Making Garlic Dill Pickles For Sale At Farmers Market

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hello welcome pecan Corner I'm Tina and today I'm going to make garlic dill pickles the recipe that I'm using is my grandfather's recipe he sent his earnest Curt he was from Oklahoma and he worked for the railroad as cook that was his last career he was a deputy sheriff in his earlier life and did a number of different things he served in Lee served in the Navy way back way back the in the 1920s I guess it was it was right after World War one that he was that he was in the Navy anyway so he always did he always raised a garden and did Kenan and did a lot of the cookin when he was at home and so this is this is the recipe dicta that he used for his for his pickles in there they're delicious these were a good seller for me last year at the farmers market so this is one of the cottage foods that I make and there's a there's a good demand from them I had a couple of customers last year that bought lots of jars I mean cases of my pickles because they wanted to happen to cook last time a long time and then another person wanted them to give his gifts to to friends and family so they're they're a really good pickle and they're very easy to make I like and making my brine in an empty vinegar bottle because that way if I have any left over it makes it a lot easier to save and so the brine is very simple it uses and I'm doing a small batch here so I'm going to use two cups of white vinegar and I'll put the recipe down in the down in the comment area for you so that you can then can get it yourself two cups of white vinegar 1 and 1/4 cups of pickling salt canning salt you don't want to substitute kosher salt because it doesn't measure well you don't want to substitute other kinds of salt because the minerals in them will interfere with the the way they cut the cucumber so the way that the cucumber's will up will process water sliced in that okay so I want one in a 1 and a quarter cups of salt funnels always a handy thing to have just makes it easier to get gets things into things liquids end up still spilled it everywhere alright and now I need ten cups of water now I'm able to use just tap water because ours comes out of a well and it has it does have some some calcium in it but it's pretty good in water if you have any iron or things like that in your in your water you'll want to use store-bought water or distilled water so so just you know play it by ear with your pickles the water that you use can make a big difference in them some waters will make them turn out especially good and in other waters can can interfere with how well that they do so I'm going to get ten cups of water and put in here okay now I'll pour it in my ten cups of water and the other nice thing about having mark having this in a in a bottle is that I can now I can just put the lid on it and the vinegar the vinegar bottles seal up the lids fits on it really tight and so now I can just check it you don't want to keep this you just want to use a room-temperature water and and just shake or stir until your salt dissolves the other nice thing about tough canning salt is that it's usually very fun excuse me your quickness ollie all right so there's that's my Brian that's all it is is ten cups of water 2 cups of white vinegar and wanting to have cups of canning sauce now and now I'm going to prepare each of each jar and and I'm making a my first batch I made whole pickles but I didn't like you can't get that many pickles in the door because they just think they just don't fit in their will in these quart jars and I don't have a pot big enough to process 1/2 gallon jar so I'm not going to not going to make those so what I'm going to do is do what I did last year which is make pickle spears and then I'll also do some hamburger chips and I did the hamburger tips and it with a different recipe for my butt into each jar I'm going to put two two cloves of garlic peeled and they want no size ones if your garlic cloves are small you know and at an extra by the way of month if my hands don't look very clean it's there they're spotless but I've been messing with blackberries so they stain everything I made a blackberry cobbler for for a church thing yesterday and oh it was very tasty but my goodness it - it's her - it stained my hands and and even cleaning up last night after we had had seconds of it heads up and has stained my hands again so pretty funny there but you know with my printing and letterpress I'm always to apologize for having paint under my necklace too so it's it's always something so if you wonder why I don't have a don't get manicures that's not the only reason but that's one of the reasons is because I'm always doing things with my hands and manicure would not last any time at all for me and this this garlic is actually pretty easy to peel sugar but I'm sure the vast Paulette it is so that he could show you all his famous little double bowls trick like you did with our gonna but we made it but more nearly got these down now so I remember when our garlic that we got had little tiny clumps and they were very strong these this big huge close this I know this isn't what they call elephant garlic now but this would looked like elephant garlic compared to the little when I was growing up most of the garlic cloves off of the pods were small these these would have been these are been nice big sized closed so but like I said there was much stronger garlic back then too so that was probably because of the you know it's probably a heirloom varieties that were locally grown I did get local local local young man Josh furry gave me some a start of some local heirloom garlic that's only grown here in blanket and raised it did real good it kept throughout the winter and but I didn't mess with it because I want to let it it will actually reseed itself and establish itself and that's what I wanted to do so I put it into two different patches and then I just left it alone and I won't start gathering it till next year I'm gonna treat it kind of like asparagus and hopefully get it well enough established but then I can start harvesting it and using it little and still have enough plenty there to multiply so I'm going to finish these inand I'll be right back alright I've got my tooth Potter girl I'm on two cloves of garlic and each up in each jar and I'm also going to use of either one bunch of fresh dill or two teaspoons of dill seed in each other in each jar in each port you're making pants you'll just divide that in half more and this is still see not dill weed if you have fresh dill you also can add ideal stem to it but usually around here the