we've got two trash cans in this room so it must be two uh we had four soap dispensers so two four and then there was one stack of toilet paper all right two 4 one that's not it oh hang on that's a bit easier to see if I do this I can see that okay so we've got 2 41 oh maybe it's the amount of toilet rolls hang on a second how many toilet rolls were there go away uh what is this 1 2 3 4 five if you look at it that way it's like the Olympic rings but it's toilet paper all right there's seven there's seven there 2 4 7 yes yes got a Green Key we are escaping the toilets today nice one let's go with this what have we got in here oh wasn't a lady going to the toilet It's a Lady's boots and there's poops stuck on it they stood in poop but he looks happy to be stood on that's kind of gross upper decker is that when you take the lid off the toilet up here and then you poop in there that is disgusting but funny at the same time okay I can flush this thing that doesn't do anything there I can't open the lid I can't actually open any of this oh hang on a minute no maybe we put the poop where is this where' the poop go there it is okay do we put this guy up here oh hey yeah we do and the toilet's like it's this water fountain thingy going on okay it's all blocked up all right let's use our plunger oh nice yes that's what I'm talking about purple key we are smashing this escape room oh no what is this it's like valves what are the valves 1 2 3 4 5 6 and reset hm H what's the next door okay so the next door actually has a valve on it what do these do we just turn them I don't know I don't know what I'm doing there flush three times okay one two 3 okay I put the duck in the toilet the duck's like the only thing I've got left over nope oh oh I'm in the toilet what it's a toilet room it's underwater what is this it's really hard to read got some valves here okay it's like valve valve valve no valve no valve no valve what does that mean okay how do we how do we get out oh okay what did this thing actually say oh my God what oh I can put that I can put that there cool you can make things float so apparently I need to work out some sodoku to turn the vales what trying to do sodoku in your head is insanely difficult I wish I had like a little pen or something that I could write in game wait a second is there a pen around here somewhere why do we have these boots I actually haven't worked out what we do with these boots let's put these up there maybe we can wash the Poo off in the sink hang on let's just put the boots in there oh my God just get them get them in there okay let's let's give this a shot I'm going to turn this one two times this one four times and once and we'll turn that one once three times anything did that did that open the door the door is still closed oh my god oh oh I just worked it out so what the game doesn't tell you really is that these ones with the valves here are the only ones you need to turn outside of the toilet ignore these ones cuz there's no valve so after doing the stupid soku puzzle you go that one that one and that one two three one oh yes the Holy Grail another toilet it's just another toilet oh my God it's toilet after toilet in this place all right give me my lucky red boots I'm taking these poop boots with me oh my God more toilets all right all right yeah no worries rocket ship toilet cool what what the heck is this why is there more toilets there's a duck in that one okay it's a bigger duck what's all this stuff all right stop the music the music is driving me wild we've got a key there all right keep that key keep it why is there a toilet on the angle like this it's the room of too many toilets this is some weird Harry Potter crap oh it's the emus toilet what oh yeah okay I see what's going on we've got a symbol that looks like like Pisces like a you know you know what it is astrology what is this what's the amus triangle about oh here we go we got another key it's just a game of find the keys wherever the keys are okay I'm keeping that one as well let's keep all these things rocket ship we need to use these parts to build a rocket ship I think I think that's what's going on that urinal is upside down that's gross oh we got another key there's just Keys they're just hidden everywhere there's another poop I mean I just opened a toilet and looked in there what else did I expect okay I guess I'll keep that as well keep everything in this game uh what else we got another key all right let's Chuck that in there what do we got in here we got this thing all right is that is that all the stuff no another key the third key where does this one go though oh we got more cabinets over here of course does the key key works in any of these cabinets okay we've got this weird slanted Moon thing guess I'll keep that and then the last key is down there and that toilet okay we are banging on all cylinders this is good okay so um do we build the the rocket ship on here like what do we do I'm very confused so we've got a few pictures here they look like they're we got like little spiky Hills they're all the astr ol symbols I think like Virgo Leo all that sort of stuff oh hang on hang on we can oh there we go the facility was built in 1832 by Sherl Plum's maximum efficiency toilets yeah I don't I don't agree with that there is nothing maximum efficiency about an upside down toilet on the roof I am not getting up there efficiently to unload in that thing that's not going to happen Okay let's have a look at all the different parts of stuff I just got oh yeah oh yeah that go G there okay that's pretty good uh what about the boots the the boots part of it I don't think they are okay what about this the right fin oh oh we're actually building a rocket ship cool oh yeah is that the seat okay then this piece where's this go oh that goes on the bottom all right nice so let's check this out oh we've got a keypad on the back all right some kind of keypad um I've built the rocket ship as per the schematics everything's going pretty good we're going to blast off out of the toilet through the roof I guess I guess that's what's going to happen all right let's have a look at this and see if we can work out the code 379 0 is that right let's just punch this in 3 7 9 0 enter is that right that I don't think that worked what's the order oh maybe the order is this cuz it's got numbers on here 1 2 3 Etc 379 let's try this 37 9 okay okay is that is that toilet rocket ready to go do we sit on it how do I get on this oh no I guess I'm not leaving all right the toilet is just blasting out of here yes I finally managed to escape the toilet I never thought it was going to happen now guys if there's any Escape rooms you want to see me check out in Escape simulator let me know in the comments we'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 32,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, quest 3 games, funny vr games, vr games 2023, virtual reality, mixed reality, VR sim, escape simulator vr, escape room vr, vr puzzles, virtual reality puzzle games, best virtual reality games
Id: GbAW4G3FC0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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