Back to School Shopping Spree!

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this video is sponsored by duolingo abc [Music] what are you doing now writing my name [Music] hey everyone thanks for joining us today today is one of my favorite days of the year what are we doing today back to school shopping i have loved back-to-school shopping my entire life our first purchases of the school year were what maya backpack oh yeah it may have got a matching thermos a water bottle and a matching lunchbox and addie let's see your backpack i have this backpack it's from last year and i really liked it so i didn't get a new one we have our tic tac toy backpacks that we use at home you can see them behind us but the girls have to have very special backpacks for their schools we have to have roller backpacks for our school because at our school we have to carry around so many books it's too heavy for our back so we have to have roller bags when they go to their tutorial two days a week they have no lockers to store their books or supplies and so they have to lug everything around with them which means we have to get roller backpacks what grade are you going into third grade third grade and colin is going into pre-k in just a few minutes we're gonna head to target to do the rest of our school supply shopping but while the girls are getting ready to do that i'm gonna go see what columns up to as i mentioned earlier colin is going into pre-k this year and we've really struggled teaching him his letters his letter identification and letter sounds because i was trying to employ a lot of the methods i used to teach the girls when they were younger and they just did not work for calm because we learned he's just a completely different type of learner than both addie and maya were but we've recently discovered duolingo abc which is a free app that has changed everything now that we have this colin loves learning in fact he kind of doesn't even know he's learning because he is just having so much fun hey sea bear do you want to show everyone how you play duolingo yes yes all right let's do it buddy [Music] and we're in pre-k let's go let's see what we're doing today i just made lots of labels which of these letters says [Music] tap on the letter a every time you see it [Music] hey you got it oh you didn't let that over [Music] alligator [Music] write the letter a try starting from the dot you doing great try starting from the dot around and then down you did it good job which letter does x start with f you've got a bug which one says monkey one of the reasons kong loves duolingo abc is because there are so many games and stories and activities where kids learn their letter sounds and they actually have a chance to practice sounding out words plus i love their handwriting lessons they allow kids to practice writing their name and tracing the letters of the alphabet [Music] what is that another camel one oh wow drag each thing onto the letter that it starts with what letter is that shark is that a letter a alligator oh i got you the app makes it super easy to squeeze a little bit of learning into our day we can take 15 minutes at bedtime 15 minutes let making dinner or 15 minutes right in the middle of the day like we're doing right now what are you doing now writing my name are you really writing your name um [Music] [Music] it's easy peasy easy peasy squeezy peas do you mean easy peasy lemon squeezy i made a new one [Music] whoa [Music] the goats go down now we're reading a story about goats because we moved on to the letter g as you can see duolingo abc is easy fun and free you can download the app by clicking on the link in our description box or by searching duolingo because it is fun at the apple app store high five you're doing great [Applause] [Music] it's back to school shopping time it has officially arrived the girls have their list you got them ready to go girls yeah we know everything they need to buy today i'm a little bit worried because this past weekend was a tax-free weekend in tennessee which meant you could go shopping for school supplies and not pay taxes and we're coming today after the tax free weekend so i'm hoping it's all not picked over yeah i'm hoping we have a good selection still it will be picked up well we'll go find out it is a little picked over in some areas like i don't think we're going to be finding too many pencil pouches it's just but i think there's some stuff we can work with here one of our school supply purchases are our binders and everyone at school has binder explosions where all their papers come out of their hoops a binder explosion that is something new a binder explosion i haven't heard of that before so binder explosion it like what we like to call it is when you leave the rings open which this one has two sets of rings okay and then you close the binder and then everything gets almost and sometimes people they just open them up and then to get like a paper out and then forget the clothes yeah that's why you need giant ones a giant one my friend has one but did we successfully pick out our binders then so maya has addie has it i think i have actually it's cute i like it yeah it's flowery i like it okay but these are like i'm gonna go with this one because it's a more classical color i'm going with like more classical colors and colors that would go well together this year and um yeah this one probably it's gonna stick by my side [Music] is that a happy binder dance yes happy binder happy binder day so what's next