butterflies will eat up all the dill it's the it's a host for one of our host plant for one of our butterflies and they will just go nuts they will come for many miles around I don't know how they know when you get deal growing in your garden but they surely do they they come in and rejoice and get it all down to Nub's like last year I went looking for suppression but well I'll check it the nurseries you know maybe they've got some and I got to one and they said well the only one we have we can't sell because it's all talking that's a funny fish I would hit them in it and looked as bad as Ben did there were anything like a little little stubs so anyway and then up we're going to use a composite of a driver and pepper and I'm using a chili arbol AR bol which has its long but you can use any any hot you want a hot red pepper after this and so it doesn't the pickles aren't hot but they need that little bit of sponsor and people pretentious bland I used Deborah that our market manager she raises these beautiful herbs and I was trying on the artists from her and last year it was able to give her turf hot peppers in so and and two grape leaves and I'll put the grape leaves in as I put in my cucumbers now the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to cut off the blossom end of each I'm gonna cut like a like a quarter of an inch off the blossom end of each of each cucumber that has some enzymes in it that will soften the pick the pickles and and then I'm just going to cut them into quarters and you know the blossom and is the ends that didn't have the stem on it and in this particular variety it's it's a lot of color so it makes a little easier to see and then what I'll do is let me go get my breakfast and I'll come back show you how stuff please all right all right I went out and I try to not not clip my grape leaves at all immediately before I want to use them because they'll wilt really easily solve IVA I've clipped them I cooked off the stems and I rinsed them off they don't need much rinsing because they're pretty clean but you wanna make sure you get any little needles things off of there so now I'm just going to begin to fill my jars alternate with my Spears get them down in there and then I'll put the Greg leaves look really pretty they could be kind of spread out a little bit go on the side there let's look really nice when I do that do the same thing with your with your peppers to just kind of make them look pretty there so I can get so many more cucumbers in the jar when I do the spears I'll do that like I said let me show you I did these are the ones that I made last week and I used whole cucumbers but see they're floating but the jar was packed as as tight as I could get it and this variety although it's hurt prolific I'm very happy with how many cucumbers it's producing because last year I'm getting my own cucumbers I'm gonna use daddy's cucumbers to make more pickles with but it has a lot of hollow ones so this is a meteo see how it how it they're floating in there and so that I don't feel like the customer getting you know their money's worth so so I'll do these and that weather the they'll be a lot nicer the garlic sometimes the garlic will turn blue there's nothing wrong with that and it's still usable in fact your garlic in these you can you can use it just like any just like fresh garlic in any recipe so don't throw your pickle cheese and hit them right out without pulling those garlic cloves out of there and because they are very very very tasty there there we go there's this a nice pepper we'll just put that like that along the side there a smaller smaller grape leaf in here this is a from a wild right by that just came up in the garden it blooms every year but still has not ever made fruit I suspect that's because there's not another another vine close enough to it to pollinate it so hopefully we'll have a have another one someday all right now here that's much better another one in super encanta get a people or challenges in there the top there I know that doesn't look as attractive but it's it's a it's good for the things that it's good for the customer that way the customer gets their it's their money's worth when the job is nicely filled oops because these aren't cheap I mean I sell mine for for eight dollars a quart and ten some folks so there's four even more so you're not getting a cheap product which you are getting is in an organically grown product where and a locally grown and one that's a process without any any extra junk added to it nothing artificial and and they just taste fabulous you know there's a flavor to these that you're not going to get from any other from any store-bought pickle and now in let's do one more jar and then voila see there hung up my peppers standing up that's perfect I'll just keep adding them my cucumber Spears and gratefully play the sphere on top of it up does it matter I just do that to make it look attractive but it doesn't doesn't have to don't have to look good the degrees you put the grape leaf in is the the there is a substance in the breakfast some resources say it's simply tannins but I don't think it's quite as simple as that I suspect that there's more to it you can use grape leaves you can use oak leaves there are substances in them that will help keep the pickles from from being soft it makes an ask for it much more crisp product all right all right there we go nail them that way half get all of those down in there there we go now I'm going to just form a brine over these check it up or help make it make sure it's it's well done you want to completely cover all your cucumbers don't want them sticking out of that run okay now then uh key thing here use a skewer you can use a this is salt this is not too sharp on the edge it's not going to scratch the inside of this this is a chopsticks work real good to get all that holes air bubbles out if you've got any in there lot of will come out when we cross this but just to be sure and now I mean we're smiley upstairs one is okay now then put my lids on nice and tight and then I will set these aside and when I'm ready I'm going to process them I'll be back when I get the rest of my daughter school okay I'm back Lilian what I'm doing at this stage around so I can see leisure I'll show these things okay um one of the things that I'm doing is I filled my jars is on his Anaya I'm using using a scale I've got its it what I do this I'll set the jar on this scale before I turned it on and that zeroes it out with the weight of the jar what I'm trying to do is make sure that I have one and a quarter pounds of cucumbers in each jar and then after I filled up at the brine I'll have a the jar