on our list i have two composition journals one for science and one for creative writing i found this one that i like now is that college ruled or wide rule that's a college rule what do you have to get for school though i don't know what i have to get wild is this what i need so here's college rule here's wide rule oh bigger line okay got this i like it that's a good choice i love spirit i'm gonna get this okay um creative writing but i need help for my science option one an option two tough choice i like this one i like this one okay final decision yes i have these two perfect loving in the cart this is a cute pencil pal do you like that one yes do you want it um i don't know we gotta see if there's any other things i feel like this one i want this pencil pouch whoa mommy it's a pencil sharpener that's a diamond that's pretty cool you do need a pencil sharpener i think i do yep oh and i want these how one are these pins this one lights up oh that's a cool pencil pouch too i vote this one i bought this one i don't know [Music] i kind of like the checkers and this one getting this one and you could personalize it with some stickers that is super cool maya yes so far i have found some sticky notes spanish and some other stuff to put in my pencil pouch because they're very useful for school i need two pencils sharpened or mechanical okay at least two it could be however many one i think we need a lot more than two pencils yeah because they break a lot easier [Music] i'm kind of letting the kids just go for it themselves they've got their list they're doing their shopping there's a lot of things being piled in the cart and hopefully we're getting everything we need to get [Applause] okay i'm stocking up on scissors while we're here because i don't know about you guys but we have like a black hole in our house that all scissors disappeared to these are colors that i like but there's only in two packs so i just got those the two pairs of scissors yes check now i'm finding the world's cutest notebooks over here aren't these adorable and folders and lockers mirrors for lockers not lockers mirrors for lockers and i'm trying to find uses for all these things sometimes i think i like school shopping more than the girls do how cute is this so fun [Music] excited yes i like it am i still looking yes i do not know you do not know might have a tougher time making decisions don't you girl yes that's because there's so many good things i am getting flamingos flamingos [Music] how cute it is that is cute how's the list coming though good good this is my side and i just have these ones okay okay what about you eddie did you find the notebook paper i did not find notebook paper notebook paper found i don't want to add it to the we cart so much throughout home school here i think we did it girls did we do it yes yes because we got everything on the list except for one item they didn't have yes but we can get that later yes pretty impressive we got it done mai you made a big last minute change yes i did what's your new binder she changed her binder i like that one girl yes good choice are you officially ready for third grade now yes and addie are you officially ready for fifth grade now yeah we get a lot of questions on our instagram account asking why is addie in the fifth grade you know she is 11 years old so a lot of people tend to think she should be in sixth grade so i thought i would answer that question on today's back-to-school video addie has a summer birthday at the end of may falls during her summer break so when she started kindergarten jason and i had to decide if we wanted to send her when she had just turned five meaning she would be probably one of the younger kids in the class or weightier and turn in center when she just turned six which means she'd be one of the older kids in the class and we decided we would just give her an extra year for you know extra brain development more maturity even though she's a very smart kid and very mature i kind of selfishly wanted an extra year with her because now it means like next year before she goes to college we are doing the same thing with colin collin is a june birthday he will start kindergarten when he is six years old and actually my parents did it to me as well i have an august birthday i didn't start kindergarten until i was six years old um there's no right or wrong way to do it it's just the way that we chose while we were at target colin's school supplies came in the mail he got his mini lunch box i think he's gonna love it he's gonna love it and then i ordered him a minion backpack too but i think i didn't pay attention to the size what look how teeny it is it's like as big as the lunchbox i guess that what happens when you order online he has a teeny backpack but luckily it's just freaky so hopefully it'll work okay yeah thank you so much for hanging out with us today thank you for school shopping we want to wish you guys all a wonderful start to the school year and we just hope it's your best school year yet excellent xoxo bye see you next time this video is sponsored by duolingo abc
Channel: Tic Tac Toy Family
Views: 1,636,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: family vlog, vlog, family, Lucy, Addy, Maya, Colin, Jason, Addy and Maya, parents, moms, mom vlog, parents vlog, vlogging family, Duolingo, back to school, shopping spree, clothes shopping, back to school vlog
Id: 8oqj0Q4Gb8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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