weight or the weight of the contents will be over two pounds but I want one and a quarter pounds of cucumbers in each jar and that's so I've got 1 1 pound four and a half ounces here and so 16 ounces is pounds so four ounces is to is 25% of that so I've got I've got all my and so that's a real easy way to be sure that you're getting what you need in there or you know sometimes I can get a little more this one's got 5 ounces so I got an extra ounce into that one but I want to be sure that I have amount so that customers don't feel like they're you know if I'm asked I know I know I don't sell things by weight because I don't have certified scales so we're not allowed to sell even fresh produce by weight without certified scales but at least that way I kind of have a sense in which customers if they take it home and put it on their kitchen scale they will they will understand and we I will understand will have the same same understanding with that all right now then I've got these all filled I've got my water heating in my in my stock pot and I'm going to add these now I'm going to process these using the low-temperature pasteurization as as described by the National Center for home food preservation on their website mean in your book what you do is and you can oh you can use it for these pickle recipes there are you can't use it for everything but this particular pickle recipe I can process through less low-temperature pasteurization what this does is it helps keep the pickles crisp and still be sanitary enough to sell to do that I'm going to bring my water to a hundred and eighty degrees I'm going to or I'm going to put my jars and then bring the water two hundred eighty degrees which is not boiling not simmering and then I'm going to keep it at between 180 and 185 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes before I remove my jars so right now I'm going to test my water temperature and I brought my candy thermometer son heaven changes our our little meat thermometer you get the temperature up to about you know 120 130 before you put your jars in it'll it'll it'll cut near as long to us to get it in the air all right it's up to 180 now so I'm going to add my jars I've turned my turn the fire down turn it off until I get them in and then I'll turn it back on and watch it real closely checking my temperature real constantly until until it's come back up all right I am processing these in my stock part and what I've done to make it possible to keep a simple track of the of it is I'm just using my meat thermometer and I'm tying it tied it on the edge don't lose it down in there and then I'm just dropping it down to lay on on the jars there I don't want it to don't wait to touch the side there we go I don't want it to touch the side of the of the pot I want it to be here in the center so that won't to pick up the heat from the jar itself and now I'm going to watch for it to come up to mark where is it now let me see all right all right it's at 170 right now and it's still climbing so I'm going to turn the bar on on low eventually it'll uh you'll you'll head on exactly the right you know place to keep your fire to to keep it at the right temperature but the first time that you do this you need to watch it like a hawk you almost just need to stand here next to it it seems like a long time to do that for thirty minutes but you need to keep it within that five degree temperature range and and I can't start my timing until it goes back up to the 180 so I'm going to I want to bring it up seems like last time I heard it about right there at about not quite not quite medium in it it brought it up pretty nicely right now it's at 170 so it only has ten degrees to go but it's got to heat all of the contents of that that's in all four jars this is an this stockpot works right for this I can process four quarts in it and since I have a smooth top stove that means I don't have my big canner it takes so long from a big canner to uh to heat up but you know because the burners are small and and this is electric it they come on and off so I don't have this constant heat under there so this works much much better it doesn't let me process as much but it because it comes up faster I think it evens out probably in the long run all right I will be back and show you when we get done with this and we're ready to ready to pull them out just wanted to show you real quick they've they've been in here about fifteen minutes I've been doing a good job of keeping my temperature steady and about about 180 180 182 degrees and the bubbles that you see rising are just the air bubbles leaving the pickle jars as they as they process and insta as the pressure forces the air out see how that stopped so see there's no simmering happening there's barely any steam there's just a small amount of steam coming up so it's a you can see that see the temperature gauge there it's about yeah about about about 180 to 183 so we don't want to get it any higher than that 185 is the top top of the range you don't want to go above that at all so we want to stay within that even range but it's doing real good and I haven't had to adjust the temperature on the stove to keep it at that I got it set my stove just just right here it worked real good so so it's a it's doing well and if you've ever processed pickles and been really disappointed with how soggy they were this is your this is your secret and it's a lot of trouble but it's definitely worth the effort for nice crispy crunchy deals all right be back when they're done all right Tom is up and now we see I'll pull them out and put the other the other ones in and have these nice processed pickles with low-temperature pasteurization they will start popping after a while it'll take them a little bit longer to pop than the ones that you do in the boiling water bath because they not being this hot they actually cool down a little bit faster too so I hope you've enjoyed this and if you liked it please give us a thumbs up and please subscribe thanks a bunch bye back
Channel: Pecan Corner
Views: 459,484
Rating: 4.8454695 out of 5
Keywords: How To, Tutorial, Recipe, Cooking, Canning, Preserving, Dehydrating, Prepping, Food Storage, Gardening, DIY, Abundance, Frugal, Budget, Home Cooking, Pickled Cucumber (Dish), Crisp pickles, Dill, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, chiles, hot red peppers, dried red peppers, keep pickles crisp, processing pickles, low temp pasturization, low temperature, grape leaves, green tea, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Make your own
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2015
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